None of these guys are described as terrorists, instead they are just "crazy".
Discuss what makes you a terrorist in America.
None of these guys are described as terrorists, instead they are just "crazy".
Discuss what makes you a terrorist in America.
Another crazy.
Two more crazies.
None of these people were crazy. They were all terrorists.
So what makes you a terrorist in America?
Do you become a terrorist by killing people for no reason?
Or is there some other criteria that fits a worldwide agenda to make all ignorant people like you hate muslims and support ugly wars overseas?
I'm not saying these guys aren't terrorists.
I'm just saying these guys are terrorists too.
The media definitely tried to make the title stick for the Charlottesville guy.
political motivation
It's all in the definition of terrorism.
To conclude my thoughts, terrorism was created by the media to make people like you hate muslims so you support the billions of dollars this country wastes to kill muslims overseas. Unfortunately, even Sup Forums who are supposed to be thinking outside the box and the "most informed" buy into this media conspiracy. No one disagrees about the wars this country started in the middle east, even though they are the greatest sign of ignorance in this world.
You can be both, you know.
You need a clear-cut political motive to be considered a terrorist you dumb nigger.
No. You just seem to ignore the definition of terrorism. But it's ok. You can still learn it.
Pretty sure Dylan Roof has been deemed a terrorist. Also terrorism requires a political, religious, or ideological motive.
slide thread
I'm not here to change your opinion. I won't and it would be useless to change it anyway. None of you can stop it. No one can stop it. No one will stop it.
Your ignorance will just continue to fuel it. But whether you speak up against it or not. It will still happen.
they are defined as "domestic terrorists", terrorism implies ideology behind attack
terrorist do things for the sake of attempting to control others through fear of violence typically for political purposes
as such a terrorist puts forward a manifesto or operates under a known terrorist organizations banner. the uni bomber was a terrorist who was anti technology. the comlumbine kids were terrorist who were the original no bully advocates.
most rampage killers cannot be classified as terrorist however. just because you feel scared doesnt make them a terrorist. they have to try to coerce you into doing something through the threat of their actions being replicated in the future by others who agree with their message. no manifesto means not a terrorist
Terrorism has ideological implication.
You are projecting. You're the one unwilling to learn the definition of terrorism and understand the answer to your question.
Thanks for all the responses trying to define terrorism for me. I'll give you the answer tho since you all seem to be missing it.
That is the only definition that fits the idea of "The War on Terror". That is the definition the media uses to make ignorant people think they are really fighting for something when they go destroy peoples homes half away around the world.
Adam Lanza - No motive - Crazy
Dylan Roof - Racial motive - Terrorist
Theatre shooter - No motive - Crazy
Non-white skin and a prayer mat
Bombs n shieet
>what is reading comprehention
The type of ideology behind the violence , usually one that is conflicting to the status qoe
Muslims did that themselves
Now fuck off mehmet
crazy = driven by mental illness and typically has no aim outside of committing violence
terrorist = driven by religion or politics and usually has an objective of furthering religious or political goals.
Of course the case could be made the religion/politics is a mental illness in and of itself.
You need better examples than that?
These are Military Operations...
Not "Crazies" or "Terrorists"...
You have been victimized by the Bull-Queer, Mongrel-Theist, & Jew...
Sure buddy. Since you already *knew* the answer, why create this thread? Go fuck a goat.
Dylan Roof was not dubbed a terrorist. Maybe you think he is. But the overall consensus and the media coverage says he is not.
What the actual fuck is that picture
You have to do it for a political reason.
>anders breivic was a terrorist
>Anyone who claims to be a part of isis is a terrorist
If you just murder people because you're angry or because you just love the killing you are not a terrorist.
>Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were not terrorists.
>Harold shipman was not a terrorist.
A terrorist pushes their POLITICAL agenda though fear and violence. (literally using terror)
>Discuss what makes you a terrorist in America.
When your motive is to cause terror.
Dylan roof was described as domestic terrorism. Terrorism is defined by your intent and motive. If you kill for an ideology then obviously you're a terrorist.
