South Africa Heating Up

Third farmer killed since #BlackMonday Protests

Join the Sup Forumsack humanitarian brigade on discord. Link: gg/Q5ACRB4

Non-kosher take on South African history:

>Why don’t white South Africans just leave?

There are 4.5 million people on this ass-end of Africa. FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION. Not just a few thousand stubborn people who can’t be arsed to get plane tickets or overstay their visas. It’s like the entire population of New Zealand. Get it in your head. Not all can afford a plane ticket or even qualify for immigration to first world countries. We do not get the same benefits as migrants from Syria for example as trying to claim refugee status gets us labelled racists and rejected.

You cannot raft across the Atlantic and trekking through Africa on foot successfully is impossible. We do no have dual citizenship. Besides that, a minority of us can actually still leave, but we have a strong sense of this being OUR country anyway that we built and have resided in for over 350 years. To “just move” when things get tough is just setting our grandchildren up to get cucked in other Marxist shitholes. We have our own culture and we do not wish for it to disappear so pathetically. We make our stand here, the vast majority of us *do not have a choice* due to the barriers previously mentioned. Most are stuck here for better or for worse. Moving 4.5 million people and resettling them anywhere overseas in a short amount of time would require an operation 1000x bigger than d-day. It isn't happening.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Why don’t you start the race war then?

If it starts it will be because we’ve been pushed to breaking point. While the ANC doesn’t have it on their policy papers to kill all whites they’re not taking steps to reduce the likelihood of a race war either. Instead, they eat up all the tax money to live like kings and scapegoat whites to keep the blame off of themselves. Eventually the black underclass will just chimp out once the monthly gibs stop coming as the economy eventually tanks and all hell breaks loose. The ANC keeps the military small to prevent a coup so there will be no help from them. Our police is abysmal. White Commandos have been disbanded by the ANC. The AWB is long dead and any indication otherwise is a honeypot. Our guns have been mostly confiscated since 1994. We’re in a less than eager position to start unwanted bloodshed.

>So what will happen? Are you just waiting to die?

Shit will hit the fan. Might be next year, might be 5 years from now. It is only a matter of time. I can assure you one thing though, blacks cannot organize properly without a state apparatus supporting them (China, Russia ect) and if the day of the machete comes it will be the greatest slaughter of niggers the world will ever see. Whites are not quick to aggression, but when pressed against the wall, we are ruthless. Virtually all the pilots in the airforce are white, we still have hundreds of thousands of men with military experience. Coloureds will rather join our side in such a happening than be under the boot of a black government once they become the next target. Blacks will starve. The country will balkanise most likely. I do not wish for this, but I cannot stop this fast approaching event. All I wish for is for the Afrikaners to be left alone in peace, and I hope in the end we will have our own country again, after more than 100 years.

>I want to help in some way. How?

It would not be the first time. Thousands of foreign volunteers have come to help us in our time of need before. Pictured clockwise is the Irish volunteers, American volunteers, two more Americans, Scandinavian volunteers, the Finnish memorial, the Scandinavian memorial, the Irish memorial ect.

I am not asking for you to be Rambo. This isn’t operation Barbarossa either, this is humanitarian preparation. Women and children will need to be evacuated when shtf to safe zones and will need facilities to use. Instead of waiting for such a clusterfuck to occur, one should be pro-active and prepare in advance. I have been in the process of this for nearly 2 years with other Sup Forumsacks who care and wish to help. You don’t even need to come to South Africa, supporting this humanitarian cause can be done anonymously from the comfort of your room as long as you REALLY know how to work with a computer. Otherwise, all hands on deck, manpower is what we need and any skills you bring will be useful. We are not looking for mercenaries, we are looking for those who care and can assist in a Syria/Rwanda style disaster and help with evacuation and construction of facilities.

I made a discord to temporarily organise anyone who wishes to help in the future or perhaps lend a hand in preparing right now. Join if you wish to help or simply discuss the topic further. Invite link:




So I heard that South Africans are interested in writing hypothetical fiction, this might be of some use to your talented authors.

