The First Amendment will be repealed in your lifetime
The First Amendment will be repealed in your lifetime
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Free speech is a solely white concept
Proof all leftists need to be killed.
Ironic, isn't it, that one of the things that divides Americans from the lower races is that they have no concept or support of the idea of free speech, which is why these IQ 85 and worse people are the lower races.
This. Or at the very least neutered or sterilised.
If we don't take our country back we are fucked far beyond just freedom of speech, the second amendment will also be crippled slowly and then we will be wiped out.
During the Iraq war, my grandfather would always tell me, “you know I support our country and our president but these people we’re fighting with don’t deserve democracy and freedom. They can’t handle it. They need that power figure to keep them in check or they all fall into perpetual civil war” hearing this when I was 12 was a pretty big deal
I have to say, if it ever gets to a point where I can actually be arrested for calling some monstrosity the wrong pronoun, I would just kill it so that I'm actually going to jai for a reason.
>muh freeze peach means I can call people the n word all day
Lmao get fucked, we're taking your toys away
So are democracy, personal freedoms, the concept of rule of law.
Civic nationalist cunts who claim proudly that they don't care if whites become a minority but care about western progressive values are in for a big surprise: those principles were crafted by whites and will only be carried by them.
Somewhat relevant:
>mass immigration ruins a country
>heheh youre going to jail for not having a government approved opinion
cuz thats not a slippery slope at all
It's true too.
Consider Saddam.
Ruled with an iron fist. You could even watch public executions online if you wanted!
But as soon as we got rid of Saddam (Again, why? What did Saddam actually do to warrant him, and his family, being slaughtered by US troops). Things in the ME went to total shit.
Pea brains can't handle mean words and then get riled up in emotions.
>Pea brains can't handle mean words and then get riled up in emotions.
damn right
Which is why Europe protects hate speech... Oh, wait. A more absolutist interpretation of the idea of free speech doesn't exist in the West, outside maybe America.
What is it going to take for whites to take back the country.
These redpills are brilliant user, as there's nothing apparently radical or extremist about them - but oh my will they work wonders on normies.
Yes, it is a white concept that we fought hard and long for half a millennia and it's the reason our countries are so fucking awesome.. fucking shitskins with no sense of personal responsibility expecting the world to conform to their safe space.
Can someone explain why this board supports free speech but thinks Hitler dindu nuffin wrong? You hypocrites want the right to say racist things, but do you think Hitler allowed free speech? You're no better than leftists.
This. We don't need to ban freeze peach, just implement moderate, common sense speech control like in the UK and Germany
You can still talk, just don't hate.
It's a meme, bud.
Hitler did plenty wrong. He lost the war, afterall.
>oh no jews were removed
No it won't. If whites can barely pass bills today you really think a congress made up of blacks, Mexicans, women, Muslims will actually agree to anything.
I just don’t understand what people think free speech means if not the right to say uncomfortable/unpleasant things. If the 1st amendment didn’t exist, it’s not like the government would make it illegal to say good morning or have a nice day. They would make hate speech illegal, they would make criticizing Israel illegal which they’re already trying
>the n word
enjoy getting spitroasted by Tyrone and Jose
and the best part is that you will deserve it 100%
>oh no jews were removed
this thread isn't about jews, but about speech
during the third reich there was significant censorship
Hmm, you know that's was France was subtely saying back at that time.
oh no jews were censored and removed oh no... damn...
You aren't a conservative if you support this law so this 16% figure is bullshit
Don't you mean Jews? They are the ones who created this mess.
>First they came for the ...
well you know how the rest goes
Are you fucking retarded?
>absolutist interpretation
Free speech doesn't mean anything if it doesn't protect unpopular or controversial opinions.
There is only a need for it in order to do this. What is the point of 'Free speech' if I can not talk about the only things that really matter?
In the USSR, they would've said "Oh, we're only censoring speech on capitalist pigs"
In Medieval Europe, they would've said "Oh, we're only censoring speech for heresy"
In Ancient Athens, they did say "Oh, we're only censoring the speech of those who rouse atheism and disrespect in the youth (see: trial of Socrates)"
No, it's all or nothing by its very nature.
Also Europe is cucked beyond belief, and the only philosophies advocating free speech came from Europe.
