Shit like this makes me glad I left America:
Black mother teaches her son to steal - dindu nuffin Halloween Edition
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Nigger gonna nig
Plenty of space in America to live far away from scum like this
from my gf last night
literally just move to the south, i cant remember the last time i saw a black person here
i bet youre one of the people who moved to japan for [spoiler]anime related reasons[spoiler]
I dun dis cuz raysizm
We left a bowl out last night and all the Asian families took one or a couple pieces. Around 8:49 PM some fat black girl shows up and steals our empty bowl and walks off... I guess she was mad that she didn't get candy.
Funny thing is i'm a copy and was at work... I would have arrested her just to be petty like she way if I was in the area, as I work where I live.
post your gf user
> literally just move to the south, i cant remember the last time i saw a black person here
The majority of America's black population is concentrated in the south. Every time I've been down there, it's nigger/spic galore. Are you a neet who never leaves his bedroom?
Came here to kill a couple years after college, ended up staying for the cheap grad school and superior females.
are you white ?
He could have pulled out a gun and kill all of them, but he didn't. He's to blame. Fuck white men
Maybe, nigs drive to white neighborhoods to trick or treat though
boonk squad whole lotta gang shit
she wants to move in with you
post her jewish milkers NOW!
>literally just move to the south
where the fuck are you living where theres none in the south??
i moved to NC and its basically chino-indo-africa
The south is full of niggers and spics.
nigger that was the doorbell
Ok I’m retarded so I can’t see what is going on, I’m assuming it’s one of those bowls left out and they just took all of it? The camera isn’t on it.
Why are you leaving the sweets outside, aren't the nigs just assuming you've left it there for them?
Like a bird feeder
I put out a giant empty basket last night with a sign that said, "please take only two so there's enough for everyone", then shut all my lights off and watched through the attic window.
Not when you’re 1 hour+ drive away from nigger ghettos.
>don't be niggerish
>Well I'm gonna be a nigger today!
But remember, lads, when they say it it's "nig-gah" not "nig-ger" so it's totally not the same word and that's why they can say it and not other races.
You have to go back
I just poured a bunch in a bowl and was giving out 2-3 pieces to each kid. Had a group of asians come up and one of them literally reached his hand in the bowl to find what he wanted.
His mom got pissed at me because I grabbed her kids arm and pulled it out then shut the door on her kids. They didn't even say "trick or treat" just held out their bags, though one girl was a smartass and said "merry christmas".
Right I'm starting to get it. You leave it out on the understanding that people just take a little each.
We don't do that here but there's enough Americans posting about it for me to gather that it's a known thing.
>so taking the lot is basically stealing from all the little kids out trick or treating
They fucking ruin everything. I wanted to give these fucking apes the benefit of the doubt, but now I want to chase them with a stick.
hahaha yeah I love how they make him repeat it like 3 times
Please explain. Your plan is too high-brow for me.
>Why are you leaving the sweets outside, aren't the nigs just assuming you've left it there for them?
She lives in a majority white area, but the niggers drive over from the bad part of town because its where all the candy is. Niggers dont put out candy for other niggers because they're niggers.
>Nigger bird feeders
It's a good option to welfare
Let all the bleeding hearts who want to put nig feeding devices in their gardens. Watch them fight the squirrels and watch the squirrels outwit them. Or move.
I gave black kids with no costume a piece of gum and a Hershey kiss. FUCK you if you're not putting in effort then neither am I.
>if I still live at home
Dude make a move before she starts fucking someone who will
white mom teaches kid how to score meth
yep, plenty of idiots out there. thanks capn' obvious
Thanks. I get it now.
It's horrible isn't it. Fucking mordor dwellers stealing all the kids treats. I can't express how activated my noodles are by this small act of kindness matched by a black act of niggery.
They ruin everything
>if i still live at home
If that isnt a subtle hint of moving in then i dont know what is
Isn't the point of trick or treating that you're supposed to knock on the fucking door to get your candy?
Why are you stupid enough to leave candy outside?
on halloween, if you go to a house that uses the honor system for candy and there's none there, it means that niggers stole it.
>nigger birdfeeders
my sides
niggers will drive 30 miles to white neighborhoods to trick or treat.
because you'd have to literally stand in the door for 3 hours giving out candy. it's easier to put a basket out with a sign if you live in a white neighborhood.
I live in a mostly white neighborhood, only a few local nogs and they are the well behaved type (the 1 in 10). I wanted to leave a bowl out just to be a lazy shit. But i know a lot of nogs form shittier towns come to mine. I wanted to be able to answer the door and them see 2 big ass doggos inside.
Exactly, plus their weird rural moonshinin niggers
Kek Im stealin this idea
I still enjoy the onions made to look like candy apples
exactly this. I saw more niggers last night in my neighborhood than i have ever seen. The closest nigger den is at least a 25 minute drive from my area.
When the land was still white you could leave candy out for the kids if you wanted to go to dinner or a Halloween party. Popular especially with younger people that don't yet have children. Now ofc you can't have a civil society in a muti ethnic shithole so you get coons stealing and a general disgust for your fellow ''citizens''
>onions made to look like candy apples
pure ebil
There's nothing wrong with leaving sweets outside for trick or treaters, you might want to watch the Halloween movies or entertain without going to the door all night to look at eight year olds dressed as witches.
I wondered if the wogs were confused but it seems like lots of Americans use this honour system. They were stealing all the little kids sweeties, effectively doing their bit towards ruining Halloween for children.
Fuck, I'll bet black Santas a proper cunt.
post a fucking video or story link if you're going to try to not be a faggot.
Only in US of A
I don't think so.
Doesn't the little kid say "Dats stealin'!"
It's sad that these kids aren't born bad but their parents and environment turns them into little monsters.
