Should women be allowed to serve?
Should women be allowed to serve?
Yes. As drone operators
Coffee, tea, beer or food only.
In admin roles
They can serve me a fuckin sammich on a plate then suck my dick.
If they can perform at the same physical/mental health standards as men, yes. Same rules apply to the trannies. If our doctors say you're not a fucking paint-eating arm-cutter, have at it. God bless America.
Is Sup Forums being raided by shit threads?
Every single thread sucks today.
> trannies
>mentally fucking ill individuals
No. Twice the expenses for half the effectiveness. Not to mention they'll all get pregnant to avoid shit if a real war breaks out.
No, part of what makes soldiers effective is the unspoken brotherhood between them. They suffer in bootcamp, suffer in their tours and then when danger strikes they use the suffering to mount an effective attack.
Adding women who are on average weaker and less attentive than men will break that brotherhood and will break the effectiveness of the military as well.
Yes. But not in combat roles. They are a fucking distraction when deployed.
t. Marine
Yeah they can serve..... my dinner! XDDD
It's more than just "if you can perform at the same standards..."
I served with several women and most of them didn't take MP-life seriously. They didn't take the hands-on training very seriously.
Nor were any of them physically intimidating.
On top of that a lot of them were flirtatious and distracting to some of the other soldiers.
Why not ?
Very few of them are cut out for it.
No. Not in any role.
Almost none are. It's very, very, very, very rare. I've never met one.
Yes. Send them first along with the trannies. Let them enjoy being bullet stoppers
Imagine watching saving private ryan opening scene but all women and trans
They are gonna get raped by some Islamic faggot who commits war crimes on the daily, whereas a man would just get killed when captured.
Man, you can see it in their faces. They itch to reprimand her for pointing herself with the gun, but none of them feel they can do it.
>oh look woman pose for picture with gun
better destroy your armies now goyim
Have you tried making a good one? Or do you just complain and expect someone else to make it for you? /r/communism might be your place.
Yes but only in support roles like nursing.
Something is being slid hard
yes, army need food and someone can wash the dishes
Not in battle. Squads should be manned by the strongest available units. They are only as good as their weakest link. Having an unnecessarily weak link for the sake of diversity only increases the odds for failure for both the squad and its respective platoon.
It was rare for us to have a woman attached to us, since we were infantry. But when we did, FUCK, did it slow us down.
PLUS shes a fucking 2nd Lieutenant! Fucking butter bars
What? Dont act like you guys didnt get sand in your vaginas too
Of course there are the faggoty ass faggots that complain! But when shit got real, females would always hesitate and get in the fucking way. Even the "tough" ones you'd think would bring it would do the weirdest shit that didn't make sense. They have no business on the battlefield.
>would do the weirdest shit that didn't make sense.
Yes, but they should have to pass all the same tests as males and even then I think they probably shouldn't be on the front line.
wtf i love burgers now
tl;dr: Get the fuck out of the way
Makes me lel every time.
Yes. For free. Without weapons sent on the front line.
H-hey, C-Captain. Can I c-clean my r-rifle barrel with m-my tampon?
But then they lower the standards for males because ZERO women can pass them and then they're called sexist because no women serve in combat roles.
>Should they be allowed to serve
Yes if we're talking about support rolls.
No if we're talking about combat rolls. If you really want to let them serve here, make them adhere to the exact same, extremely strict tests and regulations from height, to physical ability.
I've see women in combat rolls first hand, and they are not good at all. They cannot run as far, cannot carry as much, are emotionally unstable in extremely tense situations and have no where near the proper endurance required.
We were doing drills deep in the Australian desert to simulate combat in the middle east. We had roughly 45-50kg packs depending on the person. I personally had almost 55kg due to being the only medic in my squad. Luckily I'm a big guy(4u), but we had the woman from officers quarter doing a physical competence test with us. About 10km in she was lagging behind terribly. Which means, as the only medic, I also had to stay with her. Which also means that the entire squad had to. So a 1 hour exercise ended up being about 2 and a half hours, in the fucking Australian desert with FULL equipment. After about 2 hours, we had to carry her and because this is a drill, we had to create a makeshift gurney, and cart her across the last 30 minutes.
