If we can't expect "moderates" to speak out against this shit, then what hope is there?
What the actual fuck?
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Absolute degenerates chaudrys are. ABSOLUTE DEGENERATES.
shes not wrong
Is this conclusive enough?
More examples of moderate islam
I guess yelling "Gas the Jews!" is just a political statement then too, huh?
>More like Rabbi Chaudry
All part of the Jewish plan.
>Flood the US with Muslims then stage attacks like 9/11 and Vegas
>Public begins to hate muslims then said more Americans to die killing muslims in middle east for israel
I dislike very much Islam and muslims, but she is right, it only means "God is great".
>Allahu achbar
>God is greater
>Mows down cyclists with truck
>No ideology behind statement
Fucking rats. Literally islamaphobic people who are too afraid to criticize islam.
allahu akbar by itself is as political as "oh my god"
In fairness, she's right, saying it on its own is not political or violent.
Saying it when you're running over pedestrians, essentially thanking god for your opportunity to kill innocent people, is a tad more provocative thank thanking god during a prayer.
Tagiyya is never wrong when dealing with infidels.
Moderates are only there to look kinda good so when extremists do something various groups can point at moderates and scream "NOTALLMUSLIMSLOOKATTHATGUY!"
Learn before you post. It means Allah is greater. As in my god is superior to your god. Its not the same as saying "Oh God" or "God is great".
Also even if he is just saying God is great in English as he mows people down then we know that this is a crazy person. When a large number of people do it we know there is a radical ideology that needs to be dealt with.
well she's sort of right, it just means "allah is the greatest" and is used in prayers or a saying whenever anything good is happening, its like the muslim version of "thank god", however if someone says either of these while doing a terror attack it's probably got something to do with their religion
Just go to bed, Hanz. Your country is already gone.
No shit. Everyone is well aware of what it means. The point is that it's a straw man. Nobody thinks he's an islamic terrorist solely because he yelled Allahu Akbar. They know he's a terrorist because he killed a ton of people while doing it, and had a bunch of ISIS shit on his person including a note that read "ISIS will live forever."
But when used in connection with an ISIS flag, a handwritten note aligning with ISIS, and used the techniques and tactics prescribed by an ISIS website ... that makes it kinda apparent bitch.
Question for Arab speakers.
What's a good replacement for "Allah Akbar" or "Allahu Akbar" in the same language that sounds very similar but should be offending to allah or a muslum?
He might have just been meming, who knows? I know I have friends who say it as a joke, none of them muslims.
>Get high on drugs
>Drive truck through crowd while yelling ALLAHU ACKBAR
>Get high on Islam
>Drive truck through crowd while yelling ALLAHU ACKBAR
1 of these is more likely than the other
>Yelling "Allah Akbar " 20 times a day
Proof that muslims are mentally ill.
One race. The human race.
Islam is a religion of peace.
Mental illness is the real problem.
It's Trump's rhetoric that caused this.
You weren't this outraged when 51 people were killed with guns. Checkmate. :^)
Do they kill a bunch of people and write hand-written notes to ISIS pledging their allegiance? If not, then it's not equivalent.
Fucking dumb bitch. Islam is FILLED with political beliefs, and promotes a theocratic islamic state. Just becausr .0001% of muslims have made the 500 year morality leap chrostians already have, doesnt mean the inherit flaws of Islam and its followers should be ignored in a modern society.
>he could be mentally ill
lol even the left has abandoned this, now every schizo is a white terrorist
haha whoops I just shouted 14/88 while running over those rabbis
yeah better not address the point based on my flag
Sup Forums everyone
Knew I missed one.
>Want to kill many people in NYC on halloween
>kill less than 10
that sand nigger is fucking retarded.
Say it 20 times a day.
For the record, "14/88" has no inherent political/violent connotation meriting instant terror diagnosis.
Yea I was. The difference is that gun deaths are minimal in this country. nearly 2/3 of all gun deaths are suicide and the rest are concentrated to areas like Chicago, NY, and LA. Remove those 3 cities and gun deaths are like 4th from the bottom in causes of death in this country. Terrorism on the other hand is a worldwide issue that can easily be solved by taking simple, albeit non-PC steps.
there is no moderate islam, why would there be a moderate muslim?
Exactly theyre completely ignoring the thouht behind the attack because it proves Islam has a violent effect on its followers. And of course the retarded liberals will give them shelter until theyre stabbed in the back.
Fuck islam. Fuck all those inbred goat fucking degenerates.
>my god is superior to your god.
m8 "there is only one god" is the central tenet of every abrahamic religion
No one even mentioned this guy was living in New Jersey and drove right up near the wtc site to do the attack. "Not terrorism"
>wouldn't even be allowed to be educated in mathematics if she was still in her shithole muslim country
>goes around lecturing the rest of us about how peaceful and tolerant islam is
kill the cunt
postmodern bullshit at play, it's like saying "1488" has no implicit white nationalist connotations, I use the expression in math several times a day
Heh, she won’t win that argument. We have already forgotten about Paddock.
