Anglo = white niggers.
white kikes*
Pretty embarrassing to get conquered and partially genocided by niggers, then.
Indians = poo niggers
Welsh aren't Anglo...they're just weird with their language and love of leaks, singing and playing rugby poorly.
The british are fucking losers, you couldnt pay me to support them or pretend they are my brothers.
That's okay leaf, you shouldn't even be included. You're probably half french anyway.
quebcuck identified
Not like you alpha Canadians, huh.
why use the swastika when you have pic related?
too gaudy, no provenence. im a traditionalist.
That looks like Flash Gordons shirt.
they voted for brexit and fought at agincourt, theyre anglo as anyone
Kill Kikes, Reich everywhere now!
White niggers.
Needs some border re-shuffling though.
A few thousand white niggers defeated your entire sub continent, subjugated it for 200 years, created your infrastructure and legal system ( which hasn't been updated since the end of the Raj) India is a giant toilet filled with subhuman filth like yourself....the world hates you.
White nigger.
Why are the Turks represented on that map?
But I am from Nepal, you never ruled over us.
Yeah, they don't like being called Anglo.
Kinda like calling a Highland Scot an Anglo.
We genuinely don't care about Canadians here either. You're just another part of the US to us.
We actually kind of did.
Why do you think the Gurkhas came into the British army? It wasn't because they were particularly partial to us.
Shut the fuck up Chang
Nepal is the 30th state of India.
80% of the most important inventions and discoveries of the past 300 years were made by British or Americans. We have the first and second largest number of nobel laureates in the world.
Anglos are literally the polar opposite of niggers.
This map always got me confused
Every nation seems to have a somewhat historical flag, but not France
They're just WPWW
A nation as rich in culture and history as theirs should have plenty of national symbols
Am I missing something? Did the WP movement start there or what?
Man, it's so easy to triggered poltards.
well no because
*brings mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change...
I was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 ears because your pineal gland- jamie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster... here we go
*looks at screen*
look at that..
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? Jesus those things will tear you to shreds
I hope I live long enough to see a confederation of US, UK, Aus, Can, NZ into one Anglo superpower.
>using a symbol made by an autistic austrian who was cucked out of art school
>not using a far better symbol made by a chad knight who would have been a much better leader than Hitler
We aren't German, we use the symbol made by an Anglo or we're essentially cucking to the Germans.
This. A reborn British empire would be the best possible thing to happen to the world. We could literally invade anyone, anytime just for shits and giggles. Just imagine Prince George becoming King and declaring his master plan for world domination.
>We could literally invade anyone, anytime just for shits and giggles.
The US does that already.
For jewish interests.
I actually care about Canadians, that guy is just a quebcuck though.
OH WHATEVER. I like swastikas. Does your logic mean hitler was cucked to buddhists?
would be cool to see a marriage between the Trump and Windsor families to reinforce our alliance. get some Aussies and leaves in the mix as well. the rest is just admin.
Don't you mean...
The Romans used it as well...
What's the flag on the bottom right with the red x and crown?
I would agree if we had a more American constitution. Sorry lads I don’t wanna give up muh guns. No need to ban them with all the undesireables gone anyway
Ulster Unionists.
Canzuk when?
Also flag: each point represents a country in union. So England, Scotland, Wales, N Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, combined over seas territories/crown dependencies. So eight pointed star.
You're an autistic fucker, I'll give you that.
they did??
Northern Ireland, using the st patricks cross which the republitards in the south dont want us to use.
almost as bad as the commonwealth flag.
we need the red ensign with heraldic motifs, no corporate-esque logos please
Its an edited version of the Imperial Commonwealth Federation flag
Just use this.
I'm Welsh and I don't really mind being called an Anglo. It's not true, either culturally or ethnically, but it's not an insult.
Okay then, can't argue with that.
I guess you would if the other countries joined the UK.
But I'm not sure if that were to be the most likely route of union.
one of the US states already uses that flag, but the other 49 may resent it
in reality an entirely new red/white/blue design may be needed
if the anglo nations federated, with the capital in canada or australia (placing the capital in USA or UK would provoke resentment on the losing side) it would be so, so beautiful.
The chinaman could truly get fucked then.
Homegrown Poos and Pajeets need 'solving' though.
I'm partial to the Union Jack. Any flag would have to incorporate the Jack.
>you are approached by a rombus
>The edges are small
>be sure not to step inside the rombus
would it be rude to point out that wales has been governed by english law for 500 years?
dont really have a clue what youre talking about