This is a thread in which we discuss the current political and social situation developing in Romania. Everyone is invited to join into the conversation, as long as you keep it civil and non-Balkan explosive (even our eternal enemies are allowed to join in). Please refrain from speaking in another language other than English, for the sake of the conversation.

What you need to know:
>there are no /ourguys/, there never have been
>current political party that runs the Government is PSD (Social Democrat neocommies)
>the opposition is non-existent (PNL/PMP/USR)
>there are no right-winged parties in Romania (believe it or not, PSD is actually the closest to the right at the moment)

Worthwhile news:

Iohannis: Romania has made progress with equal opportunities, needs to speed up gap bridging

OIF Secretary General Michaelle Jean: Romania is a very committed member of La Francophonie

PM Tudose says wages will not decrease after pay of contributions switches to employees >

DefMin Fifor: Gov't to okay Wednesday draft law on purchasing first Patriot missile system >

King Michael continues to be under doctor’s monitoring, follows usual treatment

Other urls found in this thread:

what's happening to King Michael??

>nobody cares

Dead country

Bump i support the project you talkfed about in theprevious thread frate.



We must ressurect this thread along with it's OP aussie

Have a bump. I've been waiting for a week for this thread.
Looking forward to the discussion.

There is a certain amount of anti-religious sentiment in our youth. How do we counter it before our country goes to the dogs?

We both know who is behind this.
Bolshevism used the first weapon to destroy the soul of a country which is the destruction of its spirit and religion.
You're not cool if you have failth and spiritual integrity, for that is what threatens the jew and its pursuit of global control.
When we stand united the parasite cannot live. They learned from the goyim, divide et impera is their main weapon.
Add a sprinkle of diversity and cultural enrichment by eastern barbarians and you have a chaotic world where the only victor is the jew.

Our youth feeds on the cultural marxism propagated in the west.

How do we make them to stop believing it before it is to late? I don't want to see sodomites and topless feminists degrading our country.

We need to make them aware of the danger. Expose their influence.

Heya guys, glad you made it today as well. Sorry for the delay, had to do something for work and I completely ignored this thread up until now. Gonna start posting the quick Romanian guide that the last camarad posted in the previous thread, then we'll start the discussion regarding the movement.

The current state of Romanian Politics


In the 89 people overthrew the communist regime and installed communists in the lead with some plants. We had our borders completely open for a few months, time in which convoys of trucks / trains filled with "humanitarian aid" came into the country ,and left with everything they could get their hands on.

The main party was CPUN (Provisory Council of National Unity) which later turned into FSN (National Salvation Front) which turned into PDSR and later into PSD , the current ruling party. This is a left party.

This party is the largest one in the country and has been ruling Romania for almost all the time since 89 with some minor exceptions.

FSN invented a nationalist party PRM . Unlike popular belief, Vadim (the leader of the party) was controlled opposition for a while and at some point he went amok.

After the revolution 2 major historical parties were re-activated by historical figures

PNL - a right wing liberal party which died after merging with PD (see below) and turned into a sort of center pro-eu party.

PNT - the peasant's party was a strange beast with no real ideology which completely disappeared.

PD (left) founded by Petre Roman one of the destroyers of our economy broke out from FSN and later merged with PNL to win the 2004 elections. Turned into PDL, and then split again into PNL. and something else.

UDMR - magyar ethnic cultural union with clear separatist goals. Not even a party, however you can vote for them because of reasons. These left wing prostitutes have always sold their services to whoever was ruling at the moment. PSD and UDMR were combined 100% in the government from 89 to now.

USR - hipster party, pro-eu, pro-lgbt, without leadership, heavily bankrolled and promoted by (((you know who))) got in the parliament only to demonstrate what weaklings they are.


the "Right" means nazis for most politicians

All parties are left wing. They are either former FSN members or the new Pro-EU hipster leftists.

The "right is bad" narrative helps both of these as they can blame everything on nazis.

All parties are either pro-outside or pro-stealing for themselves.

There is NO pro-romanian (free market economics, national identity) party in the country.

That's why most Romanians don't bother to vote anymore, because many love their country, and nobody represents them.

USR has destroyed romanian's faith in politics as it was planned.

Now we are forced to choose between thieves and traitors.

Here’s a few things about Romania that you foreigners (and some romanians) don’t realise.
I’ll go through a brief history and then through the problems of the average citizen.

Romanians are here since the beginning. They somehow mantained a cohesive identity even though they were occupied and raided throughout history.

There are some stronger and some weaker strains of romanians, but what’s interesting is that even territories that have been under foreign occupation for hundreds of years (the former Austro-Hungarian empire mostly) have mantained their sense of self intact. The only exceptions were territories that had mass deportations and population shifts (bucovina and republic of moldova).

To survive across centuries, the two kingdoms outisde of the carpathian ark had to apply scorched earth tactics to starve enemy advances. That, combined with harassment and finalized by a decisive attack was the main tactic that allowed us to win against the turks and some tatars across centuries.

