>not white
Other urls found in this thread:
it's a photo of a good looking person
He looks feminine and even gay like most Russians but he is also more attractive than most Russians, i give you that.
he must have germanic genetics
Hitler was retarded and thought the Russians were just asiatic hordes because he assumed the army represented their actual demographics. I have no idea why you guys like that fag.
If Hitler had conquered Russia, every single Russian male would look like pic related today. They all got executed by Jewish NKVD instead and today Russians look like Azerbaijani people.
Literally "we wuz"
Sharp facial features like that are distinctly slavic
The only people who claim that slavs aren't white are shills
yea, adolf hitler was totally a shill
stfu you fucking slav diaspora, go back to your slavic shitholes if they are so fucking great and stop shit posting on this board
deffo gay, my gaydar is going off like crazy rn
nah, Im a russian living in germany and I have a pretty good german- and russianDar. He looks way more germanic than russian
He's real cute. Would boyfriend/10.
He doesn't look Germanic to me. He probably has Finno-Ugric blood like the Russian singer Alexey Vorobyov. Slavic Russians have round soft faces due to Asian blood and those are the kind of faces you're used to seeing in your compatriots.
Anyone who says slavs arent white is legit retarded
kek, one user says slaves have sharp faces another one says they have round faces...which is it guys?
Also I would agree he doesnt look like a proto aryan but also not like a typical russian. Something in between but I would lean more towards germanic...
What site is this again?
>not knowing blondeness is a sign of estrogen
>you will never be as manly as Mussolini.
pictriev dot com
he is slavic in the sense that he is highly neotenous i.e. he is an adult that looks like a child , this is typical for slavs and their racial types (infnatilization)
you won't find maturized russians or slavs in general, the only ones that are maturized are the ones with a lot of dinarid influences (mostly found in yugoslavs) and they form a seperate category alltogether
Is this what men in Russia look like? TFW living in the wrong damn country. All we have in the US is a bunch of fucking pork chops.
russia should be our ally it's just jewish propaganda trying to keep us apart
Thanks bud
Asian Americans are pure cancer. The few East Asians we have in Sweden are ok though, for the most part.
You're right, its Jewish propaganda that Eastern Ukrainian separatists began a terrorist rebellion.
whats her name?
Lol broscience.
I can totally see why Killary is all about Russia Russia Russia. I would take Putin over Bill any damn day.
That is a very brown boy.
The eyes are so dark theyre almost black
german rapebaby
It's not terrorism, it's an armed rebellion.
Terrorism would be if they were planting bombs in the Kiev metro.
gib more nazi money we dont like be snowmonkeys with blue cows we want moneylaundry... FUCK OFF JEW
kek you sound like a schoolar of rassentheorie. Did you get that knowledge from any modern books or by downloading ebooks from the early 20th century?
>adolf hitler was totally a shill
Slavboos fucking wrecked.
Once I took a Euro river cruise vacation eith grandparents. I expected germans to be pretty chisled face wise, but most were potato face looking retards (but very tall). lanky tall soyboys
In Russia, most were shorter but honestly way more defined faces and the girls were waaaay fucking better looking.
I wish I had payed more attention, didnt really care then. This was in 2011 so Maybe things changed and theres more turkish features for the germans.
Daily reminder nordics are south european immigrants
First of all that kid doesn't have sharp features. He just has a jawline, most Russian men don't have jawlines because of Asian genetics. His nose is the typical Finno-Ugric nose found among the tribes that lived in Estonia region, a decent portion of Russians have Finno-Ugric ancestry and many were purely Finno-Ugric up until the Soviet Union, the region was pretty homogeneous.
It's like saying the guy in pic related looks Germanic because he doesn't look Russian, even though this phenotype only appears in Estonia, Finland and Northern Russia(after Soviet Union it started appearing anywhere in Russia, see Alexander Godunov birthplace for example).
or maybe like half of all virile males died in ww2 killing off a lot of pure slavic bloodlines, and ussr/russia have 'stanis in the east and turkish people in the south mixing with their population. similar to the us white population getting btfo as we speak. unfortunately for us it's niggers and mexicans that we are breeding with so we'll end up looking much worse
Where do you live?
Great thread faggot
You have high IQ wow!
Armed mutiny against a democracy is terrorism. Its not terrorism if its against a dictatorship.
We aren't living in the fucking 1600s. You can't start blowing shit up in Eastern Europe.
So the Bosnian and Croatian secessions were not terrorism because Yugoslavia was a single party state.
Lived in Djursholm.
Nah, it’s how Baltislavic-Finnic people that Russians are supposed to look like. Northern Germanic component is about 15%-20% of Russian genetics. Sadly with Jewtin turkic subhumans from Ukraine, other parts of Russia and central asia keep pouring in
Itt Americans and canadians deciding if slavs are white while they themselves are mongrels of german, english, irish and slav
yum what a tasty boi ( )
That wasn’t Hitler plan and Hitler had subhumans like Leonardo Conti and Maurice around him. What kind of racial puritanism do you except from him?
Leave it to part negro amerimongrels and with their cucked fantasies to post shit
mongols are literal cucks that lost their ethnic elite and got cucked out. no mongol shit in any European gene pool. It’s a meme by the Poles and their Jews from Napoleonic Wars.
Mongols and Tatars carry Y-DNA markers like C3* and R1a-Z293. These markers don't show up in native Europeans.
The Genghis Khan paternal lineage is non-existent in Eastern Europe, but common all over Asia where the Mongols were present for a long time.
He looks too feminine though. Boy needs to man up.
South Slaves have sharp faces,North Slaves have round faces.
I want to penetrate his boy hole and I ain't even gay.
>Mongols and Tatars carry Y-DNA markers like C3* and R1a-Z293
R1a is originally Indoeuropean though. C3 is much older, I give you that. Mongols have conquered the (Indoaryan) Tocharian civilization and mixed with them. Google "Tarim mummies" to see some Tocharians. There are even theories that the influx of Indoaryan genes into the Mongols has happened much earlier during the very first expansion of the Indoeuropeans from the Pontic-Caspian steppe towards the East.
Slavs came from Asia. They are as white as turks.
Russian is full of cuties.
That’s like the “Whitest” samples
Asian-American girls hate white men but love white cock
Nice fuccboi
You’ve been found out
“Mediterranean” reality
And that’s the top society. Dem abbo half caste looks
You know. There is one old joke in other countries. How is called pretty girl iin Germany? Tourist.