Decode this

Decode this

Other urls found in this thread:

>some people

translation - nobody

I think he's saying "whites bad, muslims and obama good!"

Obama was muslim though.

Maybe he wants a banana

just another nigger

>white identity extremist
Yeah, Uzbeks are known to be pure aryan white nationalists.

He wanted them here and made it real easy for them to get in. Even if they didn't directly do the act, they facilitate it and radicalize when they get in. So yeah... its his fucking fault.

this man's career is predicated on saying inflammatory things on twitter.
So, "look at me" be my guess.

Disregard the mullet person, his tweet has no special relevance to my post.

He means he feels trump should have the blame..
But he hasn't seen someone's FB that explains how for him yet.


Wasn't he let in to the Country through Obamas Visa Lottery where they allow in 50,000 names plucked out of a hat?

>Don't make it about race
>Don't racebait
>We're all americans


>any of the t*rkroach species

>Putting the comma before the "&" and not after "Muslim"
I weep for humanity

>I can trace all the worlds problems back to fuckin whitey.
It's like 7 degrees of separation but everything ends with white people being racist.

I thought Bush Senior created the Diversity Visa.


Basically he said, "I am a nigger, and not only do I feel no shame over this, I revel in being a nigger."

>Uzbek sandnigger comes as fugee under Bumbuma
>Obodagi not to blame


>muslim white identity extremist
What does this actually mean?

aand isis is now white identity extremism organization?
will they start removing sand-niggers fromtheir ranks soon?

>bix nood

If i had a son?

>I want to and will blame white males

There i decoded it for you

The guy was the president of the Uzbek KKK chapter

>Muslim white identity extremist

What the fuck am I reading? Uzbeks are not white.

>I am literally retarded

>It's about religion
> We wuz kangz & camel jockeys
>When it suits (You)

He does not have a shed.

>muslim white identity extremist

i hope these faggots spark the hot phase of the race war on the 4th. Git r done

>So a Muslim ISIS supporter let in on a diversity visa committed a terrorist act today, & some ppl still found a way to blame wypipo

>there are people still falling for tariq nasheed's bait

That's just simple gaslighting from a successful black nationalist. He puts up 'edgy controversial trolls' like this all the time, and the left wing media smiles and preens, the right (so called) is too cowed and cucked to call it out for what it is. Nobody asks us, we could explain it easily.

>Something happens
>This coon blames whites, insults us and our intelligence
>Mainstream "right" cucks too cowed and careful to call it out

Decode this, pol Islamophobes

The eternal leaf dropping fire

>an internet troll and race baiter
>the only way he makes money, so he always doubles down on that laughable crap
>OP still eats out of his hand

The state of Sup Forums

White ? what is this neggro talking about

Guess everyone thats not a nigger looks the same to him.

Russian Twitter Bot...

I will play the diversity visa lottery this year. Wish me good luck!

literally who?

Some black chaps on twitter are trying to convince people that Uzbekistan is in Europe lmao, I mean I know americans have trouble with geography sometimes but this is very dishonest


Can somebody shoot this negro already?

I think he is trying to say that white identity extremists named the muslim Sayfullo Saipov in a terrorist act. Or he thinks muslims that commit terrorist acts are white extremists apparently.

Tariq Nasheed is the biggest race baiting, anti-white, subhuman, pseudo-intellectual nigger I can think of.


>if you don't rage at accidental death, but a koranimal murdering innocent people angers you then you're a hateful Nazi bigot!

>I'm a massive closeted faggot who wants nothing more than a BWC, but the white bois always ignored my advances, so I became a full on black supremacist out of frustration.

translation complete

>no one knows more than one person.

I love it when they front-load the stupidity in their walls of text so I know reading the rest is pointless.

Are you dumb?

He gets called out CONSTANTLY, the reason why people have stopped calling him out is because the man is functionally retarded. The mental gymnastics he performs are like none ever seen before.
You can't convince a religious fanatic his ideas are wrong, you can't convince racial fanatics either.

No matter the situation or event this cocksucker jumps right into race and you can't convince normies he's wrong.

>just part and parcel of living in a big city

Yeah theres no point in even trolling him. He is so retarded hes immune to it. However, he does serve a very good purpose in being the first person to spread fake information. He was one of the first people to full latch onto the white supremacist hand signal meme and take it 100% seriously.

I report this fucker every time he tweets racist, but i guess he has a free pass, since his black

Tariq doesn't understand that if the Uzbekishit truck driver came over in 2010 that means it happened under Obama's watch, because he is ether a lying POS or a man with no conception of how time works.

Of course I blame king nigger. How did this goat fucker get into the country? Diversity visa?

>an internet troll and race baiter
>the only way he makes money, so he always doubles down on that laughable crap
>OP still eats out of his hand

The state of Sup Forums

Tbf he isn't saying that he is huwhite, he is saying that a muslim is a white supremacist. Still should be shot tho.

>Tariq Nasheed

I wonder if he was born stupid or is the victim of extensive psychological damage


>muslim white identity extremist

fucc wypeepo

>Wash yo ass

Nah, he's right. He said the probability of a specific person you know being killed, not the probability that someone you know was killed.

Why not blame Obama, the dude was working in Florida on an h1b visa. He wouldn't have qualified to work in America if that program didn't exist.


Why does anybody pay this nog any attention?

Obama never met a Muslim that he did not want to immigrate to America.

Don't worry, he's closer to a chimpanzee than a human.