>You meet this Guy in quiet German Cafe in 1934.
What political Advice do you give him?
>You meet this Guy in quiet German Cafe in 1934.
What political Advice do you give him?
Other urls found in this thread:
That theres a gercuck who makes these threads every week 83 years later.
go back to art school, let the 3rd reich for when germany has nukes and MAD
bush did 9/11, bill clinton is a rapist, infowars.com they're turnin' the fricken frogs gay
How about you stop making the same thread over and over again its becoming tiresome
Do not accept advice from people from the future.
Don't invade Russia.
less meth
Nah invade Russia but just dont be a retard during Barbarosa. Let your generals do their jobs.
Don't hold back on the eternal Anglo.
And rev up those gas pipelines.
Don't invade poland
The jews are a slimy, guileful race of snakes and as such they have to be defeated with guile. If you approach them head-on like an enemy and attempt to wipe them out they will wriggle from your grasp and turn your actions to profit for generations to come, as is their way. Do as the jews do, coerce, finagle, cheat and lie, turn their weapons against them.
Don't trust Anglos.
in a quiet*
Nice repost and still fucking up the grammar, boi.
Also: Sharing is caring, even if its with russia.
"Do all you can to avoid bringing the world's biggest empire into the war. It ends very badly for white people"
Kill the anglos first. Annihilate England. No mercy for jewish puppets.
that's a good one, britboy.
a bullet to the brain
You meet a young, frustrated Autrian man at a cafe. He's engaing and you're not occupied so you listen to what he has to say and give him your advice. What do you say?
He thanks you for your time and says he has to leave so you bid him farewell and go to the bathroom. After you return you make your way to a table by the window. A man with a heavy Russian accent and mustache called Josef looks deep in thought. He turns to you and comments on the weather. He says nothing else for a while before turning to you again and asking your opinion on the thing that is troubling him. You listen again for a while, before offering him your advice. What do you say?
The conversations closes and you leave the cafe to run some errands. After a time you realise you left your umbrella by the window and return to collect it. In the place where you were sitting now sits a distinguished, bearded man lighting a cigar. You apologise for the inconvenince and explain the situation. "My moter gave me this umbrella," you say. "It has a lot of sentimental value." "Ahh...," the man replies. "I see... Tell me about your mother." The man is friendly and you relax in his presence, so you explain some details of the childhood you had and her present situation. He looks grave and and offers his condolences at suffering you have confessed to him. He explains his occupation and suggests that you see him again sometime at his office which is nearby. How do you reply?
Dont waste time with labor camp shit ok. This isnt Saw.
kill all Muslims instead of Jews
sincerely, an ex Muslim
DON'T release Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild
Kill jews
from Bangladesh
I tell him about DDAY plans and how not to fuck up the Eastern Front.
Also try to convince him to ally with Bolan instead of genociding them.
Form an alliance the UK before you hold any referendums, and make a personal ally of Churchill.
Also don't put resources into meme giant weapons, focus on rockets and jets. You will know what I mean when the time comes.
Put all your resources and efforts into making the a-bomb before 1941
you need to crush the anglos
>ally with Bolan instead of genociding them.
Send jews to Palestine
Listen to your fucking advisors, asshat.
Don't smoke meth and make strategical decisions afterwards.
Imaginary units don't become real just by smoking more meth.
How much meth does a motherfucker have to smoke until he believes that invading russia in winter is a good idea?
Ass. Hat. Thanks for destroying germany and europe forever.
Niggers would pick my cotton now instead of fucking my wife if you just hadn't been such a goddamn moron.
don't attack Russia you fucking autist
build a strong, genuine alliance with Stalin and purge the rootless cosmopolitans together
Invading russia in winter
What? He did invade russia in summer
>invading russia in winter is a good idea?
>June 21st is in winter
Invading Russia any time of the year is a bad idea. You can catch them with the pants down but they will eventually get their shit together and kick yours. Russians are good at war.
he was chancellor at 34 already
>don't go to war with the country whose land you want and whose ideology is the enemy of yours
Stupid. Hitler rightfully drove east to crush the red menace. If only he did more to get the Western powers on his side.
Britain will not be swayed; they desire your complete destruction and will fight you to their absolute dying breath.
Nukes before Fall Weiss
For fuck's sake, buddy up to America over the next couple years. Help them work their way out of the Depression, sew the seeds of national socialism in the US, and they'll become a powerful ally. You can avoid open war entirely until a united Europe is ready to wipe out the Soviets.
don't drink and invade
Too many fronts at the same time.
He could've dealt with them later
The red menace was already crushed by Stalin who killed Trotsky and purged the "rootless cosmopolitans" and was about developing socialism in one country.
The only thing Hitler crushed was the future of all Europeans (angl*s are not european btw, they are a lesser sort of kikes)
>russian summers
It's always winter in mother russia.
Literally the opposite
Restore Anglo-German relations by downplaying expansionism and dupe the Soviets into attacking the Poles and Baltic states making them the big bad guy.
This isn't funny goyim
Don't sperg out over Yugoslavia
Keep Mussolini on a fucking leash
Don't go into the USSR as a genocidal conqueror you dumb fuck, liberate the Union Republics and you'll get more defectors than Andrei Vlasov
>Restore Anglo-German relations
The anglo's rightful place is under a German's boot.
hitler was a retard and people that support your ideology are weak as fuck and dumb you larping faggots
Don't let the British escape from Dunkirk
>how not to fuck up the Eastern Front
>implying kid from anonymous forum for anime lovers knows shit
Don't fuck with Russia, but if you must get to Moscow asap, press hard on Dunkirk.
