Absolute state of American television

Absolute state of American television

>Bridgette Bird is a smart, young single mom living in South Boston who is trying to navigate life with a very unconventional family. As she struggles to make ends meet, she strives to create a better life for her son, Larry, and often finds herself making impulsive and immature decisions. The program is a fresh, raw, and honest comedic look at co-parenting, motherhood and female sexuality.

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>comedy series

>american television

I think you mean african television. INB4 its the jews. INB4 you have to go back. INB4 nice try shariablue

Why do you refuse to help her and her son user?

Super Milf?

>son is biracial

What did they earn by this?

stop being a whore

>Single MILF

Every single one of those nos is a yes in the real world. Single mothers are a blight on society. We would be better off sterilizing them.

>Sullied MILF

Line 1
>I couldn't get birth control so I got pregnant
See that's were you go wrong - starting to talk shit as soon as your mouth opens.
Women don't spontainiously become pregnant from lack of birth control. She spreads her legs and a man puts his penis into her vagina and ejaculates before that can happen.
And there's no shortage of birth control. Pre sex and post sex.
Is someone else responsible because this utterly stupid fucking thot 'accidentally' simply had to sit on a cock until it gizzed?
Fuck off with your stupid left wing utter and total fucking nerd idiot cuntery you mental cretin.
Sterilisation is the only answer for such dunce fucktards. They don't deserve life. They are like winnuts dangling off societies arse hair getting a free ride.

So a nigger can pop up from time to time and dispel the absentee father stereotype.

>What did they earn by this?
A pat on the head from mr. Shekelstein and green light for second season.

>single mom
>often finds herself making impulsive and immature decisions
no way

>very unconventional family

Is that a same sex family? I mean, the one where a child is raised by mother and grandmother?

At least they got the part about the nigger dad leaving right. Or they will probably make him a successful business man who died in an accident.

>kid is a mongrel

Her life wouldn't have been so terrible if she had aborted :^)

who the fuck would want to touch a whore that has not only been defiled by a negro, but has grown and hatched a niggerspawn in her womb??

>smart single mom
I have to watch this

Aren't you a "real man" ?
Only a "real man" would accept this kind of "strong woman".
But I guess you're not a "real man".

People will have sex. There is no amount of "personally responsibility" shilling that will change this. They are biologically predisposed to do this. As a society we must devote resources to curb this. It's why we have socialized police officers and firefighters, crime and fires just happen. Pregnancies just happen. Would you rather pay for BC or the lifetime sentence of a criminal born to a single mom?

I have noticed an increased number of tv shows/movies promoting milf sexuality/fetish

what is a website where i can watch breaking bad in not shit quality? im not paying for shit


I'll pay to sterilize darkies,

>waaaah the government needs to take responsibilities for the decisions i made
This image literally proves that women are completely retarded and incapable of making decisions. It's doing the exact opposite of what it set out to do.

>single mom
>kid is racemixed mongrel
Not bad.

>burn the coal

>conservatives complain about being overrun by poor minorities
>complain about too many mixed babies
>they're against abortion at the same time
>they're against birth control too
>don't want to provide free abortions and free birth control to the masses because too stupid to realize that's actually the most powerful path to "making america white again"
It's like being stuck with shit-for-brains bible thumping idiots who seal their own fate

>smart, young single mom

Theres your problem right there.

>GOY! You need to go with a woman who already has a mixed kid!

Lol the look on the negro's face. If this wasn't made by Jews I will gas myself.

>mixed kid
>single parent
Is this unironically a Sup Forums approved redpilled? Moar at 11

Also, she’s alleged to be



>has a kid

That’s not a definition of smart. Besides she’s homely. I’d say in reality her life would be ruined until the kid grows up and fucks off to live separately.

>coalburner who is also a single mom

The show is secretly redpilled.


Green eyed women have the devil in them.
Worse than even brown eyes.

That's a human rights violation. Won't work unless you want a war, which would also cost more than giving whores birth control.

>hard working
>emotionally stable
>morally sensible
>never an irrational bitch

where do kikes get these fantasy fairytale female character stereotypes from? it sure as hell isn't the real world.

>bitch about a difficulty
>government refuses to help
>okay I managed to succeed after all, but now I have a new problem
See? She didn't need the government help after all

>Coal burner winds up alone and nobody picks up the tab
You'd think people would obviously see this coming by now.

>is smart
>struggles to make ends meet
>often finds herself making impulsive and immature decisions

Doesn't sound too fucking smart to me.

So now it's a right? By your logic people would also have the right to start fires and kill people.

And I'd love a war. It would cost more up front but would be worth it.

Who's talking about sterilizing humans?

>single mom
pick one

Israel sterilizes their ethiopian "jews" and they don't seem to be having any problems. Strange isn't?

Pic related: The TV Show

Not being forcefully sterilized is a right.

Nothing is stopping any bitch from getting birth control, shit is cheap as fuck and ubiquitous.
>but, gimme!

Can't wait for her to upload a new picture featuring a bearded, glasses-wearing, smiling fellow

>Single mom
>Kid is half n' half
Having a giggle


What if they want it? They can fuck whenever they want and don'e even have to remember to take a pill. It frees these women totally from the responsibility they seem to shrug already.