I know of 7 having been killed during monday and Tuesday. Op of other post


Get their names or locations so that we can keep track and update the OP accordingly to show the urgency.

Old thread:

Pic realted the ANC government's official response to farmers protesting their genocide.

Holy shit is this real?
>fucking help us we are being fucking killed
>wow fucking racists MUH APARTHIED

It is yeah

Godspeed, SAbros. I wish there was some way to help. I will try to raise awareness, at the very least, since the media suppresses all this shit.

Fucking pieces of shit. It's absurd the sort of shit these kikes get away with saying.

That refugee familys plight really drives the point home about there being a anti-white agenda

Millions of young men of military age "flee" to europe from boredom to social security and the chance to fuck random girls. Actual refugees apply, GTFO

I'm hoping for war.

I feel for you guys hard. I have an Afrikaaner friend here in Australia and he's told me stories about living on farms South Africa near black townships and how his family constantly got death threats from blacks.

Unfortunately no one hears about this shit, because the mainstream media's too worried about black people getting upset at skin lightening products or white people using black emojis. Is there a # we can get trending so we can let more people know about what's going on? I don't want South Africa to end up like Rhodesia.

Yeah i found it, fucking hell doesn't shock me at all though the anc clearly fucking hates white people and won't fucking shut up about how everything is aparthieds fault, make sure when this is all over to kick them out of the country, niggers ain't worth it.

Blacks have no idea how good whites are to them. If any other race had modern weaponry and military logistics, and conquered an entire continent full of child-IQ monkey-people, they would have wiped them out to make room for their own people. Instead, whites conquered the continent and brought them education and medicine, and earned their eternal hatred for uplifting them out of savagery.


When will the MSM talk about this issue?

Ok so i was googling around for more info about the protests and found something suspicious...
All of the pictures have seemingly been removed by Twitter and its not likely because they were violent as one of the texts reads:
>hundreds of members of the farming community attending the #blackmonday protest gathering in klapmuts in the western cape

What are we to make of this, bros?

They won't. They're more concerned about niggers getting upset at skin lightening products or white people using black emojis being a form of digital black face

If it's another protest then the world needs to see it.

Yup, if you want to see a perfect example of that look up some african wars of independence and check those fucking k/d ratios europeans only had to give in because of other european powers and the UN getting butthurt that they were too mean to the africans

There was a car that ran into protesters Monday, whatever came of that?

Stay safe boers. This shit seems to be escalating quickly.

Thats the point, cant confirm but seems like twitter is putting the lid on this for some reason as the pics were removed.

Seems to have been on part of a nig truck driver. 2 people injured, no deaths afaik.

Blacks are like spoiled children. Always want more.

Why do faglords get so asspained about the old SA flag? they call it the "Apartheid flag" but Wasn't the flag used several decades before Aparthied?


Yeah it was. But don't expect libshits and marxist to tell it apart, the same way Confederate symbols and statues are being removed.

Oh yeah thread them:

Fairwell Umlungu

Yeah, actually the first thing i saw on twitter about #blackmonday was some marxist faggot explaining how the white farmers are the real rascists for being "capitalists exploiting the working class blacks" despite the fact that if the white farmers weren't there these stupid fucking retards would just be huffing jenkum and starving, like they are in zimbabwe.

For maxium SA /comfy/ level

>at least the young whites escaped you're all stuck there with no options
It it evenly split among white females and males emigrating? How large proportion of the youth have emigrated?>I have no children yet. I'm 18 now. I've always heard from my grandma and grandpa of my ancestors they knew stories of. And my love for history also made it close to me. The battle of blood rivier where 300 boers vs 15000 dindus was glorious. And to be descended from the two men who lead the defence makes me proud of that part of my heritage
You should write down the stories of your ancestors, before they dissapear, before they are forgotten. Help others do the same. Maybe you can start or look into a geneological association?

Just burn everything to the ground dude and kill as many coons as possible in doing so.


