If we can't expect "moderates" to speak out against this shit, then what hope is there?
What the actual fuck?
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Absolute degenerates chaudrys are. ABSOLUTE DEGENERATES.
shes not wrong
Is this conclusive enough?
More examples of moderate islam
I guess yelling "Gas the Jews!" is just a political statement then too, huh?
>More like Rabbi Chaudry
All part of the Jewish plan.
>Flood the US with Muslims then stage attacks like 9/11 and Vegas
>Public begins to hate muslims then said more Americans to die killing muslims in middle east for israel
I dislike very much Islam and muslims, but she is right, it only means "God is great".
>Allahu achbar
>God is greater
>Mows down cyclists with truck
>No ideology behind statement
Fucking rats. Literally islamaphobic people who are too afraid to criticize islam.
allahu akbar by itself is as political as "oh my god"