and throw in some redpills on coal burners
the whole article
c- can you guys keep this bumped. i don´t want to artificially keep this thread alive, if their is no interest
blonde just looks like a tranny, as for the rest, feminists are all depressed and being depression makes people fat
>blonde just looks like a tranny
i got news for you
i wonder if this
and this is real
but i know better
If that's the only picture you have of your daughter you should really just let her stay missing
i mean, it has to be fake cringe pic, no way someone like this exists
last one
face it white boys, your women belong to us
she wrekt herself, love it
lol isn't this the Nostalgia Chick?
how will he ever recover!?
i don´t know m8
unfortunately i don´t have the my little pony picture of some dude photoshopping a pony friend into a concentration camp and going on a rant and how he only now recognizes how bad the holocoast was (because he can identifie himself with the pony)
What the fuck is that article on the left?
Is there a Buzzfeed of porn?
All the best authors use selfies in their articles
>gettign called hubby
>fucking 5 different man (probably unprotected)
>fucking a woman that had 4 guys before you and calls her man "hubby"
absolutely disgusting
When will they fucking learn?
These don't make me feel a thing anymore. These cucks choose the life they have.
>it's not my fault okay, it's the mens' fault!
Top kek, to think that the bitch is just getting a small taste of the utter despair of being a man on the dating market, and it's already way too hard for her to handle.
We all know that Vikings adpted rape culture from Muslims.
Are you posting how to fix degeneracy?
Man the harpoons!
I just want to thank pol for posting these truthisms because I met a girl who shitposts here and she is convinced women are unhappy because of degeneracy and she wants to be a submissive waifu
i might even have a better idea
>former actress
What's worse? A single mother or this 49 year old with no child.
godspeed my dude
i hope i can red pill my future gf on family
Ah, the curse of hypergamy. This is not something exclusive to modern women folks. Our ancestors have been dealing with this since forever. Probably the single reason why we have tried to keep women controlled and in check for so long. There is nothing man fears more than the true nature of women.
I hope in some point in the future we are able to somehow remove it from their nature through genetic engineering.
Did any of you actually read the whole thing? I kind of feel bad for her.
>Women chimp out wanting liberalism
>Put in their place
Counter-jihadi bluepilled cuck detected
Life works in mysterious ways. I don't tell anyone I use pol, my powerlevel is expert, but then to meet another pol user out in the wild who I was hitting on because she was hot
It's so good
too much empaty is a sin brother.
this bitch has a very important role in the society.
we point at her and tell our daughters this is you if you go that way.
>I hope in some point in the future we are able to somehow remove it from their nature through genetic engineering.
>not having the balls with women
yes, but i agree with him
No because women are too stupid to realize anything until it's too late. It's called learning from your mistakes, and taking self responsibility for your choices, which she didn't do until 20 years later.
Women need to be aware and actively struggle against their hypergamous impulses just like us men need to restrain our polygamous ones.
It's the only way.
>I don't tell anyone I use pol
was my rookie mistake
>but then to meet another pol user out in the wild who I was hitting on because she was hot
only in down under, is the world upside down (and actually standing right up)
KEEP EM COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn bitch I'd go out on a date with you if you didn't write your complaints in the form of novels
there it is again. Notice how many of these sjw types use the work "folks". It's like the Wilheim scream, once you notice it you can't undo it.
I believe that to be the truth. It's a battle of biology, so you better take the battle on each other. Enjoy the tension.
I'm sure it's happened elsewhere, but I never expected it. I'd resigned to keeping my powerlevel hidden and finding some traditional girl and slowly redpilling her.
This ones already redpilled, saves a lot of time.
>implying that she isn't using that ugly white guy as a meal ticket
The thing I noticed and I can't stop and it ruins everything is:
>"I mean ..."
Every fucking thing they write or say begins with "I mean..." and it drives me irrational
Here's your redpill. Love is all that matters.
>not having the balls with women
You cannot control her 24/7 unless you keep her at home at all times. She may never act upon it but she WILL desire better men from time to time in her mind, no matter how well you satisfy her. It's in their nature.
Just like you and me will desire other women despite how well ours can satisfy us, due to our polygamous nature. Again, you may not act upon it through strength of will, but the desire is there.
> I kind of feel
that pic always gets me
she looks british
what's a 'nostalgia chick'?
and here's your red pill:
“Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers,” Tiffany Calloway
1. At the time of your child's birth were you and the father married
Caucasian: 97% NO
Asian: 85% NO
Hispanic: 95% NO
2. Did you and the father of your child eventually marry?
Caucasian: 80% NO
Asian: 92% NO
Hispanic: 99% NO
>give the milk away for free, why buy the cow?
3. Number of children the participant has
Caucasian: 1 50%, 2-4 49%
Asian: 1 86%, 2-4 14%
Hispanic: 1 15%, 2-4 80%
>asians learn their lesson, whites + hispanics can't keep their legs shut
4. For women with multiple children, do the children have the same father?
Caucasian: 82% NO
Asian: 75% NO
Hispanic: 81% NO
>wow, look at these worthless fucking whores
5. Annual earnings
Caucasian: 15% unemployed 75% once you go black, you're a single mom
9. Does your child have a good relationship with their father?
Caucasian: 94% NO
Asian: 89% NO
Hispanic: 98% NO
>black "men" = horrible neglectful fathers, probably abusive too
You mean a few nigger fucking gutter whores? Keep them.
>Enjoy the tension.
Fuck this, we're wicked creatures. Why can't we be perfect?
is he aware that he basically called out the entire middle east and Africa as being sub human?
They don't even use it correctly.
you have a point. you need to condition her very well, but it can work
t. son to parents who are happily married for 30 years (they met at age 16)
All the strong dominant Males in Europe dies in WW1 and WW2, only pussy men left. Europe is doomed.
What you are describing is not love.
> Enjoy the stress.
Fuck off.
This one's just depressing
t. virgin
he looks deformed
found one more
A little hard to breed strong, dominant males if everything we consume or come in contact with has some kind of xenoestrogen or phytoestrogen in it, right from the womb.
Every modern parent needs to do periodical hormonal tests to their children to ensure they don't go through puberty with low T.
>europe is ~98% white
>complete shithole
my soul felt that one
what's wrong with a lil' scout cosplay?
absolutely nothing
this one always gets me.
Those look like extremely humble, down to earth people. WHERE did this furry come from? Did just browsing the internet really fuck him up THAT bad?
Shit, browsing here has kinda fucked me up, but at least not in a visible or life changing way.
What he's describing trumps your underhanded, ridiculous interpretation of feelings. Acting on just feelings, your attitude towards feelings no less, has lead to some of the hilarious travesties we share here as entertainment and warnings.
meh buisness as usual
>Embarassed by Matthew's blue-collar jobs
she got what she deserved
I'm the opposite. Coming here gave me an outlet for my autism and racism, making me look like a well-rounded human to normal people.
Different generation. Its the current year.