Transylvania was protected from this by the outer kingdoms and by the mountains. So whenever somebody says “man , Transylvania is so beautiful” it’s because they had millions of romanians burning their own homes and protecting them for hundreds of years on the other side of the mountain.

That’s why there’s no advanced cuisine in the country and most houses in the south are made of clay and straw , while the north-west looks totally different.

> The gates of Vienna were guarded at the lower Danube first.

However contrary to this shit going on for a thousand years Romanians managed somehow to produce lots of brilliant minds, inventors, researchers, poets , composers , writers or architects.

>to be continued

 20th century
Romania went through 2 complete rebuilds
During the early 20th century Romania was one of the battlegrounds for WW1, which again destroyed lots of it, only to be rebuilt. The trouble with every single rebuild period was that peasant population moved to the cities.. and peasants were mostly illiterate, yet hard working. Schooling was sometimes done by the local businessmen, because they needed smart and educated people to operate their factories.

Romania had it’s greatest economic year in 1938, a landmark year which has since been used as a yardstick against every other year to follow.

WW2 has destroyed again most of the infrastructure in the country which had to be rebuilt during communist times.
Romania , even though it was on the “winning” side of the war had war debt to fill and a country to rebuild.

Communism in Romania killed between 250 and 900k people, and most of the smart people. However we were lucky (as much as you can consider it luck) to have some communist leaders that cared about the country. That’s why Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej got the radioactive shits on his last visit to Moscow.

Most of the killings were done in the post-ww2 purge (40-50s) and a much smaller part during the construction of the Danube-Black Sea channel in the 80s.

However Romania was having a decent growth and development.

As a small trivia piece, Romania was one of the very few countries behind the Iron Curtain that had both high industry and agriculture development.

Don’t believe me , check this BBC piece of 1964 Romania
[YouTube] Rumania (1964) (embed)

Ceausescu came after Dej and even though he was not a genius, he genuinely cared for the people. However communism relies on suppression of thought and secret policing to be kept together.

In the 70s Ceausescu took a large loan to fix the economy and the external debt. With great sacrifice (food , electricity and heat rationing) and a focus on exports, Romania built a huge inter-connected industry and was almost completely self sufficient. For things that couldn’t be done in –house we built great relationships.

In early 89 Romania finished paying ALL EXTERNAL DEBT. In December, Ceausescu was the only one executed on the spot of all communist leaders that fell.

> His charges: subversion of state economy, treason and genocide.

Communist Romania has instilled in the people a sense of patriotism and friendliness.
It’s very hard to describe it, because it looked like the 50s america in movies but better in some aspects. There was a sense of safety on the street, people were helping each-other out even if they were strangers, they were visiting, there were parties with lots of families joining. It’s all gone now.
But it also killed the private enterprise and entrepreneur spirit. People were not prepared for the market economy .. and when it came upon us.. it came down hard. But more on that later.

One more thing to understand about Romanians: we can figure shit out… if conditions are bad, we can figure a way around it. This IS the entrepreneur spirit, but 45 years of communism and another 27 of socialism stamped it out … that’s why the average romanian is always tormented or mad…

> It’s like a car that races with the handbrake at max

And the handbrake IS the mindset of socialism.

Petre Roman, one of our first prime-ministers pushed the meme that we had a non-working industry and it belongs to scrap metal… and we should make a bet on the agriculture.
So what happened was the literal dismantling of all the companies. Selling them for scraps to italians, austrians, french, germans… breaking up all the state farms and giving the people their land back.
The purge was done by blackmailing people with the following question

> “What did you do in the last 5 years?”

Implying that if you were a commie you should shut up… but people were forced to join the party to advance in their career, even if they weren’t acting the part. So the whole country was held to blackmail.

 There were so many claims to land in the early 90s that a running joke was… that we needed to give them half of Bulgaria as well.

> to be continued

Gradually the following happened:
 Constant vilification of the small businessman – we have a termen “bijnitar” which is a derogatory word for small businessman and hustler.
 All industry was sold for scrap metal. People who opposed it were accused of being communists
 All fertile land was left in disarray , irigations stolen and then sold to foreign investors
 All banks were sold to foreign entities
 Health system was destroyed
 Ponzi schemes made people poor. 2 major ones – Caritas and FNI. ROMANIANS WERE NOT POOR PER SE IN 89, BECAUSE THEY COULDN’T BUY ANYTHING AND THEY JUST SAVED
 The press was destroyed. Turned from the most powerful insitution into tabloid shit
 Education was dismantled systematically in 2 stages: 92-2004 and 2004-today . We had the one of the highest literacy rates, and now all the kids are retarded.
 Morals were destroyed starting in mid 90s with overtly-sexualizing kids on tv , and borderline pedophilia, following by the gipsy invasion of manele literally one year after they promoted this vile shit. Nowadays people watch degenerate tv shows with silicone bimbos that get railed by 10 football players
 Sports were totally destroyed. In the 90s we were still high contenders on the world scale in most sports. Now we have gymnastics, handball and a tennis player that paid for everything with her parent’s money.

