>Be me, aussie of french descent >Light skin indian wants to be my bf >She's hot >has money >seems non-whiny
what do guys
Parker Harris
Aaron Martinez
Dominic Hall
>tfw 26% Irish Am I huwhite?
Brayden Jackson
>wants to be my bf >She's hot
Aiden Young
If you wouldn't fuck a non white girl you are literally homosexual and a cuckold and unaustralian.
As long as she has a daughter, and her daughter has a daughter, and so on, there is no problem having babbies with non white women. This presumes you at least knock up one white woman to have a son at the same time.
Brandon Hernandez
>french descent Stopped reading right there R u EVEN anglo??
Charles Taylor
Gotta alternate pronouns until you get the preferred one. It's like a roulette