Prove this wrong Sup Forums
Prove this wrong Sup Forums
> communism fails every time while capitalism succeeds
Just because its succeeding doesn't prove my picture wrong, brainlet.
working smart > working hard
Something that commies don't really understand. It's much easier not to worry your brains and just do mindless tasks and expect a fortune.
yes it does
>pictures above: a workforce before they go "home" to their bachelor apartments to boil water and make ramen noodles
>pictured bellow: college kids maxing out their student loans because they like the taste of jewish cock
Neither of those are the best option, brah. Stop acting like they are the only ones.
hurr durr just go to college
Well thought rebuttal
you're mad cuz I disproved communism in one sentence
CEOs and business owners don’t work hard? Lol...the economy actually works the opposite of what the image claims - the first investment money is spent hiring the people who will operate the company. While investors can end up losing everything, the employees have collected wages the entire time.
>leftists unironically arguing against any form of social welfare
we agree?
Didn't mention college or uni, I don't believe that they are necessary for success. Innovation is what leads to money, repetitiveness does not. It's one of the major capitalism memes - try again and again until you succeed, but the same goes from the communist side too, they expect to get praised and paid a lot for a somewhat simple, yet repetitive work. If you work hard and sweat yourself in a factory or whatever, sure, maybe you'll get paid a bit more than others, but that does not mean that you'll get promoted. If you're really good at the job that you're doing, why would someone force you to change your job? It's an unnecessary risk.
True capitalism has never been tried.
>be smart like capitalist lithuania
>lost 25% of population
>taking wealth
In what way are the rich “taking wealth”?
In a factory you aren’t the only one doing your job. If you do your one task very well, you will eventually be asked to supervise other workers doing the task
Labor value is subjective
>lazy people leave when you force them to work to survive...
Wow, who would have thunk it!
Former Lithuanian here.
Capitalism is awesome. Am proud burger now.
You believe it and you're always wrong, a tradition passed down from your parents when they chose not to abort you.
Yea, so lets severely underpay and entire sect of the economy (a big one at that) so they have little to no spending money to buy all the products and joys that come as a result of capitalism. gotcha
like any point against capitalism from the left it's a non nuanced strawman argument
One who does his own work well does not necessarily have the required leadership skills required to efficiently supervise his fellow men who are doing the same job he is. Sure, maybe he has the required skills gained from hard work, but in a place like a factory it usually comes down to the amount of motivation a person has to do his job well, a supervisor should ultimately be able to at least keep some of that motivation up.
Lithuania failed for other reasons than capitalism, though that 25% change in population brought wonders, every communist leech and other lowest tier scum left Lithuania to go to other well off countries with extra gibs. We lost Lithuania's equivalent of niggers, so it's a welcome change in my book.
You're basically right, except replace those lower upperclass white kids with a bunch of extremely wealthy kikes.
it's so obvious this picture was done by some bitter 18 year old leftist faggot nu-male who never was invited to anywhere as he just depicts capitalists as partying teens.
Notice the people in the socialism side. Then the ones in the capitalism side. I'm sure I'm just looking in to this too much.
This is caused by communism, most communist countries topped the population in the 80s, and then started declining, including ethnic Russians, this isn't what litvinkins wanted though, they wanted.
They wanted good socialism, under good economic leadership of the capitalist owners, where the workers get more rights and fair wages, but don't have to follow some retarded commie, who doesn't know shit about business. They wanted nazi socialism, but stupid russkis ruined that for everyone.
So a person that has worked in a field or skilled labor job forever, knows the ins and outs, great tips for productivity and all shouldn't get the job of supervisor for what reason?
They should just hire the 23 year old genius that is out of college, right?
good lord were doomed
I think the kike dick is too far down your throat.
if they hire the bad person for the job, they will go under as a business, because their competition can just hire that better person and up their efficiency. That is the core of capitalism that ideas can be tried and tested, there aren't any "great thinkers" to enforce their retarded notions about how things should be done.
Also that experienced worker might be the bad person to be the supervisor, leading and doing are two different things. And many people in any workplace just fall into their routine and have no creativity or desire to improve. That experienced worker might not have the capability to develop the team, he could supervise the operation, but doesn't have the academic background to develop or even apply new methods.
