Nigel Farage condemned over ‘Jewish lobby’ comment

He also discussed their "money and influence"

>Nigel Farage has been criticised for referring to “a powerful Jewish lobby” operating in America. Mr Farage, who was presenting his phone-in show on the LBC network yesterday, took a call from someone identifying himself as “Ahmed” during a debate on Russian influence in last year’s US presidential election. “How come there’s such an issue with Russia, and no one really highlighting AIPAC and the Israeli lobby and their involvement in American politics and elections”, the caller asked.

>Mr Farage, referring to the “Israeli lobby”, responded by saying Ahmed had made “a reasonable point”. He added: “There are about six million Jewish people living in America, so as a percentage it’s quite small, but in terms of influence its quite big. They have a voice within American politics, as indeed do the Hindu groups and many other groups in America. But I don’t think anybody is suggesting that the Israeli government tried to affect the result of the American elections.”

>When the caller claimed Israel had Democrats and Republicans “in their pockets”, Mr Farage, the former leader of UKIP, responded: “In terms of money and influence they are a very powerful lobby”. He went on to thank “Ahmed from Leyton”, who he said “makes the point that there are other very powerful lobbies in America, with the Jewish lobby, that has links with the Israeli government, is one of those strong voices”.

>Social media users condemned Mr Farage’s comments.“Nigel Farage spewing anti-Semitic conspiracies over the radio, nobody cares because he's right-wing”, one person tweeted, with another sarcastically saying “Nigel Farage slips into antisemitic tropes of Jewish power and wealth. Shocked, I tell you, shocked!”

Adam Langleben, a Jewish Labour councillor, posted a link to the excerpt of Mr Farage’s show, saying the politician had gone “full conspiracy”. He tweeted: “Person calls in and compares AIPAC to Russian collusion. Farage plays up

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influence. Interchanges "Israeli" and "Jewish" lobby.”

when the fuck did nigel farage talk about the jewish lobby? I thought he was practically a zionist.

Farage is basically done.....
but he is not our guy anyway.

He is "anti-racist". He showed his true colors on day of ukip leader election results.

but thats true

he basically said that (((Anne-Marie Waters))) "too hostile and aggressive".
"It's not what I want to be part of. It would be the death of the Ukip".

He sound like typical dhimmy politician. Total failure.

Are Nige is guilty if noticing, of course. "Russian collusion" is a Jewish hate fantasy while the Israeli lobby being a powerful and malignant force in DC is untrue (it's not) and 'anti-Semitic'.

Typical Jewry.



>6 million jews in amerca

Theres that 6 million number again

Nobody cares Nigle, you're irrelevant now that you decided to drop your party.
>no one really highlighting AIPAC and the Israeli lobby and their involvement in American politics and elections
Because there are is no involvement in the election.

>There are many powerful lobbies in America and the Jewish lob, is one of those strong voices.

How is this even remotely antisemitic or related to conspiracyt theorists?
I mean, try saying something about this subject matter that is more neutral and objective than that statement.
You can't.

>There are jewish lobbyists with ties to Israel in America and those guys are pretty good at their job.
It's pretty much a fucking compliment.

>Russian collusion" is a Jewish hate fantasy
Yeah and all the connections that the people in the Trump campaign had with Russia is a pure coincidence

Israeli lobbies spend more than other lobbies. Why is stating a fact such a taboo?

Nigel 'it's racist to criticise Islam' Farage

Nigel 'the rise of the far right in Europe is worrying' Farage

Nigel 'UKIP will be irrelevant if it becomes anti Islam even though anti Islam parties on the continent have done even better than UKIP' Farage

I take no pleasure in mocking Nige as he was a hero of mine but now Brexit's going ahead we need someone with bigger balls. Farage spent so many years defending himself from leftist smears that he became more leftist in the process to fit in. Wrong attitude.

For the same reason why you can't mention the influence that the NRA and pharmaceutical companies have.

Did you believe the "rape victims" coming out of the woodwork right before the election too?
Is it going to be as bad for him as with the Don Jr email scandal?
Oh wait, that was a total nothingburger that everybody has already forgot about.
Get your shit together Sweden, for fuck's sake.

>nothingburger that everybody has already forgot about.
Yes yes good sheep. Keep being distracted

Can't blame him, he had to play the game to stay in the game. But yah his time is over.

Distracted by what?
For what puropose?
And why do I need to pry this out of you, instead of you just telling me?
How is this vague statement of yours that implies you are in the know and I am not, supposed to prove that you are not the most absolute good goy idiot on this whole godforsaken website?
I mean, you actually take the smear campaign of leftists activist in the mainstream media as fact and when called out on it you just go "Hurr I smart, you sheeple".
Please tell me you are joking.

His comments seem extremely restrained in my opinion.

The guy almost singlehandedly moved the Overton window back to the centre right on our behalf, sacrificing his career for about 20 years and subsequently his marriage. He has his place and is playing his cards very well. Just having "Ahmed" on his show bitching about kikes is doing gods work.

>Person calls in and compares AIPAC to Russian collusion. Farage plays up

Just like Charleston, the left (and right basically) lies to a staggering degree. AIPAC is real, and they are the power brokers who decide who will rule us, and who will be destroyed. "Russian collusion" is a leftist joke, a gaslighting campaign to attack an imaginary boogyman with zero influence in America.

>there are is no

Do you know how I know you furiously shitposted? That's how I know.

>Return of the cuck. Sven Strikes again

>Sven doesn't know that one does not get called antisemetic for criticizing the NRA or the pharmaceutical industries.

Even though the pharmaceutical industry is jewish controlled. But its a tangential vector so it does not spark the ire of the money lenders.

Sweden can't even prosecute rapists because their laws say prosecuting rape would be racist.

Refer to pic

AIPAC was a huge event during the election, newfag actual fag swede.

Go easy on the Swede; it is known to have a short brain.