So yes, there's no hard and fast rule, or universal constant of Whites being unanimously for freedom, but there is a general trend, and only Whites have shown themselves willing to tolerate others using their tongues as they please.
fixed it
oh no... jewish people were censored for being bad people... oh wow oh dear... whites commit the same nepotistic crimes.... oh no and whites seek to degenerate culture.... wow.....
You should be ashamed of yourself
See that's what I was thinking
This picture just depressed the hell out of me. We're fucked
they mostly burned porn books. including child porn stuff. Almost exclusively actually. Apart from books voluntarily burned.
> the only philosophies advocating free speech came from Europe.
And the theory behind hate speech laws also comes from Europe. You can't claim credit for one and wash your hands of the other.
From the European Union Convention on Human Rights, Article 10:
Article 10 – Freedom of expression
> Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
>The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.
you're missing the point
it's not about jewish or white
it's not about crimes
it's about speech
just as hate speech is free speech, speech that promotes degenerate culture is free speech
Jesus Christ the Jewish working of these surveys. This is why you can't trust polls.
Right off the bat, it assumes racism is "bad" despite the fact that I don't accept this outdated 1960's Jewish moral framework.
I hate niggers and support free speech, how would I even answer this then?
>it's not about jewish or white
imagine if I printed this image out and posted it around town. the police would arrest me for "hate speech". (((they))) are turning our own society against us with subversion, and you are complicit in allowing them to do this.
There is a hard and fast rule and there is a universal constant. You are forgetting that the people who censor free speech in our countries are an extremely fractional amount of our populations who have no real connection to the majority population at large, basically a group of oligarchs and tyrants who impose these restrictions despite most people not wanting them. Do you really think most people in the UK think it's fair that you get sent TO JAIL if you're caught shit talking muzzies? The USA USED to be a big deal specifically because it broke away from parliamentary corruption to forge a new frontier, and it was working out okay for a while until the country was overrun by non-Anglos and non-Europeans.
So in other words.... only city retards believe tha crap.
These kids really need their shit pushed in
Wow nigger, that’s retarded
Where the leftist, and these other fucking morons who haven't thought about anything at all ever, have strawmanned the debate is on the idea of "hate speech"
And we can really see just how stupid the left is when it comes to such issues.
Now if I walk up to somebody on the street and I call them "A massive fucking dickhead, cunt, bastard, asshole etc etc" I could very well get done for verbal harassment. This isn't a free speech or a hate speech issue. I'm directly going out of my way to verbally harass someone.
Change the wording above to "You're a dumb good for nothing black cunt who is absolutely putrid to look at", this is still verbal harassment. But the left thinks this is now a free/hate speech issue that needs to be addressed. Whereas this is just something that can be very well be considered verbal harassment.
Leftists have deliberately conflated these issues and ran around falsely claiming that free speech mean verbal harassment.
Even in this thread we've got people who can't see the distinction. Look a this special ed student right here
>le we will take your freedom of speech before we take your guns
how stupid can leftists possibly be?
>You will live to see the Second Amendment proved necessary.
They touch any of the freedoms of the American public and we better rebel.
No you won't. Americans are sheep. The US government has been diminishing their rights for the last 200 years and Americans never do anything about it.
>imagine if I printed this image out and posted it around town. the police would arrest me for "hate speech".
that is what I'm trying to say. I'm against this. I should be able to post anti-Semitic posts on social media without fear of arrest.
>(((they))) are turning our own society against us with subversion, and you are complicit in allowing them to do this.
they or anyone else should be able to do so as long as it is just speech, the same way we can turn against them using free speech
>you guys are sheep!
>I’m off to my communist meeting where we all agree with each other how capitalism is a failed model and real communism has never been tried. My pronouns are soy/sey
Fuck off cuntchops
Reminder a canadian judge ruled that punching a white person while yelling FUCK WHITE PEOPLE isnt a hate crime
so really, "hate speech" only applies to white cis males, hate speech will be allowed and encouraged towards them while they'll be arrested for even trying to defend themselves for it
user what does that have to do with government legislation on speech?
no, but there will likely be a battle over it.
