It's the only way to respond to terrorism.
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Why is that good again?
You could throw up a hashtag, if you want.
all i wanted to do was play video games and they took that away.
It is good because you are just a cog in the machine that keeps them rich. A little working robot, and we wouldn't want working robots to do anything other than work, would we? Especially not ask questions.
Because terrorism seeks to divide us and the only way to counter it is to do nothing.
Yes stupid goyim cattle, just live your lives as part of the herd. Sometimes some of you will be culled but life goes on.
Islam is the religion of peace, it's just a few bad ones who will periodically cleanse you, but think about how they'll be paying your pensions!
>It's the only way to respond to terrorism.
Faggot, war is the only solution. Also sage
If the (((overlords))) of Jew York City say so.
"We won't let this change us" is code for "Don't you dare change this."
>If we stop terrorists coming here to blow us up they win. Our thoughts and prayers go to the families.
Every fucking time.
"A man" dressed up for halloween
its not like they were going to kill themselves instead
I'm sure the dead and their relatives will get over it soon.
the true victims aren't the people who were killed but the women who are sad that they died
Is that shit supposed to be heroic? Anyone would do that by default.
A fucking baby would do that by default.
Yes it's supposed to be heroic and courageous. "Not giving into fear and hate" etc
Imagine my surprise
>idolizes a super hero
>doesn't do anything to stop innocent people being killed by evil
What's the point of capeshit then?
>terrorism is fine as long as it doesn't effect me personally because I'm a liberal and I'm unable to experience real empathy
why the fuck every single tiem ?!
Has Goebbels right all along ?!
the people should maintain a facade of toughness in the face of adversity but the government better fucking be doing something
> pray for istanbul
It must be really fucking bad in Swedecuck land huh
>Muslim commits a terror attack
We must carry on as normal!
>American commits a terror attack
We must change deeply seated legislation that our country is built on in order to prevent this!
Also fucking lol at that BBC "terror specialist" who said "We got off lightly with only 8 dead"
Stiff upper lip, blitz spirit etc. Be more like us, snowflake
part and parcel...
>3 June 2017
Needs updating brah. We gotta be well on our way to filling up another whole column by now.
Is.. is that an actual human corpse?
You could afford to not give a fuck because you knew we'd come bail you out.
That's a big pickle.
Those mass surveillance units really need to focus on terrorists, and not regular folk who shitpost for laughs. That's my opinion.
why don't the liberals apply this logic with mass shootings?
Fuck off sadiq you sack of shit
what the fuck
underrated post
When did Americans get so scared of freedom? The cost of freedom has always been human life. Seems like you'd all prefer to give up your freedom for security instead.
Land of the imprisoned, home of the scared.
Why is every thread ironic now? Shitposting is still shitposting, godamn it.
I bet leftists few at home in Sup Forums, looking like a Facebook feed.
Ahah! Thor laughs at the camel fucker. Laughs in his mountain.
>Land of the imprisoned, home of the scared.
Fuck user. Good quote. Yours?
Well said m8
Sorry JIDF, need to stay awake longer and drink soy goy to be deposited 6 gorillian shekels.
How in the fuckdid you not understand what he said? Holy fuck you're dense.
Its probably some real rat meat with a real pickle
Oh no I perfectly understood what he said its just when even the swedes are showing dissatisfaction shit must REALLY be bad
>what did the indirect "victims" do after the continues chain of events with deadly outcomes that could have been prevented?
>they pretend like it didn't happen, refuse to see the pastern or outright defend the cause of the problem
I bet the pancake shaped humans would have changed their mind, oh well too late now.
Fart and parsley in a big city. Big deal. Get over it like.
Yeah, thats right. believe MS. EDELSTEIN like a good goy. Do nothing. Pretend nothing happend.
Or rage and get sandniggers kicked out and reinforce and widen support for Trums sandniggers ban.
You know why
Lol imagine they had the same reaction to "neo nazi" protests instead of kvetching and shrieking
Right as usual, Satan
Paraphrasing Dan Carlin, to be honest. Though he didn't say it so directly.
The true victims were the Muslims
Sometimes you've got to go North and fuck the superiors.
Muslims are literally SAM sites.
And we start to see the psychosis set in
>nothing is happening everything is fine I'm fine you're fine we're all fine nothing is happening
Id say were already pretty fucking divided
Jews have all the answers don't they.
So simple yet so funny
"just do nothing while you are slaughtered in your own streets by invaders"
"this is normal"
The leftist approach to dealing with terrorism reminds me of that song from Book of Mormon.
It's applauded as the "correct" action because these people have been brainwashed to want multi-cultural/racial societies. It's literally part of their thinking style and encompassed in their worldview.
Terrorist attacks are brain haemorrhages to the leftist. It's where worlds collide. They know full to well that Islamic terrorist attacks are part and parcel of the multicultural framework (at least when Muslims are concerned). It's easier to do nothing, change filter on Facebook profile, write a Pray4 hashtag and then deflect about how white people are actually a problem....
Who here has actually taken a step to better themselves? It's hard, you need to change your outlook on life, you might even lose friends or worse break up with your partner. It's a massive adjustment.
Leftists choose to circumnavigate around the elephant in the room than to look inwards at themselves and realise they are a massive fuck ups, who are seriously unhappy and have warped thinking styles.
You can't invade Uzbekistan anyway, this is Russian sphere of influence.
>just carry on like nothing happened
but what should the dead victims do? or their families?
they're dead so there's nothing you can do for them anymore so just forget about it
Cru-fucking-sades coming back up.
>What did the cattle of sheep did then the farmer slaughtered a few of them?
>They went about their lives.
>if I ignore it maybe it will go away
I welcome terror attacks on liberal places like new york, the liberal establishment who hate white men and support islam need to be the ones to directly suffer
this is how terrorism wins, USA once again #1
Can we do the same thing after mass shootings instead of calling for bans, then?
Umm no sweetie.
>t. Boiling frog
>a media jew tell their docile cattle how to be a good goy
What a shock
Because getting triggered into vaginal spergings is what terrorism is about, mong sherlock
The sheep went back to grazing. Never mind the wolves.
Nothing is more uniting than a common enemy though.
Christ, it's like Londonistan 2.0.
>terrorists kill people in cars
>Oy mate carry on it's what us British do, pip pip, cherry-o blimey I could go for some noice chips right about now.
I’m hoping this stirs people up. We used to openly protest islam in NYC, but liberals have a stranglehold on the city.
That is some bullshit. We can't let that happen. Time to crank up the meme machine and piss some people off.
Thor really let himself go.
That's right goyim. The correct response to your fellow countrymen being slaughtered in the streets by foreign invaders who want to see everyone you care for dead and your women raped is to go down to the local joint and have nice craft beer with your friends. Yummy!
The only thing it did was create major traffic. Can't these people go practice their religion someplace else ?
because if you attacked muslims then that would put a damper on the globalists immigration agenda. just sit down and shut up goy, getting ran over by a truck is part and parcel for living in a big city. Its normal!
Don’t worry we won, that shit went down in flames in 2015. Fuck muslims, thought they were hot shit.
Sadly the Gov does not go about their lives and instead cracks down with tighter security in everyday human freedoms.
Guy who took this pic is a scruffy hippy faggot.