As the riots of 1999 in Seattle against the WTO played out...

As the riots of 1999 in Seattle against the WTO played out, many on the far-Right actually saw what was happening in a favorable light. Beyond that, they even chastised their own movement for failing to live up to the same standard as the people that rioted and shut down the WTO meetings. Although the far-Right framed these actions in terms of conspiracies of the “Zionist Occupied Government, or “New World Order,” they still strangely enough, supported it. Matthew Hale, then the leader of the World Church of the Creator, stated in an essay after the riots:

What happened in Seattle is a precursor for the future—when White people in droves protest the actions of world Jewry not by ‘writing to congressmen’, ‘voting’, or other nonsense like that, but by taking to the streets and throwing a monkey wrench into the gears of the enemy’s machine.

Did the right wing hinder the WTO? No. They were too busy ‘writing their congressmen’—congressmen who were bought off a long time ago, or waiting for their ‘great white hope’ in shining armor who they can miraculously vote into office.No, it was the left wing, by and large, which stymied the WTO to the point where their meeting was practically worthless, and we should concentrate on these zealots, not the ‘ meet, eat, and retreat’ crowd of the right wing who are so worried about ‘offending’ the enemy that all too often, they are a nice Trojan Horse for the enemy’s designs.

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rare good post by a meme flag, have a bump and a (you)

basically , the right wing is pretty worthless tin hatters

I'm almost 100% certain OP wasn't even old enough to remember the laughing stock that was the '99 Seattle riots. It was just as much an utter failure of snowflakes getting BTFO by police as antifa today anytime they leave berkeley. Same whiney cunts, same pussies, same retards who didn't know how to fight at all getting blasted with rubber bullets. This is why most of Sup Forums wants you faggots to really riot again because a lot of us watched it live on television and it was a barrel of fucking keks before youtube and streaming even existed.

Shill bye!

shoo Chaim

Others agreed. Louis Beam, a former member of the Ku-Klux-Klan, and an almost a Subcomandante Marcos figure on the racist far-Right, as well as the person who popularized the concept of ‘leaderless resistance’ wrote:

…My heart goes out to those brave souls in Seattle who turned out in the thousands from both Canada and the U.S. to go up against the thugs of Clinton and those who put him in office. I appreciate their bravery. I admire their courage. And I thank them for fighting my battle…“Soon, however, there will be millions in this country of every political persuasion confronting the police state on streets throughout America. When you are being kicked, gassed, beaten and shot at by the police enforcers of the NWO you will not be asking, nor giving a rat’s tail, what the other freedom lovers’ politics ‘used to be’—for the new politics of America is liberty from the NWO Police State and nothing more.

How am I shill exactly? It's the truth. Where do you think the "smash some starbucks windows" meme even came from? You 20 year old twerps can try to spin it however but those of us who were alive and aware during the time know how funny and uneventful it was. You had 1,000 minutes of news and maybe 40 seconds in that cycle that even mentioned Seattle. Literally no one gives a fuck. We're watching useful young idiots who claim to fight oppression literally destroying their own shit to further the very same globalist overlords that want to enslave them and perpetuate a military police state. It's pure pottery and the reason why no one will ever take any of you clowns seriously.

>globalist overlords that want to enslave them and perpetuate a military police state

so basically you what you saying is that any resistance is futile and will only be used by those in power to expand the police state and widen security apparatus?

this is only a formulation of importance and a rationalization of defeatism.

>One far-Right group actually even went to Ferguson to help put down the rebellion, the Oath Keepers, a Patriot/militia group, and attempted to act as an auxiliary force to the police. However, upon arrival, some in the group decided they instead wanted to march with guns with the protesters in order to show the police that the citizens were not afraid of them. This about face in position among some members, from wanting to support the State to wanting to support the black citizens of Ferguson, caused a split in the group. Needless to say, the march never happened, but the point remains clear: stand up to the State and its police, especially if you’re black, and the far-Right does not support you. In fact, it demonizes you as the enemy for doing so, or portrays you as a stooge to powers far beyond your control.

