Why doesn't Sup Forums believe in science?
You're all a bunch of conservatives but you don't even want to conserve the environment?
Why doesn't Sup Forums believe in science?
You're all a bunch of conservatives but you don't even want to conserve the environment?
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This is a board where talking about climate science is alarmism, but talking about white genocide isn't.
It's actually quite funny how no-one cares about climate change anymore. I think people saw through it or just simply didn't care about stuff like polar bears and shit.
The planet's temperature changes all the time. There were no evil whiteys with factories during the ice age yet the planet warmed up.
florida should already be gone. the man is a hack.
>why are conservatives so scared of standing up to global warming alarmists? the only politician taking a stance on global warming has harmed is al gore
-ann coulter
It's just easy to ignore for now, as long as there is no major flooding.
>Why doesn't Sup Forums believe in science?
Climate change will have winners and losers. You will be a winner, Leaf. Relax.
By winner do you mean millions of free refugees? Oh boy!
Whatever the western nations do about it is irrelevant as long as the Chinese keep ignoring climate change treaties.
Warmer temps mean more livable climates, more water, bigger plant growth, and yet you wonder why the elites are aganist this.
Sure, climate fluctuated without us before, but the recent warming is our fault. There is loads of evidence for AWG and next to none in opposition.
Which is why:
If what was said in the movie was true, why did al gore buy a giant mansion on the beach that uses like 50 times more of the average electricity every year? Do you think it could be that he’s a hypocrite narcissist who thinks he helped invent the internet and became a corrupt politician?
>Rate of carbon injection unprecedented for at least 66 million years
>Rate of change in ocean chemistry unprecedented for at least 300 million years
>Rate of change in the nitrogen cycle unprecedented for at least 2.5 billion years
>rate of species extinction 100x faster than normal backround rates
>current trans-oceanic exchanges of animals has no analogue in the entire geologic record
you're welcome to think that anyone will win in this
>Al Gore is a narcissist, therefore scientists studying the climate are wrong
Are you seriously that dense?
Shouldn't florida be underwater by now according to the first movie?
>The planet's temperature changes all the time
It's fucking 2017 and we STILL get this argument.
>Why doesn't Sup Forums believe in climate models that have been manipulated to produce a result that benefits the leftist agenda
China is actually reversing the trend. Burgerland on the other hand ...
Nope, as far as I'm aware of, it was said that Florida would be underwater when large parts of Greenland and antarctica will dissapear.
>“If Greenland broke up and melted or if half of Greenland and half of West Antarctica broke up and melted this is what would happen to the sea level in Florida [animation shown with much of the state underwater].”
Statement is still 100% correct
>citation needed, daily mail doesn't count ameritard
>planet was already heating up before humans had any effect on it
>muh global warming
we still got 10 years on global warming, white genocide is here.
Data shows we have accelerated the process to unthinkable levels. There hasn't been so much CO2 in the atmosphere since the dinosaurs. That's 60 million years, Burger.
Evidence shows we are accelerating the process substantially.
>muh denial of reality
>You're all a bunch of conservatives but you don't even want to conserve the environment?
says who? I'm all for keeping the environment clean and healthy. But raising taxes and importing people isn't going to help nor is the solution.
Because theres a difference between science and (((science))).
Why doesn't Sup Forums believe the Sun orbits the Earth? Ummm ignorant
>Why doesn't Sup Forums believe in science?
Because it isn't a religion.
the data on climate science isn't conclusive
anyone who has actually looked into the studies knows that they use arbitrary heating ratios, arbitrary temperature sources, old temperature sources, etc.
there exists no temperature model in the field which has been predictive
Not really true. The last time the atmosphere had the present CO2 concentration was during the Pliocene (~4 Million years ago), when sea level was 22 meters higher than today.
What if the sun is actuAlly heating up the entire solar system, what if we are experiencing another heating cycle for the earth. Id rather it heat up then cool down.
Yeah it is a proven science that some change is happening and it is in part accelerated by anthropogenic activities.
You can literally study the effect of the change in pH of the ocean, coral reefs have been bleached due to chemical changes and temperature.
If you burgers had a proper education system and didn't rely on the few smart people to carry your nation of idiots on their shoulders, you would understand these basic chemistry concepts.
Good point
No-one cares anymore because climate activists don't have any solutions apart from 'give rich Jews more taxes or start living with less nice things'. These aren't solutions. Everything is meaningless if China just does what it wants (they are completely justified by the way - we developed so they should be allowed to).
If the sea level rises just build a wall. That's more effective than taxing white people hoping it will change solar activity lmao.
>the data on climate science isn't conclusive
Yes it is.
>anyone who has actually looked into the studies knows that they use arbitrary heating ratios, arbitrary temperature sources, old temperature sources, etc.
People who have looked into it overwhelmingly support AGW, and the more papers they published in the field, the more they agree. See picture >there exists no temperature model in the field which has been predictive
I like the top and bottom picture. Would like to have the bottom picture as my scenery from my back porch.
If anything, a mighty wall will actually increase "the tug" of the Sun.
More mass = More SOLAR.
