A harmless message like this has already caused a massive media shitstorm before:

Print out posters saying “It’s ok to be white” (Pic-Related) NOTE: USE EITHER OP IMAGE IN PREVIOUS GENERAL, OR PDF IN THE LINK BELOW
TONIGHT post the fliers EVERYWHERE possible. Only universities seems like alt-right money.
Car windshields, bulletins, posts, walls, ect.

>Wear a costume, it's halloween! Show some spirit and disguise yourself
>Simplistic design, no excessive use of font or text decoration
>Make sure it says 'Okay', not 'Ok'
>Make sure that posting signs and posters on public property is legal in your area, /wg/ does not endorse breaking the law in any way, shape, or form
>Consider making stickers ( ) instead of posters to speed up the process of posting if you're in an area where antifa and other leftist groups are likely to operate
>If using stickers, strongly consider making instead of buying as your anonymity is compromised when purchasing online
>Consider laminating your posters to protect from the elements
>THIS IS NOT HATE. We are doing this for the pure reaction from the left, to one simple statement. This will reveal them as hypocrites to all normies, in the boldest manner imaginable.

>Glue Spray?(Vandalism, thoughts? Personally not what I want)
>Ductape due to it's stick-to-all surface nature and easy to rip
>Staple-gun to snap to posts and bulletin boards

If you get into any trouble, DO NOT TALK. Speak to a lawyer. Start posting Halloween night/Nov. 1st morning. Do not go out on the 4th if antifa is chimping out. Stay safe and be smart!

Stay frosty, and good luck!

Other urls found in this thread:


it's okay to be jewish, asian, latino, and any other race in america. in our america, all people are equal. love wins. black lives matter. immigrants and refugees are welcome. disabilites are respected. women are in charge of their bodies. people and planet valued over profit. diversity is celebrated.

Just got back from putting up 50
This gonna be gud

atta boy

I hope we get footage of Don Lemon crying over this.

Any photos??

Good job.


>do you really think someone would lie on the internet

Good job user

why would someone lie about such a small thing?

I believe him because I put up 28.


I just put up 40, match me

Thx lads

Went in masked and quick. No photo evidence to implicate me. Threw my clothes in the river. Signs might as well have been put up by a ghost.
I live in a super pozzed city where they might try to prosecute you with a hate crime or just throw the book at you out of spite for putting up a "hate message" like this one

How does it feel to be a white supremacist?

Alright let's get a role call. Can some user mark on a map where people have already reportedly put up posters? I'd like to see how widespread the operation was.

How is this being a white supremacists? Is it not okay to be white?

Posted about 25 but...some CIA niggers followed me home, they keep snooping outside. Im gonna go for my truck and ryun them over and run for it.
Look for me in the news

Hahaha, nice! They still just leave those panels unlocked?

Take every precaution to not get your fingerprints on the posters

oh for fuck sake no cunt is running fingerprints for a fucking poster calm down



If you brought your cell phone with you then you're fucked m8. Also next time shave your whole body first in case they collect hair for dna evidence.

greater bump of justice

As teh leader of anonymous U.K. I hear to tell you faggots to back off antifa

Antifa are needed or the mmm in london will be ten people

If you continue the war against antifa I will have to take action against you

You been warned

Last bump before I pass out.

>claim you put up 50 notes
>i am doing something!11 xD
>0 proof
>continue being a faggot keyboard warrior

Best Bump for glorious art.

I'm proud of you son

Those are not the actual rules newfag.

bros im scared will the campus popos try and find me if i only used masking tape? I put up about 24 small sheets.

i dont want my life ruined i have some brain cells on me that could be useful.

I think you meant Japan. In the US it isn't ok to do anything or be anyone. You could be killed randomly at anytime by anyone. HAVE FUN WITH THAT.

Bumping with what I've got


Actually the swedish police took finger prints from a piece of barrier tape that NMR put up outside a home for "refugee children". The guy was arrested after a year of investigation while countless molesters and child rapists are practically given a slap on the wrist if they are processed at all.


WTF mate. I just got mind fucked by the most beautiful European art ever. God bless our white race.


O, Happy Days! O, Happy Days. When Jesus walked!

Jag håber jeres system snart kollapser, min ven.

Post butthurt media. I need more examples

It's okay to be transgendered



>he read the rules
wtf i love newfags now



what a shame, that such art is now only produced in some dank remote places on the internet.


Leftist red herrings

>It's ok to be X

Kill yourself shlomo

This is hilarious

ok kike

Is that gif supposed to be a mind fuck?

Just got back from putting up 6 gorillion, AMA reddit! Don't forget to upboat LOLOL the walrus something at something something

>Miranda Dyck

>'Mirin duh dick

What an awful name, hahahaha

If you watched it congratulations, you are now an MK-Ultra sleeper cell.



I cannot judge you, but this is exactly the point - people will be caught doing this and there is no need to fear. What is a life worth if it is not spent?

Why is putting up a sign like this bad? Think about it. This isn't about race, it's about the damage to our collective frontal lobe. Why can't we rationalize why this flyer is harmless.

What are they doing to the minds of our children.

Ledditors are PISSED


sorry it's sideways



>Nazi propaganda

Please keep putting more up, lads, this is quite enjoyable.

>there is a systemic advantage for white people
>therefore they aren't human and shouldn't be allowed to live


>Bulletin board


Just some stupid white ho virtue signaling.

>Look an opportunity to get brownie points with the niggers

>"U-uh.. are you saying slavery didn't happen? Do you remember? Pepperidge farm remembers!"

>"Ok now will you please look past the fact that I have no personality or convictions and give me validation plleeease"

When will people admit the advantage is genetic

>Check your privilege!

Good goy!

>Check your genetic privilege!












Just realized all these posters might mean they'll spend money on putting up cameras to prevent this vitriolic hate speech (instead of, you know, stopping actual crime).

>implying they already aren't backtracking Sup Forums posters with their IP addresses and watching them masturbate from their webcams

That's fine, the more surveillance there is the more nigger crime they will see.

>We are the Jews now

The point is to have a public discussion on whether or not it's okay to be white (and say it's okay to be white). In this, a lot of liberals will show their true face, and a lot more would get redpilled.


Now so the whole Idea of this was that it is a harmless statement and something that everyone should agree with, so when idiots get mad at this it might make more people think about how stupid the left is.

What about if we do a It's ok to be black poster. Nothing racist, just saying that it is ok to be black. This will just make the left seem even more intolerant of white people if they allow the black signs up and take the white ones down. And if they tear the black ones down they are racist.

Just something I was thinking about to get more people mad at the left

I am reporting people on twitter opposing the poster for directing hate against a race I think this is the next step for our plan this will help implode twitter

>the more surveillance there is the more nigger crime they will see.
Except you won't, it'll be scrubbed.

God damn center for womens studies and center for black studies directly across from the police station. I couldn't make it happen

Truth can't be scrubbed

That's not rare


>What about if we do a It's ok to be black poster.
They'll probably do that on their own as retaliation. Too early to tell and I haven't seen anyone prominent put it up. Hopefully CNN is stupid enough to cover this story.

>putting a url link on it

you had one job faggot

An user in a thread last night had an excellent idea- if you put a lot of these up, try putting up some blank white ones too along with them, or alternating between the blank pages and ones with the message, making it clear that they're together. Points if the blank ones are printed on high quality paper so they stand out. Cause people to view the white pages as a subtle version of the same message, until people are freaking out over pieces of paper anywhere on universities.

Make blank pieces of paper a symbol of white supremacy.

Die bitch

I like it
