All this butthurt has me feeling like Christmas morning. Anyone Else?
It's Okay to be White
It's ok to be white.
It's not ok to be racist.
why isn't being racist ok?
You're not supposed to recognize patterns
BROKE: Republicans are racist!
JOKE: Democrats are the real racists!
WOKE: Republicans and Democrats are no different.
BESPOKE: It's me. I am the real racist.
Never forget that, faggolas.
The sooner leftest wake up the sooner we can start improving things.
What patterns?
That black people commit more crimes etc etc etc?
it goes much much deeper than that but thats most often the first one people see
you can deny that every homogeneous culture is happier than multiculti
we tried red pilling normies with facts, that didnt work so now wer are showing them that they really do HATE us
It’s also ok to poo in loo friend
Go sit on your designated shitting street you mudskin
Leftists and rightists are both degenerates.
Such as?
Pol calls out leftists for being groupists etc. But aren't you guys doing the same thing?
All Mexicans are subhuman cleaners.
Indians in America are smelly and Indians = poo in loo.
Asians are beta males and Asian women like white dicks.
But you guys get triggered when you see white women with black guys.
But some individual POC who share the same opinion as yours are "based".
Leftists can't meme and will get triggered easily. But i come to Pol and everyone is triggered.
what the fuck areyou baiting or what
the based black man is reddit meme you retard
Poos are okay, the good ones are really good and the bad ones are really bad
if you cleaned up your own country instead of exporting your best and brightest to western countries you wouldnt be so fucked
think about
your people
your race
and youve done it to yourself bu not being "groupist"
Someone obviously pinched it from the "It's ok to vote No" ssm counter
half expecting it to go awry
Watch it slowly morph into a pro-ssm statement
stop retardposting please
Can you give me a quick run down on the most common wiping practices after shitting on the beach?
So, it's not okay to be a nigger? Because niggers are racist as fuck.
You even saying that is racist. You're racist, you fucking nigger kike faggot. Fuck you.
Just found this floating around here.
The left is on suicide watch.
Your dominion cant winnion and then they'll eat your skinion but that's just antifa's opinion.
Other opinions are scary to them~ it was halloween anyway.
Pajeet, my friend,how many streets did you shit today? Did you get any bobs and vagene pics?
Bergjude has the bergjudenbanter of a thousand nazigolds
Can't wait for the blank, white paper to roll out
They're just as much divided as Sup Forums
They are sending their best. This is hilarious. I gotta save this.
>he doesn't know huwites are mongoloid rapebabies
its literally not okay to be white.
yes I am enjoying also
>inferring that all white people are racist
it's going to be fun throwing these antifa retards in the gas chamber/from helicopters. it's the only thing i have to live for atm desu.
Someone hasnt been allowed to loo in the streets lately
Good job, Tulanon. Tulane is committed to diversity by saying that the message does not represent them. Diversity really does mean anti-white.
“We have no idea who posted the signs, but that person is obviously not speaking for Tulane University,” Strecker said. “Tulane is firmly committed to diversity and to supporting every member of our community.”
I need you all to know how much I love you. This place is my only social interaction, and it's a pity that I can't send a thank you to Sup Forums itself, so I'll just send a thank you to you anonymous faggots. I have nothing in my life, but I have love for you. I hope you all have blesséd days and a blesséd night, I owe you my life.
very comfy pepe, friend
Everybody is racist, because you believe and say you aren’t doesnt make it so. It’s not inherently bad.
There is a difference between recognizing patterns and being a racist you nimrod.
I am kinda hoping that both sides fracture, and then the ones that are actually reasonable shake hands and get shit done.
It was a brilliant campaign idea. Respect to the user who conceived this
thread got BTFO
Stahp shitting in the streets monkey boi, kek
>Some streetshitter gets more replies than the actual post
user, I...