Low test having buzzfeed "tryguys" have proven that the particular breed of numales have a proven biological factor affecting them.

They are weak, low test, soy consumers. AND THE MEDIA IS EMBRACING THEM


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best timeline

Is this the point where male femenist are finally BTFO forever

Goddammit is the media seriously going to keep taking Sup Forums posts seriously? Is this really what we've come to? For fuck's sake

we internet superpower

its almost as if sitting on your balls brooding them in heat like a bird all day is bad for you

found the numale

I'm starting to see the logic behind nofap at this point

having the wrong political opinions doesn't mess up your hormonal profile. Being bombarded with estrogen while you're young through polluted water, industrial foods and hygiene products does

how to increase test u guys?

We won the meme war and are the last remaining internet superpower

I hate being low T

i hate my fucking life

>harmless meme from /fit
>Sup Forums turns it into garbage and hypes it
>just makes themselves look neurotic and insecure
>nothing of value was lost
welp, time to see who else has flipped to help Mueller

>tryguy Ned
Testosterone level 212


Lift weights, take zinc, be more assertive in social interactions, and only hang out with women if you are fucking/ about to fuck them

I would add
>Buy a gun
>Eat more produce. Less processed shit and animals
>Refine your criteria for determining what's true: Heideggarian essentialism, Popper's falsification, Kuhn's ground plans.

TFW lift 3-4x a week, actively avoid soy and plastic containers. Eat as healthy as possible. Don’t fap, as I am married and don’t need to.

Go to doctor for blood test and find out my test is 380. What the fuck, I’m 24 years old. Should I just kill myself?

>ignoring how leftist journalists actually do have extremely low testosterone

After Hogan legdropped Gawker, we are the only internet super power

internet superpower 2020
/y/ becomes designated shitting board

What's 'healthy as possible'?
Animal fat contains xenoestrogens and anything from an animal is essentially junk food.

Sleep and sunlight. Get more of both.

>tfw you helped make the original by using your sister's Facebook to find cucks because you refuse to have your own Goybook

Or you could actually learn about what you are talking about instead of believing some shit you saw on fucking Sup Forums of all places.
Go use Google and read about Testosterone and its effect on the body.
Now, shoo lil guy shoo!

you're a stupid incel faggot

I eat lots of chicken and fish, lots of veggies and fruits.

Red meat on occasion, usually cheat meals.

Strict caloric diet. I basically follow /fit/‘s advice.

I'm sure there's animal ag shills on /fit/
The entire internet has become another diet confusing machine.

You have no reason to be eating anything that comes from an animal.
In addition to xeno-estrogens fish carry heavy metals whether farmed or wild and chickens are drugged and diseased.

There is no such thing as a protein deficiency.
There is nothing ONLY found in meat that is an essential nutrient or even a better source of a nutrient.

People need to up the quantity of produce they eat.
I don't know my testosterone but my LDL was 51 last I checked.

Just eat tiny shrimp. No estrogens, no metals, and proteins as fuck. Along with tasting amazing when sauteed

>You have no reason to be eating anything that comes from an animal.
That's too much dude. I lift and I agree muh more proteins is a meme, but still.
Red meat a few times a month maximum. Not processed and grass fed.
White meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit) is good a few times a week.
Fish : often. Eggs are good too.

>avoid listening to the Beatles
>use only a Nokia brick phone, no apple products
>shit standing up
>wolf whistle at every female you see, even the ugly ones
>wear old spice
>buy one pair of wranglers and never replace them
>get a job in construction, never wear PPE
>bryll cream
>chain smoke Marlboro, minimum 40 a day
>only eat animal fats, no poultry

Chinamen grow shrimp in shit water
They are packed with cholesterol
There is no cholesterol in plants
Stop eating cholesterol
There's protein in everything so there's no need to seek it out.
But if you want extra because you lift
The best source of protein is from a wide array of greens.
Get protein from greens and get a ton of extra nutrients
Get protein from animal products and get a ton of extra shit like cholesterol, saturated fat, hormones, drugs, pollution, bacteria, etc.

