>wake up
>see this in the mail
>days, evenings, even weekends
>if no one answers, they come back
What would Sup Forums do?
>wake up
>see this in the mail
>days, evenings, even weekends
>if no one answers, they come back
What would Sup Forums do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't pay, we have the same stuff here in Sweden as well.
Is this real? Looks like a emotional blackmail to me. Pay us or we will maybe visit you at some time you will never know. Fuck this letter
>What would Sup Forums do?
>brits need a licence to watch TV
>muslims don't need a licence to organize pedophile rings
Ignore it, it's a common scare tactic they use. If by any chance there is a knock at the door on the 13th, simply don't answer, they have zero legal rights and can't do shit unless you physically let them in and show them your TV
>owning a brainwashing goybox
>watching goy approved brainwash material
I've seen the fith on these so called 'television' aka degeneracy projectors. Why would anyone pay money to have such a thing in their house.
Good riddance.
>Let him in
>open door to dark room
>”it’s in there mate”
>lock the door behind him
>wall it up
>call and complain that they never sent their inspector
>>owning a brainwashing goybox
you're on one now buddy
>starting at 6 pounds per week
>312 pounds a year
>for a license to watch propaganda and ultra goy "entertainment"