At the beginning of the 90s most people bought the apartments they lived in with cash payments, just to understand how much money they had. During communism you couldn’t buy real estate.
Romanians at the beginning of the 90s were
- strong
- educated
- hard working with strong work ethic
- somewhat well-off with no debt (lots of money saved)
- moral
- naïve and idealistic
- friendly and neighbourly
- totally unable to hold an argument, because communism was against that
- totally unable to start a business
- most owned their own houses
- we were totally looking up to the west and wanted to be like them

Romanians today are
- slightly weak
- half of them dumb
- still good work ethic, but only if the work for others
- poor as fuck and in debt
- immoral and corrupt
- demoralized and subservient
- closed off
- completely unable to debate or hold an argument
- very low business ability and no money management
- most still own their own houses, albeit many on credit
- we’re looking to the west with despair and hope they will help us.. but the west never did. That’s the dumb part.

No amount of wojaks can describe what a person that lived through the 80s and 90s Romania feels.


We had an amazing country, built by our own work, by a people that was brainwashed against our most defining trait.

The fucking traitors that ruled our country from the 22th of December until now have stolen every fucking day and they still have stuff to steal.

We've lost more people since 1990 than we lost in all wars combined.

Now they are accusing the young of being jew and gipsy killers descendants to make them feel guilty of being romanian ... as if they are at fault somehow !

And they want to import pakistanis....

We need a few things right now

> Instill absolute freedom of speech and self defense into law

> Teach Romanians personal responsibility for the first time in 80 years

> Make our boys men again and toss the fedora hipsters and traitors in the black sea

If these things are enshrined , we'll get our country back.

Pre-89 we had death penalty for very few items:
- treason
- subversion of state economy
- genocide
- attempts at the public health (medical, food, drink)

The health system wasn't the best, but it was competent. We had a lot of research labs, one of the largest vaccine institutes in SE Europe, medicine factories, patented medicine and the likes.

Those don't exist anymore.

The orphanages were a very bad consequence of the anti-abortion laws.. and they were indeed shit.

Ceausescu was actually pretty tame. You can read in one of my previous posts details, however the demolitions you're talking about were romanticised.

The old town in bucharest was a pile of shit. Also lots of things were demolished to improve bucharest. For example the Dimbovita river was literally a ditch that had shit floating in it in broad daylight. Now it's made in 2 levels,one for water, one for sweage and has some hydroelectric dams around . 10000 times cleaner and smarter.

I bet they don't tell you how they moved churches on rails so they don't demolish them (pic related) and other things. So much for the barbarians.

Ceausescu's wife was dumb, indeed.

As for gypsies.. there are 2 types of them:

> silk gypsies - old nomadic craftsmen,singers, etc

> cocalari - thieves and robbers

I still remember the guy. He seemed to be really knowing his trade, as a true camarad would.

Totul pornește de la bărbați slabi. Mai ales tinerii au uitat ce înseamnă demnitatea, individualitatea, curajul și cultura. Ca și în cazul meu, lipsa disciplinei și a responsabilității îi împinge pe mulți băieți spre alcoolism, droguri, desfrânare. Trebuie să creăm o nouă imagine a bărbatului în România - demn, echilibrat, patriot, harnic, înțelept și matur. Trebuie de asemenea să promovăm atât credința întru Hristos, cât și valori seculare universale, orice ca alternativă la nihilismul post-modern.

Femeile sunt în schimb cele ce adoptă mai repede astfel de idei (((moderne))), odată ce bărbații au deschis calea prin indiferența și slăbiciunea lor. Țineți-vă femeile în casă, gătiți cu ele că multe n-au învățat acasă la ai lor, faceți excursii prin țara noastră frumoasă, și educați-le. Mai ales, mergeți cu ele la biserică duminica. Femeia ia opinia bărbatului de lângă ea, când acesta e ferm și încrezător. Fiți alternativa pentru ele la spălarea pe creier mass-media. Dați-le responsabilitățile lor mici în cămin, și răsplătiți-le când se țin de ele. Subconștient, toate vor să fie neveste, mame. Nu vă speriați de însurătoare. Comunicați cu mamele, surorile, prietenele voastre. Știu că femeile pot părea proaste și naive, dar adevărul e că sunt doar foarte influențabile, deci străduiți-vă să fiși un exemplu pentru ele.

There has been a systematic effort to discredit the Romanian Orthodox Church for quite some time now, and as said, we can all figure out who's behind it all. Sure, the high-end leadership of the Church is indeed corrupt as fuck, filled with freemasons and former Securitate members, but the ordinary priests are something to behold, fighting against the degeneracy that has been spreading rapidly throughout our society. You take the Church away from the ordinary people and all that you have left is an empty nation with soulless monsters.

