Someone please redpill me on Prager University. Their videos are so concise and fact based; they've swayed my opinion on several topics. What's their endgame?
Someone please redpill me on Prager University...
>What's their endgame?
To educate americoon retards like you obviously.
PragerU is what is called a thinktank, designed to distribute propaganda for a certain social or political perspective by bringing together intellectuals and coordinating/directing their efforts.
PragerU emerged during the rise of the whole alt right thing, and started gobbling up "alt lite" figures. It has in-house video producers who can make very slick polished videos, and then it pays some figure like Christina Hoff Sommers a decent amount of money to "appear" on the channel, technically with no affiliation, but creating the sense that PragerU is somehow vetted by Hoff Sommers so that fans of her will keep clicking around the channel. The overall thrust of the thinktank is the usual globalist neocon agenda of trickle-down Reaganomics and "American freedom = tax breaks for the rich! Small businesses will thrive if big businesses run the country!"
Prager is just establishment conservative. He wants to direct alt right currents, which are more paleocon than neocon, back to neoconservatism. Some of the content is perfectly fine and reasonable, but he's basically Ben Shapiro with more money.
watch their video called "What is the Alt Right"
the alt right is a term that was made up by democrats a year ago, if you unironically identify as alt right then you're literally retarded
Their video on the alt-right is unironically retarded
they asked richard spencer what the alt right is, what do you expect, it's a made up term being vomited out by the msm, trying to find any meaning in it is pointless
still if you get upset about someone saying bad things about the alt right then you're retarded
>What's their endgame?
Getting butfucked in front of God and country by Ryan Faulk.
They're the few channels on the right that can actually match against left wing propaganda channels such as Vox, MTV, and BuzzFeed .
Some of the videos are good. That one about what speech this guy would give to a high school today was pretty retarded though. Just remember they aren't right just cause they have pretty animations.
> Prager
Anglo shills. Its pretty much evident from the insane shit they are pushing on their yt channel.
> altright is not a strawman, invented by CNN, it`s totally genuine durr
> worship (((our))) anglo masters, goyim
> what is 3rd international? what is fabian society? where are their sources? why talk about that? at this point what difference does it make?
Every fucking video is like that.
prageru are capitalist shills
Seems based, user. Let me guess, you're a limp dick centrist?
Considering all the Anglo gains, I witnessed by living in Russia, I can not see any way, how me explaining you my position would help me or my nation.
Want to dump on my "-ism"? Try hard.
Prager is not a real univeristy.
>literally Jewish
The term alt-right has been around way longer than a year, even on Sup Forums.
Fuck Rus user is bot user. I thought Russia was cool bot bro.
Israel is the most moral country in the world.
Prager U is jewish internet propaganda masquerading as conservative
Fuck you.
i can't be the only one that used to watch diggnation
Neocons, corporate lobbyists and kikes.
>What's their endgame?
Greater Israel, creationism in science classes, deregulating economy so corporations can pump out more pollution and put all kinds of untested things from GMO to artificial coloring on foods.
>PragerU emerged during the rise of the whole alt right thing, and started gobbling up "alt lite" figures.
They have been around lot longer than alt-right or alt-lite. Only reason they cater to alt-lite is the fact they have some popular folks on youtube, so they can generate clicks.
You (you)d me with something a chat bot would spew out, user. I can't even understand what you typed out except for the fact that you don't like the United Kingdom.
Which is kind of unfair, since the US is the one who keeps really fucking with y'all since the World Wars.
If you think other people are dumb, its you who are being the idiot.
They are complete kike neocons.
They openly lie about Israel.
Openly lie about loopholes and the rich kikes
Openly endorse going to war with Russia
I listened to their conservative radio a bunch. One note is they really love Israel, like to the point of organising cultural enrichment classes and tours through Israel yearly.
They cheat their views and spread bullshit like "oh well Christianity is gud cuz you will have jesus in ur heart" and "everyone else is retarded because we said ridiculous thing that they actually don't believe in (alt-right, commies, whoever)"
>did you know the jews and jesus said ....
>minimum wage should be 25 cents. that was a lot 70 years ago when I got my first job
^every pragerU video
>Their videos are so concise and fact based
Seriously? Prager U is basically just a right wing MTV decoded. A dude that stands in front of a screen and asserts opinions as facts in a calm composed tone seemingly engaging their opposition without having to actually back up their bullshit or address actual arguments. It's propaganda man. It might be propaganda you agree with but don't get swept away by it and don't blindly accept them as correct in all instances. If you find yourself agreeing with them do yourself a favor and actually look into the groups they claim to be disproving. Chances are you'll realize they sold you a straw man in a nice suit. I really hate what passes for intellectual discourse these days. People want to be told what to think without actually having to consider anything themselves.
>run by a kike
they are jews
This. The alt right, regardless of how long the name is around, is not a thing.