Were the Nazis the good guys all along?
Were the Nazis the good guys all along?
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Good guys never lose
not really, but they weren't that bad either
only the good die young
No one can predict the future, back then they probably seemed like the most evil people on earth, but given what we know now, they seem less and less evil by the day
they weren't as bad as reported.
is you listen to Hitler's speeches you'll notice that a lot of what he warned about is happening today.
They may have lost the battle, but they haven't lost the war.
On paper yes, in practice not so much. They held a good future in their hands and lost it for everybody
When your enemy is communist bolsheviks, you are automatically the good guy. When you team up to help communists, you are helping the bad guy.
never knew Americans are so redpilled and woke
Imagine being a Brit from London and getting blown up in a trench to stop Germans from reaching mainland Britian only for your own people to be a minority in the heart of England less than a century later and to see all of your morals, values, culture, religion and ethnic people die.
Brits would've literally joined the SS if they could've look into the future.
No. They merely were not the evil incarnate "they" would want you to believe. In reality Nazi Germany was about the same thing that the Soviet Union was: a continent-spanning globalist totalitarian state ruled by a single entity.
it's a shame we didn't realize sooner
>Hitler's speeches
Where can iI find any without the faggy emotional music in the background?
>a lot of what he warned about
Not really, you are taking things out of context. What we meant was that Germany would be taken over by other Europeans, particularly the Poles and the French.
Just look at Hitlers views towards Africans, Arabs and Asians - he was favorable towards them retaining their lands,
but not so when it came to other Europeans, they were planned to be removed for "lebensraum" and turned into serfs under Reichcommissariats.
That would be the case of the Nazis were still a thing. but they're not. All there remains is wewuzers with shaved heads and tattoos throwing roman salutes.
And even in the theoretical situation where they would still exist and eventually crush the marxists they wouldh have to be dealt with afterwards too.
Leaving them be would create another Soviet Union situation, just under a different banner.
Hitler wanted to leave arabs alone, cause he knew attacking them conventionel isnt a good idea (international terror)
>be Hitler
>Promise to remove all jews and save whites
>Proceed to NOT kill any jews, in fact keep them safe in the camps you personally built for them, with dentists and theatres, while the Wehrmacht goes around Europe happily exterminating 55 million whites
>What the fuck, Adolf!
>OK, OK, you got me! It's not about the jews. It's about.... Communism! Yeah! Communism is an abomination and needs to be removed from the world!
>Proceed to ally with the Soviet union, so that together you may remove the only actual anti communist country, that hates them with a passion and already won wars vs the Soviets, Poland.
>Adolf seriously what the fuck!
>Ha ha! It was just a prank bro! *Shoots himself in the face*.
>Were the Nazis the good guys all along?
well obviously
In the 1930s?
Are you fucking retarded?
Huyrr durrr Hitler was scared of Isis lmfao
>ally with the soviet union
u wot m8? he signed a peace treaty with them, then breached it later. a peace treaty is not an alliance.
This is why . But it is just the extention of ww1 and the previous ((wars))
Ribbentrop Molotov was an alliance, not a peace treaty.
The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was an alliance where they agreed to splitting the entirety of Europe in two. Also the early Nazi Germany recieved aid from the Soviet Union in building war materials, as Germany was still banned from manufactuing them in their own soil.
mostly this - they weren't much more "evil" than every other big power of their time. they just got the designated villain role.
also id suggest less of good/evil point of view and more of "hat happens next" point of view.
nazies were mainly a reaction. as is most everything ever.
Some day we will have our chance to make it right by virtue of the fact we have patiently tried every alternative and there are no more options to explore. Everything has failed. Western culture is sporting, but also critical and unforgiving. Viscious.
What is comforting yet scary due to the implications: all of our countries are unified under one distress flag with our backs against the wall staring down the same enemies. I genuinely have a hard time putting into words what I'm thinking about it.
>all of our countries are unified under one distress flag
Hell no. Never again.
I mean real countries. Ones with radical leftists fucking things up, packs of wild niggers, terrorism, refugees and under constant cultural and and ethnic attack. You don't throw this many countries into a rage for the same reasons at once unless you're TRYING to put them on common ground against a common enemy.
>real countries
Good to know