Hope you realize you could do what arabs and niggers learned from jews.. You all can come here, or well.. Most of you. Those willing to work for it..

1) First step is organization. You need to organize with Nationalists(Ethno of all sorts) in Europe and America. Why? Some can provide boats from North Africa into Europe. Living unregistered is very easy, millions of millions niggers and arabs doing this as we speak now. Also, they can provide finances, plane tickets, sham marriages, shelters etc

2) Making websites dedicated to a few key issues. Dating(sham or real marriages, whatever). This provides after x amount of time(check local laws) rights to family reunion(1 marriage becomes 20 saved). Sites to explain marriage laws, work laws, immigration laws, work immigration laws etc. Sites to connect those who can help people getting into europe, who can provide illegal shelters etc. Websites dedicated to finding different routes into Europe and America entering illegaly. Many forms of connections sites possible to make, or other "underground" connection to take inn marriage(sham)(remember, you can pretend to be gay, who cares. Niggers and arabs in europe dont care, neither should you. Its not about fucking that person).

3) Some claim that "we cant always run". And I totaly agree, problem is. South Africa is geographically very bad located when it comes to do "syrian style war". Especially since this is about race. They are very hard to reach, and when war breaks out this will affect the race climate in neighboring countries. Also remember jews have very good controll in africa due to corruption. So getting to South Africa when shit hits the fan, is not easy.

Also, in Europe and America we have been organizing for years(not saying some South Africans have not), and we have good geographical access to eachother and already a good cooperation between all nations when it comes to ethnonationalistic groups and people. South Africa, DOES NOT have this luxery.

If whites want to survive as a race, and as a whole we need to use the resources already out there. The jews use these resources for sending "refugees" into Europe illegaly and paperless. We have the same option if we do it on a volunteer basis. Lots of western nationalists groups who can aid in this, and are happy to help.

So, running will never be a long term option. But again, because of the geographical position of South Africa, and the extreme amount of successfull lobbying and silencing in media etc a winning war there, alone is slim of winning. They have probably way more cards hidding like foreign troops etc ready since they have easy access to South Africa, we do not since we are neither a nation, or have a functional military that is nationalistic and private. So realistically the end war for our race should be where we have a geographical chance.

These things that i wrote is possible, but it requires hard work. Some techsavy people to make these websites, and spread them to white south africans, as well as to european nationalists. Money for domains etc. The rest is done through the connections people make of these sites. Boats from greece to northen africa, shelters and sham marriages in the west, family reunions, jobs, money, plane tickets, routes etc. Remember how many millions upon millions who came in a VERY short time into europe, and are unregistered illegal immigrants. Many white south africans can be saved. All we need, are the tools for connecting and spreading the word.

It is totaly possible to do what the jews did to Europe, with that i mean take in hordes of people illegaly. Difference is, we dont have a multibillionare backing us, but we got many people, with different resources. And do it the National Socialist way, by volunteering.

I hope someone sees the chessgame, as I see it. We can fight a war, but not in SA. We can save white SA, but.. We need to build a platform for connection. I hope this isnt a sad cap one day..

Lol wtf

How fucking hard would the whites crush and destroy the ANC and their monkey cronies if the UN wouldn't intervene?

to be fair the darkies had no equipment and were poorly of not barely trained.
Yeah it's hilarious be cause the absolutely avoid the whole topic of white farmers being killed
>how his family constantly got death threats from blacks.
White's like to exaggerate how bad it is here alot but I believe them.
Their more worried about a bunch of angry farmer's then concentrating on the fact that they're dropping like flies
>Willem Oosthuizen and Theo Jackson, were sentenced to 11 and 14 years in jail, respectively.
Note: this is just for putting someone in a coffin and swearing at them.
They said the punishment was severe to show that racism against blacks AND whites will not be tolerated.
Note: the date of the sentencing 27 October 2017
a few day's before the Black Monday march. Yet they don't talk about it at all.
Note: It's not black farmers that are being killed

It's actually quite disgusting how the world can turn a blind eye.

white people shot blacks on their farms then claimed they thought they were baboons?

