Toothbrush up the ass

"Brochu was putting her roommates toothbrush up her ass. Pouring moldy food & spitting in lotion/liquids. Rubbing used tampons on her gear"

kek the hate is real


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God bless this woman. Fuck niggers.

That Shaun King faggot has some of the weirdest followers. Spam him with ' it's ok to be white ' memes and watch your notifications....

>Brochu was putting her roommates toothbrush up her ass
dick is diamond now

Sup Forums will literally celebrate anything

So so disgusting. If any scumbag did that to me i'd have to sneak into their house with a sledge hammer and break their shin bones and forearms.

Why does the headline mention their race? If a headline said black man murders white woman there'd be outrage.

I'd put my toothbrush up her ass if you know what I mean.

I guess this is it. The races are irreconcilable at this point.

lol i pissed in this jewish kids shampoo one time and he poured it all over his head

>assaulted with hygiene products
no wonder the nigger complained

This is one of those "that happened" stories

seriously this is the fakest shit ever "Jamaican Barbie" my ass.

Piss is great for your hair.
Also you're a fucking nigger.


lol that fucking face on the one on the right

Is that a racial issue or nig was a bitch and she met a her white equal?

t. ADL shill

Must keep the antisemite anecdotes strong, eh?

I'm surprised ass brushing isn't more of a thing. Seems a good way to clean it

I can say its not about race here, although that may be a small part of it. Women do vile things to other women, regardless of race. She probably got pissed at the black girl and fucked her stuff up, everything she could without outright confronting the stupid black girl. Its just women being women

did this really happen though, or is it another fabricated "hate crime".

Probably this

>tfw no roastie ass brush

It's fake.

>"Brochu was putting her roommates toothbrush up her ass
some losers here would pay good money for that toothbrush


Emuphile detected

You gotta be a special kind of stupid to brag about this though.

>toothbrush up ass

Kind of hot desu


Brochu unironically deserves to be lynched publicly. That's fucking degenerate and actual bioterrorism.
If I was the roommate I'd have actually killed her.

White chick called her black barbie and didn't assault anyone else over the time period as far as we know, therefore we can assume this was premeditated. Also we mention race of perpetrator all the time over here, wtf are you on about?
You'll rip cuts into your asshole if you you do that. It's even less durable than your gums.
The roommate admitted to it on instagram and the cops booked her.

So apart from the unforgivable hate crime of having a nickname for her that referenced her race, is there any legit reason for the sjws to get up in arms about this?

>She was prescribed antibiotics by the campus doctor for the bacteria in her throat.

Dumbshit that's why you brush your teeth if you get poop in your mouth. Oh wait.

How would she know it was up her butt?

are you reading the facebook comments on the article? every single nigger is chimping hard and want to murder her

Id brush my teeth with it

Because the dumb bitch wrong an instagram post about it and snitched on herself

That's justified this time around. What Brochu did was pretty inexcusable. I mean imagine if you found out through an instagram post that your filthy black roommate was putting your toothbrush up his ass for the last two months and posted something on instagram like "here's some tasty chocolate for Whitey Ken"

Would your first knee-jerk reaction honestly be to take a step back and go, "hmm? Maybe this isn't a hate crime?"

Yeah the stupid roastie deserves whatever she gets. I am pretty interested to see how big this gets.

Except "whitey" is a racial slur while "Jamaican Barbie" isn't.

cleaning your butt with a tooth brush is actually pretty smart, 500 IQ

what the hell

Bitches be crazy.

Has this replaced "sharpie in pooper"?


I want to see a massive chimp out over this

I hope

One on the left it's way hotter.

just sayin

Do you honestly think in terms of "hate crimes" as opposed to, simply, "crimes"? If I murder a man because he wronged me somehow and I hated him for it, would that be a hate crime? And it seems like in many cases it would be hard to prove and easy to claim; not to mention that it reminds me forcibly of an appeal to emotion for the gain of oneself, or in other words, cowardice.

Do we even know if this was racially motivated yet? Maybe instead of jumping to conclusions we stop and think a moment but I should expect such a reaction from a dilusional white af hardline sjw who thinks he's black.


Holy shit that bitch looks like a literal pig. What an ugly, spiteful, fat creature she is.

>fight niggers by being a nigger

While her roommate was using the toothbrush?

I attend the school in question and am a resident assistant there. Ask me anything.

Brochu sounds like a fucking pokemon.

Whether it was racially motivated or not, "Breezy" Brochu decided to call her Jamaican Barbie. This has been completely turned racial by the people of color at University of Hartford. They're having an "emergency people of color meeting" today. The president sent students an email last night saying racism will not be tolerated here on campus so it's now a race issue.

she and the pumpkin have similar bodily proportions, the pumpkin is probably a better lay tho

You gotta do what you gotta do to get rid of annoying roommates. The "Jamaican barbie" was probably annoying as hell getting fried chicken crumbs all over the place and who knows what else. Nevermind the stench.

>Brochu was putting her roommates toothbrush up her ass.
who has the video? sounds hot

I have the email if anyone wants to read it.

>putting her roommate's toothbrush up her ass
That's hot.

Aussie gets it.