Roofening wasn't terrorism at all
It was random, and I wanted to kill niggers is not terrorism
Had he said I wanted to remind niggers what their place is and why they are inferior THAT would be terrorism
Something beautiful.
Because they weren't motivated by religion. They weren't sitting at home their entire life being brain washed by other Muslims telling them that if they carry out a mass killing thy will be reincarnated in heaven along with 72 virgins.
No, these white people were mentally ill fuck ups that had no grander motivation besides behind mentally ill. Which is why most people don't really consider them terrorists.
these guys were motivated by hate/spite > emotion
these guys were politically/religiously motivated, so they were terrorists
On lying in the most retarded way possible.
You might as well say walking around with a sign saying
counts as a political protest
This is such a freshman level of understanding of what is going on. War against civilians is inherent to Islam. 500 years of racist ottoman policy towards Arab speakers is what has left the middle East in shambles. Conquest and forced conversion from 620AD on is what has created the turmoil in the Muslim world. Do you think Islam and Arabic were native to the Levant, Egypt and North Africa? Christianity was flourishing there and Islam destroyed the cultures.
Being an enslaved populace to a totalitarian idealogy creates monsters
u mad lol.
islam = terrorism by definition
This thread has all the elements of ignorance that show why this country can continue to spend BILLIONS of your money to go fight wars that don't help you in anyway. You are all good sheep. Now say BAAAAAAA.
> pic related, all the people that support "The War on Terror" because Mooslims are terrorists.
>hurr durr retarded murderers are terrrorists, cuz i liek redifining terms
what exactly was the agenda they wanted to further with their acts?
were ted bundy and ed gein terrorists too?
yeah this guy was probably a pro-hillary, anti-gun antifa terrorist. too bad the cops are hiding his motifs.
>Your ignorance will just continue to fuel it.
That is literally the textbook definition of terrorism you retarded sack of shit
>the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror, or fear, to achieve a political, religious or ideological aim
How 'bout you go read a very basic book on terrorism like 1000 Years for Revenge by Peter Lance and get back to us?
Instigating terror to forward a political aim.
better get some more guns because guns mean safety
>gets mown down by a truck
>having a worse reading comprehension than a child's
>hurr terrorism doesn't exist, please flood your countries with exploding camel sand cavalry
A terrorist has clear political or religious motivation. Roof or McVeigh were terrorists.
Weren't several of them on paxil or SSRIs? Don't those directly cause you to act out violently to yourself and others? really makes you think.
Hey didn't we find out the FBI and CIA plan terrorist attacks all the time the other day or something?
I thought Roof was classified as a terrorist.
If you kill people for no reason you’re crazy. If you target a group of people for a specific purpose, with the higher goal of installing fear in said group, you’re a terrorist. Stephen Paddock (most people are told) had no real “motive” which is why it was so scary. Without a motive there’s less identification of problems and prevention for the future. It’s pretty fuckin obvious when a muslim extremist screams “Allahu Ackbar” and runs over people with a truck that there’s a dark, twisted motive for doing it. It isn’t a coincidence most of the minority/immigrant murderers are marked as terrorists because ISIS and other extremist beliefs are literally taking responsibility for the attacks. Correlation isn’t causation, though. Yea the immigrant shooters are terrorists, but they aren’t terrorists BECAUSE they’re immigrants. They’re terrorists because they’re fucking extremist murderers trying to accomplish something. The white guy that shot up the church is a Terrorist, i’d say. The labeling that goes on in America with all these shooters isn’t anti-immigration, it’s people desperately trying to identify facts and motives. Don’t try to target people and call them racist when all they’re trying to do is identify the problem of what’s killing innocent people.
I don't support going over seas to kill muslims. They're really good at doing that themselves.
I just don't want child molesters and savages brought into my country.
There's plenty of people I hate in this world but I sure as hell wouldn't want to spend trillions of dollars blowing them up if they're just going to die of cholera when they turn 35
Usually considered a terrorist attack when the perpetrator leaves a note in which he pledges allegiance to isis
>Discuss what makes you a terrorist in America
A political/religious motive, dummy.
These people are not considered terrorists because the aforementioned definition did not apply.
Terroism is defined as politicaly motivate extremism.