You know what's funny about those pic's.
You see no black people joining the march in solidarity. Unlike in america were BLM will be majority Whites, ironically.
I think it's because we in South Africa are more honest and don't Identify with other's outside of our race group.

Jesus I did not like that at all

That's true, dingo is a very extreme example as it was mostly untrained forces but even when they are armed they rarely make very good use of said arms

Yeah I know. And even if some blacks join up such as pic related (seems to be a farmer and his workhands) they are called out by other blacks

Yeah it's fucking terrible optics

Seems we may able to sleep peacefully tonight.
For now.

Ironically among the few students at my school wore black on monday, a lot of them were black. Respect to them


>Yeah it's fucking terrible optics
top kek, yeah but it's hilarious

>that fucking numale face
Also wasn't the goverment of rhodesia quite egalitarian? not talking about smith himself but for the time many of the policies of rhodesia seemed pretty normal


1) Apps/Websites/etc to organize and connect south africans to ethnonationalists in the west

2) Use the same tactics as jews overran Europe with millions upon millions of unregistered, paperless niggers and arabs. Marriage(gay, sham, real whatever), documents explaining routes into the west, people who are willing to provide illegal shelter/jobs/food/plane tickets/boats between north africa and south europe. Family reunion on "legal" marriages after X amount of time(check local laws)

3) Seek as a refugee in Poland/Hungary/Czech(Not a guarantee, but all those are standing up against (((EU))), prolly becuase history and previous jewish dictatorship in history. Also Hungary says Europeans can come as refugees, would think white South Africans are welcome). If only 1 can document it works, then spread the message to all south afrikan whites.

4) We have many resources to learn how jews operate, remember they flooded europe with millions in a very short time, it is very possible to do. Learn from IsraAid, Syria, Libya, "Charity" organization(doctors without boarders, red cross etc).

>Die motief vir die moord is nog nie bekend nie.

The age of white comes to an end

I can't understand the lyrics but it's probably about killing white south african farmers

>they call it the "Apartheid flag" but Wasn't the flag used several decades before Aparthied?

It's funny cause the Boer's were here first and then the British came and took over, but even though the Afrikaaners got themselve Independence they didn't sperg out at the site of the British flag and just left it on their own.
I think it's because African's are desperate to have their own shit because of the whole inferiority complex.
>that pic
It's something else. The apartheid is so deeply rooted in their pysche. It's kind of like the Jews and the Holocaust.
That sense that they are constantly persecute and that they must constantly be on edge and ready to lash out and defend themselves from persecution turn's them into really vengeful and disgusting people inside. It even makes them look for problems constantly where there aren't any.


Pretty much niggers being mad at their . Amd wanting to kill them too yes

stay strong brother


fkin lmao at that article...the first gripe is that whitey brang scurvy to africa... even though scurvy isnt even a real disease, just a response to lack of vitamin c.

Helen Zille was like cruxified just for stating the truth.
South Africa wouldn't be where it was without colonialism. They can never see the silver lining. Everything that is white is evil, blah blah blah.
>Ironically among the few students at my school wore black on monday, a lot of them were black. Respect to them
Yeah i'm outta school so I wouldn't notice. Cool beans. I really think it's alot of the older Africans and the brainwashed youth that are causeing all the racist shit. You know with dumb people always having the loudest voice and tend to make the rest of their group look stupid.
I feel in the next generation or so racism will become less and less of a thing because I'm sure you've noticed it's not really a problem with the new generation (rainbow babies or whatever they call them).

Just move here and teach english, earn 10 times what you earn there.

There are a shiton of south africans here.

>Yeah i'm outta school so I wouldn't notice. Cool beans. I really think it's alot of the older Africans and the brainwashed youth that are causeing all the racist shit. You know with dumb people always having the loudest voice and tend to make the rest of their group look stupid.
>I feel in the next generation or so racism will become less and less of a thing because I'm sure you've noticed it's not really a problem with the new generation (rainbow babies or whatever they call them).
Proximity=Conflict or Convergance. It will be more difficult staying as a cohesive social unit if you are surrounded by tolerance. Then you will need to put pressure on your own to keep them inside the fold.