I mean this guy seems pretty based. I have a couple Muslim friends who fucking hate this shit. One of them is dating a Catholic girl even. I don't doubt that moderates exist but there aren't enough that speak out against this shit.
I understand that the statement is not the problem. Everyone is not well aware of what it means. They wouldn't be saying it wrong if they knew.
One is a benign statement and the other is a statement of religious supremacy. People need to quit changing the translation.
I too say it several times a day, entirely to mock those who say it seriously.
Really grasping for straws she is.
>mentally ill
>believes in islam
is there a distinction?
moderate muslims are the ones that don't take their religion seriously
If you're Christian and say God is good 20x a day you're a Bible thumping retard but if you're Muslim we should tread more carefully, we wouldn't want them to have to kill us for disagreeing with them
Good post senpai.
This is correct. Went to school with one. Terrible person.
now you understand!
It's actually more like an Islam form of humble bragging in this context.
>"God is greater than my terrorist attack!"
>with the unstated implication that my terrorist attack is pretty fucking great
this was happening in pre-Trump America you worthless brown idiot
are you quoting the terrorist?
Muhammad said that people who stab others in the back are worse than dogs(and muslims hate dogs). Allah Akbar is something terrorists shout right before killing people because it's a declaration of hostility of sorts, therefore people they kill this way aren't killing in ambush but in "proper" fight.
Remember that those "moderate" muslims all know very well why terrorist shout Allah Akbar before doing their stuff but will never tell you this.
>Muslims aren't that bad, look one of them is even using a non-Muslim girl as his personal cum dump!
Wake up dumbass.
How about you recognize that there is a growing trend of radical muslims killing people with vehicles and your government lets them in by the boatloads
There is a specific group of people who feel it is necessary to kill as many people as possible for the purpose of pleasing God.
No peace in our time.
>he was yelling "Allahu akbar"
Yeah lets not jump to any conclusions here.
what crusaders
>nice taqiyya shitskin
>a hajib wearing terrorist and a jew
Are you brain damaged?
yes, she is.
also, he had a note declaring his allegiance to ISIS and had a picture of an ISIS flag with him.
Nazis werent an organization during WW2, it was just a word which was randomly spoken and written about during the 40s.
Fuhrer just meant bless you. Not a leader or anything. Just if you re writing a letter and you sneeze, you write fuhrer and continue with your letter to a random guy named Hitler.
It's just random, GEEZ.
That's beside the point.
>thinking moderates care about combating Islamic extremism
Nope. They care much more about people giving them funny looks than their fellow coreligionists. They care more about some pastor burning the Qur'an than their kindred running over hundreds of Westerners. They want Western countries to make it illegal to criticize Islam while their brethren behead Christians.
At this point we can say that moderate Muslims are the reason why Islam is so shit.
They think they've won, so they can safely be more obnoxious.
By that logic nor does "HEIL HITLER"!
Depending on the timing and context of her statement, it could sound like her primary concern is how these incidences could inconvenience her.
I worked with a Muslim guy. He was very nice, polite, hard worker. The only issue I had with him was, when he was first hired, he would stare me down. Then I left the place but saw him occasionally in passing. He stopped the staring and was just polite.
no mate. "one true god"
but MANY "false gods" aka "idols"
He also made me lunch one day, which I thought was nice.
>Christians believe that there is only one God, whom they call Father as Jesus Christ taught them.
Kay, then you're likely a Nazi. It's that simple. We're so fucking PC now that we can't even take people at their word to determine what their intentions are. You realize how fucking stupid this evidentiary standard is? By this logic, you can never know what's in someone's heart and therefore, you can never label anyone an actual terrorist.
That's the left brain bullshit for ya
Did you fuck him?
I have many issues with Israel but the one thing they got right is how they profile. They assume everyone who looks or acts like a terrorist, is an actual fucking terrorist. They catch more terrorists than any other country on the planet because they don't play these stupid games. They take people at their word and aren't afraid to offend anyone.
No. I don't cross the line with co-workers and he is way younger than I am. Although I have dated guys 13 years younger, I wouldn't go there with a co-worker.
Her twitter is a nightmare. I think I have PTSD from reading that dune coons delusions.
You should have fucked him
You should hook up with a muslim girl then.
Thats the aussie dude. Hes based as fuck. All the muslims here want him dead for calling out their bullshit.
In a lot of islamic cultures that is basically a filler phrase used for any exclamation or as a replacement for swearing.
Stub your toe? God is great
Win the lottery? God is great
Cant believe what a retard Waheed is being? God is great.
Have a headache? God is great
Have an infidels head? God is great
Thats just how it goes
>check dub
>get an essay
take a break Mary
What if I happen to yell "White Power" every time I stub my toe? Am I allowed to be criticized?
Holy fucking shit, you are completley right. They are the true Islamophobic ones, they know nothing about it except they have this irrational fear to defend it at all cost because they are so afraid of terrorism.
He could have scribbled that in confusion.
I don't fuck mudslimes
Allahu ackbar is basically Arabic for "OMG" you stupid kike. Slide thread.
>amerisharts thought they would be left alone by Muslims and those attacks would only happen in western Europe
Fucking lol
Why are jews so evil?