I'm an anarcho-capitalist if it wasn't clear from the flag on my post.
but the law has already been subverted by the kikes and you;re saying they should be protected by those same laws. no; permanent expulsion of corrosive and subversive elements is necessary
>pronouns soy/sey
Never change you glorious fuckers
hes not wrong. the 1st am already has some minor limitations, as does the 2nd. thats how you start, take some away then gradually creep it up
and nobody will do shit. after all, youre not a racist, are you?
guess they'll have to shoot me then
I would assassinate the closest politician responsible instead.
you're a fucking retard
many people live in crime ridden hellholes who will have nothing to lose if you take their guns, because they will have no form of self defense
those people will be fucking mad and you would get a taste of what anarchy is really like
Let me sum that up for you:
> You only have the freedom to say what we allow you to say.
Well I’m white and treat people equally so according to some people I already am
Fuck I'm done arguing with you.
All in all, what I'm trying to say is that whatever speech restriction you impose on the Jews can be imposed on you.
Even if you expel the Jews, they can still pass their propaganda on and subvert by proxy through non-Jews.
More evidence that only white, property owning males should be allowed to vote.
Niggers are too dumb to vote.
Subjective evaluation is how you get to shit like the second amendment being threatened.
>pass laws exclusively censoring/banning/removing jews
>only jews are removed and placed in their own jew country
nah m8
You're delusonal. Americans are bootlicking pussies. If the government ever took away gun rights, Americans will take it up the ass as usual. Their government already extorts 45% of their national income. They already let politicians and bureaucrats restriction their liberties with thousands of pages worth of laws and regulations.
take off the flag, eurocuck
I live in this police state, retard.
Polls are a really good indicator of public opinion. Is there a poll about the 2nd amendment? I'm pretty sure you would have to take away that one first.
Hey look! It's the same ancap that was arguing for communism in another thread 20 minutes ago!
>>pass laws exclusively censoring/banning/removing jews
>>only jews are removed and placed in their own jew country
>>jew sends an email to a non-jew in the country he was expelled from
>>the non-jew publishes and disseminates whatever was written in the email to the rest of the country
you attempt at censorship has been circumvented
this is essentially what the muslims do
Free speech is proven to not work. It was supposed to prevent tyranny. Instead it made installing tyranny easier.
Limiting free speech is what any rational group in power does - it protects the status quo. It could have been some free market and free version of America. Instead it's going to be ~2035 socialist version of America.
Leftist speech can't be allowed. Degeneracy in movies can't be allowed. People are not equipped biologically to deal with modern media. Our brains build probabilistic models based on what we see. there's no way to somehow disable that for fiction. Most people get their historical and social knowledge from movies and tv series.
I'm as far from communist as you can get.
if the laws were strictly enforced this would not happen at all. all of our politicians are corrupt and not serving the interests of the British people any longer
At least i'm not a nigger
The entire point of free speech is to protect controversial and unpopular opinions.
>if the laws were strictly enforced
what laws are you referring to?
The picture makes sense from a logical standpoint, supporting free speech of racists os the same as being a racist.
Try to justify it all you want with 'muh freeze peach its a white concept' memes and other idiocy, it's useless.
Imagine claiming that terrorists have the right to free speech and also believing that you're not supporting terrorism.
This is how stupid you sound.
>Racist speech can't be allowed. Racism in movies can't be allowed. People are not equipped biologically to deal with social media. Our brains build probabilistic models based on what we see. there's no way to somehow disable that for fiction. Most people get their historical and social knowledge from racist youtube videos.
anti jewish/outisde influence laws
The fact that leftists don't own guns, are generally weak faggots, and are congregated in cities will make them easy to exterminate.
Proof niggers, spics, and 2/5 of america are stupid as fuck
not enough to amend the constitution :^)
but I just told you how useless those laws are and how easily they can be circumvented
how can you tell whether influence is outside or not?
it's no different to someone using a proxy to post under a different flag on Sup Forums
Things were never good in the ME. Only thing that hold Saddam in his borders is spanking from outside.
I might agree to that question. Supporting someone's right to be racist is as bad as being racist, ie. not at all.
Well if your idea of an ideal society is Brazil, then sure.
Although in the UK case it probably would turn to be an Islamic version of Brazil. Islamic favelas sound like a fun.
jewish behaviour is easy to spot. you're engaging in it right now with your "lol it's all subjectivist bro no one can tell xD rofl" garbage