
How do we solve the kuffar problem in the Balkans?

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We dont. Now sage this thread because nothing good will come out of it.

We kill all the muslims.

Kuffar are just Jealous and have inferiority complex.


could pagans and muslims have an alliance? you just let us live in villages while you can get all the cities. we need to eradicate christcucks

That sounds like Fun.

Please do some terror attacks, please, it's a great idea just ask israel to let you bomb us

The only good M*slim is a dead M*slim

Why not. Pagans and Muslims didn't fight like christcucks and Muslims did. Just the usual raiding here and there. But no cultural war.

Based Serbia, where's my serb bros at?

Allah akbar

The balkanlar will be muslim INSHALLAH

>based spermbia

I seriously think the Balkans were better under ottoman rule. Balkans were not Balkanized (lul).They had whatever religion they want, lots of infrastructure and investment etc.

Ever since their independence, its nothing but Death and Taxes.

Hello M*slim pig, i cant wait for the next war so i can genocide your kind you know Srebrenica style.

Those threads are just pure undiluted cancer with no value whatsoever. What's the point of making another one?

we didn't have whatever religion we want until the great powers forced ottomans to give rights to christians in the mid 19th century

I am pagan.

If you solve the kuffar problem then who is gonna pay taxes?

Ever noticed how Serbia is Shaped like Barney the Pink Dinosaur, Bosnia & Herzegovina like a Pyramid and Croatia like a Dragon?

We impale all the m*slims.

but weren't taxes just a way to peacefully solve the kuffar problem?

>cuntalonia flair
>kosovo still doesn't have a flair

gg Sup Forums

So the inferior dick mutilated subhuman gypsy submissive manlet m*slim goat fucking pigs would feel superior because they are only tough on internet, and in real life they are inferior submissive m*slim pigs that like to serve and suck a dick of every occupator so they wouldnt get their throats sliced.

No lol. You keep them kuffar so because thry pay more taxes that way.

You are a subhuman your blood is tainted your dick is mutilated you will forever be a little sumbissive m*slim pig

what's wrong, draganče? did i rustle your jimmies?

There are no kuffars in the balkans. All good muslims


If I EVER see of hear that shit near me ANYWHERE I will blow it sky high and all the dirty sandniggers in it.

Kill anyone who is not 100% European (without Greek/Italynigger cum in their blood)


that does not affect them
spray it and the ground with pig blood
thew will stay as fas as the earth allows them from it and never come back again

The eradication of muslims in the 90's was a trial run. Watch what will happen when daddy USA or EU is not protecting you.

You better be kind to Serbs mudslimes ,because in the end your lives will depend on their mercy.

>in the 90's was a trial run. Watch what will happen when daddy USA or EU is not protecting you.
next time around our bombs will be aimed at them. Fucking clintons....

Submit subhuman kuffar


Nobody cares about your opinions shit skin

>I am pagan.
You are degenerate with no friends.

pregatiti-va coisor ca venim sa ne luam pamanturile inapoi :))

va dam pamant cum sa nu,
de la 2m in jos tot e al vostru

The only thing I will submit is my sword to your neck you fucking bedouin faggit.


Expand the straits with Kimtech and make Konstantinopolis Russian by referendum.


aia e adancimea gropilor din autostrazile si strazile voastre deci nu ne deranjeaza
o sa fiti otomani iar

Stop corrupting the Bosniaks with your Salafist cancer, they used to be pretty cool guys.

Read the Quran and what it says about Pagans. Christians, Jews etc are subjects of dhimmitude, Pagans get the sword. Of course I don't expect anyone LARPing as Pagan to know history.

abea avem peste ce asflata
nu am fost niciodata otomani invata-ti istoria copil spermat de tapi si carat de muste-n pizda

In the same way like we torched you with flamethrowers, the Christians should treat the Muslims there in the same way.

Let's face it, nobody likes you.

t. Albanian

inca sunteti otomani, imbracati hainele noastre, ascultati muzica noastre (instrumentalele din manele sunt de la melodiile noastre vechi), va uitati la serialele noastre pe kanal d romania, mancati shaorma, sunteti mai turci ca noi :))

Where is ikibey? I'll just post this for him to see if he decides to come later.

ce haine ?
manelele is un chich de tot felu nu e muzica turca 100%
canaltv al unui turc......
shaorma cu porc e cea mai cautata :D

>How do we solve the kuffar problem in the Balkans?

By making Serbia great again.

by nunking all the fucking ALLAHUSKNACKBARS

It will definitely work for the third time.

a? in 6 ani ai mei in bucuresti si 1 in timisoara n-am auzit de shaorma de vita, hainele voastre sunt toate importate de la noi, maneaua e cea mai populara muzica si instrumentalele sunt de la cantareti precum ibrahim tatlises din 2000, si canalul cu cel mai mult rating e turcesc acolo, va avem pe mana :D

n-am auzit de shaorma de porc*

Who the hell are you? You even use the funny brackets for fuck's sake, stop appropriating our culture.

what culture? everything you do is turkish from the food to the music :D sunt un turc mix roman

80% din haine is made in china ca mai tot in ziua de azi coite
Kanal d ... cel mai mare rating....daca intorci clasamentul poate
poti sa ai si pulea mea pe mana
nu ai intrebat
sau te-au mintit vanzatorii
toata saorma se face din din porc ori din mix de vita+porc+pui
credca ai mancat la porc de ti-a iesit pe nas HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

when your pedo prophet will stop fucking camels.

