Aussies lost to Emus. Now they're losing to literal bush people.
Aussies lost to Emus. Now they're losing to literal bush people.
So... this is the power of the Aboriginal Australian.
They have managed to keep their rock sacred and have secured it and themselves from the Emu menace - having never lost a war to these dangerous birds.
>traditional owners
Aboriginals can keep their big rock in the literal middle of the country, it's basically their equivalent of a pyramid.
Keeps tourists and chinks from scrawling shitty graffiti on it too, so even better.
Good, fuck tourists, fuck globalisation, fuck off we're full.
>A literal rock
Turn off your internet.
You faggot globalists don't get it. We don't need foreign people to enjoy foreign products.
We don't need or want you. Send us your work and send back your people.
abos smell like literal shit
Nah I'm all for it ay cunt.
Fuckin stop walking on our rock you fucking jap tourist cunts, how many photos holding up a peace sign do you need cunt? Fucking jap tourist fuck wits. No respect.
Abos will probably just open it again in a few years when they run out of beer money anyway. Should just shut the cunt down for good. Greedy abo jews.
>only the great spirit can own this rock
>get off my rock whitey
natives everyone
Fuck that, don't send us work. Just fuck off completely. Send us your movies and shit for free when we pirate it and send us the shit that we buy on the internet. And send us your women who come here for sex holidays. We'll send you back some australian colonists up in her guts.
More like a pile of dirt.
Its why they banned climbing, because its crumbling away and is unsafe. Has nothing to do with abbos and their religion, gov just dosn't wanna pay liability to retards hurting themselves.
>he bought the official story
>doesn't know about the abo shadow government that secretly runs the entire nation
confirmed uluru was 9000km high tree to the stars, abos came down from the heavens, white man came along and chopped it down, leaving it to die and turn to stone, abo left sad, trapped on this sad plane of existence, sniffing petrol and getting blackout drunk is what they only know now
You really need to keep your wildlife in check.
When feeling threatened, the Wallaby will throw her joey from her pouch to distract predators
Australia is a land of poison and treachery.
i thought injuns said that land couldn't be owned
>Aussies lost to Emus
>abo sacred site is a very big rock
At least you paid attention when they explained you their origin myth.
why not act like the indians and make money from your unique landmark? fucking morons
No one climbs spider rock m8.
It's because high tier indians are basically low-level jews. Back home in AZ, they shill the crap out of Antelope Canyon and Havasu, when Sedona is full of canyons and waterfalls that are just as pretty.
And white hipsters from California buy into it and pay 100+ dollary doos to take pictures of a pretty much bog standard waterfall. It's incredible.
they have 50000 years of collective knowledge hidden away from you white dogs. I've seen the clever man!
They didn't even do anything to it. The only reason they called it a sacred site in the first place is because there was nothing else around. They never built anything anywhere so when we gave them rights as citizens in 1973 (before that they were literally classed as fauna) they realised they could make some claims on land for their cultural significance. Unfortunately for abos they had not sites indicating culture because their culture consisted entirely of raping and some times cannibalizing your own children, starting fires and throwing animals and eating that animals that burned up in it, banging sticks together, throwing sticks, blowing into sticks and pretending its a trumpet and last but not least eating sap out of trees that got you fucked up like eating super glue. So basically having no culture they had no cultural sites so they made up stories about rocks and then said that the rocks were their culture.
So they know 101 ways to sniff petrol or drink goon, let them keep it.
((They)) allways play hide in plain sight.
Didn´t Saruman cut the trees also?
>Australia isn't a place you see, it's a place you feel
Pretty funny that abo science fiction is that one of them was clever.
That's right there's abo science fiction now.
Somewhere there is an abo furiously masturbating to that pic
Literally who cares about a big fucking rock except coons?
Turn off your Muslim and nigger ((immigration))
The ONLY reason i know this place exists is because of the Bikey Boys music video.
>tourism drops
>white flight
>gibs dry up
Haha, yep
Cunts got priorities, I'll give it that.
>Give money to Native Americans
>They make casino
>They make land rental to white people expensive
>Must pay sacred land tax based on your annual earning
>They actually do something with their money
>Give money to Abos
>Buy cars
>Don't refuel
>Leave car in desert and break it apart
>buy 100 boxes of VB and leave rubbish trails
>break apart government built houses for firewood
>shit inside house even though it has working toilet
>have a bath in a dirty rubbish bin
>sleep on road and get hit by a truck
>sniff petrol and fuck their siblings
Depending what tribe they are from, the ones who own mining land get royalty from $40K-100K+ and blow it out in 1 month or less. None of that money goes into the hands of the community at all it just gets pissed away by the elders family.
Just offer the "Traditional owners" some petrol to sniff and they will gladly let you climb the big rock in the middle of nowhere.
>occupy railroads and highways and demand whitey gib for land claims
>whitey gibs, often to the tune of billions
>5 years later the chief and his crony council blow it all, none trickles down to the rest of the tribe
>natives get mad at whitey because no gibs
>occupy railroads and highways and demand whitey gib
It never stops.
the absolute state of abo living. you guys need to shoot a series like cops and follow these faggots and give us some OC here stateside
>been ere 50,000,000 years
>invented a rock
After all the "white man" has done to them, they deserve to determine this stuff as suits them.