Heck, the single most dangerous thing that Romania has to combat for the next 25 years is the declining demographics, and the only way to fix that is by siding with the Orthodox Church - no abortions (unless special situations, see Poland laws regarding the issue); traditional family composed of a mother and father (that's why the Referendum is so important, disregarding the fact that it was initiated by PSD); preservation of historic and cultural landmarks - and for this last part, it's essential to promote the "lost and suppressed" Romanian history (1918-1935), focusing on the Legionary Movement as a means to promote nationalism and pride in country.

tl;dr There's a lot of work ahead of us, but next year will provide the best time frame for this to happen - national pride, albeit at historic lows, will be higher than usual, given the context.

While I completely agree with everything that you've just said, national change does not come out your own personal micro-cosmos. Sure, it might change your life for the better and you might walk the path of Nietchze's Ubermensch, but the fact of the matter is that our country will still be heading towards disaster, and that's what we have to avoid right now. Creating an image of a perfect Romanian should be the focus out of all of this - a reactionary, frustrated, filled with hatred against the system Romanian.

As we've seen in previous events in our recent history, this nation reacts only when the situation is so dire, most people would already have given up.

We can't stand against the western agenda as we are now but we have an advantage in our country.
We can still call out kikes and gypsy scum for what they are.
I blame our women too, they of course have to follow the western ideology because it's trendy.
I hear women every day talking about how easy is to raise children alone and all the other degenerate stuff that you can see in the west.

Ro/pol/, hit me up with a good poem to translate for my qt Romanian gf (not more Eminescu, I've done Dorinta, Si daca etc. already).

Yes, indeed there is a lot of work to be had. When Im thinking about the whole marriage thing and that it is a DEBATED thing at all is pretty worrying. I bet in Serbia and other eastern countries everyone frowns upon sodomites and abortion but in Romania, especially Cluj ( God I hate living there) many are brainwashed to the point they fo not care about natinal identity, religion and family values.

fuck, it's almost 100 years now, you're right. we need to organize, NOW.

>We can still call out kikes and gypsy scum for what they are.

Mate, you're so wrong and you don't even know it. I've been personally researching the existing Romanian laws for quite some time now - mostly as a preparation for the things that are to come - and lemme tell you how bad things are: under the 2015 Anti-Legionary Law (written and promoted by PNL's own Crin Antonescu), you'll get an instant 3 to 6 years prosecution if you deny the Holocaust; give praise to most Romanian heroes from WW2; parade or show any Legionary symbols in public OR in private; forming a group of more than 3 people that talk about or want to promote Legionary ideology etc.

The law has been written as a request from the Ellie Weisenthal Institute lobby towards recognizing Romania as an active participant of the Holocaust - which in turn has made us an active contributor to war payments towards Israel (that are not limited to money only, but land ownership as well).

I've been talking to a lawyer regarding all of this - mainly because starting January I'll be creating some pages that would openly discuss the Romanian history from 1918-1935 - and according to him and previous instances of similar nature, I'll probably get sued immediately by various (((Romanians))), but I"ll win the court case because the Anti-Legionary law is written in a very ambiguous language.

So ambiguous that as of 2015, READING anything about the Legionary Movement is considered illegal. Yes, reading only.

I think I remember you. There was one anglo that I suggested "izvorul noptii" by Lucian Blaga, a simple yet nice poem.

Let's see. What about some Mihail Kogalniceanu and Vasile Alexandri. Alexandri especially made a new genre of poems which esentially describe the beauty of the land.

Hit her up with this one, see if she's into RWDS


De-aici'nainte, vremea se măsoară
cu trudnicile tale oseminte,
si veacul care curge peste tară
începe din cenusa ta fierbinte.

Mergi printre noi cu sfânta-ti moarte vie,
ne tămâiezi cu marea ta tăcere...
Mormântul tău e numai înviere,
prin tine luminăm de vesnicie.

Prin tine bem, setosi, din Mântuire,
prin tine doar, ne-am curătit de zgură...
Izvor ne esti si cină si zidire
si patrafir si cuminecătură...

Esti azima pe care'n plâns o cere
inima noastră pururea flămândă.
Esti drumul nostru către zări de miere,
esti perna pentru tâmpla fumegândă...

Esti ruga Tării pentru biruintă,
mistria noastră'n aur ferecată,
dalta de foc înfiptă în credintă...
Mormântul tău e viata noastră toată.

Venim lângă tărâna ta iubită,
si umbra ta, prin smirnă si balade,
ne-atinge cu plutirea ei sfintită
si se preschimbă'n torte si în spade.

Cu duhul tău -mireasmă de grădină-
ne miruim, sub zâmbet de icoane.
Culegem din mormântul tău lumină
si ne spălăm obrajii de prigoane.

Luăm un pumn de lut din groapa sfântă
si-l punem pe vechi răni de închisoare;
si rănile din noi tresar si cântă,
se fac medalii si zâmbesc în soare...

