3 days left untill the bully beatdown starts...
3 days left untill the bully beatdown starts...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be afraid
Of not being able to use roads?
>3 days until trashcans get kicked over and beaten up
>3 days until the police gasses and peppersprays the shit out of you retards
Damn I'm fucking excited
its too bad theyre only going to do it in liberal gun free cities, if at all
what real damage can low T buzzfeed soy boys do?
this reminds me of tumblr raids
they dont know who they are fucking with, irl or on internet.
>Announces the day you attack
>Enemy prepares with water cannons and rubber bullets
Antifa is going to get BTFO'd
and I'll be here on Sup Forums eating my tendies
screw you antifag
What did a store window ever do to you, Gustof?
Yes. You should be afraid. Even in downtown Portland, the heart of scumbag, leftist rat-persondom, EVERYONE UNANIMOUSLY HATES YOU AND CHEERS AS YOU ARE BEATEN AND SENT OFF TO YOUR TYRONE-RAPE-CELLS.
There are some great laughs ahead on Nov. 4. Can't wait quite frankly.
go back to /leftyfaggots/
It's not me who needs to be afraid. And my whole neighborhood is hoping and praying these faggots come around our way. There WILL be a line of bodies down the fucking road
NICE COPES........................bully beatdown day will be soon..........you wont be laughing then.................
You can help us.instead of being mean
>y-y-y-youll be sorry i ss-s-swear.... hey did you guys see those videos of our guys getting beat up and arrested and charged with felonies and sent to rape prison? Maybe we should like... think about this....it seems like no one is scared of us........
are you threatening me?
>you wont be laughing then
i probably will though
>opposing group holds a march, show up and start physical fights
>lose physical fights because low-t rotten minded leftist
>determine the reason for failure was somehow "bullying" from the group you attacked
>hold entire day of "bully beatdown" where you will run up to random people, assume they are right wing, and start attacking them
>every right winger on the planet can't wait to see it happen because every time you do this you get more BTFO and less palatable for normies
>mfw I would postulate that you are the bullies, but in order to be bullies you would have to first ever succeed at pushing people around, and you haven't and never will
No matter what happens it will be funny.
OH SHIT GUYS! IT'S INTERNET TOUGH GUY! WATCH OUT! He's gonna come stand in a road and get run over and then charged with various crimes preventing him from ever living comfortably for the rest of his life! WATCH OUT GUYS!!
Gustof, take your brain medicine.
Are you antifa threatening me?
>I'm actually a "nazi hitler germany guy" but you guys are still bullies and i hate you
You are bad at this and not very smart. You are exactly the kind of person who will begin your endless death spiral through the prison system on Nov. 4. I hope you like anal rape.
If anything happens it'll be great PR for right wing groups. I really hope antifa chimp out hard.
>death spiral through the prison system
>in Sweden
user please
You going to wear your dress nigger when you shoot me and my little girl to steal her toys?
I'm shaking in fear
g-guys........what are we gonna do?
Daily reminder that antifa couldn't even beat up the Proud Boys.
That's right. The homoerotic MacInnes fanboy club of mystery meat that dudebro their way through life, punching each other in alleys whilst yelling cereal names and shoving dildos in their butts.
Once you've been BTFO by the fucking Proud Boys, of all people, you will never recover.
lmfao i'm dead
>antifa couldn't even beat up the Proud Boys
Can't wait for based stick man to fuck you up.
commies and their surreal dreams
Tick tock facists
We spend a lot of time getting concerned over his civic nationalist politics and his personal habits, and tend to forget one fundamental fact about Based Stickman: He's actually legitimately good at fucking up antifa goons. Cudgeling them, punching them, kicking them, there's a long sting of far-left soyboys he's bestowed his gift of concussions on.
I wish we could give him more credit for that rather than purity spiraling about his Asian wife and hapa baby.
do they have an event or something?
Do people, media etc, anyone outside of Sup Forums talk about nov 4th? Or is it just a meme?
Based stick man has an azn waifu? Holy shit.
>3 days left until trash cans fall..
"tick tock fascist"
(good part at 1:52)
They bought a full page ad in The NY Times today
Look, unless they're leaving their containment zones, stfu about it because it'll be a trash can beatdown nothingburger like usual.
>ib4 literally nothing happens
I'll tell you what
Because they are funded with money from Moscow
>TFW innawoods suburban and rural retard
>TFW Marxists will just destroy their own city people neighborhoods instead of coming here to fite me
>just a handful of hoodlums walking
>won't do shit unless they find an old man in a wheelchair
>maybe break a fence
>we're gonna run out in front of traffic
Day of the plushie
I can't wait for the day these soy boy faggots try this shit outside of multnomah county.