And how did they come to this low state (NT?) - I wonder...
All the animals came from their pit, that's a lot of creating.
Not without the guide ropes and stuff you won't
I'm curious now, how hard it is to climb?
I can get a special permission from them if I show up in traditional native climbing gear?
Climbing the thing literally disintigrates the fucker. A lot of aussies don’t want tourists climbing it, especially you eurolards and Amerifats. You fucks could pancake the entire rock if two or three of you jumped on it at once.
Also it’s a sandstone. Meaning it’s just a weak as fuck rock that erodes easily.
>muh rock
stupid niggers
Underrated post.
It's not theirs, it's yours. Rise up white man!
People climb it all the time, they probably have boong patrols now that give you a sacred land fine.
>I am a globalist I just don't like brown people
I don't get why the so called nationalists of Sup Forums love ((free trade)) so much. Fucking kikes
That's the hard part?
I can do that naked without guideline.
Get me an abbo I'm doing this painted.
OP AUSGOV. Make it happen.
Anyone have that story of the guy who was eaten by abo cannibals? His family was so wealthy they hired a private investigator to find the body in some remote bushland.
>before that they were literally classed as fauna
>muh dreamtime.
Was in Australia years ago, thought abbos were some interesting tribe with culture or some shit. Quickly realized they're a bunch of living fossils who pass out in the middle of the road.
Why didn't you exterminated them like the Tasmanian.
Those wildlife preservation laws saved them and many other australian fauna from extinction.
So weak as you leftard Aussiecucks. It's a wonder it's still around with you nanny state fags breathing 30 miles away from it.
White hippies BTFO by their pet abos.
my great grandfather used to have a walking cane made from an abbo femur.
Well, to be honest, it was the Germans that came into the American Natives, and offered them a deal. If the natives let them build a casino and hotel on their land, the Germans would make them minority partners in the casino and hotel, and give them 5% of the profits.
Later tribes got offered 1% shares after they had a demonstrable project.
That money those tribes got went into the pockets of the chief and his closest relatives. They got mad rich, the rest kept eating dirt, US Government Cheese, and US government provided Whiskey.
It is only the latest generation of casinos on native reservations that have been built with "local" (US) companies cooperation for a majority share of the casino's profits.
>so easy to climb you can literally run straight up it
the absolute aussie
Excuse the jew
Even in death helping the white man.
You are all ungrateful scum.
and now you've lost your ways australia, giving the big rock to the sub-humans
Don’t feel sad. It’s a big rock in the middle of a blasted Hellscape “owned” and poorly cared for by a bunch of petrol-sniffing monkeys.
there is literally nothing wrong with this
I like climbing rocks, but probably you still can if you go alone and dress as an abbo.
>I like climbing rocks
I've quite got the fascination with that fucking rock thing
by the look of that fucken photo it's a place you drink.
Who owns the land?
I'll second that.
this is one of the best videos i have ever seen.
You know who..
That place is NOT australia. Australians are illegal immigrants and should quit the country.
The locals, the tourguides and the cucked national parks people do everything they can to pressure you into not climbing it. They drive the buses slowly passed the entrance and tell you your options are climbing it(and why that's wrong) or a long tour about the history of the rock walking around the bottom of it and they don't stop but slow down so that whomever wants to climb it has to basically get them to stop the bus for them and get glared at by all the cunt tourists who'd take a shit on a Church step for a laugh but suddenly think that an Abbo sacred rock is a truly spiritual place and that you're literally Hitler.
They lock the track off on no notice(usually weather). The day I was ready to climb it they closed it and I still got grief from everyone on my tour for wanting to climb it, now I'm probably never going to get a chance to. I even said that they'd lock it off sooner rather than later and was told that they'd never do that.
Horrifyingly a ton of people over here in Australia thought that it was already against the rules to climb it because the media do everything they can to discourage such wrongthink.
I asked an Abo I know why they're against people climbing it and he said that they don't like people dying on the rock because it's sacred and people dying there isn't great.
Abbos just say they used to own anything and theres no real way to prove otherwise. Every mine or refinery that gets built had to pay gibs to traditional owners. The railway pays abos to check for ancient bones before they can lay track etc. I saw some abbo leader on abc saying they want us to keep cities etc, but give back literally all the rest of the land to the abbos.
We felt pity. Damn that emotion.
Just watch the Bush Mechanics. They try to pass it off as some enlightened super abo ingenuity but it just makes them look like retards because they never answer one question
>why were their cars kept in such terrible maintenance that they need to fix it with sticks and sand
Aboriginals had no country. They were scattered, warring, nomadic tribes who got conquered like the primitives they are.
The solution to our problems is to give the abbos the NT, nobody wants it, send em all there, build a wall, lock the gate.
>abbos are capable of replacing tires and fluids to get an old car running
>white man has traveled to and driven a car on the literal moon
I had to climb a risk to buy bread everyday, so it's life in Chile.
it should still be called ayres rock