>oy vey college
I'm not saying that he should not. In a workplace, if you want a promotion, you should be able to be flexible and change easily, yet most of the time such personnel, who work hard, fail when it comes to leadership, for they want change, yet refuse to change themselves. Knowing in's and out's of your work =/= knowing how to supervise well. As for the college meme that you're so desperately trying to enforce on me, it's not that uncommon for a promotion to go to someone new, someone who's flexible, instead of someone who has been working there for tens of years and knows pretty much everything.
>we can't move to a socialist state we must convert the largest and most robust capitalist states to socialism
Socialism, being so wonderful, never seems to sprout any states. They always seem to inherit a monarchy or former republic or something. Never really see any socialist pioneers.
If you work twice as hard to create a workload of marketable goods or services twice as valuable of (whatever you're doing), you'll make twice as much money for it. You earn your wealth.
That's capitalism.
Only uneducated retards believe millionaires got there by stealing from poor, hard workers, and STAY there by doing nothing, just smoking cigars all day long while I don't know, their henchmen just go around stealing some more?
The average CEO is said to work 55-60 hours a week. That's a hell of a lot more than the average person, and it's a fucking stressful job as well, one mistake could seriously fuck things up.
Meanwhile, some lazy cunt working 20-30 hours a day in a job with no high-end prospect, and spending it all clubbing and shit whines that she has no money because "muh evil society".
>We lost Lithuania's equivalent of niggers
>people of lithuania run away or die
>such a glorious win!
>birth rate decreased for 20-25%
>such a bright future!
I mean, kind of.
A technical person usually sucks at managing people.
Care to explain how it's better to focus on increasing population rather than focusing on increasing the efficiency of the currently existing one?
>people at work vs the kids of rich parents on vacation
>This is caused by communism
This is happens not in communism times but in capitalism times. Same problem in rich western countries who never had communism - but now their white population decreasing too. Why you think Europe and USA want migrants so much?
>topped the population in the 80s, and then started declining, including ethnic Russians
Not 'declining' but 'collapsing'. Birth rate decreased, mortality for all ages increased, population extincting. Here so called 'russian crest' - 13 millions dead, 9 millions unborned.
red line - birth rate
black line - mortality rate
Capitalism doesn't take wealth from the hardworking, it gives people who work hard a stable income and a comfortable life that they earn themselves.
Commies seem to believe that "working hard" means work hard manual labor and that everybody should forced to do it. Capitalism understands that there many other ways to "work hard."
yes it does
If you are fucking die that means something wrong with your efficiency.
I can't. Socialism is right. I'm talking about the only one and true Socialism, that is, National Socialism.
>nazis and intermarum semi-fascist dictatorships want to set their nations on a new way of progress, big families and loyalty to the blood and community
>no, russians win
>communism destroys the church
>communism destroys the old family/clan structure
>communism destroys local traditions
>communism introduces materialism, instead of sacrificing for idealistic values, people should enjoy materialistic values
>communism promises wealth for the masses
>communist economy fails miserably because it's a retarded idea enforced by the worst retards, selected for their stupidity, so the leaders can easily rule over the nations
>materialistic people can't get material wealth, they become overly depressed, society basically collapsing on itself
>lithuanians, hungarians, bulgarians basically die out or flee to abroad, because they pursue materialistic wealth above everything else, including family values of old
>russians are the same, expect they can't move to the west en masse, they just die out
>w-w-w-we sure showed them, hahahahahaha!
THIS is why russians are the niggers of Europe. The most populous nation of Europe dedicated to sow misery, destruction and decay everywhere out of sheer spitefulness.
People will inevitable work less hard if nothing is in it for them.
Productivity will decline.
And force will be used to replace what was incentive before.
You stupid lefty faggot cucks don't get it. Yo
People will inevitable work less hard if nothing is in it for them.
Productivity will decline.
And force will be used to replace what was incentive before.
You stupid lefty faggot cucks don't get it.
>if you are fucking die
>oh no what is age
Lithuania isn't dying, it's stabilising. Current population is higher than what's best for our environment, that's why we are in a decline, especially with emigration. You can't expect a country to keep growing forever in population and still succeed.
>capitalism succeeds
only if you're a part of rich minority
>i hammer the nail so i'm smarter than the man who contracted the building
gommie lolcialist logic
See now every time a communist larper tries to convince you capitalism is bad, they give you one bad thing about capitalism whilst ignoring the fact communism has resulted in democide every where it has been implemented. Capitalism isn't perfect, but it's better.
you mean if you're gainfully employed? because the poor are the minority.
