Why do Sup Forums keep supporting degenerate losers?
Why do Sup Forums keep supporting degenerate losers?
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because its edgy
whatever isn't allowed at the current moment is what Sup Forums will be inclined towards.
Well it doesnt make any sense to hate communism in the Sup Forums way
Die kike.
"brave" commie soldiers
There is no sex in the soviet union
Autismo spamming
What are you 12? Fuck off retard.
>Sup Forums is just a contrarian board
newfag detected, please go back.
Nice proxy faggot
his picture is glitched dumbfuck, enlarge it.
This picture always bothers me for one reason. Why are the soldiers on the bottom of the Russia panel Ukrainians?
Didn't know New Zealanders could be this edgy.
Tell me, are you in junior high?
Hitler survived WWII and lived in Argentina. Verified by newly released JFK files
>Hitler dead
Also typical nazi behavior, you need 100000 billion different conspiracy theories for your worldview to make sense. We only need one, which is true, america is behind all the evils in this world
What? There is only one "conspiracy" jews are behind all the evils in this world.
Who do you think controls america? JEWS
Because trumpcucks are degenerate losers.
I've never seen a picture with so many hopeless and degenerate reds.
Sup Forums wants to circlejerk the jewish meme, it will take time till the average Sup Forumsack here understands that the world is not black and white.