>best economy
>best army
>best country
It's easy to see that USA is the number one country in the world!
America invade us already!
>best economy
>best army
>best country
It's easy to see that USA is the number one country in the world!
America invade us already!
>best economy
Low probability.
>best army
High probability.
>best country
Zero probability.
Let us join our forces!
Together us burgers and you waffles can fix Europe!
At least we have a healthcare system
Post geo flag, pussy.
Peace might be the real American privilege. Our government keeps militarism stirred up with overseas action, but our society itself is not militarized. Nor has it (in most regions) the basic tensions that force other nations to militarize their homefronts.
Get rid of that remnant of evil communist soviet occupation immidiately!
fuck amerikikes
Does it make you feel less cucked by Muslims to post that? The projection is off the charts.
that looks amazing. i'm picking up mats to make one.
Turn it into an envy of the world until it becomes profitable from healthcare tourism.
Good anglo brother, too bad we are rotting from inside nowadays.
>>best economy
>Low probability.
>>best army
>High probability.
>>best country
>Zero probability
I'll add a bit :
>Best culture
No real culture before the 20th century
But best Gun Culture hands down.
>Best food
No lol
>Best society
>Best people
>Best political climate
Oh God
>Best living standards
Not a chance
And the list goes on
But hey
Ok whatever Jamal
Thank you Romania, we know. We think your country is swell. We know you've got the gypsy thing going on but at least you can make it to the store and back without getting raped unlike Germany.
>disastrous healthcare
>corruption at the county level virtually everywhere
>horrible wages
>zero social mobility
>the worst workers rights in the entire developed world
keep using that oversized military you waste so much of your money on to protect us for nothing in return though, goy.
>Asking for a country to take your sovereign clay...
Cuck/10 kys gypsy fag. You should be buried on a nameless grave and with no honors.
>best economy
Lol give them 10 years and Romania will be an economical superpower if u compare it with USA cuz debt
>We know you've got the gypsy thing
Fuck off. I know you're an American, but that mental handicap shouldn't prevent you from realising that Romanians and Romanis (AKA gypsies) aren't the same people - Romanians don't deserve being falsely identified as gypsies.
Weird to see actual Americunt love
Its creepy; its like rejecting a girl you want to fuck, and you don't even know why you rejected her
Its also worrying that people are starting to like us again, its like when you find too many of one beetle in a ecosystem, its a sign of bad things ahead
Too many nazis and idiots.