Is she /ourgirl/ ?
no, she's your average roastie and you're one of her shills
>impotent whining
no, I'm not giving you my NEETbux you roastie
>defending some internet whore that preys on virgins
I really wish I could get into these woman youtube intellectuals but I usually find they're not as smart men
She isn't monetized.
Women draw the thirsty men in. I don't care if they're not as smart, they're a great introduction for noobs
i liked her optics video. she's got a good head on her shoulders. thanks shill, you did your job today.
Women provide a sorely needed softer touch to a movement that is often seen saying, "gas the kikes. Race war now".
Like it or not we will need a normie alliance one day, and women will help facilitate that. Blue pilled men can't refute a woman.
had a hotter version of this one as a gf, in case you incels wanted to know (you didn't)
Pasted from This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.
Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:
>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
Gingers have no souls.
T. Kevin "rapes apes" Spacey
That was a shit video. She's an idiot.
Seems more willing to take a stance then your alt-light queen Lauren southern.
>living in the past
Austro-Hungarian Empire detected.
drink another can of menergi, joniboi, that was pretty weak
learn how to have fun faggot
>are trees white
E-thot version of sargon
> /ourgirl/
> nu-Sup Forums
A lot more redpilled and edgy than zargon actually.
She is not a nacional socialist, but is race realist.
Yes she's great. Unfortunately at this point the /r9k/ diaspora on Sup Forums will dismiss any female content creator as a disingenuous moneywhore, even if they don't ask for any money. Sometimes I fantasize about culling 80% of the retards who post here. What a glorious place this could be.
Everything she said was right. Say just one (1) thing she's wrong on.
I like her
That video made me unsubscribe. The whole optics thing is gay, it reminds me of junior high school.
That it's bad to go out and do pro-white activism if you don't have the right outfit on.
Then you clearly don't care about politics. You just pretend you do.
if she isn't asking for money, she is asking for attention. Fuck roasties :^)
The optics-obsessed don't care about politics, they care about status competition.
Are you by any chance the Finn that routinely defends Lauren Southern?
>Is she /ourgirl/
She said that she isn't averse to the alt-right.
She also acknowledges must faults with the left, and is firmly against anti-European agendas. I'd say that she's as close to /ourgirl/ as you can get without being a bit off mentally.
'Politics' literally refers to the 'polos' or 'people'.
You can't do anything politically related (unless it's ivory tower political abstraction) without the people. And in order to get or appeal to the people, you need good optics.
This means friends in the media, and if you don't have friends in the media, then finding ways of manipulating the media and/or circumventing it.
Also the mainstream media is exploiting the obvious weakness created by people within the white nationalist community infighting with each other. They smell blood and are jumping on it:
Optics is nearly everything. The emotions you generate in the average observer determine whether you win or lose. Just because those fat boomers are pro-white and have good intentions doesn't mean they're advancing any political cause. Politics doesn't operate like a debate where if you have the most facts and most solid arguments you automatically win. If you don't get this you shouldn't take part in politics.
shes really attractive.
>And in order to get or appeal to the people, you need good optics.
Which is wildly subjective and nothing that anyone should be taking a tone of absolute authority on, especially at the expense of throwing other people under the bus who are for the same things as you.
The infighting needs to happen because some people evidently need to be bullied away if you ever want this to become a mass movement.
Going out and publicly advocating for pro-white positions is a huge act of defiance and thus has propaganda value unto itself, regardless of what optical form it takes.
Another (((jewtube))) (((e-celeb)))? Just what we need. But to be honest, LS looks better than this girl. I guess that's all that matters anyway
>Bullying people who agree with you away is the way to create a mass movement.
Stuff like Shelbyville has negative value. It turns people OFF. People who are getting frustrated with the anti-white messaging see that and go "I'm not with those guys" and they go back to the center.
a literal moron.
>I'm not talking about conventional nihilism, I'm talking about "nihilism as an event"
Holy fuck what the hell is this moron talking about. Women need to stay the fuck out of politics and philosophy.
How much money is this whore looking for?
Good intentions do not mean much.
Wow I wish I had your psychic ability. You were able to read white Alabama residents minds after the rally & they were all "WTF I love white privilege theory now"
Solidarity does. The left understand this.