>>lithuanians, hungarians, bulgarians basically die out or flee to abroad, because they pursue materialistic wealth above everything else, including family values of old
How about englishmen, frenchmen, white american, many other european nations in capitalist countries? Oh shit they are extincting too. But they never had communism you must write new excuses for your degenerated capitalism system.
The bottom pic is not Venezuela. Fail.
Millions have lived in poverty under your ideology, Capitalism has done nothing but flourish.
Wrong. If you're good at your job you never advance because they want good workers. Kissasses and outsiders always get the higher positions.
>Lithuania isn't dying, it's stabilising
Oh so what this is calling now. Very good.
>socialism implemented
>10-30% of population meet untimely deaths within 10 years
>what is the soviet union, NKVD, SMERSH, gulags
>what is people's republic of china, cultural revolution, four pests campaign
>what is kampuchea, khmer rouge, killing fields
I could go on but this shit is tiresome, just like the eternal socialist argument
Aw fuck off you cunt.
Because of socialism and comanches we are poor as dogshit here, people work as slaves of Germans because they don't enjoy working in a post commie state with big unemployment where they would get 400-500€ for a shitty work while in Germany they get 1000-1500€ for that job.
Literally only + of socialism was isolation from faggots like OP. And a bit of that friendship between warsaw pact.
CEOs are wagies just like everyone else, except their wages are much higher.
It's the rootless international "investors" skimming their rentier profits off of productive enterprises who are the enemy. If your income comes from shares or other financial products instead of work, you're the enemy.
Does this mean Welfare is Capitalism?
>rich people aren't allowed to have a good time once in a while
What did the commie mean by this?
I'm not here to defend any materialistic system, Ivan. If you think communism is a good idea, you are a retard. Your Soviet Union collapsed on itself, it wasn't defeated in a war, it wasn't undermined by a foreign power, communism told people to give up their thousand year old values of family honor and live for the gibs of the state.
And then gave shit all, this is why communism fell, because it could only offer wealth, and play on the greed of people and then fail to give anything, because it put the worst people in charge, who had no experience or talent to run businesses.
Both systems are an exchange of equity (goods or labor) however capitalism is a mutual exchange in that both parties agree, where as socialism or communism is the forced redistribution of equity, which is why there’s such a larger margin of disparity in the exchange, which leads to corruption and collapse (soviet union, Venezuela)
Based tót atyafi is 100% correct. Fuck commies and fuck westerner liberals too.
>10-30% of population meet untimely deaths within 10 years
>what is the soviet union, NKVD, SMERSH, gulags
Well lets see the statistics now...
But careful that's the higher type of socialism close to real communism.
Socialist states (basicly whole EE excluding USSR) didn't have killing squads or anything like that. Majority of people wich were executed were executed because they were enemies of regime (not being a commie etc.) but that was still rare. Majority of people just lost a high rank in their job, army (most of pilots wich fought in west against germans lost their ranks in army or pilots wich fought for fascist slovakia) and that was it.
Basicly the biggest thing wich happend here was Slánsky Trial when commies executed high ranked jews.
T. Shitty employee
Welfare is socialist and exactly what your image said.. taking money from those whom work and giving it to those whom don't. That was easy.
Socialism takes money without negotiation. I can negotiate my wage. Its opt in. As well, the money that goes to my employer has a more tangible benefit to me as an employee as opposed to paying welfare for chugs.
But to make it clear, USSR was preparing us for their communism. They just luckily didn't have time and resources for that.
If they would be succesful we would have killing squads aswell.
lmao people fall for this graph and others like it all the time
What the fuck are you doing, OP? That's exactly the definition of socialism. That's exactly what it does. It takes money from people who have money that they worked for, and give it to people who have no money because they don't even have jobs. How stupid are you?
>They just luckily didn't have time and resources for that
and they never would have, because communism forces scarcities and commodities (such as raw materials, time, and labor) to go to other uses which are not necessary, and not where the market needs them to go
>hey you know what's stupid? _stupid thing_
>BUT DID YOU KNOW _good thing_ IS REALLY _stupid thing_?????
>look at how smart I am
Then start a coop and have your socialism. Why do you feel entitled to other people's labour too?
>I'm not here to defend any materialistic system
You think people must believe in idealistic fairytales in 2017? Feudal and capitalist elites used idealism and religion to fool people for centuries. Your idealism serve of materialistic interests of small group nothing more.