Dar de-or veni, cândva, cu pasi usarnici,
la groapa ta, miseii si viclenii,
si se vor bate'n piept cu pumni fătarnici,
slăvind lumina sfintelor vedenii,

Mormântul tău, gemând, să se ridice
si duhul tău, tâsnind din vesnicie,
într'un năpraznic fulger să despice
pângăritoarea lor nimicnicie!

Radu Gyr

There's a new movement in the making, formed by idealist youths, mostly gen Z'ers who are going to get involved.
Also we have a news site for the new generation of nationalists:

Forgot pic

nice pic, saved. Strange, never heard of this website, when did all of this start?

I almost forgot how much of a genius Radu Gyr was. If only the good guys would have won, he would have been as widely known as Eminescu.

On the 6th of September, symbolic of the legionary victory also known as the miracle of Archangel Michael

I think I understood most of this.

Two things Romania has that western European countries (and Scandinavia) don't are a strong church and a proportionally very large rural population. That means that the influence of the tight-knit, morally robust small communities that Edmund Burke called the foundation of an upright society still hold sway. Guilt plays even on the young people I know who have deserted their villages. The places where their parents and grandparents live linger in their memory.

That's me, and it worked, we've been together for months since then. I've translated over 50 poems since - just two weeks ago I translated one of Alecsandri's rondels, and two days ago I translated Blaga's Cantec in doi. I'll certainly check out Kogalniceanu.

While I chuckled at this, the first poem I ever translated was Imnul legionarilor cazuti, it went down really well desu

Apparently one of my girlfriend's relatives is very fond of the Garda, his house is covered with icons of Codreanu and he gave her a copy of Pentru legionari.

We need to change that law. Also, we need to investigate the lies spread by the Wiesel Commission on the Odessa massacre, and counter their ludicrous claims with real history. We must, above all, promote free speech. Remember when Cheloo was rapping about JOS CENZURA? Simpler times...

That's pretty good camarade. You've just gathered one more reader.

Thanks, glad you like it. I'm gonna move it to .com soon due to anti-free speech laws in Romania.

Radu Gyr might be one of the most underrated Romanian poets out there. His brutal and honest style shatters any contemporary conceptions that the Legionary movement was by any means a violent uprising - that's why he is still suppressed by virtually all Romanian academics and that's why according to the 2015 Anti-Legionary law, he is in danger of being classified as "hate-speech" or "illegal content".

I'll leave you with my favorite one from him, this one makes me weep of anger every god damn time.


Voi n'ati fost cu noi in celule
sa stiti ce e viata de bezne,
sub ghiare de fiara, cu guri nesatule,
voi nu stiti ce-i omul cand prinde sa urle,
strivit de catuse la glezne.

Voi n'ati plans in palme, fierbinte,
strapunsi de cutitul tradarii.
Sub cer fara stele, in drum spre morminte,
voi n'ati dus povara durerilor sfinte
spre slava si binele tarii.

In cantec cu noi laolalta
trecand printre umbre peretii,
voi n'ati cunoscut frumusetea inalta
cum dorul irumpe,*censored*inima salta
gonind dupa harfele vietii.

Ce-i munca de brate plapande,
ce-i jugul, ce-i ranjet de monstru,
cum scartie osul cand frigul patrunde,
ce-i foamea, ce-i setea, voi n'aveti de unde
sa spuneti aproapelui vostru.

Voi nu stiti in crunta 'nchisoare
cum minte speranta si visul,
cand usile grele se'nchid in zavoare,
si'n teama de groaznica lui inclestare
pe sine se vinde invinsul.

Ati stat la ospete'ncarcate
gonind dupa fast si orgoliu,
nici mila de noi si nici dor, nici dreptate,
nici candela-aprinsa si nici libertate,
doar ghimpii imensului doliu.

Asa sunteti toti cei ce credeti
ca pumnul e singura faima.
Fatarnici la cuget, pe-alaturi ne treceti,
cand noi cu obraji ca pamantul si vineti,
gustam din osanda si spaima.

Cand portile sparge-se-or toate
si mortii vor prinde sa urle,
cand lanturi si ziduri cadea-vor sfaramate,
voi nu stiti ce'nseamna'nvierea din moarte,
caci n'ati fost cu noi in celule.

Radu Gyr, camarad, erou, geniu.

Romania doesn't a jewish problem, it has a romanian problem.

Learn to spot romanians, it will one day save your life.

gonna pay some attention regarding it - gonna start something as well in January, albeit not a "politically incorrect" place aimed only towards the younger generations - I'll target 18-40 with historic facts that will shatter their god damn communist-induced preconceptions regarding the Iron Guard and the Fatherland.

If it's you doing this, good job and carry on, camarade.

All problems have a jewish cause.