Unless it becomes state mandated on the maximum things were allowed to do to save the environment a few people living like monks aren't going to change a whole lot. Wait...
Mentality of a nigger.
If everyone makes even the slightest contribution, we'll make progress.
You know. The fact that these people use these pictures as their example of evil tells you a lot about them and their disdain for the working man, for industry and the advancement of mankind and probably mankind its self.
I look at that and I see productivity, a marvel of ingenuity and the strength of men.
Physicist here. None of us believe it in academia.
We know it's a lie, but you can climb the ladder quick with it. Very quick with a lot of investment cash.
I mean £280k for a PhD to take temperature fluctuation tests in Antarctica for 6 months...fudge data.
There you are Dr cockfuck PhD.
For the rest of us that try...we are fucked.
>tl;dr Science is corrupt as fuck.
Scientists aren't Gods, a lot of them do us a serious disservice to what we should be doing...
Better batteries/Cells with a faster discharge rate and conquering the galaxy.
Come in here faggots, Balt/pol/ calls
The #2 most used climate myth. It's not the sun.
>If the sea level rises just build a wall. That's more effective than taxing
It's not. Preventive measures are ten to hundred times cheaper than paying for disaster reliefs and moving tens of millions of people. Not doing anything to prevent climate change is literaly throwing money away.
>Physicist here. None of us believe it in academia.
High school teacher spotted.
I'm not qualified to teach. Have to do a year for it.
I went industry.
>The planet's temperature changes all the time. There were no evil whiteys with factories during the ice age yet the planet warmed up.
These are the kind of people who think they are smarter than black people lmao
We call it at uni "Aggressively Mild" to describe the Kelvin shift over the last 2 millennia.
To obviously take the piss.
>Physicist here.
I'm studying physics too.
>None of us believe it in academia.
And I'm sure you have evidence to support that claim.... right?
>I mean £280k for a PhD to take temperature fluctuation tests in Antarctica for 6 months...fudge data.
You also have evidence for that... don't you?
>Better batteries/Cells with a faster discharge rate and conquering the galaxy.
How is battery discarge rate connected to space travel? Something tells me you didn't really study physics.
Immigration and racial tension related issues have almost completely eliminated the political relevancy of climate change. This is exactly why leftwingers should never be trusted with any political power. They only want to fight against things they percieve to be unjust, and never think about the actual consequences that that fight will have.
>lefties: "Refugees welcome, open the borders"
>conservatives: "thats retarded, you're going to cause unrest and destablise our country"
>lefties: "RACIST!!!"
>Immigration related unrest kicks in
>lefties: "WAAAAH, why is everyone talking about immigration? We need to talk about global warming."
Left wingers are the most naive people on the planet.
Of course but you need to convince the vast majority to make SLIGHT contributions or you need a few people to make BIG contributions for a noticeable change. Oh sure if I myself donate a penny to a charity I would be making "progress" but it wouldn't even be a drop of piss in a buckets worth.
You are not thinking about reaction engines.
Do this for you, I dont wan't you to trust me.
It's very expensive to keep a runway going in constant snow, so basically, the world comes together in Antarctica.
It's cheaper.
They all live with 5 Km of each other and use the same control (test), now email as much as you can and ask for data on fluctuations.
I'll bet you 0.5 BTC that Argentina is very different to the obvious slope of Anglo nations.
Fuck, I wish planet warmed up, my shitty apartments could become waterside and my regional climate could become slightly less miserable.
>Why doesn't Sup Forums believe in science?
What you should have been asking:
>Why doesn't Sup Forums believe in pseudoscience?
Al Gore a shit.
Again, nigger mentality, and you're even defending it.
That's why EU is light years ahead of you Shartinmarts. We started the process years ago and now nobody throws garbage in parks like they used to. (example how everyone can make small contributions)
Example of big ones: industry plants get shut down if they don't meet environment standards, new ones can't get built.
So you haven't provided any evidence to support your previous claims, and now you are making more unsupported claims. Where did you study physics?
And you know what will happen to me if I talk about this shit. You are in the same boat ffs.
Never work again and become a POI.
this aggressively mild temperature increase is happening an order of magnitude faster than previous known natural changes and has already brought us out of the range of centennial temperature variability of the Holocene
I'll give you one of the universities but not any more.
UCD, Ireland.
I gathered info from 285 scientists over the space of 6 months.
I then MATLAB'd the data and a curve was equal between ESA and NASA data.
The other 65 or so countries had another trend....they all matched within a 0.5% margin.
Ok I should have clarified
>if ONLY I myself did
I guess the main point I'm trying to argue is that you either get most people out of the goodness of their hearts to do a collective good or big brother just holds everyone down and rapes them.
This nigga gets it
So you support the 4th option, which is not doing anything now, and then paying 10-100 times more for disaster relief and to relocate 10s of millions of people. Great plan.
You still provided 0 evidence for your earlier claims that:
1) the data isn't conclusive
2) "nobody in academia supports AGW
3) massive data fudging going on
4) "anyone who has actually looked into the studies knows that they use arbitrary heating ratios, arbitrary temperature sources, old temperature sources"
Can you provide evidence for those claims?
