Give me one good reason to stop immigration into our countries. All reports are constantly saying that white people are reproducing less, and we would need outsiders in order for us to remain prosperous. There is litterally no reason not to take in migrants
Give me one good reason to stop immigration into our countries...
You will not remain prosperous because the only people that can keep a national prosperous are whites.
White people are producing more recently. Thats just what happens to every race once they reach a certain economic level and comfort in their life. They don't want to do it because it's hard and they are not used to hard things.
do you logically think your country will be as prosperous as it is know when it is filled with 3rd world migrants with an average IQ lower than that of the nation they are migrating to?
Increasing world population wont make humanity happier, wealthier, smarter. Increasing population means the end of the world.
Humanitaran people think emotionally not rationally.
fucking leaf posts
If you're not having kids you can't "remain" prosperous because you're not prospering in the first place. And padding the stats with warm bodies imported from god knows where isn't going to solve the underlying problems.
Because they are not us.
(you) already did this thread you sliding fucking leaf
>There is litterally no reason not to take in migrants
if you wanted to raise the population you'd import females, not males
if you wanted a more numerous newer generations you would import children, not adults
importing people doesn't solve the causes of the aging population, especially when the imported people are over 90% able bodied men that always soak up more moneys than they can contribute, lowering the living standards of the rest if the population and the circumstances where it's possible to raise properly numerous children
as a matter of facts, a population that stops increasing in numbers is not a problem for the nation, they will not just die, but instead reach a balance after a generation or two
it's not a humanitarian act because they've been increased in numbers like cattle to keep them poor and usable instead of helping their homelands, it's not an action for the health of the nation, nor for the health of its people; the only ones gaining something from mass importations are the filthy bankers.
remember to sage slide threads, anons, don't even give them (you)
Humans are tribal by nature so we stick with what we know and when it comes to imports that leads to people sharing the same language, skin colour, culture, etc. regardless of what the host nation offers which is why everywhere there's multiculturalism there's a china town for the chinks and no go zones for the muzzies. The is inevitable as is the mistrust these communities face with one another which leads to a dependence on the government for not only aftermath protection but proactive protection in the form of an invasion of privacy. It seriously fucking inevitable that multiculturalism leads to a military dictatorship and eventual purge so in the interests of white people it's just better for us to close our borders and thumb our noses at the remaining subhumans in this world than it is to try and forcibly elevate them to our level through relocation.
Be a white country version of Japan. Dey don't need no black/dindu/arab/mulatto man.
Population shortage! Great: we're ready to help and we absolutely love your people and your culture and already see ourselves as part of it. WHY BRING THE ARABS?
Could you please stop posting my girlfriend?
Stop the media and social spaces and you stop the problem. The problem being our women being turned against us by every media and news source. To be honest the internet needs to be shut down for 4 or 5 years in general.
What a jewish way of viewing the world.
Nobody wants to stop migrants from coming in, we just want less, as well as stricter vetting in some areas, and better enforcement of immigration laws.
It's worth stopping if we are going to hand out government aid in large droves as it incentives newcomers not to do anything. It's not worth stopping if we go full ancap. We go full ancap, we might as well open borders.
Is it now considered racist to think that taking in shit tons of immigrants who have no intentions of assimilation with their new nation might dilute that nation's culture/sense of identity?
Does Sup Forums itself write these BS posts to keep us entertained by yelling at you ? I mean if you come here on the reg you already know the answer and I see these threads all the time .
>dude we need more immigrants to stay prosperous even though automation is about to make three quarters of the western workforce obsolete
>the population is getting older so to keep the entitlement programs going we need to keep bringing in migrants who take more in welfare than they give in
>dem feet and titties
Fuck having borders, culture, people and laws and shit.
you need darkies to keep the welfare state running and liberals in power.
Never needed many Humans to run a country.
But you need billons of shitskins to make a third world shit hole.
Walk around a minority neighbourhood. Really look around. Don't compare it to the country they came from, compare it to your country.
Now imagine this happening all around your country.
More people= more pollution. We are trying to save the planet.