How do we deal with the soy boy menace?
How do we deal with the soy boy menace?
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Let them graze in their pastures. Dont get too close they spook easily
They're doing a fine job fucking themselves over by revealing their true, creepy nature.
Women are starting to learn not to trust male "allies".
i thought soy boy meant they literally ate soy or something, like as a fad diet, and it turns out it's just a shitty meme replacement for "numale"
>But cuck was ultimately commandeered by the general public and used as an insult against the far right, removing its offensiveness.
did this happen
>writes really build so he has to cram the last word in
>all that blank white space
worse than fucking satan
soy boy detected
No, the average normie doesn't know what it even means and the liberals who are aware of it are either butt hurt or they just do the old retort of
>no u
Like how we called them special snowflakes a few years back, and now the boomers and basic bitch conservatives call everyone and everything a special snowflake, including us.
TLDR; normies can't into meme warfare
They seem pretty upset by this one. Notice that he only argues that soy doesn't lower testosterone, but can't argue against his perceived lack of masculinity,
That fucking retarded handwriting.
>That fucking retarded handwriting.
That fucking retard.
Soy boy is literally a reddit slag, most people using it are magapedes neo-cuckservatives.
Its a particularly shitty slang that reflects a intrinsically neoboomer modern western mindset because being a vegan enlightened ascetic aryan warrior is literally the ultimated redpill.
we use the roid boys on the soy boys
soyboy here. I enjoy firm tofu
Ya gonna enjoy my firm dick in ya ass
Don't worry, none of them will ever reproduce. Within a few generations they will all be gone.
Okay soy boy...go back to sucking cawks.
>end the soy boy menace
Good luck: soybeans were a $40 billion crop in the US five years ago, and that number most likely went up.
This. If you ignore their buzzfeed articles they literally have no affect on your life
>having a conversation
Im willing to never eat soy except how can you eat chinese food without that sauce?
Its literal in nature as there was a soylent fad not to long ago and it was "fashionable" at least within liberal circles to partake in it.
Don't eat chink food.
They're filthy bastards.
>I would rather have conversation than domination
Fucking faggot lmao
>not having a domination fetish
I drown it in sriracha and hoisson
Be afraid Sup Forums these guys are true soldiers of the left.
That cuck could not dominate a five year old.
It's not, at least not as far as I know. In a thread yesterday, somebody tried to look it up and found earliest mention on reddit in August this year. However, /fit/ was ranting against soy and those who consume it as far back as 2012, and the earliest form of "soy boy" as a term I found on /vg/ (pic related, first three from /fit/, then the image name from the /vg/ post).
It was just a quick search, so maybe there's more to find, but I'm not a meme archeologist. But the point is, the feminizing effects of soy have been a topic on /fit/ for years and years.
What? Where did you find this? In what world does whoever wrote this live?
Even if it were true, using it as an insult is counterproductive for them, as it ridicules men in "liberal" relationships in which the female has more power/liberty, so I don't see how them ridiculing this lifestyle would help anybody but conservatives.
Removing the meat jew is the toughest battle most 'redpilled' people will face. It is neccesary to elevate to a higher state of mind.
That being said, you can tell the difference when meeting someone who eats soy as a vegetarian and those who dont.
Do NOT be a soyboy
>>But cuck was ultimately commandeered by the general public and used as an insult against the far right, removing its offensiveness.
hahahaha, those absolute stupid fucks. A word isn't just a sound, it carries a meaning. A cuck is someone who raises a kid other than his own, essentially anyone who is for open borders dimishes their own race, or doesn't slut shame etc, is essentially a cuck. These are things the LEFT does, the right are for closed borders, and fidelity. Jesus wept.
>Women are starting to learn not to trust male "allies".
Good. Anyone who is willing to be treated like your doormat either has serious issues or ulterior motives.