Prove this wrong Sup Forums
Prove this wrong Sup Forums
> communism fails every time while capitalism succeeds
Just because its succeeding doesn't prove my picture wrong, brainlet.
working smart > working hard
Something that commies don't really understand. It's much easier not to worry your brains and just do mindless tasks and expect a fortune.
yes it does
>pictures above: a workforce before they go "home" to their bachelor apartments to boil water and make ramen noodles
>pictured bellow: college kids maxing out their student loans because they like the taste of jewish cock
Neither of those are the best option, brah. Stop acting like they are the only ones.
hurr durr just go to college
Well thought rebuttal
you're mad cuz I disproved communism in one sentence
CEOs and business owners don’t work hard? Lol...the economy actually works the opposite of what the image claims - the first investment money is spent hiring the people who will operate the company. While investors can end up losing everything, the employees have collected wages the entire time.