I'm Jewish, so I would try to convince him to direct his butthurt somewhere else and save millions of my people.
kill yourself now, for the good of europe
You mean like in 1933?
Yeah, just let em invade you instead. Genius.
Buy stocks of McDonald's
>le meth maymay
Hello, reddit
Do you guys learn history by watching movies? It's a sincere question as I have never seen anyone on imageboards mentioning Dunkirk before that movie was released.
Big talk from a literal Turk
>le le stalin was fuggin based! xD
Hello leftypol, slow day on your discord servers today?
>meme flag calling anyone reddit
Ahaha, gas yourself cunt. Seriously.
>german flag
>not a meme flag
Anyone who repeats stupid kike memes deserves to be called a redditor.
Tip harder, faget. No more upboats for you, sir xD
Good day.
watch out for the jews, they are controlling you
stop hating white people you retarded nigger
stop fighting white people, target the true enemy you autistic commie
then shoot him in the knee and laugh because he cries out like a real irl hitler meme
film it and put different subtitles
basically just have him do lots of shit, talking bullshit
different emotions
so we can have more fun hitler subtitle memes
OH: make an accord with UK, kill all jews in UK and germany, don't let any go to US or anywhere else
Gas the kikes some more.
>i know, i'll pick out random words and call him gay!
The absolute state of German banter.
Show flag, or fuck off.
He is actually right, i used to believe this too, but i read a book about his health and it references with his doctors records that it was not the problem.
His problem seemed to be a Parkinson disease and probably burnout because he worked too much.
I have no obligation to engage in any sort of serious discussion with retards who recite dumb memes like "le methhead xddddddd".
"Do nothing wrong"
t. time traveler
eat a steak you'll live longer.
Wow, being so ashamed of your country that you won't even show your flag to strangers on an anonymous malaysian basket weaving forum.
>shit, he asked me to show my flag
>oh, i know
>i'll call him a redditor for the tenth times instead
>that'll do nicely
Shoot yourself now and save yourself the trouble
You sound like you're projecting mad hard son, considering how no one here gives a shit about flags save you.
To take his take to fully conquer Europe before treading on the Soviet Union
Don’t fuck with Russia and the D Day was a was somewhere else
Assassinate Stalin
Give up and become a painter Adolf. The Jews are to powerful and you'll be dead in 12 years. They even predicted your rise in the protocols, and they knew they would win anyway. Sorry. :(
Reinforce the eastern front and use more mines and artillery at Normandy beach.
I'd punch the shit out of that Fascist.
Nazi Germany encouraged Jewish immigration to Palestine. Hundreds of thousands moved during the 3rd Reich.
Probably something about Dunkirk, something about their communications codes getting cracked or leaked when they were bombing London, and then the obvious "don't invade Russia", I'd suggest building a wall and a ton of defenses instead. Honestly though I think they were doomed to fail regardless, Napoleon had a better shot at a new empire.
Try to 'advertise' your country as a bulwark against Bolshevism rather than a threat to the status of the Imperial powers. The UK is secretly ruled by kikes and Churchill is essentially their pawn, so be weary when dealing with him.
Listen to your fucking generals.
These are also both excellent pieces of advice.
tell him to throw in his lot with Strasser and go for a wild ride
Listen to that Palestinian guy.
>Big talk from a literal Turk
small talk from a literal kike
By the way the Anglos always supported the Turks against the Orthodox Slavs
To us you are all Turk rape babies.
and to us you are all kikes
Meanwhile you "lads" are a wonderfully diverse Asian-Arab-African mix.
>he tried to warn them
truly a good guy
Tell him to go to Colombia then Argentina after he losses the war.
1.put all your countries effort into nukes
2.dont genocide slavs and they will help you fight the russians
I would tell him to forget the UK and France, go free Russia from the Bolscheviks.
Fuck off with the recycled threads.
>I went once to a beer garden in Berlin
>The place was full of soldiers singing and drinking
>At the corner of the place I saw them, a group of elegantly dressed Nazis surrounding der Fuhrer himfuckingself
>I was just a Spanish student, but I always wanted to meet the guy
>I approached the group of gentlemen (who were smoking and talking in a deep Berlin accent)
>Hitler raised his head and smiled at me
>”Hallo mein Freund!”
>I didnt understand what he said, but I was really happy to hear Adolf for the first time
>He whispered something to one of the other men then said “Bis Bald Goby!”
>The men walked away, one of them said something like “Tschus”
>Told him “bless you” in Spanish
>When everyone walked out, Hitler stood up and grasped my shoulders, then whispered “Heute, dein Arsch ist mein Arsch, Francisco”
>He guided me to a dark room, I was so nervous
>When the lights went on, Hitler was lying face up in an empty bath tube
>He told me in Broken spanish that I had to shit on him, and so I did
>I cried whilst doing so, and he moaned and masturbated
>When I finished, he slapped my ass and came on top of his moustache, then fell asleep
>I wiped my ass on the carpet and then left, trying to wipe the memory of Hitlers shitty ordeals aswell
Best holidays Ive had in my life, the beer was really good but sauerkraut is overrated
He was already red pilled on the jews. Ww1 was literally the reason hitler hated the jews in the first place.
Don't be this one rude fuck who disrespects people with their bullshit in a fucking cafe
>stab him with a steak knife
hows that for political advice?