Mate they chained a girl to the Eiffel Tower for a raping and poo in the streets of Paris.
Eu is NOT Europe.
Most people are dumb as fuck. This thread proves it. That's why big brother is needed.
Cool, now be a good scientist and publish your results in a peer reviewed paper, so that we can check your methods and see if your results are justified
>be Al Gore
>lose election to essentially retarded son of CIA king-nigger
>need to stay relevant, do your part to subvert the president
>need to make millions of dollars
>produce propaganda film, becomes smash hit with soft minded idiots
>everyone talking about global warming and climate change
>go on shows, talk everywhere, very visible, spreading the ((message))
>2008 rolls around
>Obama elected
>disappear completely and totally
>no more publicized speeches
>no more activist movies
>not a peep from 2008-2016 while the nigger is in the white house
>2016-2017 rolls around
>Donald Trump accidentally wins, everyone BTFO
>come back from the dead and start dredging up this global warming shit again
>very visible publicized talks, new movie about global warming
Its as if he only becomes an activist every time a republican is in office, that's so weird isn't it? What a coincidence.
>Bongistan calling the kettel a nigger
I can, but it all leads me to a path where my name is known here.
Of course I will get a "Ha I said x, then you said y so theta!" etc...
I am just saying, if you are indeed a physicist, don't rule me out, find out for your self.
Prove me wrong with your own digging.
You think I am going to kill my career like a twat?
I don't have your freedoms man.
Can one climate hippie answer this question:
If climate change is indeed driven by man, what can we do to stop it?
I can guarantee every answer will be some sort of socialism (how convenient) or stopping 3rd world countries developing (also very convenient and not to mention impractical).
The HUMAN race is the SUPREME race of Earth and is NOT threaten at all by climate change.
Nobody said to post your research here. Post it in academic circles.
You were told to post evidences for your previous claims.
What the geologic record shows very clearly is that higher-order predators and those animals in the upper trophic stages are usually the first ones to go during an extinction event, while organisms with an "undemanding" metabolism or a fixed ecological niche (like plants or insects) manage to endure
surely you have evidence for your claim China is reversing the trend? Chinese government statements don't count, slavtard.
Who cares animals are gay
Be careful with the words you choose, at the moment it is "climate change"...
Do you know how vague that is?
The cat just walked in...the climates changed.
Why don't they call it "global warming" any more? The reason why?
We can test that with empirical evidence.
You cannot probe vague for numbers.
Surrender your rights, sovereignty and prosperity because muh debunked doomsday mongering, unsubstantiated research, lack/no correlation between artificial impacts on climate/weather and faulty/outdated/rigged computer models etc... cant predict the weather next week, but you will all die in the next 100 years ish....yeah go fuck yourselves...
You don't have to cite your own papers, cite papers from other people which support any of your 4 claims
>Prove me wrong with your own digging.
I don't have to prove there is no massive world-wide academic conspiracy any more than i have to prove that there is no invisible alien floating in the sky. You made the claim, you have to provide the evidence.
I'll finish the paper when I am established enough, I am in my thirties but don't have clout for this.
That's why I wan't open season.
It's a fucking lie man.
Well, is it?
>Einstein was a stealing jew. He would gladly fit with the modern (((scientists)))
Global warming only refers to the phenomenon of the average global temperature increasing. Scientists have been using both terms for 70+ years now. Just because the media switched from one to the other doesn't mean anything since they mostly just say whatever will get them views.
ignore the greentext. fucking phone
The only way I can do that is it leading back to me, and yeah you might offer a side channel to speak on.
I am not allowed to do this kind of shit man, I did it as a hobby before I entered industry.
The guys there are over the moon to get new emails.
So here's how I did it...
I was an 8 year old boy that wanted tonights data for a project...
>Why don't they call it "global warming" any more?
They do, you prick. Retarded parrot repeating standard debunked denial talking points.
I'll let you in on a little secret....
Burgers don't like being told what to do. We founded this country on a revolution after all. Even if big brother was actually benevolent Burgerland would rather crash and burn before letting big brother completely took over. *cough* ww2 *cough*
Science is gay
People in poverty don't care about climate change. Caring about climate change is something only the western middle/upper class can afford. It's actually something that'll backfire on Democrats once their constituency realize they'd rather have a job than save the planet.
Why aren't Democrats threatening severe food sanctions on China until they radically reduce their carbon footprint, and advocating sending troops to stop deforestation of the Amazon?
China alone will bring us past the point of no return. Unless you're willing to risk nuclear war with China I don't think you care enough about climate change.
If an apple rolled into your living room...did the climate change?
>The only way I can do that is it leading back to me
How would anonymously providing references on an image board of material that can be found on the internet possibly lead to you? Sounds to me you're just hiding the fact that you have 0 credible evidence for any of your claims.
>Al Gore
His pee pee no work, that's the problem
The global warming Serb. Is now a thing.
>Its as if he only becomes an activist every time a republican is in office
He probably thought Obongo was going to fix everything.
>I will redirect the discussion from the evidence to incorrectly interpreting a flag and trying to politicise the discussion.
How can you be that stupid yet still use the keyboard?