The grand almighty power of kek will decide their fate
These are the people that claim foreign intervention and war creates terrorists, but can't figure out that these acts of indiscriminate civil disobedience is what pushes everyone else further left.
Any chimpout will do more to help the right wing cause than any Richard Spencer speech.
A certain group has been harvesting live bed bugs for months waiting for this event. Good luck not being one of the people to get infested.
Fuck i meant further right, obviously.
Every time this shit gets posted I'm more and more convinced it's just one of us fucking around, RPing as an Antifag
>Be afraid
>Literally have 2 guard dogs
>2 security gates and an alarm system
>AR-15 that sits out due to no kids for a week. Locked and loaded
These Antifa better attack in fucking waves if they want me.
I carry a gun so if anyone tries to beat me they will be shot in the stomach.
Officially domestic Terrorists = ANTIFA
You be scared, asshole
Or better yet don't be
This should be interesting
>PHONES 911 anonymously
Boom, bang, goodnight bag of shite.
Them limp wristed fags aint' gonna do shit.
3 days until ANTIFA gets BTFO
Ever since their mothers died these antifa pukes have not had sex. Must be getting horny for Hillary`s ass.
The times of "bully beatdowns" a.k.a. "revolution" of the lower class are gone forever.
People who revolted did so because they were TRULY oppressed an enslaved. People who actually worked hard, but were literally starving ... unlike now where everyone's obese and complaining about micro-aggressions.
People want to revolt now because they think being a stock boy at a mini-market 40 hours a week is slavery. And they can't afford the model of cellphone they want, and they have to settle for the next best thing.
There will never sum enough people because they're all millennials with no balls, who can't coordinate a revolution because most don't even work ... can barely coordinate two hands to tie shoes, and they think they'll overpower the crime-fighting force ... the same force when they call 911, hiding under bed when a robber enters their home.
Go ask your parents money to buy a skateboard, and go to the park and smoke weed with your friends, you clown!
The funniest thing to me is that 4 days later you dumb fuckers have "scream aimlessly at the sky" day scheduled to happen. Obviously you're not planning on accomplishing much on the 4th, are you? Get knife raped, niggerjew.
Sven you forgot to change your flag. 7/10 fix flag next time ok?
Does your wifes boyfriend know you're using his computer?
stop fucking saying soy boys, it's not a thing
catalonia isnt a thing
I don't work that day senpai, don't have to worry about them blocking any highways.
You can still use the roads just drive through them
Aussie bantz is best bantz
>antifa tries this in NYC days after a terror attack
>get shot
Please, would be great to watch on the news.
I never realized how many fucking Catalonians post here
it's a meme flag that i cba to take off
>majority of the army is right wing
>majority of the marines is right wing
>majority of the national guard is right wing
>majority of navy,airforce is right wing
>majority of police,fbi,secret services is right wing
>White House and the government are right wing
all of them vs
>some pathetic manlets with BB guns
Unironically there are braindead antifaggots who think they have even the slightest chance in a civil war
Thats what a soy boy would say.
Was this really from antifags?
Reddit has ruined this site.
All these larp stories that people make up to troll this site and people eat it up.
Whats going to happen? Absolutely nothing.
Leftypol is going to raid us, and call us retards are believing it. That's whats going to happen.
>Inb4 shill
Look faggots, I get it, but after WH user, FBI user, CIA user, LVPD user, NSA user, mega user, End of the world, etc. have ALL been wrong.
They got a few things right which isn't hard when you throw enough shit and use basic common sense.
We Americans don't quiver in fear at Antifa faggots the way the Swedish do.
Μολών Λαβέ!!!
Why do you think there are so many threads like:
Watch out nazis, nov 4th.
Watch out skin heads, nov 4th.
Who do you retards think is making these threads? You really think they will fully advertise their plans over a month in advance?
i made this thread to rile up Sup Forums because i know they are dumb and will take the bait
It's this influx of people who were never forced to lurk moar and think it's cool to post here.
Sup Forums is quickly becoming much like the MSM.
They no longer investigate shit, don't read anything, and just go with the headline.
There are still some great people here, but most would rather shit post from a phone without even reading the thread.
Someone will post what you just did, and the thread still goes to 300 because nobody even sees your post.
It's pretty sad
i know, Sup Forums aint what it use to be, you can literaly post a picture of a black guy and say " this is me and i could beat up all you white boys" and therre would be a shit ton of responses, i think it has a lot to do with the pepe and "KEKISTAN XD" thing becoming mainstream and bringing in other ppl here who dont think twice