The First Amendment will be repealed in your lifetime
The First Amendment will be repealed in your lifetime
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Free speech is a solely white concept
Proof all leftists need to be killed.
Ironic, isn't it, that one of the things that divides Americans from the lower races is that they have no concept or support of the idea of free speech, which is why these IQ 85 and worse people are the lower races.
This. Or at the very least neutered or sterilised.
If we don't take our country back we are fucked far beyond just freedom of speech, the second amendment will also be crippled slowly and then we will be wiped out.
During the Iraq war, my grandfather would always tell me, “you know I support our country and our president but these people we’re fighting with don’t deserve democracy and freedom. They can’t handle it. They need that power figure to keep them in check or they all fall into perpetual civil war” hearing this when I was 12 was a pretty big deal