He unironically did nothing wrong

He unironically did nothing wrong.

>hey i got this movie im making, wanna star on it?
>hmm yeah? whats the catch?
>well you see... you just gotta suck my dick and see me masturbating naked, you up for it? i may want to sniff your butthole too haha
>yeah, why not? no one will know, right? it will be our little secret *laughs*
>does the deed
>months later
>gets an Oscar
>years later
>pretends to have been raped and posts #MeToo alongside with a giant text on twitter

I dont like kikes very much but i legit feel sorry for this guy.

Other urls found in this thread:


Lifestyles of the rich and famous

Fat worthless kike, I don't care what he did.
Piss on his grave and to hell with these women.
They all deserve to be shamed and suffer.
Fucking jew enabling whores and their kike masters.
Willingly dumping poison into the well of society.
Fuck these people. I hate them all.


wise words

I couldn't care shit.

What I suspect about this one is that Bill O'Reilly got him.

See, O'Reilly didn't do 1/100th what Weinstein did, but the media crucified O'Reilly. O'Reilly also says they literally killed Roger Ailes for the same reason. When he was on the way out at FNC (one of his last shows, I think, but it may have been his internet companion podcast) he promised he was going to expose hypocrites who were far worse than he was.

Then a few months later, boom, Weinstein.

Now, O'Reilly's smart and filthy stinking rich enough for that to never come back to him, because that would taint the allegations, but look at all the fallout. It's not just Weinstein now, it's Spacey and who the hell knows who else. Because it's just what the Left did to O'Reilly (and tried to do to Trump, and Cosby, and others). The accusation is the evidence. Listen and believe. ALL WOMYN are victims, comrade!

It's not (((Weinstein))) you should feel sorry for, having sampled a cavalcade of world class pussy with his billions of dollars to comfort him for the rest of his life. It is all the rest of society. Because what happens next is that any time a woman wants to get ahead, she's not going to blow her boss. She's going to accuse him of wanting to be blown.

Sup Forums defending a serial rapist... I'm unimpressed
but what if the guy was a dindu?

What if he was a lion who ate a gazelle?

You do not blame an animal for doing what it is literally evolved to do.

>Cousin is an actress in LA
>She is not successful
>I ask why because she is pretty and talented
>turns out she just isn't in the top 1% of blowjob givers in the city
>this shit blows up
>my cousin has to act surprised

When Jew Hefner died, all the Playboy bunnies all started sobbing for shekels complaining that they "were expected to perform sexual favors"



God I hate women so much. When is some actor going to tweet "bitch you knew what this was" so we can all stop pretending to feel sorry

Id watch harvey fap into a ficus for $40

The democrats websites like huffpost, cnn, buzzfeed, new york times, tmz, washingtonpost, salon, msnbc, etc.. are using the racist word "white men" with pejorative intention to race bait and avoid relate him with DNC, Hollywood and Democrats Party

Basically, democrats are trying to avoid relate him with DNC and Hollywood, and are using the word "white men" to remove the attention of democrats being related to him, and keep going their anti-white male racist race baiting to keep people pumped in this and make your country sick socially because of democrats who manipulate everything.

>Is related to DNC
>Is related to democrats
Please, call him white men, marginalize, race bait and polarize more, and don't relate him with Democrats

I could care less if they eat another of own.
That's what you get aligning with them

Lol he actually fucked these women? Fucking alpha.

>but i legit feel sorry for this guy.
He and others like him are the ones who have been pushing feminism to this level. They're being eaten by their own monster right now. While this is hilarious in a way, it's terrifying to think about how strong the monster will become after it is done feasting. I'm talking men getting jailed for eye-rape tier.

Exactly what I've been thinking since the story broke.

I believe this is what happened too. Everyone knows hollysluts suck and fuck their way to the top. It's been that way since the days of Marilyn Monroe. Probably before too honestly.

ok darwin then let's throw away thousands of years of social evolution and let's get back to the state of nature

It's Alinsky 101. Always accuse the enemy of that for which you are guilty. This deflects any potential accusation against yourself, since you accused them first. Furthermore, even if you are caught red handed you can always claim turnabout is fair play (since they did it "first").

Honestly, I don't know how much you pay attention to American politics, but it is absolutely terrifying how often this holds true. Watch what the demorats accuse the Republicans of, ever. Then take that as an admission from them, and holy shit, within months you'll find them exposed for it. For instance, how long did they lie about Russian collusion in the election? And now, HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT! The demorats were doing it THE ENTIRE TIME.