I agree, we need to gas these people

>As she struggles to make ends meet, she strives to create a better life for her son, Larry, and often finds herself making impulsive and immature decisions
>and often finds herself making impulsive and immature decisions
>impulsive and immature decisions

Like letting a basketball American ejaculate inside you to leave you a single mother raising a mongrel kid?

Sounds like a social commentary on the dumb modern American whore

I see. Well i guess that would be fine. Not sure how many women would do it. Most of them want children, just not while they're whoring around in their teens and 20's.

I like how they are walking the line with the kid where he is clearly mixed but also making sure he doesn't look too mixed. Being if he looked full on black then almost no one would have any sympathy for her.

If she's so smart then why'd she get knocked up?

>Won't work unless you want a war
A war against whomst? We have the biggest military in the world. Also, good news, user, human rights are completely arbitrary social constructs which don't actually exist, so we can ignore them.
But we don't even have to sterilize them against their will. Offer $2000 dollar to every nonwhite that agrees to a vasectomy or tubal ligation and the nonwhite population of the US will be more than halved in just one generation. Meanwhile, give whites a $2000 tax credit for every legitimate child they have and watch this country really turn around.


That’s the Irish Rivera!

They wouldn’t put up with this hussy there.

Just Refuse Eugenicist

How much you bet her sexfriend is a nigger?
How much you bet she'll cheat on everyone and become the ultimate roastie?
How much you bet her kid will ask to see his dad?
How much you bet she'll tell him he's in prison?

I think you're right about that. Bitches know that having a baby is the easiest way for them to get a man's money.

Because the whole point of TV & movies (the electric jew) is to warp the masses’ sense of reality to their liking and advantage. Blue pills would say TV/movies are a figment or byproduct of reality, and even vice versa. How many people do you know, including yourself, who like to reference TV/movies whenever comparing a real life event or person to something/someone else? People are so glued to entertainment that they literally think they’re in their own movie.

But I digress. To really answer your question, (((they))) know it’s not reality. Pic related

Look at the bottom pendant on her gold chain.

This is the reality of coalburning.

That's a niglet, correct? At least they got the father right - negro and missing.

are you man enough to raise another man's child

I'd put a dollar on each one.
Either way I have high hopes for the show. It will be thoroughly entertaining.

If she is so smart, why did she breed with a nigger who abandoned her and her bastard ?

>>birth control, shit is cheap

that's not the point. Many forms of birth control are medical in nature and no company should be able to step between a person and their doctor for a legal medical health care issue. The fact that companies are doing it off religious grounds makes it even worse. Then companies like hobby lobby double down on the BS by being a corp, with all the corp level protection. As in the corp is it's own person being technically it seen that way by law. Yet they want to that corp, who is it's own person, to also shares their religious believes being they are a small corp.

It straight up BS. I understand why the courts ruled how they did but I still think it was an error. Trying to boil it down to say birth control is cheap so fuck is over looking the real issues. How is anyone ok with a corp getting corp level legal protection AND still having a religious view point? How is letting that religious view point be in the room with a woman and her doctor?


Sex bots and artificial wombs are the only hope now

>single mom

The first stage is not sleeping around like a slut.


Smart? I dont think getting BROWNED & having pube hair niglets is smart

>inb4 father was a beloved black medical student who was top of his class, gunned down by a white supremacist wearing a pepe shirt

Yeah I dont get it, single motherhood with a nigger baby of all things isnt funny its sad.

Also, smart? Again, she has a nigger baby.

The company isn't preventing the woman from purchasing birth control pills, not paying for it on insurance plans is not a prohibition. The cost of birth control prescriptions are so low that paying out of pocket is not prohibitive or a burden.

>season 2

Also, I don't feel employers are under any moral obligation to provide health insurance to an employee.

Bostonites burn so much coal idk what it is.

You get it

It looks negro to me.
A "miguel gomez" is said to be in every episode imdb.com/title/tt6274614/?ref_=rvi_tt

He's the closest color match to the kid, but idk why the dad would be in every episode of a single mom show. Maybe he's the cuck or best friend.

Just don't fuck outside marriage.
It's not other people's fault that she's an whore.

Who's calling a sassy black Grandma doling out life lessons and watching the nigglet while mcroastie goes and whores around trying to find "love"

God has abandoned us.

The whole concept of "MILFs" needs to die along with every other 40 something year old used up cunt that thinks they're in any way relevant.

Just sayin.......


This is the reason I unsubscribed. It became painfully obvious that they're pushing propaganda.

She paid the toll

If she's so smart why is she a single mother?

>inb4 she fucks her son, because "muh female sexuality"

Black babies look disgusting

"Accceptance" of Incest was next on the slippery slope, I think. Or was it beastiality?

God doesn't abandon good people when bad people start ruining earth and morality


> 80s TV shows were about space-travel, talking cars, and homes with big families.

>single mother
>niggers kid
>shows the smash and dash nig
>new girl is strayan

This is just Shameless with the addition of a nigglet.