Tries to become an artist

>tries to become an artist
>tries to overthrow the elected government of Bavaria
>tries to write a book
>no one reads it, not even his inner circle
>tries to become president of Germany
>loses to Hinderburg, weasels his way into power after being appointed Chancellor
>tries to annex Poland
>Britain and France declare war on him
>tries to make peace with Britain
>Brits know better than to trust an angry German maniac
>tries to conquer Russia
>fails, miserably
>tries to go down as one of the greatest and most admired statesmen of all time
>is universally reviled, even among his own countrymen
>tries to get married
>an heros a few hours later

did he do anything right?

Other urls found in this thread:,

His book is very popular in Turkey.

He should have declared war on Am*rica instead of Polabd

>got Memel, Austria, Saarland, Ruhr and Czechoslovakiabloodlessly as the French and British bow down to him
>revitalizes the German economy
>rebuilds the Wehrmacht, builds an airforce
>helps Franco in Spain
>cracks down on kikes
While Hitler made mistakes, don't leave us out his great accomplishments, such as destroying the treaty of Versailles. Also, Hitler didn't die

>an heros a few hours later
I have some news for you

>did he do anything right?
yes, he got a lot of german subhumans killed

t. Turkish rape-baby

>did he do anything right?
He did nothing wrong.

how are the terrorist attacks going, amerimutt?
heard you had a fresh one yesterday

If at first you don't succeed

Turned the economy around from lost a war depression to prosperous superpower in under 10 years

He lived

yes, he killed himself


Wow! People post these politically correct talking points on this imageboard like it's their fucking job!


if Hitler lived, why is no one taking notice of this revelation other than Alex Jones and company?

He did. It's arguably what lost him the war.

yeah i'm sure he goes into hiding in south america but keeps the iconic haircut and mustache

buenas noches mein führer

>calling others mongrels

Nietzsche had more in common with the Greeks of antiquity than you ever will

Beats me, man. You can literally fine declassified files on the FBI's vault saying Hitler arrived in Argentina in a U-boat with his mustache shaved off. Getting reading:

stay mad :)

Turkish admixture, not even once

Did Hitler really do nothing wrong, or is that just a meme?

>not greek
>not mongrel
got some bad news for you. inbred friend


It's not a meme. Hitler made mistakes, but he didn't do anything wrong. He's one of the greatest geniuses who have ever lived.

>Mein Kampf
>his speeches
>the Greatest Story Never Told

don't be rude to him
he's 1/298th european :)

>Nietzsche had more in common with the Greeks of antiquity than you ever will
lmao stupid shitskin


> We wuz superior and civilization and shit!1!!
> How does money work?!?!?1

Actually I can agree
he lost so hard and made everyone hate germans even more
now this has become guilt and because of that germans won't exist in 20 years
he did something right, helped he world get rid of germanic subhumans

Right, the poor thing is already frustrated with his life.

If you seriously believe he kept his moustache or hairstyle after escaping, youre beyond all hope.

>great artist the jews were jelly of
>overthrows Bavaria
>wrote a book
>best seller, everyone read it
>runs for chad counselor
>succeeds, have more power than virgin president
>annexed Poland
>Britain and France illegally declares war
>wants to live in peace
>war mongering brit imperialist refuse
>tries to free people from Soviet tyranny
>unfortunately fails for reasons unrelated to him
>goes down as greatest and most admired statesman of all time
>only reviled by the rootless international clique and their useful idiots
>got married
>honeymoon in Colombia

slavic subhuman

Wasn't there some sort of test to be conducted on ancient greek dna to see how much they have in common with modern greeks?

they are still superior you subhuman

works pretty well apparently
currently got more than you :)

He didnt actually have a solution for the JQ, beyond deporting them to Madagascar.

also, how are your grenade attacks going?

do you want to search
or should i just prove that Greeks are pure and direct descendants of Greeks?

>tries to become president of Germany
This is objectively false. You can't run for president of Germany, nor could you at that time. The president is not nor was it determined by a general election. Instead, parliament and select members of the public, around 2000 people, elect a president. The president is no more than a figurehead and has nothing whatsoever to do with the government, which is and was run by the chancellor and his cabinet.

Wjy do you pretend you can into history if you don't even know the basic facts about how other countries are run?