You're implying A) something that does not exist and B) something of which dindus are not capable.

But it's a hypothetical anyway, you could always just make an argument instead.

Yep. It's not like movie roles ever really go to people who can act. May as well hand the roles out in exchange for sex. May as well make them earn their job somehow.

Yeah everyone is jumping on the bandwagon of the women are the victims. It's funny because when I say the real victims are the actresses that are actually talented but had the moral decency to not get on their knees to forward their career people look at me as if I have two heads

feeling sorry for a rich kike is fucking retarded sure the guy didn't do anything illegal that i'm aware of but he's still a degenerate jew who got he's comeuppance especially pushing feminism so hard personally i hope he gets found to have done something illegal and he's name gets smeared even more until he get's put behind bars

John Ford, last famous conservative director in (((Hollywood))), notoriously left for 2 hour lunches every day and came back with lipstick stains all over his shirt.

Except he wasnt a rapist, you dumbfuck.
He offered something to women and in return they would fuck him. They AGREED to it.
But years later they somehow regret it. Aint that funny?

No one with a brain gives a shit. They arent a part of our culture and we arent a part of theirs. The export their junk films and high rhetoric into ours and a sizable portion of the stupid within ours sends dollars their way. Fucking retarded. They're all garbage, their shit movies are garbage and their degenerate personalities are garbage. Fuck em. They live on a different planet as far as i am concerned. Stop watching their shit and paying them any attention. Throw your fucking tvs out already.

There's a prevalent idea in film making, going back to Hitchcock, so far as I can tell, that for certain roles talent above a certain modicum is irrelevant. Look into Hitchcock's blondes if you really want to delve into it.

Basically the idea is that the actress (especially the lead) doesn't actually need to act to put together a great film. What's more important is that she's pretty, and just sort of there. The cinematographer and editor do all the work. In fact, a lot of actresses have an unwarranted inflated sense of their own ability (hmm where have we seen that before?) in which case allowing them too much leeway to act is actually detrimental. Thus, we have b-movie acting evolving at the same time as Hitchcock was developing this idea.

>he did nothing wrong


These girls weren't raped they're just glorified hookers

They're literally WHORES that cry after agreeing to it and getting paid millions for it


That would explain why movies have been sucking harder with every passing year.

I hate all of those wanna be aristokrats.
All of them destroy our society. I am happy about every bad thing that happens to anyone of them.

Fuck u kike

>The accusation is the evidence. Listen and believe. ALL WOMYN are victims, comrade!

This is the decay of system of justice modern feminism has unleashed.
Powerful predators with (((connections))) are free to prey on their victims for years without consequences yet innocent young men get their lives destroyed in colleges and universities with some jealous slut's accusation alone.

Your pic leaves out important details about the second guy who was present, and also the fact that it was all overturned.

Don't be lazy


Prostitution is illegal in the USA. They should all be jailed for this.

$32 million settlement for nothing? K.

This about sums it up for me. Fuck all of them.

This fuck them all. I hate everyone in Hollywood.

>He did not rape anybody
>He did not fuck anybody's wife
>He rewarded them with unparalleled careers afterwards
"He is bad"

These entitled little cunts. He should have just ruined their careers and brought in other people who'd be grateful for getting a career in exchange for a blowjob and some ass sniffin

Demi Moore Makes Out with a Kid

Pizzagate / Hollywood Sickness


I don't even have a problem with this really because if I was that boy I'd be in heaven but I am going to have a problem with this just because fuck this gay earth at this point

Alinsky #1.

These women are prostitutes. They traded affection, companionship, and most certainly sex in exchange for career opportunities worth millions. They're doing this now to control the narrative. Who wants to be outed as a high-intrinsic value prostitute?

The jews are long overdue for the next wave of expulsions and pogroms. History is cyclic and as the jews cannot help but continue to be guilty of the same things over and over, eventually they'll be dealt with.


Why can’t they just stop?

No one sleeps with that many cute celebs, consensually or otherwise, without making the universe very jealous.
Swings and Roundabouts.

You seem pretty intimate with your cousin, lel.
Tell us some stories, user.

i just dont like that were all supposed to pretend this is shocking news. everybody assumes this is how hollywood works.

He did everything right. That's the industry actors sign up for. However, it is convenient to fan the flames because the sooner Hollywood burns, the less power libshits will have.