Cheloo is a figure that although doesn't really have a good wife made some really good and woke songs

He is a figure of some risistance against certain agendas the "chosen people" push.

daca vrei sa intri pe un server discord cu romani de pe site-uri ca Sup Forums treci pe la noi, avem peste 100 de membri

I knew that it's oy vey forbidden to deny the holohoax because it's (((their))) main defense but i was not aware of the 2015 law.
I am interested in the movement and i'm sharing red pills left and right whenever I can. It's very difficult to enlighten the ordinary romanian normie, some of them don't even care about this.
Those who become interested in knowing more are sent to Sup Forums to lurk. It would be nice to have a platform to share simple ideas to boost the morale and stop the degenerate (((western culture))).

Gyr is an excellent poet. I started translating 'Ridica-te' a couple of weeks ago, it's an extremely powerful poem.

Pentru sângele neamului tău curs prin şanţuri,
pentru cântecul tău ţintuit în piroane,
pentru lacrima soarelui tău pus în lanţuri,
ridică-te, Gheorghe, ridică-te, Ioane!

I rendered it:
For the blood of your kinfolk which flows through the ditches,
For your song pinned with nails,
For the tear of your Sun, put in chains,
Rise up, Gheorghe, rise up, Ioane!

Bumping for interest. I want to know my enemy. It was meeting a Romanian law student that led me going down the Brexit and Sup Forums rabbit holes in the first place.

Dude, what about PRU (leader lead Anti-Mosque protest) and PND (Literal Codreanu followers)?

>Actually used the Romanian symbols
I...I thought I was the only one...(I'm PROUD OF YOU, user)

Radu Gyr was the very image of the Romanian legionary ideal. Bravely facing prison, through any kinds of torture and not abandoning his fate.
Do you know what angers me? Not once did I see the Iron Guard being credited for the anti-communist resistances after ww2. Even though most of those resistance groups were led by legionnaires and certainly all of them were made up of nationalists and patriots.

Yes, i like that new song, Lumea s-a schimbat, reminded me of their old stuff and it just shows what our mentality used to be. I remember growing up in Berceni, getting into fights all the time, learning from a young age that gypsies are subhuman. And i liked Parazitii a lot, i used to bump them just to cover up the sound of manele. And i am kind of a wimp by any standard, yet i can still defend myself against any of these younger nu-males, even if they are twice my size, just because i had to learn from a young age to stand up for myself. I used to cry sometimes because we were poor and life was tough, but i am so happy now i got to grow up like that. I can't imagine what it's like for the kids growing up now in Pipera or some gated residential area, with their iPads pumping junk into their brains, learning to hate 'toxic masculinity'. If things go on like this, there will be no one left to defend us when we're old and weak.

>inb4 diaspora degenerate - i'm not, i'm at work and my laptop has a VPN, i'm right here in the motherland

this is discord(punct)gg/caWsmW the
first stage in terms of platforming, from then we'll see where you fit.

As someone learning Romanian it's such a relief when someone uses the symbols, it's hard enough reading a language with inherited Latin cases, the hyphen rule and three genders as it is.

t. French/Italian/Persian speaker

gonna check it out, thanks!

Soon brother, soon. 2018 will be a fun year. Keep on reading and lifting, /sig/ is one hell of a drug.

You're doing God's work, user. I truly mean it, it's a very rare sight to see a foreigner interested in Romanian poems and whatnot, especially the likes of Radu Gyr.

PRU - literally PSD satellite, filled with former members of PRM or PSD. Sebastian Ghita was the guy that funded the party, the same Ghita that stole hundreds of millions of euros from IT state contracts and that is now residing in Belgrade, Serbia, with no chance of extradition.

Yup, you'll never hear anybody telling you that the Iron Guard was actually one of the world's first anti-communist armed resistance, popping up straight after the end of the war (1918), when the Bolshevic influence started spreading across the Eastern countries.

nu se stie nimic despre ei ca n-au fost in parlament, sa speram ca nu-s putinisti

I remember when I was like 8 or 9 years old and two gipsyes aged like 14-15 yo showed up and beaten me up out of nowhere. After that I remember that I have gathered up my friends and started beating up every gipsy kid my age that I could find.

Romani cigany.

Istvan show us your flag.
These "romani gypsy" insults are boring.

Thank you user, much appreciated. It's disappointing to see that so much Romanian literature is untranslated. I'm working on an anthology of poetry from Dosoftei to 20th century writers like Arghezi and Sorescu (even if I disagree with some of the modern politics).

This is very important. Everyone should internalize this.

The greatest dilemma in Romania regarding the church is that religion is an unifying factor, but the church itself is utterly corrupt. It was continuously a 5th column used to spy on the people and tell on them to the higher powers.

Most if not all the higher-ups in the church have military ranks in the intelligence services.

Look at our current patriarch: he's been spending time behind the iron curtain in the 80s for years studying anything else but orthodoxism. And then remember that you could not get a visa unless you were "trusted" by Secu.

The drama right now is that the church is the evil that we need. They now promote the anti-gay and anti-degeneracy agenda while simultaneously making landgrabs left and right.

National change starts with the micro-cosmos. Once you have a strong unit you will be able to influence a larger unit. And the closest people you have are your family.

We can stand against them.