You're the anti-intellectual here, try listening to the video for longer than 1 minute dipshit.
Oh, she's entirely correct about that, because the Nazi LARPers ruin our image and message for everyone. Even the most basic of tards on this board should have learned that after Charlottesville.
It's not even possible to donate money to her.
If you think Nazi LARPing has the potential to become a mass movement in the US you are beyond delusional.
>Which is wildly subjective
Ah, the typical anti-intellectual response to anything.
>nothing that anyone should be taking a tone of absolute authority on
There are things (like Nazi LARPer retards) that are objectively and provably harmful for the image and progress of the movement. Anyone with an IQ above 90 should know that.
She's looking for betabucks for the
I'd rather go to actual whores than giving her views/donations at least I get my rocks off.
>Wow I wish I had your psychic ability.
>Wow I wish I had your psychic ability.
ie "basic understanding of human psychology"
>white Alabama residents minds after the rally & they were all "WTF I love white privilege theory now"
Nice retarded false dichotomy via strawman fallacy, you fucking retard.
Charlottesville was ruined because a fat bitch died during it, not because of the clothes people had on. The optic of a dude running people over with his car is pretty bad. But even after that I think the thing was mainly forgotten about in the minds of most people besides the media. You guys who are obsessed with optics stuff seem to gauge public opinion on things based on the way the media presents them. Most white people hate the media these days. I think there are a lot of whites who are starting to realize what is being done to them who are a lot angrier than you might realize.
Cases in point:
How pathetically predictable.
>Nice retarded false dichotomy via strawman fallacy, you fucking retard
I.E. cutting analysis of your flawed thinking which obviously hit a nerve and triggered you.
Fuck your and your based attentionwhore.
>I'm proud of my anti-intellectualism! Fuck you faggot!
That's great Luigi. You sure you aren't American?
Go spam your /basedwhore/ somewhere else.
nigger I live in alabama and I know for a fact that they get turned off by nazi larpers.
lots of normies desperately want to jump on the white identity movement but they never will if it means being associated with trashy and hateful people.
My girl doesn't care about politics
No. You simply offered a logical fallacy as an argument, because you don't seem to be very intelligent. That's all that happened. Read the sticky to stop further embarrassing yourself.
>Charlottesville was ruined because a fat bitch died during it, not because of the clothes people had on
Both of those things contributed to the negative image. That autismo fuckwit with his newly unfolded swazi flag was all that was shown in media all fucking day.
>But even after that I think the thing was mainly forgotten about in the minds of most people besides the media
It being 'mostly forgotten' or not isn't relevant to the argument, because that would apply to any event.
>You guys who are obsessed with optics stuff seem to gauge public opinion on things based on the way the media presents them.
No, it's because:
1) that flag is indoctrinated into all Americans as the ultimate evil. You don't try to bring people in on the entry level with the bad guy flag. Again, this is obvious to any non-idiot.
2) It's not needed anyway. The only flag that needs to be flown is the American flag, because that's the values WNs are pushing for anyway. If a lot of well dressed and decent looking white guys show up with American flags and say reasonable things about white interests, the inclined person will listen to and agree with them. It's so simple that it's hard to believe anyone other than a shill would try to argue against it.
gib redherd gurlfran
>mass anything
quality over quantity. fuck your kike mentality that everything should be reduced to the level of the masses. this shit will ruin the far right. saged e-girl garbage
The only rational stance from which you can say that you don't care about the masses is if you have no intention of solving things politically but with a violent coup. In that case you shouldn't be discussing politics on an anime forum in the first place you poser faggot.
>Nazi LARPer spergs
She is /ourgirl/. Probably has a man behind her, making her script. Never the less, girl or not, she speaks real shit.
cool. have fun with your normies who will bring in their based degenerates and ruin the movement by just being normies, this happens every time.
>anti intellectual
>calling out flaws in the premise that is the very basis of the video
I don't need to watch the rest of the video to understand that arguments based on a flawed premise are going to be wrong.
You didn't counter what I said at all.
>who will bring in their based degenerates
They won't if you make it clear you're pro-white and anti-degeneracy. No one ITT is calling for civic nationalism.
There are no flaws in the premise.
Pick One.
Ranga* fucking autocorrect
normies dont care, they'll just redefine "white" or "degenerate".