Please post moar of this woman


You wish you had at least one of these actresses on your dick.

Why is it every pirate flag post is someone that needs to put a gun in their mouth and blow their fucking brains out.
Stop wasting time and commit suicide OP.

>He unironically did nothing wrong.
You would be right but...prostitution is illegal in California.

>He unironically did nothing wrong

But it's not about right or wrong.
It's about power vs power.
And he lost. He got used and abused and destroyed by those women. They are more powerful.

It's not about right or wrong. It's about who wins that matters.

We already threw away thousands of years of social evolution.

Social evolution was we would STONE women that had sex outside of wedlock.

Then we evolved to just branding them for all to know she was an adultress whore.

Why did our ancestors go to such extreme? Were they afraid of the pussy? No. They were afraid of being ACCUSED by the pussy of raping it.

Mohammed was a soldier. He'd seen many men be falsely accused of rape. That is why he set it as law that for a proper society to believe a woman who claims she was raped, to have 4 male witnesses to the rape. Otherwise, all that is proven is sex, and there's penalties to those degenerates that have sex outside holy matrimony.

You can check. Almost every culture to form, came up with severe penalties for sex outside marriage, and women who accuse others of raping them. They wanted it clear such a thing happened, not "Oh, four years ago he raped me." Why? Women are untrustworthy, manipulative, tiny minded, pieces of shit. Women willingly sleep with a man one night, and claim rape the next morning because her mother or father finds out about it and is mad that their little girl isn't still a pure virgin while living under their roof.

Fuck every one of these bitches that traded her time and sexual favors to get the part and support from Weinstein. The only women that have a standing of rape and sexual harassment are the ones that put out and didn't get the part. That's rape by fraud or deception. In other words, a broken verbal contract that involved sexual favors. Those ladies, I'm fine with making a claim against Weinstein.

this is how entertainment industry works. everyone knows that actors and artists are just whores that fucked their way to the top. there ar tons of attractive and talented people, way more that could ever be potntially famous without backing from a major studio/lable.

is it wrong and disgusting? yes. is it illegal? no. i don't feel sorry for him, but the whores are a bunch of hypocrites. they are all playing the victim because being outed as having sucked jew cock to advance their career is the alternative.


hes actually demented like wtf

Fucking feminism. Theyre winning. I fear for how the future might be like.

Cry me a fucking river.

>a murican on Sup Forums defending Mohammed

Damn, what a time to be alive.

people should not be angry at harvey weinstein, they should be angry at the system and those that covered it up.

its a fake paradigm though, because in reality the weak should fear the strong.
And even with guns, women are weak.
The real problem is male feminism.

hmmm and why do women have inflated egos i wonder...

unfortunately we live in a world where prostitution is illegal because women are never responsible for their actions and outright legalizing it would make some of them have to clean up their act since men wouldnt be so desperate, but thats exactly why it wont be, women want the value of their cunts artificially inflated by banning the direct sale of it and forcing men to get married or be a chad or die alone

That's just a really expensive prostitute.

>Whores got paid with fame and fortune to get fucked
>profited from a system that's taken advantage of tens of thousands of starry eyed children and naive starlets for 7-8 decades, most of whom get nothing and die as waffle waitresses or porn stars.
>now they're somehow victims, not accessories
Fuck them all, I hope he gave them aids
They're sure as fuck J.E.W. positive now

You deserve your skin stripped like string cheese for every word you typed defending a pedowood kike.

Brad Pitt threatened to unleash a “Missouri whooping” on Harvey Weinstein
Then Brad unzipped his fly and got the contract for 3 more films

Cinema is a cancer.
Everyone involved with this shit is either a filthy degenerate kike or a promiscuous slut that will do anything to stay in fame.

There was a time where actresses where considered nothing more than glorified prostitutes.

>pedowood kike
>not a single "victim" was underage

Pls stop.

is google sexist?

He isn't defending him retard. He is saying that those whores knew what they were doing. They traded dignity for shekels in true jew fashion.


>feeling sorry for wein(((stein)))
I wouldn't go that far, but even when the left eats their own they do it in an underhanded, disingenuous way.

Why does he deserve sympathy?

Mike vouched for Harvey
Then he sent his daughter to intern with Weinstein.
Malia has no skills in cinema, but she twerks like a hoochie mama


>An agreement with a female will be honored as if she was a male
That is a silly expectation

>tfw he got to fuck the daughter of the president

Pretty sure he sold his soul to the devil or something.
Whats happening now is that hes paying for it.


