15 US dollars for a burger.
>socialism works
15 US dollars for a burger.
>socialism works
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Guess which country is literally dying of diabetes?
Being able to get it around other white people and not a restaurant packed with the foreign horde: priceless
Some maccas burgers are like $13 over here to Nord bro. It's not fair...
haha what the fuck
Does that even cover the costs? I know they usually ask way more than the burger is worth in ingredients, but this is just insane.
There's nobody here. But it's early on a workday, so.
Quit complaining. It's just the big ass-rape xtra pooper whooper burgers that cost a lot.
Regular cheeseburgers cost 10NOK, for example.
It costs the same here, while the wages are 3 times lower.
Top kek 10 per visitor.
You fucking Nowegian idiot. The receipt is clearly in Norwegian Krone. This works out less than $2. Stop larping.
Mate, it says about 115 kr, which is about 15 bucks
It was a limited promotion. They probably lost money on the burgers but made up for it with soda and fries..
Norwegian money. Not even once.
Nom Nom Nom
Fuck you OP, I am going to go spend $25 on a 6 pack.
>inflation is socialism
It costs more money than in other countries because Norwegians earn more money
My bad. Shitty conversion site. 14USD. I take back my response.
HI Op,
>10 only
Hows Bodo?
Well Hello from Tromso, we got a Burger King too. Surprisingly it taste exactly like it does in the US, so you are experiencing American fine dining.
Bought a chilli cheeseburger, cheeseburger, large curly fry & a large soda in Oslo at Burger King.
$25 Canadian.
That really fucking capitalize on "the American" way over there holy shit. I saw a poster with the American flag, but instead of stars it was burgers.
It was dubbed "United States of whoppers"
>25% tax
25% tax on top of 35% income tax.
Federal sales tax yes.
But muh free healthcare right?
>Not using coupons like a real burger connoisseur.
Dog bless the never ending big mac promo.
Good to hear. But it's not exactly good food, I must say. I was just really hungry.
>Federal sales tax
capitalism is not the guilty here. If you are a frugal user with self control there's nothing wrong with that.
>$25 for a six pack
Holy shit that better be some really top tier craft shit.
We have this shit for $1 which gets you pretty tanked for cheap. Normal six pack is probably like 7-8 depending on the beer
damn sucks to be foreign
It costs about 4p for McDonald's to make a hamburger. They're still in profit
Coupons isn't really a thing in Norway. I've rarely if ever seen a coupon around here.
damn rocks to be foreign
why would you eat burger shit when we have real food in europe?
no shit.
you enjoy your $15 dollar burger that I pay 3-4 for bro
Because norway isn't remotely like europe.
I dunno.. We have KFC & Popeye's with no niggers.
the juice has been in charge forever. Its not only 15 bucks its industrial waste tier quality aswell.
you enjoy your 15 million niggers
>15 million niggers live in america
>that's 15,000,000
if you were to stack each nigger in america head to toe it would take you
>250 milliseconds
to get past their stench if you were moving at the speed of light
I'm saying it rocks to be american and you insult me? That's just bad manners :(
I think thats exagerated. Will be cheap for them, but cannot be THAT cheap.
Blame your lack of self control. Capitalism has little to do with it in this case
32 Kroner for one 0.5 L Mack Pislner, and the brewery is literally down the street.
Mate, comparisons of cost of living are in PPPs, not in forex rates.
Here is your table, but in PPPs you are looking at about $10 USD, which is about 15% more expensive. For this 15% increase in price, the workers there enjoy a much higher quality of life. They are, incidentally, enjoying it due to unionization, not due to "socialism".
In between bites of junk food, maybe you can try paying attention to the world around you sometime.
you guys are are defacto in the EU. just eat some whale meat you oil whale nigger
meanwhile im going to eat some "italian cheese" fleischkase and quinoa.
btw in Hong Kong there is always a promoted offer where you get the Burger+Fries+coke for 21 Hongkong dollars, which is about 2 euros. Which burger it is changes from month to month. Most of the time its the bigmac.
pretty good
>paying $3-$4 for a whopper meal
Someone isn't buying coupons on eBay...
On the other hand, if you're drinking Mack Pilsner you seriously deserve most of the horrible things that are due to you.
Forgot the table: data.oecd.org
They are a thing in every country, you just need an app. Pretty much every fastfood chain has promos like that.
No, my mother did some food science work for Burger King a while back. Essentially their cost margin on everything but fries and drinks is like 3%. On some dollar menu items they take a few cent loss.
They used to always do this on April 15 (tax day in US). The limit was 20 when I was a kid. Cheeseburgers were 10 cents more.
