Holy shit, man. This proves the left's ultimate goal is to thin down the numer of white people.
Holy shit, man. This proves the left's ultimate goal is to thin down the numer of white people.
Other urls found in this thread:
They never tell us this shit.
The (((left)))
Dont shy from naming the Jew. It always runs back to them, as does my own countries suicidal policies.
Sup Forums is right once again.
will they EVER learn ?
When democrats respond to every terrorist attack by hoping it's a white guy who did it while in the aftermath importing more terrorists, they're actively trying to kill us.
Yes sir! bill introduced by Chuck schumer. Funny when the discussion turns to armed civilians how a hard break is needed. Notice the apparent discomfort as the reporters await the hard break to begin. Last 2 minutes or so. Fox & friends youtu.be
manlet detected
Yes. We know.
Oh boy, what very coincidental timing, what with all the bad news coming out for Trump. Really fires those neurons...
Lmao you Americucks is getting just as cucked as we Eurocucks.
>White Terror
Shut up nigger
>"It always runs back to them"
>Bill introduced by (((Chuck Schumer)))
And there it is. EVERYTIME. Lets redpill people on the root cause.
Land of the free is literally the interracial breeding grounds.
I can’t even get a greencard (10-12 year waiting list) cause my parents married after I turned 21. And they let that nigga in? Sheeeeeeeit.
Is this actually confirmed or just breitbart sensationalism?
They say this was pushed by a Senator called Chuck Schumer. Is this the father of the degenerate Amy Schumer?
No its not a diversity visa its worse its a fucking lottery , but on this i side with the fucking leftist.
The reality is that that visa is the only one that allows to migrate to the usa without being a corporate cuck or a media retard.
It is the only non sponsored visa , which shows how retarded the muricans immigration system is.
>The trucks of peace are starting to arrive in burgerland as well
>This proves the left's ultimate goal is to thin down the numer of white people.
These globalist traitors pose as conservatives as well, some of Trumps more serious enemies pretend to be conservative. The term globalist is interchangeable with the old term international Jewery.
Oh it is confirmed. Head over to the thread in r/politics for the echo chamber of justification.
No, but they are related. Cousins I think. (((Coincidence))) if you ask me
I hope that traitor receives a devastating execution when we bring this bitch down
>Head over to r/politics
Do you think i want cancer?
We don't need any fucking non whites, let alone 3 worlders. Go fuck yourself.
>Head over to the thread in r/politics for the echo chamber of justification.
Before Schumer did his damage the tribe was also there working their magic.
just went there to check it out. its literally 100% mueller threads wtf
I actually checked the catalog there and every single thread was about mueller
Das rite!
You're an idiot.
Don't lose sight of the real enemy.
Why even fight for this worthless shithole anymore
Does this sound familiar?
In France, Press titles that a Truck killed people.
We need to fight inside it and shed the skin of a dead nation to reveal a new healthy and vibrant white nation. We must form starting locations and then expand to create a whiteout across the entire map
Stormcucks will keep pointing at the jews until Muhammed has his bbc up their ass. There's a reason why the kikes are fleeing europe and it's because all the muslims being imported that have a natural hatred for them. But there's no point in arguing with a stormnig just like there's no point in arguing with a commietard.
I personally do NOT believe Mueller will go after the Podestas or any establishment characters but if he does watch how quickly they turn on him.
Mueller will go from a great American hero of redddit to a Republican stooge working for the Kremlin. I hope someone is getting some screenshot of the now pro-Mueller threads over at redddit for the sake of future salt mining efforts.
I hope every new yorker that died voted for Hilary and is pro immigration.
user..... please.
fuck. kill me now.
Why don't we focus less on who's to blame and more on the simple and obvious action that needs to take place, which is mass deportation of non whites. If I wasn't such a hermit, I'd get my gang of rowdy boys and round up all the mexicans in my town one weekend and ship them al back to mexico by rail. But seriously, this can be done in a smart way that minimizes losses for both whites and the invaders.
China has 1.2 billions citzens
India has 1.2 billions
The eu has 600 millions
The US has 350 millions
The only reason the us gained world power was because the constant immigration that was well filtrered , hell even einstein got a hard time to get the visa.
But lbj destroyed the immigration system and replaced it with this crap.
Basically you changed a points system to gain immigration right to a corporate cuck system were only immigrants are sponsored by corporations or family visas.
The only non sponsored visa is this lottery diversity crap.
The solution is not closing immigration ,the us will not survive as a superpower if that happens , fucking hell just looking at africa fertility means that the us will end being brasil 2.0 if immigration is closed completely.
The solution is to return to a point system and ban kebabs entirely.
If this alleged attacker is from Uzbekistan, then why are the love notes to ISIS in Arabic? The native language of Uzbekistan is a Turkic language.
Characteristic features of Turkish, such as vowel harmony, agglutination, and lack of grammatical gender, are universal within the Turkic family. There is also a high degree of mutual intelligibility among the various Oghuz languages, which include Turkish, Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Qashqai, Gagauz, Balkan Gagauz Turkish, and Oghuz-influenced Crimean Tatar.