Look what you made me do

They're all bad people, they're complicit whores and he's a disgusting degenerate prick dumping cultural Marxism on the world.

I don't for a second really believe theres any virtue in this #MeToo campaign but it's causing the implosion of Hollywood, one of the pillars of progressive indoctrination.

Now we just need to get the witchhunts to destroy all of higher education next

WAIT, are you trying to tell us that he raped women that he knew?

wow, mind blown.

dumb fucking thread

agree, this is an industry that needs to be burned to the ground, if their shit is so popular overseas why don't they pick up camp and make their bullshit over there I'm sure the Çhinese will allow them to molest whomever they please

>It's not (((Weinstein))) you should feel sorry for, having sampled a cavalcade of world class pussy with his billions of dollars to comfort him for the rest of his life.
I do feel bad for him though, nobody will ever love him, he will always be miserable and he was molested as a child

>Except he wasnt a rapist
he was a rapist, using your leverage to get your way is rape, why should some horny dumbfuck college kid get crucified in the media for banging some passed out chick meanwhile dozens of women say this guy came on to them and they said no and gave it up anyway because he has money and power and could help their careers so he gets a pass because of his wealth

nah fuck that, equal treatment for criminals under the law regardless of class

thats what Trumpism is about, holding the guilty accountable

he's a greedy gluttonous heebyjeeby that peddles degeneracy
burn pedowood to the ground

>Now we just need to get the witchhunts to destroy all of higher education next
you know all those colleges were founded with slave profits because the slavers didn't want to be remembered as giant assholes

I feel like these simple plot, special effects laden action movies lately are literally being produced for a Chinese market.

They only come out once they are famous and have what they want.

>using your leverage to get your way is rape

Spoken like a true feminazi.
You know whats rape? When i hide and wait for you mother to appear then put my hard cock in her throat and ass by force.
Thats rape.

When i ASK her if she would like to suck my dick for a price and she does, thats no rape, you retard. Thats your mom just being a whore.
Exactly like these actresses were.

Still cant believe i share Sup Forums with people like you.

I was pointing out ways that other cultures socially evolved to solve the "rape after the fact" problem and "false rape accusations" problem.

Remember, in the past, a false rape accusation could set off a blood feud between clans and result in both clans being decimated, and too weak to hold their own afterward.

Our ancestors lived in a much harder world than most Westerners ever will (unless you want to travel to a 3rd world shithole and stay there for a few years).

He probably messed with another powerfull kike and got all these accusations

>Our ancestors lived in a much harder world

This is a lie. It is much harder to sit around all day typing and that isn't a joke. Sitting destroys your health.

>using your leverage to get your way is rape,
By your logic, a middle-aged woman getting close to a legal teenage male in the hopes of getting young cock is also rape, as she's using the fact he's young, dumb and horny to exploit him for her pleasure.

There was a time where women were forbidden from being actresses, because a travelling woman was always WHORE, and the local women wouldn't permit travelling WHORES in their community (it diminished their local pussy power).

For instance, in Shakespeare's time, a woman was never allowed to be an actress. They used boys and youthful faced men to play all the female roles.

Traded their bodies to star in movies, and spread anti-white, anti-western hate. I wish they actually had been raped.

As in by a pack of dindus.

I feel the same too, I was talking about it some weeks ago with my wife
Especially all these superhero movies

>have the power to make or break somebodies career at your whim
>uses this power alone to fuck every woman who comes through his door and threatens to blacklist them if they speak up, ending their careers
>i feel bad for this guy
what kind of faggot cuck is OP?

You do realize prostitution is not illegal everywhere, right?

Everyone in a position of power will use it to fuck a bunch of worthless whores.

>thats what Trumpism is about, holding the guilty accountable

Bullshit. Trump let the Clintons off the hook when there is open, public domain knowledge of Hillary Clinton committing more than 2000 felonies just during her term as Secretary of State. He campaigned on "LOCK HER UP!" but immediately dropped that and said "She's suffered enough."

No. She broke the freaking law. But Trump said "let's not start putting millionaire (and billionaires) in jail. That shit might boomerang om me."

Trumpism is about Make America Great Again. But it is not about One Law for All Americans--- its still a world of Two Americas, where the common man or woman is under the Law, and the rich and powerful are not. Don't confuse improving the domestic job market and strengthening the military for "One America".