Born frees here in my university are some of the more toxic ones because they do not appreciate what they have and constantly like to blame their failures on some latent elements of Apartheid. See #FeesMustFall and all the stuff that branches out of it like" decolonization"

There wasn't really a problem with whites and blacks in Rhodesia. Blacks were treated well, it's just that alot of blacks were working menial jobs (Just like the do in South Africa right now). Because White's were just better well established, reasonable considering they developed all the infrastructure and created all the business's. But yeah, racism wasn't a problem.
People just talking about shit they know nothing about

These people deserve a railway spike in their heads

>tfw you kinda understand swampgerman

That's funny cause my black ex is doing the same. She recommended it to me aswell.
It's just anything and everything to try and provide a reason to hate whites. There is no brain activity involved

fucking pol is always right and it makes me want to blow my fucking brains out

>black ex
I present to you the race traitor. I actually do hope niggers kill and eat you.

I hope Trump makes it easier for White South Africans to flee here. The RAISE act might be helpful for you. Giving them refugee status is what we should be memeing.

You wouldn't like chink land, especially since it's a literal shithole in most parts. The Midwest would be more in your alley, just stay away from Illinois. We have tons of farming land and are pretty underpopulated. Probably the best benefit of bringing in White South Africans.

>nigger ex
How are those STDs treating you

I had a friend(white) with an indian gf, guy was a cripple, what's your disability?

Would you move here if Trump gives white south africans refugee status and freely allows them to flee here? I'd recommend going to the Midwest, Northwest (Minus Oregon and Washington) and Pennsylvania for the best farming and living experience. We are one of the most underpopulated areas in the entire US. Especially the Dakotas which still have German as the second most spoken language.

Depends. A lot of us have national pride of our own soil and we generally make fun of American tourists (though most of them are those cosmopolitan types that have the time and the money to come here).

Yeah thats true hey, but those are the ones am saying are brainwashed.
I remember that. Even though there were alot that were involved(it's funny because were is the money suppose to come from?) it's just the poorer ones desperate for a fancy education that they won't even use or will fail early.
You know you can go through a whole course (N2-N6) to become a civil engineer at a college for only under R20 000. Why do the go to university were the fee's are R140 000 a year.
They also don't realise that if they get their free education they'll diminish the value/quality of the education for everyone else. It's extremely selfish. Especially when they refuse to allow other students to go to class and threaten them.
Anyways I was trying to say its only a small amount(maybe 20-30%) of the blacks that are causing shit for everyone

>Proximity=Conflict or Convergance. It will be more difficult staying as a cohesive social unit if you are surrounded by tolerance. Then you will need to put pressure on your own to keep them inside the fold.
sorry please elaborate. I think the black half of my brain is impairing me.

We aren't like other Americans, most of us are usually quite and openly nationalistic as well compared to the rest of America. The obnoxious ones are usually from the South or Southwest. I know a few Boers who moved to Pittsburgh recently and they're pretty great to say the least. Those areas I mentioned are probably the best places in live in America overall.

20% of blacks is still 5 million. Let's say 20% of them are actually so fed up they'd go do something if shtf, that's 1 million.

Question to Burgers. Which U.S state do you think Afrikaner/Boers would fit in the most?

God is good coming across this thread. Out of 9/10 threads anything on South Africa is always going to be more legitimate.

Question: Why not attempt to consolidate the White population in the western Capetown side of the country, ala a mini Northwest Front as being discussed by some in the States? From a bird eyes view most of the Eastern Pretoria/Johannesburg side is more or less overrrun.

>I want to problematise their claim.
fucking marxist lingo

South Africa ethnostate soon? What will it be white or black, I go all in on black. Bye White's, stupid White's that left their country to immigrate. Thanks to you we can't have nice things.