Now go eat a dick you dirty muslim inferior race.

You know that something is wrong with you when even fucking Sweden of all places calls you a degenerate and no one comments about Sweden being cucked

Salam hungary bro.
Salafism is a meme don't know anybody who is into that. Also hurry up and take back vojvodina so we can work on bosnian sandzak.
Complete partition of serbia would lead to peace in balkan, unironically.


If pic related was still on air their kakanal :d would have been even lower in terms of rating.

Alcoholism is not turkish though.

Inshallah my muslim brother

We support Islamic expansionism in the Balkans

coaie te doare mana sa vb romana?

Aren't those supposed to be mongreles? Let's be real, Greek/Italian and non-European heritage in the Balkans must be physically exterminated

sunt ateu si imi plac micii si cremwustii la nebunie deci nu ma afecteaza, verifica ratingurile personal fratioru, lol chinezii, tin minte ca traiam intr-un bloc in pantelimon in bucuresti si o familie de chinezi au fost dati afara din bloc ca au pus pe cuptorul din bucatarie un caine de pe strada, mirosul a ajuns sus si locatarii au chemat politie etc, au gasit cainele prajit in cuptor
actually, we sip raki and vodka by the liters, a iesit DD din puscarie? :))

Amin, with the help of Allah my brother.

>pagans and mu*lims

Go die in a fire, ahmed

I have nothing against Italians, many of them are annoying IRL but you can't deny their contributions to Europe. Greeks are pretty nice people, other than being lazy as fuck. What is your exact problem with them and how many Greeks/Italians you have actually met? I have a feeling most X is not white posters haven't even interacted with people they consider non-white.

Imagine Pagan fedoras joining up with ISIS. It'd be the ultimate Beta Uprising.

esti ateu si te dai otoman.....
10/10 pt gimnastica mentala

apropo ca fapt divers
>vreti sa ne cuceriti
>tu vorbesti romana :)


What the f is the problem with you south slavs....

Is it possible to just draw a line between yourr countries, fix the boundaries and everything will be fine??

What is this conflict all about? Land claims?


What happened to all those great breave South Slavs who fought Roman Empire, Who conquered all the way to mid greece...

Why can't you guys be like croatia who try to rebuild, who joins ThreeSeasInitiative/Intermarium who will keep becoming more and more important in the region

most X is not white posters are murican

>joining up with ISIS

Pick one and only one


da da eu vorbesc romana de 7 ani, voi de 700 :)) vezi cate cuvinte aveti imprumutate din turca pe wikipedia
erau multi crestini, iudaisti si pagani in armata otomana, identitatea otomana nu e bazata pe islam, prostitutia si bautura era legala si taxata pe vremea otomana de exemplu

armata e una conducerea era alta
protitutia, bautura siarsul in cur (inca mai avem expresia se duc la turci pt poponari)

si trasul in cur*

influenta turca
>turcești 0,73 %.....

It's the serb question my friend. If there was no serb infestation everywhere we would live like kings and sultans, vallah.
Look at my country, serb population of bosnia are the poorest people in europe, fact. Same thing with kosovo serbs, they are literally not self sufficient without gibs from serbia.
Croats got rid of this cancer, send them all to their motherland in the 90's, and they're thriving now.
Everytime some shit happens it's not muslims you hear about, it's serbia being autisticly screeching.
Every serb is an insecure little fag and not capable of removing kebab like they claim.
They're our bitches.

Mai vinde tactu țoale vechi?

hey guys I am Greek XDDDDD

M*slim subhumans will be driven out.
Atheists and pagan scum will be whipped.
Gypsies will be enslaved.

da, ca toalele care-s demodate in turcia sunt fresh in romania :))
cuvintele care sunt in uz comun (ciorap, ciorba, masa, cismiu, tutungerie etc) sunt turcesti

>cismiu, tutungerie
>uz comun
coae fii serios
is cateva cuvinte ca sicutit, papuc dar nu cat iti imaginezi tu

in mare parte is obiecte cu care se facea comert pe vremea cand contati dpdv istoric

Entering a refugee camp and slaughtering 8000 unarmed old men and little boys is your view of being a proud orthodox warrior eh?

eu vorbesc de cuvinte folosite zilnic frate, tot ce e comun in viata folositi cuvinte turcesti ptr ele

Stop whining, mudsling


>tot ce e comun in viata
tu gandesti cand scrii
limba turca are o influenta de 0.73% cu impact de maxim 3.26%

Proud warriors don't kill unnarmed old men and little boys in a refugee camp. Cowards do.
You were mad that you were losing the fight against bosnian patriots, and resorted to killing the ones who could not defend themselves.

>they're thriving now

>tu gandesti cand scrii
gandesc inainte, e clar ca tu scrii in timp ce gandesti :))
cine a dat statisticile astea? gandeste te tu de unu singur cat de des folosesti zilnic cuvinte turcesti.