And yet none of you faggots could keep your girls away from vegan bodybuilders like pic related


Kek nice start dude but you have massive work to do on your arms and shoulders and traps.

vegan bullshit

>Stop eating cholesterol
Dietary cholesterol is necessary for hormone production

Daily reminder that ya'll should nuke yourselves in the ass, mouth and your soy tities. Veganism is bullshit btw and ya'll should read a history book or two about our hominid precursors.

>tfw still not over the death of Macho Man

Not a reason to be eating it.
Not an argument.

More protein per calorie from greens and more of everything else. Not cholesterol, saturated fat, hormones, bacteria, actual shit, xeno-estrogens.

People just can't imagine eating a pound and a half of steamed veggies over rice for lunch and dinner and another three pounds of fruit for breakfast and throughout the day.
There's not an argument that a diet other the one I just described has a superior. A diet of meat is by far inferior to it.

White gun owner and racist sounding off here btw

Sup Forums did meme a man into the white house

>Buying Chinese shrimp
Get fucked, I live in the gulf and get it local. Also source on cholesterol on shrimp? Shit is almost negligable from what I've read

Not an argument

You embody animal ag bullshit with no basis


>tfw wearing glasses makes you a nu-male now

>yfw Sup Forums is the Trump of the internet, blunt but anonymous

pic related

Dietary cholesterol is very weakly correlated to blood cholesterol, if at all.
I eat 36 eggs a day and my cholesterol ratio is perfect.

>Get protein from greens
How do you plan on doing this?

Totally incorrect
Absolute bullshit
Anyone can google this abject lie
No form of cholesterol is an essential dietary nutrient
Eating it is pollution and abuse of our bodies.

Humans make all the cholesterol we need

1980s memes still alive 30 years later.

I can see it now, definitely low T

Bisphenol-A in the water will do that. Western sperm count and testosterone has collapsed over the past 50 years. Pesticides, plastics, and other nasty chemicals in our food/water coupled with pornography has pretty much ruined the mind and body of men in the West.

We're only three generations from complete extinction.

>I eat 36 eggs a day
I hope that doesn't include the yokes mate. That shit will fuck your liver

>Soy titties
Tell your sister we're having seitan tonight at my place

>extremely low testosterone
If they're functioning properly their T is fine. The whole thing is just more fat-white-faggot neuroticism, you guys know you're soft as fuck and so you obsess about masculinity, because you know you have none. Just like you concealed carry because you know you're a pussy who can't run 50 meters to literally save his life.

T affects muscle protein synthesis when it's getting up to 10 times the normal levels. 300 vs 600 is just normal variation. It's possible someone has 300 because their receptors are more sensitive to it and that's where they keep in proper homeostasis. They have less T, but their T goes further.

Basically you're a bunch of ignorant faggots.

i wanna get my testo tested, can i just make a schedule with my doctor?

btw amerilards i pay like 24 dollars for a doctors visit :)

>Doesn’t fap

Quit Low-T LARPing Ned

I feel you bro, I too was upset to be unjustly branded a nu-male based on looks alone. But then I realized that chances were that I was really a nu-male all along.

How to know, if your test level is normal without going doctor? I'm relatively strong (lift quite a lot), but I think I could be much stronger.

If you're really fucked up and have very low T, then go to the doc and ask for testosterone replacement therapy

They list it next to nutrients when they recommend not eating more than x amount each day.
Though any amount of cholesterol you are consuming is basically poisoning you.

Recent studies have shown that there is little to no correlation between dietary cholesterol and CHD. You working for the anti-egg lobby or something?

At last someone is taking a stand for white masculinity!

>anything from an animal is essential junk food

Right... One of the best sources of protein, iron and zinc is red meat. The absorption of these beneficial nutrients are best absorbed with a little bit of fat as well.