I don't see Arabic in there, do you?
We survived on white immigration. I said we don't need non whites and we should refuse them at any chance.
uzbekistan asshole!
Yeah, oops. Her father is second cousin to Government Schumer. Thanks.
yes it is the us remains the only western country with balls and resistance against the decadence of the west.
You only have to resist until france lebanization happens in the 2030s , after that and the constant trucks of peace and suicide retards the public will change attitudes against islam even leftist will.
So more or less 15 years of resistance is not much to save your civilization.
But we are at a point when the west is being attacked at all sides by the forces of entropy.
Just being the last to fall is enough to rise again.
The best way to turn normal people away from your side of the argument is to name the jew, Yes, Jews are subversive but this shit is happening in countries like Sweden where there are no Jews. Jews aren't the problem right now.
Who is controls the governments and by proxy the immigration policy's of those countries...
Rare case when I'm glad living in Russia.
This one is good for a chuckle. It's the one I looked through. I am not the poster.
14% upvoted in le echo chamber.
Your country probably has such things, too.
The left is gonna go ape shit over this.
Coincidental timing? This is a regular occurrence here in amurica
Go back to r*ddit
Even after years of debasement at the hands of international Jews following WW1, only 30% voted for Hitler to deliver them from their living he'll. 60% percent were content with a shitty, miserable existence. Look only to the "decadence " of Berlin as they like to call it following the war. Men, women, and children all defiled on a grand scale.
you survived with the shitest whites you had , jews and every one that europe did not want.
But they had to prove they had skills before going.
The us will need at least 200 milliones immigrants this century and i may be making that smaller.
If the us losses its superpower status , the dollar will no longer be a reserve currency.
If that happens hiperinflation will destroy the us.
You guys simply print to much money and the inflation is absorved by the world since they want the dollar.
But who the hell will want dollars if the us is like russia today a decadent power.
Real enemy is the people passing the laws that made this happen. Remember that.
>The left is gonna go ape shit over this.
Where and over what parts?
Hahaha he’s 5’6”
I know it might sound foreign to an American, but some people speak more than one language
Now that would be excellent. Kid is dead but you are a diversity supporter; what to feel, what to think?
>imolying this wasnt Trump's false flag to get rid of the visa
We need a baby boom and that's it. We don't need a billion fucking people like China and India. You are fixated on foreigners.
There's barely any replies there at all, half of them are >breitbart and the others just ignore the article regardless
As Deng Xiaoping said doesn't matter the color of the cat as long as it catches mice.
islam is an arab supremacist religion. Every non arab convert is essentially cucking themselves. Muslims are expected to learn arabic as a matter of course no matter their native tongue
So are most of the people that are pushing you out, Johnny boy.
Check my Id fagot, it’s for you.
Barbara Lerner Spectre is an academic and philosophy lecturer and the founding director of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, a non-denominational academic institute established in 2001 and funded by the Swedish government.
A fucking Deng Xiaoping reference.
I don't know if you are familiar with reddit, but the downvote system is telling. Comments that they agree with will be 'upvoted' in the dozens, whereas the OP's comments have 100+ downvotes, for instance. This tell me they are more concerned with hiding information than even supporting their own. They usually just lock these threads or delete them. Reddit is shit, but it is a good learning tool.
>"Diversity visa"
The absolute state of the US, LOL.
It literally was a Jew, faggot. Chuck Schumer is responsible for the Diversity Visa.
This, anyone who says the Jew crap is just a shill.
Excuse me, sponsorship is used to ensure that people immigrating into a country won't go on welfare. When I studied abroad in the UK I needed to prove maintenance (i.e., show that my cash flow was stable). There is literally nothing wrong with that premise.
A devout student of mohammedism learns Arabic because it's the language of the angels.
Thanks for citing that. I saw his claim that Jews had nothing to do with Sweden's immigration and was going to call him on that.
Why is it i could never live an work in the USA but this piece of shit had no trouble getting through the visa system
I tried to apply for this visa twice already. It's a lottery where you can get a green card. Why don't you know this?
Am I also a fool for trying to get in legally?
>what did he mean by this
No seriously what do you mean?
The Jews?
LOL! Canadia man sees a pic of 5'6" guy and thinks, normal!
Alledged lol
Why can’t people hope for no attacks occurring? Cry evrytim
Stop kidding yourselves.
B-but diversity is our strength goyim, remember!!
>Oy Vey! shut it down!, the goyim don't need more guns! lets cut to hard break
>B-but diversity is our strength goyim, remember!!
By (((our strength))) you mean your subversive and destructive policies used to undermine and dilute society.
DV actually helps a lot of people. How did you think people are coming on legally? Looks like this loony mudslime is going to ruine it for everyone else.
What happened to the whole motive storyline non-sense? Did the police ever release an official statement on his motive?