Liberal Facebook friend just invited me to join a closed group entitled Meme Wars. I'm going to give many examples as to why this is sad, hilarious, and prove yet again that the left cannot meme
Liberal MemeWars
stop none of this is related to the left
We are leejun, i am a 4d memer
Notice how verbose leftist memes are. Good memes are simple truths and don’t need word smithing, unless it’s wordy ironically
I have a feeling these memes are going to make me long for death.
Shit waste of space thread fuck off
What the fuck
This. Are they autistic? These are terrible.
good memes make you laugh. simple shit. its what makes them so effective, you attribute the goal with a giggle ie; hillary indictment and a guffaw, and now we are trying to shed light on her dealings for teh luls
That one hurt
did they really have to pick an indian with a cranium that small? ohwaitthat'sallofthem
jfc the cringe tho
Dear god
Fuck off, shill. Zionists had everything to do with slavery and mass genocide of the Native Americans. Quit attributing those hook nosed thieves with whites.
Lol dude he's giving you examples of shit left wing memes. Are you illiterate?
That's one of the better ones I've seen, in that at least you can tell what point it's trying to make. But what's the message to normies? "You took our land and basically wiped us out, so now you must let others wipe you out?" Is that really going to persuade anyone except the most masochistic cucks? How many will come away thinking, "Hmm, yes, we did that to them, and it's unfortunate, but I sure don't want anyone doing that to me!"
Normies don't get the irony of the Indian arguing against mass immigration.
Natives immigrated into America and didn't even make it into a country. Tough luck redskins.
"Left can't meme" is a law of the universe. Like gravity or speed of light.
The old call back to Bush Junior, as if anyone cares
That's second order thinking. NPCs can't do that, they only see the immediate and obvious.
Pretty much this. The thing about good humor is that people need to be able to laugh about themselves and shouldn't take their own ideals and conivctions too serious. The left is incapable of both.
Bush and Obama weren't any different
Gd these memes are terrible, is it boomers only?
Slip this in for the libtards
Meh seems like ppl of many ages
>leftist meme
I think the fate of Native Americans actually speaks against immigration rather than for it. I don't want to be part of the left's group suicide.
They call that a meme?
They all love Dubya now anyway
Kek, they must be in a coma now to be posting that outdated garbage. Everyone knows Trump is the worst president in the history of any country ever.
yet they love him now
Ironically by having open borders like the Indians in a country called ??? which lead to their destruction. Shouldn't we follow their mistakes
>based squidkids destroying Glumpf
They are so in over their heads that it isn't even funny.