Plant-based sources cannot even compare.

Me either user
He was the cream of the crop
The cream of the crop
He would have been a good president
Challenge Kim jong to a steel cage match
Two men enter and only one man leaves

Thank you for your service soldier

Vegans eat zero chelesterol and they have the lowest levels of LDL cholesterol

Who are you weirdos proclaiming you eat an absurd amount of eggs and gallons of dairy everyday. You must be shills.

What article are you working on now?

t. steroids.jpg

I`m second national team basketball player, I know how a normal fit person looks like.

>If they're functioning properly their T is fine.
What is your definition of functioning properly? Because there are plenty of unhealthy people walking this earth, or rolling around on their mobility scooters, but that does not mean that landwhales are healthy.

>T affects muscle protein synthesis when it's getting up to 10 times the normal levels. 300 vs 600 is just normal variation. It's possible someone has 300 because their receptors are more sensitive to it and that's where they keep in proper homeostasis. They have less T, but their T goes further.
These guys had levels below 300. Clearly not healthy. Aside from low T, they also have virtually no muscle mass, plenty of bellyfat, and they're leftists, which is indicative of them being unmanly.

Only in your mind, shill or useful idiot

The 80s meme still floated is 'animal protein' AKA complete protein

There's no reason to eat anything that comes from an animal.
You can't name one. Animal ag is an arm of big oil. Plays a part in big pharma and the overall lethargy and stupidity of the population the oligarchs want.

>I eat 36 eggs a day and my cholesterol ratio is perfect.
Are you bulking, or what? Why eat so many eggs?

>What is your definition of functioning properly?
Get and maintain an erection, basically

>The whole thing is just more fat-white-faggot neuroticism, you guys know you're soft as fuck and so you obsess about masculinity
None of these faggots even lift
They just WE WUZ while looking at statues of greek gods

You don't need to eat it.


not even a surprise

>Get and maintain an erection, basically
Ah so those soyboy journalists probably aren't functioning properly

WORST source of any nutrient is from animals
Simply nutrient to calorie ratio
Animal foods are junk
Plants have exponentially higher nutrients per calorie

But your metric of 'best' is whatever's convenient and self indulgent, you lazy, lemming fuck.

>what are steroids?
None of those guys are natural. The old white guy in the back and the black dude are also on HGH.

Hey if the author of this article is reading this the origin of soy boy actually originates from trolling r/asianmasculinity. After they started invading our board we started shit posting about how East Asians all have low t because of their high soy diet. They believed us and now avoid soy like it's the plague. Now the soy meme has evolved.


Contacts make everyone look better. Sorry mang


youre confusing cause and effect
they are leftist bc they lack testosterone and not the other way around


>buying a gun increases your t levels
This is the faggot who makes us gun owner look bad. Fuck off retard

>Animal foods are junk
>Plants have exponentially higher nutrients per calorie
What nutrients? are you talking about? Name one food that has more nutrients than liver

>Plants have exponentially higher nutrients per calorie
That's fine if you work in an office, I need saturated fat to over maintenance given my job. Did you used to be fat by any chance?

Liver and eggs are redpilled foods.

*to eat

Lol at this point, I think you're trolling.

If it makes any difference, I'm a biochemist and a licensed nutritionist.

See you around.

>it was just a meme

It was never a meme, you stupid fuck

Just wear contacts, or wear glasses that aren't those thick black ones

You need cholesterol to build testosterone dumbass

Redpill me on dihidrotestosterone

Long term nofap will cause abnormally low testosterone and increase your risk of prostate cancer. I bet those guys have not had sex in years.

No bullshit, give that info wars product "super male vitality" and "anthroplex" a try.

I like soy sauce though

High-T bump.

Ironic how the biggest shit-talking vegans are on the juice.

Are you retardet ?
The journos are lurking here since trumps election.

Evry 2nd article is in some form a piece on or about Sup Forums culture.