>so basically you what you saying is that any resistance is futile
That's not what I said at all, you obvious fag. You idiots literally perpetuate the need for a militarized police force and you're too stupid to have enough self-awareness to realize that. You also think you're some kind of intellectual or "resistance" when you're literally puppets getting played by globalist kikes just like in Seattle. What are you, 13 or just have half a brain? It's one or the other. Meanwhile, everyone with a job will be hitting happy hour with their friends and laughing at you losers on tv as always before heading off to take care of their families/girlfriends/wives. You're the walking definition of losers.

>I'm fighting the system but I also receive support from multimillionare capitalists

which one is it, porky-fa?

lol. you believe in the "protocols of zion" and im the one who is 13?

why wont you try to build a political movement around the Roswell incident , you'll have a better chance at that. trump already released the JFK files, maybe you should write write him a letter

the one word that ends you is "proof"

WTO was a fuckfest. Pussy lib protesters en mass were having a party of sorts until the black bloc anarchists showed up and decided to start attacking dumpsters and smashing windows out at Starbucks and Nordstrom...
Here's a pic from my window

The gov infiltrated this protest as well was occupy. The reason this sjw shit is pushed so hard is so the left aren't a threat to their economic interests.

You realize that you antifa faggots are funded by globalist Jews, right?

you do realize that you're a tin foil joke right?

Dumpsters are the original bourgeoisie.

Hey, OP.. where do you think the idiom of calling embarrassing failures “dumpster fires” came from?

and now the far left are toadies for international capital and the far right is the only ones resisting neoliberalism

I just don’t understand why you want to help out a guy like Soros, who needs you to be a retarded angsty youth to cash in his investment.


Seattleite. I was here.

1. We shut down the WTO. Long before the anarchists showed up. We blocked all the conference centers. NOT ONE SCHEDULED MEETING TOOK PLACE.

2. Hillary Clinton and Dick Cheney had to leave the city also. The attended none of the meetings.

3. The police had to bring in reinforcements from 6 states, and it wasn't enough. We made them stand for 20 hours at a time wearing diapers.

WTO was a turning point. The right learned that they are not welcome in some places. That the people will come together to reject fascism and global oligarchs.

We won and the world hasn't been the same. You could say it was the beginning of the end of the country's conservative movement.

There is no Soros money in politics. We just hate Trump. How many times do you need to be told?

sure. corporations fucking hate trump for putting them in his cabinet directly while previously they had only need to put their representatives in there

tax cuts for the one percent is a well knows anti neoliberal move,

Why do leftists protest?
Most governments are already doing what they want : spending money they don't have, trying to remove guns from citizens, more immigration

What else do they want?

Translation: one inefficient layer of bureaucracy removed, political class butthurt ensues.

You have to be extremely naive to think any of Obama’s cabinet members were well intended. They were a bunch of grifter asshats, gatekeepers. That’s the problem with politics, pretty much EVERYONE is corrupt. It just happens that more of us have a chance at not starving to death if the corrupt people in charge also happen to be going for high scores in their businesses, instead of being incompetent niggerfaggots.

Holy shit, how did you even type that with a straight face? No Soros money in politics.. hahahahahaha

Citation needed or you are done here.

Correct the record, media matters, sharia blue? History of funding “color revolutions” through NGOs starting with the Open Societies foundation?

Why the fuck should I even have to go through the basic paces, when you just tipped off that you’re going to play stupid all the way through?

>No soros money in politics

The fucking left doesn’t have any platform AT ALL that Soros didn’t pay for. You aren’t ANYTHING else but his henchman. Whether you see it or not, not my problem.

the right wing was always garbage and the left wing moved to identity politics.
you're happy you elected a spoiled idiot like Trump who's married to a bimbo because he calls himself right wing and conservative.

Many people in the WTO riots are part of the alt right now. It was pure white male rage. The same rage that burned down woodstock 99 and the same that now drives the alt right.

My wife's son's dad lived in Seattle in 1999 and I can assure you, this really happened.

Bold move, being a commie faggot in .ro.. Thought after Ceacescu, you’d keep your heads down.

where did you see the alt right riot, ever?