Were they ALL motivated by Political reasons.Obviously Dylan roof was but the others? Or were they just hiked up on medications?
You're a terrorist if you do an act of terror because of an ideology. Like what muslim terorrists are doing.
If you are motivated at least in part by a political agenda and instill terror in at least two people (or kill them) you are are terrorist. That is the literal definition for you literal retards.
My mistake.
Roof was a terrorist.
anyone brown who kills people will be categorized as a terrorist by american media
The Serb gets it
Sigh... why is this issue so clouded by leftist faggots etc..
Look up the fucking definition of terrorism and die.
wanting to spread terror, its in defenition.
all of these people are described as terrorists now. it makes me wretch:
>all normies post this same message
>all anyone talks about
so wait, who's not calling them terrorists?
I don't need the media to tell me that I should hate muslims, it is obvious.
We all already know the tired liberal narrative.
>Oh shit Omar comin
Not White.
This is a White nation created by Whites for Whites.
To classify as a terrorist you have to have a political agenda. You'd have to be a literal retard to not understand that
Dylan Roof is 100% a terrorist because he was trying to start a race war- his use of terroristic tactics had a political goal therefore he is a terrorist.
The Korean and James Holmes were schitzo so no political slant therefore not terrorists.
The bottom left was a schitzo but took out a political figure therefore possible terrorist.
Bottom right and Lanza were nihilistic spree shooter Colombine Larpers, just pathetic faggots and scumbags but no political goal therefore not terrorists.
It's not hard to differentiate between terrorists and morons/madmen.
>What makes you a terrorist
Yelling "allahu Akbar" before killing a bunch of people, for one
>This is a White nation
This WAS a White nation.
your murders must have a political motive killing random people cause theyr black or going into a movie theater and killing random people cause you wanna be the joker or killing kids cause you just kinda want to is in no way political. if you throw a bunch of bombs out your car while driving around a city with the clear motive of being anti govt (tsarnaev brothers) your a terrorist.
holy hell, i've never seen that one before.
as far as terrorism, the definition depends on the intended outcome. is the locus of desire internal or external? if someone is dehumanized and wants to kill people just for the experience, but not to cause any future effect, then I can't see how it would be terrorism.
Most people who commit suicide or homicide have a psychiatric problem, muslims are no different other than being brainwashed by religion and having low IQ.
Terrorism is defined as being a political attack.
Just like a random murder isn't an assassination either.
in which case Roof is certainly a terrorist, as was Breivik.
lol that pic is so stupid im sure the vietnamese wouldv called them niggers if they spoke english/knew how much it would piss black americans off
The fact that so many people want to label anything and everything terrorism simply highlights that the globalists are still winning.
Because they are not part of the original establishing population ancestry, they are outsiders. Duh
of course, but 'political' isn't well defined and could extend into nearly anything.
Why don’t we stop arguing over the semantics of the word terrorism and stop saying it all together
“Terrorism” is a concept invented by our own government to describe how the attacks should make us feel in order to trade our liberty for safety
The mud slimes are simply waging guerilla warfare. They don’t put the level of thought into the philosophy of terrorism as we give them credit for.
We are being told to be in terror by our own government. The Muslims just want to kill as many of us as possible
The fact that we’re too fucking weak to expel all Muslim culture from western society is our own fault
ok OP let's take a look
Terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
>political aims
name one person in your picture who had a political message behind their attacks. Fucking faggot. They're called crazies and not terrorists, because they're crazy, not a terrorist.
>“Terrorism” is a concept invented by our own government to describe how the attacks should make us feel in order to trade our liberty for safety
This 100%
Nigger, learn how to read.
Find the definition of terrorism.
Look at their motives.
Realize the whole "white terrorist" meme is funny but not in the ways the creators intended.
>wise man synonym
87 total posts
11 posts by ID
76 posts about the definition of terrorism
>the state of Sup Forums in this thread
well they didn't use violence to achieve political gains so they're literally not terrorists
Politically based violence.
Okay MoMo, I will say this one time:
>Kill people with an ideological motivation
>Kill people with unclear motive or non-ideological motive
Not a terrorist.
Tadaa! Now fuck off.