Slavic girls in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus have started a campaign to support Harvey Weinstein.
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Another photo from Moscow.
is this real life
Typical gold digging Russian whores
KGB contract agents.
They want the $$$
As a man I don't understand why women would hate Harvey. For a little bit of sex, they could get a shit ton of cash. Not a bad way to become financially independent.
>slavic women
>absolute whores
More news at 10.
>(((Slavic))) girls
Nice try
Who the fuck is even Weinstein and why would anyone here care about him? When this scandal broke out was the first time I've even heard about him. Smells like shills.
Russian chiks love suck dick for money.
Haha classic for slav sluts
why the censorship in a red board?
Russia needs feminism
>Slavs are whores
Tell us something new, Ivan
Fuck me. Just when you thought Slavs couldn't get anymore depraved.
lel some rich guy hired some escorts and is either trolling for lulz or trying to help his friend harvey.
Calling them whores is dumb, 99% chance tgey are literal prostitutes
>Russia will save the White race
>Proceed to support a jewish rapist before going to whore themselves for drugs
A whore and prostitute is essentially the same thing though
I got the feeling many posters think these are some rondom women just "being sluts". This is obviously some guy's PR stunt and they aree paid prostitutes.
That was the point of my post
I know prostitutes are whores
We all know women don't think of shit themselves.
don't worry i got what you were saying it was also my first initial thought aswell
they probably don't know enough English to read what's on the posters they were given, numbnuts
who do you think is funding this, and what is their angle?
>Slavic girls in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus have started a campaign to support Harvey Weinstein.
I wonder (((who))) paid them.
Uncensor that right now!
Those women look like the same person.
1) Risk of poverty in russia is on very very high level
2) I heard multiple times on people joining the protests etc just because they were paid for this
3) i bet that either this girls don't even speak english and they don't know the meaning of what is written on their chest or they simply don't give a f, they just need money to survive
4) 99,99% of people there don't even know who the f is Weinstein and they don't give a f about him
It reminded me a Brazilian classic
This guy
i think its funny how the ugliest girl there is working the hardest to distort her face into disgust or whatever that is
He doesnt want to dick you you dumb broads. He wants to humilliate you in disgusting ways becsuse he hates nonjews.
For what purpose?
>prostitutes are whores
Its just like those prostitutes femen hired to protest for them.
I wonder (((who))) is behind it.
Poland never changes.
>(((Echo Matzos)))
Nothing new.
This is some siren stuff strait out of Homers the oddysee
Y tho
What are Russian women like
A whore does it because she can
A prostitute gets paid.
bring in the based cossacks
What a "surprise".
>posting censored images
FFS Ivan, you had one job
I know they are cold as ice but damn slav girls give me wood every time I see one
That would be "slut". "Whore" is the same as "prostitute".
There's only one or two of them are Slavic
Slavic gurls best gurls, at least they know their place
Who are the others then?
This fucking thread has brought me to tears from trying to contain my laughter
>every time I see one
>I will save from rich and powerful Chad I am shining armor
go make a catfishing tinder bid for r9k and stay
good catch
One of the stranger things I've seen today, thanks Ivan
Because you don't understand women.
A woman sucks and fucks her way into a role that exposes her to the public and that role helps make her popular enough that she only has to suck and fuck half as many people to win the next role.
A couple of more times through the casting couch marathon, and she gets a break, becoming the fapping darling of /s/ for 5 days. So she gets a call about a part out of the blue, and only has to suck and fuck 4 guys to secure that role.
Soon, she's down to only having to fuck and suck the executive producer, the chief directory, and two of the male stars. She's MADE IT! From now on, she will only have to suck and fuck 6 people per movie from now on. No more blowing every key grip to make sure they don't fuck with her sound. No more fucking and sucking the wardrobe department. No more fucking and sucking the prop team so she waste a day filming cause she can't even pull a trigger on a gun.
Get the picture? No girl gets through Hollywood without fucking tens of thousands of men and women.
And its all that Weinstein's fault. If he didn't get away with it, no one else could either!
But its not just movie making that a girl has to constantly fuck and suck. TV and music is the same way. That's why none of the women that come up through the variety shows are respected by their fellow female artists--- because the girls from the shows only sucked and fucked a couple of dozen people, and not the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands dicks. Seriously.
That's how the mind of women work. She only gets ahead by sucking and fucking better than the other women, not on talent, but its all someone else's fault that she's a bigger whore than an adult film actress or a crack whore.
If that doesn't make you think that anyone who's even 0,1% Turkic must die, nothing will
Publicist: Harvey, we can just do what we always do, pay someone to protest
Harvey: yeah, do that
Publicist: Ok we've got this great group of people that did the trump rallies
Harvey: no way. Did you see what they looked like. Get me better looking protestors
Publicist: I dont think.....
