Finish this sentence, /k/:
>The United States sent 58,318 young Americans to die in Vietnam for the cause of ________
Finish this sentence, /k/:
>The United States sent 58,318 young Americans to die in Vietnam for the cause of ________
>containing communism in se asia and sweet sweet vietnamese jungle poon
Globalist's and bankers.
200 pounds of raw ass and pussy.
Getting stabbed in the back by traitors in the government who Joe McCarthy should have all had burned at the stake.
A certain ethno religious group with a known monopoly on international banking and history of using sabotage and subterfuge to overthrow governments and place themselves in positions of power
Containing communism, burning gooks, and love long time
not sending American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home, to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves
Yhdysvallat lähetti 58318 nuorta amerikkalaista kuolemaan Vietnamiin ________
Now what?
The idoctrination of our countries youth by the Frankfurt School as a result of KGB infestations in our highest levels of government.
It ain't me
a e s t h e t i c s
Countering the spread of Communism. This is literally elementary level history.
begone satan, everyone knows who you are
you misspelled "Jews"
Benis in bagina
Giving freedom to the gookers. They don't want it though, they'd rather be alive than free. Poor dumb bastards.
I love ameriggan bepsi
Fuck off newfag
killing commies for mommie
Communists kept fucking with a US ally / client state, what did they expect to happen?
Problem with me?
Testing a vast array of equipment for continuous use such as
>M16 rifle
>M18 Claymore Mine
>UH-1 Huey
>AH-1 Cobra
>M60 LMG
>ERDL Camo
>Tigerstripe Camo
>7.62x51 NEATO
>M40A1 Sniper Rifle
>M1956 web gear
>64 pattern rucksack
>M72 LAW
>M113 APC
>M48 Patton Tank
>Plastic Canteen
>AC-130 Gunship
>CH47 Chinook Helicopter
Destroying our youth and pushing for the amendment to give 18 year olds voting rights
Do you trust 18 year olds to be logical?
saving face
killing communists. Also McCarthy did nothing wrong.
Killing gommies, the most noble cause of them all.
That too, Jews and Marxists are synonymous in my book.
Then make it illegal to draft them
World Hegemony under Jewish Rule after the Kennedy Coup d'etat.
Raping 14 year old commie sniper girls
>mfw I'll never know that feel
Killing communists. And McCarthy did nothing wrong.
Ensuring JFK would be reelected in 1964.
Not with that beret
Shooting awesome guns like the pig, the A1, and the xm177e2
>ac-130 gunship
hey retard, they used ac-47 in nam
>ah-1 cobra
first flown in '65, it was develpoed to help during nam
The Domino Theory and the ability for Indochina to produce rubber in large quantities
Jewish controlled capitalism
The protection of our God given freedoms and rights
Opie's never read Shakesspear
Who knows what Johnson was thinking? Political leaders are not always rational, and voters are even less so.
>When you are retarded
Marx was a self-hating jew
Because inside every gook there is an American trying to get out
...removing the stain that is Communism from the face of this earth.
Preventing the spread of communism
>What is the domino theory, friendos
A meme.
Maintaining good relations with the french.
You forgot the M551 Sheridian tank
Halting the spread of communism
gently reminding the Chinese that they’re misguided.
>driving a brilliant ethnic chinese scientist who founded JPL and worked on the Manhattan Project back to Red China because muh reasons
>did nothing wrong
McCarthy is a traitor and should have been put to death.
McCarthy was on the right track when he said there were a ton of communist spies.
He just fucked up the execution by immediately going on a retarded witch hunt.
Biggest blunder of the century.
He's basically China's Einstein in terms of effect on their nuclear and missile weapon program - and that to this day.
killing commies
China being an asshole, and japan not being big enough
If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is "poontang".
>what is Venona
50 cents deposited, chong chong
Preventing the spread of violent communism which had already murdered millions.
Funny you never see our entry into WW2 getting much gaff. That critical theory propaganda in the 60s had such a strong effect, people today still believe the bullshit those hippy kids were spewing. I bet you fucks think we shouldn't have killed Saddam too, cuz he wuz such a good boi helpin his people feeding them free mustard n shyt, totally didn't have no chemical weapons even tho it be historical fact that he used them.
Saddam LITERALLY dindu nuffin
The USA were meandering morons in Vietnam.
you're probably like 17 years old and think guns are really cool.
>Funny you never see our entry into WW2 getting much gaff
I take it you've never seen a Sup Forums raid.
Its not like Iraq got any better post-sadam. Now its a breeding space for shit like ISIS instead, is that much better.
>War On Terror
>Oh so the US will cut me some slack now it's a well known fact the Iraqi Security Forces are hammering down on Islamists
>Invades Iraq
What did America mean by this?
Bush Senior also said if they remove Saddam Iraq was going to straight into hell now why that idiot son of his didn't listen to his father instead of Dick Cheney is beyond me
Still very jewy though. One day you people will understand that self hate does not set a Jew apart
McCarthy went down when they noticed he was arresting too many Jews. Of course that wasn't mccarthys fault, just like it's not the system's fault if there's so many blacks in prison
You say that like it's a bad thing old boy.
It's a little ironic. We entered Vietnam to limit the spread of Communism, and failed. The first the Vietnamese did after attaining independence was fight the Communist Cambodians which led to them ending one of the worst genocides in history, fought the Chinese, leeched off of Soviet Russia's money, and further drove the wedge between the Chinese and Russians. Despite the US acknowledging that the war was fucked up on their part, the Vietnamese love the US, and view them as one of their closest allies.
If only he'd actually been more interested in rooting out spies rather than aggrandizing himself, he probably could have gotten more.
gook gf
Because wr viewed every conflict as another piece in a monolithic ideological war of economic theories, and the majority of east Asia viewed it as throwing off the yoke of their colonial masters.
Irony fucking sucks.
The Eternal Rice Farmer
An attempt to liberate humanity from one of the dumbest species this planet has seen : the burgers
>I am but a persecuted Semite goyim do not attack me!
Upvoting for jungle poon
keeping butthurt frogs in nato
Say what you want about Saddam, he kept Iraq in line.
And also the entire Air Force.
Fugg :-DDDDD