What cartoon is it from?
>That's funny cause my black ex is doing the same. She recommended it to me aswell.
How is your ex accepted in china? Is she treated well? Does she like it? Was she pretty?
>I hope Trump makes it easier for White South Africans to flee here. The RAISE act might be helpful for you. Giving them refugee status is what we should be memeing.
Has the raise act been implemented?
>Especially the Dakotas which still have German as the second most spoken language.
Do they speek it at home? at school? What is the demographics of german speekers? how old are they?
>I had a friend(white) with an indian gf, guy was a cripple, what's your disability?
Is indian/white couples common?
>Depends. A lot of us have national pride of our own soil and we generally make fun of American tourists (though most of them are those cosmopolitan types that have the time and the money to come here).
National pride as in what?
>sorry please elaborate. I think the black half of my brain is impairing me.
Your mixed? Which of your parants were x?
>We aren't like other Americans, most of us are usually quite and openly nationalistic as well compared to the rest of America.
Nationalistic as in what?


>what's your disability?
My mother's black. -_-...
Plus she was hot as fuck nigga.
She comes from a good Christian family. She don't fuck around like those American slags.
Cause you'll be an english teacher if moving their I assume you'll be housed in a relatively decent area as only the rich will afford good education.
> I actually do hope niggers kill and eat you.
What a shame, I only hope for the best for you, Frikkie

In all honesty can the whites win South America back? Or do the blacks take over like Zimbabwe?

Plenty of Saffas in LA area. They surf and are fit like many Californians.

>>what's your disability?
>My mother's black. -_-...
>Plus she was hot as fuck nigga.
if she was high quality it is not a disabillity. What tribe was she? Did she learn you the african language?
>Cause you'll be an english teacher if moving their I assume you'll be housed in a relatively decent area as only the rich will afford good education.
Good point!

>Black mother

Seeing as you're not really a cape coloured then (unless your father was), how do you see yourself?

The Midwestern states minus Illinois, Pennsylvania, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho are probably the best choices overall since that's where most of our farmers live. Plus the whites there are also nationalistic and tend to vote for conservative polices such as tackling legal immigration and so on.

We don't like immigration from nonwhite countries, even Asian ones. We are mostly supportive of those that only come from European and Anglo countries. And since Boers and Afrikaners are almost if not fully European they would fit in quite well. The RAISE act has a chance of passing if all the neocons are voted in 2018 which is pretty likely considering the same younger whites who voted for Trump will start voting in the Midterms. Yes the Germans in Dakota openly speak it at both home and in public similar to how the PA Dutch still speak Pennsylvania German even after all these years.

Chinks are pretty soulless and often times rude, that's what I experienced when visiting China.

seeing shit like this makes my blood boil. This white devil will not sit idly by if the race war begins in SA

>She comes from a good Christian family. She don't fuck around like those American slags.
What christian denomination? Are you familar with church history?

All white Africans should just immigrate to Europe or the U.S.

Just do what the Mexicans do. Far preferably than more shitskins.

>what's your disability?
My mother's black. -_-...
Plus she was hot as fuck nigga.
She comes from a good Christian family. She don't fuck around like those American slags.
Cause you'll be an english teacher if moving their I assume you'll be housed in a relatively decent area as only the rich will afford good education.
> I actually do hope niggers kill and eat you.
What a shame, I only hope for the best for you, Frikkie
>What cartoon is it from?
I wish I knew
>How is your ex accepted in china? Is she treated well? Does she like it?
She's leaving in a week or so
Was she pretty?
Like you won't believe
>Which of your parants were x?
Mother= pure Zulu
Father= pure Irish
or so I like to believe. Feel free to call me a Double Nigger.

That’s the difference between having a nigger minority and a nigger majority.

They want white help when they need it (minority). And they kill your entire family when they don’t (majority).

>continuing to entrench obstacles to the creation of a non-racial society in South Africa
>non-racial society

this just means no white people doesn't it