Like every Norwegian up here, I drink moonshine.
>buying coupons on eBay...
Buying them? In Germany you just need to know the coupon number. You can print them out yourself. Or use the mobile phone app, where you get a big selection of coupons.
>using OECD's PPP
>not Big Mac Index
The means of production is not publicly owned in Norway, you don't live in a socialist economy.
That's a $15 capitalist burger my friend.
Fucking KEK
>not getting your hootch from Vinmonopolet and supporting the government like a good goy
It's almost like you're from Trondelag or something
And drive an old broken down 80s Volvo
And fuck your sister.
the same one costs 5$ in turkey, perks of being able to produce your own food kek
supply and demand at work
A menu costs 8 euro here, jesus fucking christ
Burger King uses higher quality ingredients than McDonalds.
I figured it would be a bit on the nose, and I hear the kids around here get triggered by big noses.
I'm just converting currencies mate. I'm not adjusting for purchasing power or inflation or anything like that. Neither did I claim to.
who here not a fat faggot amerilard and is eating good europe foods
Im in Troms, and I fuck Russian girls, and it is a 90s Volkwagen Golf.
That's not a burger. That's a burger, fries and coke.
In the US they have an obsession with paper coupons that get distributed via mailers. They actually are different in different states as well, so a coupon from New Jersey may say "2 for $4 whoppers" but one from Chicago might say "2 for $5 whoppers".
Anyway there's a black market for these coupons on eBay.
No, you didnt adjust, but you attempted to make an inference from the forex as if you did, because you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Admittedly, this was kind of evident on the face when you started whimpering about socialism based on your experience at Burger King.
It's what you call VAT.
Ah, so you're not a snow-redneck, you're a snow-abbo instead.
Not sure which is worse. We should just nuke everything north of More og Romsdal.
>Tjener 40k i mnd
>opprör over 100kr burger
It gets people in the door. They usually buy other things as well. They also tend to return.
socialism without nationalism is shit and you are a fag
any europ that eats at burger lard deseres to die tho
A medium Whopper meal is like AUD10 though.
Don't have that in North America. Just sales tax. And not everywhere.
These niggers are now $5 in California in case you want to gauge inflation.
Oh shit, you're right! After accounting for the whole meal, this motherfucker is actually paying LESS in PPPs than we would here in the US. He is bitching about socialism giving him a cheaper meal!
Protip: you will pay about 12 bucks for that meal here in the US compared to your 10.
>Don't have that in North America.
not....... yet
>5 per person
Burger King is shit. If you want a good burger, you go to a real, local burger joint which uses local beef. Or you have your mom make you one.
>socialism giving him
as long as you ignore the 55% tax rate he pays on anything he earns over scraping by and 80%+ he pays on anything he earns on what the state decides is 'luxury'. go home leftypol faggot
>Protip: you will pay about 12 bucks for that meal here in the US compared to your 10.
What the fuck are you talking about? A whopper meal, full menu price, with tax, might be $7.50... $8.50 max.
OP is full of shit. He's simply trying to shit on Norway for some reason. He's probably a butthurt Dane or Swede.
You can a six pack or its equivalent (3 liters) for about $11.
Most hilariously retarded post I've seen all month. Love it.
Stop eating shit food
you faggots really need to stop this.
I will go to the store in about 30 mins here and buy a fucking six pack. It comes out to 205 NOK.
Sales taxes, payroll taxes, income taxes, massive regulations and government caused inflation is deferred to the consumer. So capitalist indeed.
Socialism didnt give him those prices, which I stated above. Furthermore, the price on the receipt already accounts for the sales and vat taxes, and the PPPs account for his taxation.
Look, I get that English is your second language and you spend all day being irrelevant in a mountain pretending people give a shit about literally anything you think, but if you are going to make us endure your dribbling idiocy, can you at least spend half a minute googling terms before you pretend you know what you are talking about?
I'm just converting currencies mate. I'm not adjusting for purchasing power or inflation or anything like that. Neither did I claim to.
15 million sounds way low. there is like 320 million americans, and according to all the graphs Sup Forumsacks post here all the time, at least 12% of that are nignogs. More like 50 millions
>You can a six pack or its equivalent (3 liters) for about $11.
>thinking this is a decent price for beer
I can buy 30 cans of cheap beer for the same price.
The fuck are you buying dude? Some semi-highclass Nöisom shit?
>is your second language
fourth you uneducate half breed mongrel nigger.
you can boast all you want, but the regular price of a big mac in the US is higher than here.
0.5 L Mack Pilsner
Yeah, nah