Greece isn't even a real country

t. Kanake, der in einem Problembezirk wohnt

it is you pathetic swedish subhuman



answer is, almost identical

>buenas noches mein führer
Top kek my austrian friend

Those "germanic subhumans" give you gibs, greek. When germans won't exist anymore, you will literally starve to death.

lmao slav subhuman
google problembezirk and look at the faces
give me 1$ for every slavshit face and i will become a billionaire

Le 49% face.

Quiet you cuck, go back to crossdressing and whoring yourself to Ahmed.


be quiet now


Why are you in Germany roach?


THAT is a "greek"? Damn, race mixing sure destroyed Greece.

>never attempt anything
>never fail at anything

I am a Greek

ask civilized and i will answer you

it didnt you latino shitskin
its just a pic spammed on this shitskin board

Behold two Greek Übermenschen

So the town rapist meme is true after all

even the old ones are still more attractive then other humans

you shitskin

you really don't know anything do you
german gibs are just an extra, which we don't pay back (everyone tax evades, including me. picrel)

the REAL gibs are coming from china (currently our #1 investor in exchange for political leverage, US and hopefully Israel too in a couple of months
talking about billions, not the petty millions the EU gives us

Fucking swedencuck has the nerve to talk about other countries.

>tries to write a book
>no one reads it
how can one man be so wrong

picrel, this is being made with chinese gibs
US gibs go towards the army


>fails to be an artist
You mean get into a modern art school. They told him to become an architect.

>no one reads it, not even his inner circle
Literally one of the most famous books in existence.

ikr? these people have their heads buried so deep in the sand it's not even funny anymore
well at least not for them, for us it is

He keeps posting on Sup Forums about how much better greece is than any other nation in europe.

Yet poverty and unemployment is forcing half of young greeks to move to Scandinavia, uk, Germany, Switzerland, austria.

Behold two amerimutt "Übermenschen"

He put a smile on every jew in tah world....... Great man.

Don't know, man, I am looking at some pics of Greek people and they all look Turkish or arab.

Also, the fact that I am in Latinamerica doesn't mean I am a shitskin. The same way, the fact that you are in Germany doesn't mean you are an arab.

>he still thinks that hitler an hero'd


They may be poor, but they are not cucked like you that's for sure.

so, so wrong
but it's okay, you won't exist in two decades maximum
stay in your echochamber :)

Funny coming from a Mediterranean, the least white of Europeans

If he didn't succeed at anything you wouldn't be bitching at his supporters on here.

it was just a bad decade
pol is racist and a decade is half of the life time of most posters here

keep in mind that Greeks are EU citizen and have a big wealthy diaspora in the richest countries of the planet

they can feel home in every place of the world because they are better than other humans.

No, you don't understand. You think chinks give a fuck about greeks? You're just a tool and will be wiped out, too. You will bawl your eyes out and cry for those germanic subhumans to come back and save you.

we're actually not poor, just tight as proves
only people that got fucked are people that opened businesses without reading the market first
literally everyone else is fine, young people just live with their parents a bit longer or return to the village life
nothing serious
t. i'm 26

its actually you who look like turks /kurds (argentines) and arabs ("white" brazilians)

the men you posted look like Greeks
the one in the middle looks like a statue
arab subhumans are ugly filth

>the least "white" Europeans
We don't give a fuck if we are white or not, that's what allowed us to survive these years from being cucked like Northern Europe.

that's why your women prefer us over you
see reply

chinks have better uses for this tool

Hitler was a pretty good artist desu


They are as much cucked as germany/sweden is.

Do I have to remind you that they have a socialist government?

The reason why they don't have ethnic tensions like northern/western europe has is because most refugees move on to richer countries after they landed in greece.
But who can blame them? Load of young and well educated greeks move to 1st world europe as well.

this so much
people talk about skin color because they don't have anything else to boast about

Yeah that's actually our situation as well. Now I know why we guys consider you brothers and sisters. We are so similar.

>tries to overthrow the elected government of Bavaria
only because some idiot let the government walk away

there was an extreme growth because of the crisis
should go back to 2,5 pre crisis level

Cool opinion
disregarded nonetheless
just like your race

Do you think Romans and Greeks/Byzantines cared about "white race" or something like that? I don't think so. Ironically, their obsession towards "white purity" gave birth to concepts like "white guilt"

Redpill time.

The whole of europe is gonna look like greece 1000 years from now