What did you expect?? Do these people look like they can build an air force?
Why is Africa not a superpower?
This is absolute bullshit and you know it.
That's the one. That's what I feel.
That little turd those sheboons were leaving behind in their haste to get away with the gibs didn't even have a costume on
>i'm a copy
of what?
My mum used to tell me to button my lip when I was cheeky.
Looks like their mum didn't mess around
Your scum.
I don't understand whats going on. Someone explain, please.
>Fuck, I'll bet black Santas a proper cunt.
he comes down the chimney, leaves his old broken iphone (that he stole last christmas) for you but steals your tv/computer/ps4/xbox/phone/food from the fridge/all of the above
Even the kid had better manners. You can see him motioning a "1" with his hand at 0:03. Let's hope he doesn't learn too much from his "parent".
a pig
funi post
>makes me glad I left America
You are no different than the arabs invading Europe. Go back to your home and fix your nigger problem just like ragheads should in the middle east instead of running away and contributing with the global diversity agenda.
And people wonder why niggers are professional victims.
i was a jerk when i was young but even then i'd only take 3 or maybe 4 pieces of candy if the bowl with really full, taking the whole thing was over the line
>Woman Steals Entire Bowl of Candy in front of disapproving son, grandmother, and homeowner
I already got it.
This is why I don't answer the door if its dindus bused in by their broodmothers. I live in a 98% white town and that remaining 2% are Asian engineers or scientists/technicians.
Another thing is look how lazy that costume is. Literally a piece of paper with Spongebob's face on it. Ultimate stereotype for black trick or treaters.
Did anyone notice a fraction of kids out last night.compared to years past? My mom only had 16 kids show up. I was driving home at 8:30 and neighborhoods were dark and there wasn't a single person outside.
>but the niggers drive over from the bad part of town because its where all the candy is
Is there any way to stop them from doing this? Seems scummy as fuck to have people driving over from the shit parts of town to take advantage of people who live in nicer neighborhoods
Monday Halloween are like that wierdly, but Its still declining
This year Halloween was much easier and much more fun. I have one of those doorbells that has a motion sensor and displays video on my phone. Little thugs in no costume got to ring the bell and stand there. Kids in costumes (white, hispanic, some asian) got an open door and a handful of candy. (YES if the black kids turned up in a costume, they got candy.) But the days of handing out candy welfare are over at my place. Yes it's "just candy" but the bags of candy we'd go through because of costumeless little brats (mostly black) was unbelievable. This year we got to hand out the "good candy" to kids who were actually trick or treating and not "gib-me-getting."
Don't talk about the copies.
Only way is to not answer the door at the sight of them
>Niggers steal
>Niggers ruin everything
over time kids grow up and leave the area so unless new families move in with kids the number of ToTers will go down
If I didn't know that they were trend busting locals who lived clean lives I wouldn't open the door to diduns either if I lived in America (our aliens are Muslims that don't even try to fit in by trick or treating).
You don't know what will happen. Obviously I'm not scared of them but people that behave like animals have a whirlpool of bad karma around them and can cause troubles for anyone they come into contact with. You don't want that on a holiday. Or ever. Besides they knock me sick and get me angry.
I don't hate them but why don't they please just go away.
Why do none of you feckers use a normal bowl for all races but niggers and a poisoned bowl for niggers? They're never going to know who gave them the fucking candy.
nice try black pigeon
Saw the same last night. I wasn't feeling well, and the wife took our son out trick or treating. Rather than answer the door, I left out a big bowl of candy. I was casually watching the bowl on our security cameras while surfing the web. I saw many groups of kids come and go, just taking a couple of pieces or a small handful of candy. The a van pulled onto my dead end street, and 8-10 dindu children hopped out. Unsurprisingly, the first that got to our house dumped the the remaining half bowl of candy into their bag.
I get that the parents want to bring their niglets to a safe neighborhood so they can trick or treat without getting shot, but if you're going to bring your little fucking animals into civilized society, they need to be taught to act appropriately. Unfortunately, with Ape's as parents many never have a chance....
do you communicate via notepad?
I'm gonna put the Doctor Robotnik theme over this.
A couple years back we had someone who did that.
Kids would go door to door asking for candy and someone gave the kids he hated painkillers and little bags of candy with a couple of diarrhea tablets.
should have put risin instead
because its impossible for it to carry the same meaning when they say it. literally every sex, race & sexuality has limits for what 'outsiders' can say. Gays, asians, women etc. i cant say some things that they can to each other. its not so fucking had to understand.
how did gif related not end in death? i thought you couldnt handle two or else youd be fried
>waste 30 miles of gas, twice, to steal 10 dollars of candy
But she's literally bragging about being nigga, in the video it's priceless
it isnt 30 miles, and even if it was it would still be cheaper
I wish everybody would upload the footage of black kids emptying out the candy bowls so that somebody could make a 2017 compilation of the little looters. It just shows how early this behavior is normalized, and how shitty their mothers and grandmothers are.
No idea. Maybe it wasn't earthed?
She isnt stealing the candy from the homeowner. The homeowner has accepted that he's giving that shit away. Shes stealing the candy from all the kids in the neighborhood that will visit that house and get nothing. Shes literally taking candy away from children.
A guy i know set up a whole candy tier system. The kids in low effort costumes, or older kids in no costume got candy corn. The kids in costume and legit trick or taters got the good stuff. He had a box of full size candy bars too for kids dressed in Chicago Cubs themed costumes.
If they just kept to themselves in Baltimore, Chicago and Detroit this country would be a better place
This is some racist shit on the website. I'm here choking this shit all the time and you'll see why in the future. You moths fuckan device stole Halloween from the original black celtics just like everything else. Fuck yts