We are not allowed legally to call out the kikes gipsies. The only reason we can do this is because we don't have a working law enforcement.
This guy is right.

Very few women understand long term thinking and planning. It's not their fault, it's just their nature.

Having said all of the above, I strongly recommend
because (((they))) will pile on you like mad, and most people are note educated.

Remember, there are no more people who were alive during those times. All living romanians today have received (((communist))) education and were brainwashed into thinking some things are inherently evil. You need to stay away from those to get the sympathy of the masses.

I'm proud of you , man

Aww cmon, you can do better than that, kike.

Yes Radu, the Iron Guard, legionaires, and other right/nationalists died in prisons while the average romanian loser gladly embraced communism for the next several decades.

Was it worth it? This loser of a nation is not worth fighting for. The good ones are few in between and most of them left this country and will continue to do so in the future.

Dont be a loser and cling on to false hope. GTFO and make a better life for yourself. Let the losers that are left die a slow agonizing death, they deserve everything.

gas yourself nigger

>Tfw the one who made the banner

Romanians did not embrace communism. They bought into the ideals because they were a bunch of peasants that barely knew how to read and write.. let alone higher order concepts like social issues, equity vs equality or the free market.

The good news is that most of the people have been somewhat redpilled, and the people in the countryside know the truth, but don't know how to articulate it.

This is very important, because you can trigger a good response by simply speaking the truth. Whereas in the western coddled world , the average citizen does not understand the concept of truth anymore.

daily reminder that this woman is missing and needs to be found

The romanians have sat and watched communism destroy this nation, then they sat and watched the neo-commies destroy it after '89. Now they sit and watch the current leadership bleed/steal the EU funds dry and at the same time embrace western degeneracy.

Would you fight the good fight for a worthless african nigger? No. Apply this to romanians and you will lead a much happier life (whether in Romania or elsewhere)

>According to the prosecution, the motive for the murder was jealousy caused by an extramarital affair that Elodia had; her disappearance occurred right after she returned from a trip to Dubai with her alleged lover, a former SPP officer,[6]

>o curva a fost omorata
nu vad nimic gresit

>The drama right now is that the church is the evil that we need.

True, although it doesn't have to stay evil. There are a lot of priests that are heavily against the current leadership and there are a lot of priests that actively support Legionary ideology, you just have to know where to find them. If there's a future for our country, it has to be alongside a reformed Church, not the same corrupt institution.

I remember you from last week - and truth be told, you made me ponder a bit about the route I should take. You're right saying that going the legionar route will ought to put me in trouble, but that's what I'll be looking for anyway - free press is always good, especially when the entire thing is wrapped under a historic and academic pretext.

Fuck 'em, they'll only get the truth from me. And yeah, truth fucking hurts, both-sided.

You gotta milk it for all it's worth

this applies to the entire eastern bloc you dumbfuck nigger
romania is among the few countries where people return to in the summer after working abroad

> Stealing the EU funds

This is actually a myth. The truth is that Romania has one of the lowest absorbtion of EU funds especially BECAUSE they cannot steal them.

The thieves prefer to make 1 km of highway at 12 times the price with a local "friend" and steal everything.

With EU funds you need proper documentation and justification for every cent.

Hence, we only get EU funds in the private sector.

also, why should I give a shit even if we were stealing eu funds? (we aren't)
the money is otherwise spent on sjw shit so what exactly is lost?

Truth must be introduced in steps. You must use a thin wedge tactic.

If you truth-bomb people all you get is cognitive dissonance... which is opposite to comfort. People want comfort.

There are plenty of documentaries on youtube about priests that started their own churches apart from BOR. That would be a good place to start.

Also, your link to the 1964 movie is not working:

I think going for the legionary route is the most appropiate thing to do.
The jews can be easily tossed apart by pointing out what it is written in the talmud. The talmud itself is an open proof that jews are assholes.

I try to stay away from responding to memeflag fags like you but you rustled my jimmies.
Our leaders were killed because (((communism))) won WWII. Our people were castrated by the jewish psyops and propaganda and we stood in the dark for many, many years. Woken up from this nightmare the average romanian thought he was free. Good thing (((capitalism))) came strong and took the financial liberty away.
I'm pretty sure Ceausescu was murdered for attempting a 4d chess with the world bank by paying all the national debt and refusing to take any loans.
A country that's cut off from the (((international bank))) is oy vey damn disgusting.

Motherfucker. I have friends who still sing the glorious Commie tune and how great the times were. They are mid 30's now, they were kids back then. Never mind the older folks, who can't stop blabbing about it.

They got COMMIED then sat there and took in the ass for 5 DECADES. Then another 2.5 decades post '89.

It never ends with these losers. Nation of low iq losers. If you have any brain cells left you would move on to greener pastures or make great life in Romania for your family (without living in a fantasy world where romanians are oh so fucking great people, because they are not). Accept reality idiots.

Romanians have no balls (stupidity doesnt count). Trump/Duterte type of figures will not happen here any time soon.