Worst fucking day ever.
For reference I think the temperature out there was about 40-45 degrees Celsius
Why not?
its literally a female exsoldier talking about how retarded it would be to let women be infantry and using things she saw when she was in Iraq to support her stance
Only if they don't get grenades. I don't want 20 soldiers dying because Jessica could only throw the grenade 2 meters.
In their own segregated units, sure
Not that woman, but in general yes. Some female soldiers can be as competent or more competent as their average peer.
You're trying to troll, but in a way you're right.
Warrior men serve their brides and their families.
That's what we're fighting for.
Love the way she's holding that M9. $100 she shot someone by accident 5 minutes after this pic was taken
Returning fire in the complete wrong direction, accidentally discharging their rifles into the ground when reloading, trying to PULL YOU DOWN while you're trying to engage -- oh they are trying to "help" you take cover. Don't touch me gash, just go fucking hide is men got this. Trying to put their magazine in backwards. Pulling their charging handle three times for no fucking reason. Weird shit!!! Must be the stress. They were all Intel anyway.
No and I say this a former Air Force security forces member who worked side by side with women. They are physically weaker and when ever we had to detain someone they were unable to subdue male detainees so the men had to step in. They cause drama, help spread STDs and are empty uniforms
i love shit like that. that video of the britbong doing it to disco music from a few years back is still the best i think.
I like that term: empty uniforms.
Its as if women are less intelligent on average
Serve cock, yes. BBC gets priority.
why is he looking at her like that?
I meant to imply that they don't lower the standards at all. That would mean some actual capable women would get through for once. I know they're out there, I've met a few, but we would be talking a handful per thousand or more men.
It`s actually
> forced to serve and allowed to vote
As I see it - people should have 1 vote for 1 full family or less than 25 y/o male. So political sector would be more interested in supporting families and children as the "future of the family" would be valued more, than female whims.
Buchanan be like...
Go home, clay.
>Pulling their charging handle three times for no fucking reason.
to be fair some old muzzle loaders back in the US war of independence were found to have multiple rounds loaded because the guy couldn't handle the stress, some people just crack
i agree shooting the wrong way and random discharges are a huge issue though
Do women have what it takes to kill one on one?
I don't think so.
They absolutely are not made for combat.
because she's pointing 2 weapons at her stomach
I mean 2 fucking weapons pointing at herself.
YES! In fact I think that the armed forces should be ONLY women until the number of women that die in armed combat equals that of men.
Only until millions of women are slaughtered can there be true equality of the sexes.
This user gets it
Yes goyim. Get all of your women killed so your population declines further.
I know, but as for politics, the scenario that I alluded to is what WILL happen.
Semper Fi, man
I came here for this edit.
The *knifehands internally* gets me every time.
You didn't circle the rifle leaned against her stomach, pointing directly into body.
Only for logistics and support
How is someone who can barely drive a car with 4 directional controls on the ground going to pilot a drone
Of course it will. They've ruined everything about this country they could, the military is up next.
Maybe the Muslims are on to something about this women being property business.
Post op trannies require regular medical attention for years, they're not suddenly the opposite of what they were and lets go. Their suicide rate doesn't change either.
Captured females in war become trophies for propaganda. It's grim what happens to a captured woman.
I just think people should stop trying to be what they can't, and I think the government forcing people into places they don't belong is almost evil.
They could cook. They can bandage injured soldiers. And psyops can put them on an FM transmitter to wear down the enemy with incessant nagging.
Did you go on Thot patrol?
It is evil. It ruins lives. Both the people being "promoted" to higher posituons they cant handle and those who have to live with the consequences and don't fill that role.
Not to mention any combat deaths due to incapable people in the field.
>radio crackles to life
>did you take the trash out?
>i told you to take the trash out
>just take it out
>and why did you get brand X? i asked for brand Y and now i need to go to the store and get it
>why are you driving so fast?
>you're going to get a ticket
>so you're just going to sit there and watch [handegg/divegrass/racing/luckswing] all day? no i wont grab you a beer
and so on and so on all night
What if i told u i wasnt trolling
That fucking muzzle control...wee
My point exactly
they have too much empathy for kebab to blow it up.
only in topless cocktail bars