>comparing a hobby to politics
It's painfully obvious you're a video game playing NEET
This discussion was over in my first post
>The only rational stance from which you can say that you don't care about the masses is if you have no intention of solving things politically but with a violent coup.
If a violent coup is what you're aiming for, good for you, your rhetoric is logically consistent. Otherwise you're a fucking retard and you haven't given any game plan for how this thing is going to work.
as i said, enjoy your normies and see how it will work out. pretty clear you're a desperate normalfag trying to make far right cool
Are you mentally challenged? Or just conceding the argument?
what argument? you can keep shilling for normie trash as you do all the time. you'll be disappointed when the movement is suddenly lame and nothing like intended. you'll still stay in denial either way. keep white knighting, i am heading out.
That is their fault for giving her money.
You can only ignore the masses if your aim is a violent coup. If your aim is political you can't just ignore them. This is extremely simple stuff, I think an 8 year old could understand this.
how old is she?
what is she studying and/or what does she work as?
these are important things i need to know to work out where she's coming from
She says some true things, but she's still a roastie and her male counterparts are superior.
1. They're "/ourguy/" or "/ourgirl/"
2. They accuse you of Jewry.
3. They promote the agent like no other thread. All day, every day. Nothing organic to it.
4. They say, "At least agent is doing something – what are you doing basement dweller!"
5. They accuse you of being scared or a shill.
6. They defend the eceleb within seconds using many IPs to control public perception.
7. "reported"
8. Everyone who rejects the "based Jews!" lie is automatically the same person.
9. Mis-use of the term "redpill" when everyone knows the first redpill is out of the Matrix controlled by Jews
10. "He/she wasn't always redpilled but now they're full 1488!"
Know the signs. See the floods. Recognize the repetition. They have the numbers, we have the memes. They steal the memes we have the dreams. They turn them into nightmares, we have the chaos. They can't fuck with the chaos… they're controlled ops. Never trust an e-celeb.
So are you denying that nihilism has widely taken root in young westerners as a result of anti-white policies erected by globalists?
I know this is pasta but the only thing in this 'pattern' present in this thread is #1.
Don't know what she's studying, probably something normie like psychology. Here she is subtly trying to insert redpills during a lecture.
is she millennial or Gen Z ? i'm born 1992, so i want to know if she's my age or younger, because people born after 1996 are idiots.
Trips of truth!
She's probably born 1996-1997. I don't know why you think that, Gen Z seems based.
for all the talk that Z are based, literally everybody i've met in my personal life born after 96 was a total moron.
If there's based Zeds out there, i havent met them.
Maybe the problem is your country.
What European agenda?
"le based gen z" meme mostly comes from one fucking poll of like 1000 people in the UK that showed that they didn't like fags or booze. Sup Forums is retarded and doesn't realize that's still a tiny sample size and that huge swathes of Gen Z are Muslim/Mexican, so of course they aren't going to like that shit anyway. If anything Gen Y is actually way more fucking right-wing considering they're the ones who actually brought conservatism back into mainstream view.
She has a fucking video titled "Islam is not the root problem"
fucking ignore
probably. im in Scotland, and our young people are are mega cucked. a survey showed Gen Z Scottish girls were the demographic who spent most time on their cellphones of all of them in Europe.
Also there's a big mistrust of intelligence in young people in the UK/ Scotland, and they're all pro-SNP shills who want to turn us into a butthole for the EU to fuck while opening us up to rapefugees.
I'd like to think Zeds are based, i'm just talking from personal experience
It's (((the ones))) bringing them in. She's right. Muslim invaders are the weapon used by the elites to destroy us. They are not the root of the problem.
Watch the video retard.
She's right you brainlet. People talk about Islam because they're too afraid to talk about race and about the people who are bringing these people in.
your a fucking moron
The Jews and the elite and the 1% hate fucking musilms.
The Jews and the elites want people that are stable, and smart enough to work good jobs, but not smart enough to challenge the system.
Only Asians, and white people fit that category
she needs BBC
>your a fucking moron
>The Jews and the elite and the 1% hate fucking musilms.
Them hating them or not is irrelevant, but you're mostly wrong regardless.
>The Jews and the elites want people that are stable, and smart enough to work good jobs
Oh, you're memeing now. nm.