Communism made good slaves for generations to come, rather use that to your advantage and make some money of the regular cattle.

Elodia, eu...

>This is very important, because you can trigger a good response by simply speaking the truth

This. The only way to gather massive support from the population, nation-wide, is to adopt the "cuib" concept on a small-scale - let's say Bucharest - and start doing guerilla campaigns that have their main focus on "helping out the community", whatever that may be. For an example - look at Generation Identity in Austria and what they're doing - public hit-and-run like actions that generate a huge impact and that can later on be promoted on social media platforms.

The only thing you need is a strong, cohesive group that will answer the call when needed, a HD camera and some video editing skills - and the only thing you'll be doing will be helping out the community and propagating your beliefs

>he is a drumpflet
opinion discarded
if you think he's evidence that americans are not lost, you're the retard

People who are obsessed over comfort will never embrace an ideology like legionarism, or any ideology that is not centrist/leftist not even if it is applied
step by step. But they are always easy to inspire by energised, strong people who just happen to be more extreme than them.
Picture this: the sole fact that battles were fought and that they involved tons of men in it is proof of this. They wouldn't fight alone, sure. But with a strong figure by their side they will.

Looks like I'm going to have to deal with you in this thread again.

> further enslave you own people to make money off their backs

How... Judaic of you.

They sing tunes of commie shit because they saw the people being happier then (which is true). They don't understand the evil that befell them in those years. It's your duty to teach them.

If you want 4d chess look into why Ceausescu left the country a few days before the revolution. Look into his very last foreign visits and what they were really about... you might find that you're closer to the truth than you believe.

Salut, the Romanians I've met (I'm at a major UK university) are for the most part very intelligent, but most seem to despise even tame displays of civic pride - and indeed seem to hate Romania itself.

What needs to be done?

The Church is as much to blame as the kikes trying to discredit it.

The Orthodox Church has grown increasingly corrupt after 1990 and it shows absolutely no desire to reform.

Purge the clergy and our faith is safe for another 50 years.

You are clueless here buddy. Funds and projects are mismanaged by both public and private on a very large scale.

If you would be hanging out with higher strata of society you would know this idiot.

You would kill your whole family if you knew what comes and goes thru UKR border and how much money the guys make there AT THIS VERY FUCKING MOMENT. This happens in various areas of romanian society/politics/economy.

After the 5 year mark, you have brand new equipment up for sale, properties build on EU money for sale, etc. Yes some actually do proper business with the funds, most don't. It's all a fucking illusion the romanian economy. Just watch what happens to this country if the EU is in deep shit in the next years.

hang the entire treasonous political establishment
so, not much
realistically just to shit on mainstream parties which is not very successful right now

I thought you were just the average pessimist with a horrible job and low salary. But then I saw you are a drumpftard. Attention D R O P P E D.

What about all the corruption, even at low levels with doctors and the like? How does one bring about an entire cultural shift?

romanian server for political discussion

Everybody is obsessed with comfort. Comfort is to creatures what inertia is to physics.

People are more focused on personal comfort when they are destitute... because they lack it.

They don't despise Romania. They despise what it has become.

actually I do, but I am able to see past the petty self-hate most people manifest

> killing your own family
You just said everything there needs to be said about yourself here.

state budget funds are being siphoned into the establishment mafia businesses; if money was allocated properly and if the leeches of society would be rid off, economic prosperity would alone lower corruption without interference
hopefully DNA will jail as many PSD cunts as possible

>there are no right-winged parties in Romania (believe it or not, PSD is actually the closest to the right at the moment)
That's the crude truth that nobody wants to believe. Although I don't like them, because they are the greediest, they are indeed more right-winged than the rest of the parties.

Our problem is that our politicians are corrupt beyond repair. We need to dethrone them and bring in younger people (30-45 yo). I wish we could maybe even have a Youth Party or something similar - though it might get overwhelmed with commies, kids these days (15-25 yo) in Romania are pretty left-winged, believing the communist propaganda that communism was a good system.

who gives a shit if they're "right wing"? they're not, they are pro-multiculturalism and pro-gypsies and pro-state workers and are little more than a mafia with a party
I'd rather have the most SJW leftist non-establishment party that would at least run the economy well and trim the fat than have any more of the PSD shit

They don't understand because they are low iq uneducated losers. I have no duty towards idiots.

Would you fight the good fight for an african nigger or middle eastern arab? No, apply same rhetoric to romanians.

No respect for weak slaves, no respect for ugliness, no respect for stupidity, no respect for liars and cheaters, and most definitely no respect for the losers who let the good guys before Dej get killed and imprisoned.

A nation that was always enslaved by other nations, lol. That's passed on from generation to generation. Result? Modern romanians.


The Tragedy of the Romanian "Iron Guard": Codreanu by Julius Evola is an essay in which Evola describes his meeting with Codreanu, the Legionaries, and explains the political situation in Romania in the 1930s. Very underrated essay, must read

I personally hate sjws way more than corrupt people