>look at my completely accurate Soviet statistics :^)
>Soviet Union somehow drags on in suffering for 40 years after ww2
>the technological and economic gap widens and widens
>hahahaha Vietnam, stupid Americans lost a war on the other side of the Pacific OCean
>Afghanistan, Soviets lose a war in neighboring country
>USA rabidly arms the jihadis, threat is now leaking into the USSR
>finally Soviet leaders start to see that they will be left behind in the arms race, and muzzies will also revolt inside the Union
>they backstab each other and the USSR collapses
The peak was 1986 in Hungary and 1990 in Russia, even according to your chart. The system was collapsing on the people, communism was unsustainable.
my granddad had his business taken from him and it was given to people who didn't even know what the machinces were for
it's literally taking wealth from those who work hard and giving it to those who don't
>family happiness in a fairytale used by feudalistic masters to rule over people
Spoken like a true commie, good job!
I can show you other graphs if you don't believe in this one. Here is russian population age pyramid. World war and capitalism - two most major disasters in our history. War effects can be compensated but capitalism kills russian nation (and many others) right now.
Communist revolutions are the result of a failure of capitalist societies. The hundreds of years of social and cultural damage done leading up to this isn't undone overnight. Progressive leftism advocates gradual non-revolutionary change so that society can adapt and evolve properly and avoid replacing one corrupt power structure by another opportunistic one. Neoliberals promote the inevitable collapse of capitalism by preventing societies from evolving.
Leftism is left cleaning up after the destruction of rightism and is blamed for the mess.
Western capitalist countries show more or less the same growth. Except without the downturn at the end. Your graph is pretty pointless.
>>look at my completely accurate Soviet statistics :^)
Here the modern russian statistics for you. We can see wars and other disasters not only in numbers in old papers but in real people who lives today.
>because the poor are the minority
on a global scale they're a majority no doubt
you also make one but a serous mistake - assume that your income is always positevly correlated with your efforts, totally ignoring a bunch of objective factors
that hippie sign looks really spooky with the halloween background
liberal capitalism in your country is the direct consequence of communism, people used to be happy with having families and honor and social standing within a community mattered more than luxury. Communism taught people to be greedy, then people looked at how wealthy western nations are and moved towards western liberalism.
Communism is AIDS, western liberalism is the flu.
>Western capitalist countries show more or less the same growth
This is migration, my friend. Your nations is dying and your capitalist elites invite foreign people to compensate it.
>liberal capitalism in your country is the direct consequence of communism
What about USA? Their white population is diyng because of communism too? But they never had those system.
In capitalism nobody is taking anything. You give your work for the rich guy. If you don't want him to benefit from your work, don't work for him.
>everything I don't like is communism
Is he saying everything he doesn't like fails? Or are you just retarded?
>hard work only means physical labour
Ditch diggers are a dime a dozen anyone without cerebral palsy can do it. Entrepreneurs and CEOs take years to produce. sacrifice, ass kissing, soul selling and constant failure. Many try it and most fail.
>While investors can end up losing everything, the employees have collected wages the entire time.
>investors can lose everything
In theory, yes. In practice, no, because the biggest ones can get bailouts or government funding. Turns out having huge companies collapse and take the economy with them is bad for the country.
You are thinking short term. In capitalism, these teenagers will most likely get dirt poor once their father dies or destroy the company once they inherit it, but and the "worker" can get rich through investments and savings as long as he doesn't have a family.
In socialism, everyone is equally poor except the government.
>le epic nu male meme
They had jews. That right there is the difference you retard. The old Russian Empire or Hungary after 1918 with the fall of the Liberal Party that started the war wouldn't have fallen to western liberalism. Even in Poland and the baltic states people started seeking new ways of progress without the american liberalism that became twisted by 1920 into something else that it started off under the founding fathers.
You're trying to amalgamate capitalism/free enterprise with enforced anti-unionist western liberalism. You can have nationalistic/socialistic social order without command economy. Command economy is retarded, even the USSR had to just abandon it, because it just didn't work.
If people are materialistic and selfish, communism isn't the answer that will teach people that children aren't a burden on your life. Look at China, the rabidly communist post-maosit group introduced one-child policy, and now the more open, more capitalistic leadership lifted it.
Russian filth explaining demographics, wow. Feels good when national news services compare such a "small pribaltichnyj shithole" to a such a big and rich country as Russia, doesn't it? xdd
And this
>J-just cause capitalism is succeeding doesn't mean it's successful!
This is how retarded you sound.