The entire concept of a "hate crime" is retarded and unnecessary. A by product of political power struggle and nothing more.

What a piece of trash.

post it then

>women being horrible to one another
Oh no stop the presses.
The fact one is white and one is black is the only reason why this will gain traction.

bloody tampons are nastier than murder & rape for sure

she outniggered the nigger

I'm impres... disgusted desu

Said like a true incel

i wonder what it smells like haha

Had to switch to my computer. Our president is long-winded. I kind of like Woody though.

shit we should make a Sup Forums Pokémon game, we could have Sup Forumsemons like brochu and covfefe
ShaunKing could be a Dark type on the status screen and stuff but when you use him in a fight he shows up as Light type or whatever the Pokémon equivalent is

>ugly nigger bitch
>Jamaican Barbie

Cheers. Sounds like they are in damage control The girl seems pretty pissed off with their handling of this. I would have thought that ensuring fecal matter ended up in someone's digestive tract would be considered more than 'bullying' and 'harassment'.

>not just giving the nigger some pre-90s antifreeze in some tea


Americans and subtlety don't mix. Protip:he was being sarcastic.

Just your regular roommate pranks. Nothing special.

That's the thing, I'm a resident assistant so I had an idea of what was going on before this blew up, but no one swept anything under the rug.

"Jazzy", not her real name by the way, was upset because she perceived that nothing was being done, but everything was happening in the background. Brochu was getting an appropriate punishment, but the whole point of keeping it hush-hush was to prevent a fucking mob from happening. The Office of Residential Life, the primary division of the school involved, was not interested in outing Brochu to the public. It was a simple "we don't want this girl to have unneeded violence acted upon her", but then Jazzy puts up a 2 hour facebook live calling out the Office of Residential life for "not doing anything".

All of this has sparked a campaign on campus, literally overnight. I have signs plastered throughout my dormitory housing saying "Justice for Jazzy".

Like I stated earlier, we have an "Emergency Multicultural Meeting" happening today at 9pm. I'll be attending to see what the overall reaction is from the student body.

KYS nigger

Will do.
Thanks for the support ;)

Yes, hate crime is invoked when there's a power differential involved, very good.

Looks like you are heading into a shitstorm buddy. Good luck.

Sounds like a waste of time

>appropriate punishment
What's an appropriate punishment for this?



It most likely will be, but I want to see it happening live.

Send to Hartford PD, which she was. It's just the student conduct process takes a long damn time to go through. It's not an overnight proceeding. We have our campus police conduct a through investigation of the damaged property, and take a look at the online evidence.

On top of that it could take anywhere from 1 week to 1 month to actually get a student conduct hearing where the university determines guilt. However, we can't just send some girl down to Hartford PD/Kick her off of campus because of allegations. This is why we have a student conduct process.

Short of fighting/trespassing/drug dealing I never see/personally busted someone that went straight to Hartford PD.

>we mention the race of the perpetrator all the time
Not on the headline if it’s a PoC

Get away from the ledge
Bin that sledge

Sounds reasonable, actually.

Jazzy should have gone straight to the police desu. We've seen how uni internal investigations have fucked up in the past.

Probably smells pretty bad dude

this, someone needs to tell him it's ok to just be who he is

I was thinking the same thing. Shit like this happens in college all the time (fucking with your roommates shit when people are pissed) because you're basically children learning how to be adults. This whole "jamaican barbie" bullshit sounds fabricated and used to make something nominal and pretty regular occurring seem turbo-racist or some shit. It's two girls who didn't like being roommates in a dorm and started fucking with each other. Literally nothing out of the ordinary at all.

hang them both

This sounds more accurate

Probably, but it was an ugly situation.

When Jazzy first complained to her resident assistant (RA), the RA in question then called public safety(campus cops) immediately. This happened about 2 weeks ago.

Public safety then immediately moved Jazzy out of the dormitory into a new one and started investigating. Jazzy got upset that her RA called public safety, but in this situation, speaking as an RA, we have no power. I can't move a students room through my own will, I can't punish a student, I can't do anything besides tell my supervisor or call public safety. I have no options and we've already had a few incidents where students are targeting RAs. Reminder that all of this blew up on Monday and it's now Wednesday.

The most any RA could have done in that situation was hold a roommate mediation, but this had already gotten way too far for that. The RA in question did the right thing, but these students don't understand that. They simply look for a scapegoat to target their bullshit at.

>Jazzy got upset that her RA called public safety
That's odd.

Totally understand your frustrations. Was an RA many years ago.

Some nigger in TN named Tierni Williams got arrested for doing similar shit to her white roomate this month.

They'll need DNA or video footage to prove any of that. Her facebook post isn't really evidence as she could've lied (being stupid) about all that.

I think in any struggle for dominance resorting to filthy shit like this is admitting a loss and striking a really ugly blow that relies on the decency of the target.
Nobody leaves their stuff around when shit starts getting smeared.
Clearly the white girl felt bested and had to sink to this because she's a scumbag, deep down.
The black girl making a fuss is a different matter and unhelpful.

The uni took some items. These could be tested.

>can't even tell her toothbrush has been in an asshole