Harvey: Just call up my buddies in europe, I bet they know some beautiful women
And that's how you have a bunch of cheap slavic hookers protesting
>please harvey i want your dick but please pay my trip to america so i can leave this shithole
They are all ugly.
Leftists, I suppose?
Back to r9k with you
What's are the differences between American women and Russian women?
I mean, he isn't wrong. My fiance is Russian and I've been there a billion times and he's right that no one can speak English for shit and that you could easily get some prostitutes to do that for money.
As a slav I think I can distinguish very well between a jew and a slav, and these women do not look slavic to me.
Even the blonde has brown eyes, it's a jew in disguise.
I fucked russian bitch this summer and I got chlamydia, ureaplasma urealyticum, moluscum contagiosum, hsv and hpv. All fucking asymptomatic.
Year before I fucked ukraine bitch and I got e.coli and helicobacter pylori.
This or next year I have to fuck belarus bitch to complete my CCCP fuck list.
Russian women love money and sold their vagina everyone who not Ivan. Russian boys havent sex in their life. No money no sex no life, sad but true.
How showing their tits and ass is going to help anyone.
My Russian woman is great. She has the lowest standards and is incredibly grateful for me simply because I have a job and don't get drunk every night and beat her.
I've heard a lot of horror story's about slavic women but I think that's probably reserved to the lower class ones. Mine's family is already rich and is therefore not a gold digger but it's definitely pretty common over there. That said: American women are gold diggers too and are all fat, ugly, loudmouthed, trash on top of that. At least a Russian woman will look good and occasionally shut the fuck up when she's taking your money.
>a rich capitalist who wants to buy sex
>his movies his rules if you want to be a start suck this dick, of not - the door is open
>spoiled western socialist whores want to get thr benefits without sucking the dick
>redpilled russian capitalist whores see this as a fair deal
Im proud of our whores.
They are just as slutty as your but they are honest about it.
They are the kind of women who would say "yes i do suck your dick for money"
It's just a Jewish meme. Look at the faces of the people in TV telling you all day that Russians are evil.
What do they all have in common? They are Jewish.
If jews weren't running your country the US would at least be neutral towards Russia, if not even friendly.
are there any russian women who don't love money?
>(((slavic girls)))
No, they are all whores who will swindle you. Stay out pls.
Mine. But her family's already rich. Again though, have you ever met an American woman who didn't feel entitled to your money? Probably not.
Not sure what that has to do with Russian women.
can confirm
miiiight have to visit russia some day
have they swindled you, dimitri? are you able to find love with the russian women?
Make sure you get the three year multi entry visa. Anything else and the Russian government will just Jew you and take your money.
Every woman is bialogically programmed to seek resources for herself and the offspring. They are weak, dumb and cant get anything on tgeir own so they look for the richest available man to support them.
The difference is that post-doviet girls are consciously avare of that and would even say it as it is.
For example, you can give random russian women 50-100 dollars and she suck your cock without hesitation.
>Slavic girls
Nice try, Artyem.
Plot twist, they don't speak English
>Hands off, Harvey!
What did she mean by this?
isn't that why russian women have aids?
Ukraine we annex, than we go for czech,,, lai lalala la lai lalala meaby you be next...
hockey fan here
we totally agree that both of our countries are at least 95% shit
but that is not stopping the rest of us from getting along, even if it can get awkward when first meeting someone
bottom line is, it's just obvious that there are critical thinking people out there who go about there business being a productive member of society who want nothing but the best for their friends and family
of course the majority, including this laotian seashell collectors forum, need to be put the fuck down
FEMEN was uncovered to be a Jewish op. This is too.
100$ = a hour with an ok looking prostitute, or two with an old/ugly one.
A luxury 10/10 would charge 300-500.
And no, about any prostitute would kick you out if you offered more for unprotected sex. Maybe some lousy literal gutter slut would give you aids for those money if yoy dont throw up from looking at her.
It has to do with the fact that these disparaging memes even exist in the US.
Who has created them? Jews.
It's like they spread bullshit about STDs in Russia while currently according to US gov statistics 110 million Americans carry STDs.
Or your media distracting Americans from their own drug hell by pointing fingers at Russia because they do not give these people welfare or substitute drugs and instead let them die.
If your media was working in your peoples interest they would tell you the facts about your own country and that you should not have sex outside of marriage instead of promoting a hedonistic homosexual lifestyle.
A lifestyle where the average participant has over 500 partners during a lifetime. Your medias goal is to destroy you, and if they don't get you they'll eventually get your children.
Where is the UNCENSORED version user?
have you ever experienced a prostitute in russia?
Slav sluts are the worst. Especialy russian sluts, they love that jew, caucasus khazar dick so much they're willing to die for it.
I learned about Russian women from my Russian fiance and from living and staying in Russian. She would be the first to tell you that low class Russian women are whores, but my point was that low class American women are also whores but still manage to be shittier than Russian women because they're even more entitled and don't take care of themselves whatsoever.