Why are you still listening satanic pop music?

Pop songs are Satanic Hymns. If you listen closely, many are blatantly written to Satan. Others are just mean to promote his vices.


Maroon5 - Moves like Jagger is about demonic possession.

>Just shoot for the stars if it feels right
>You wanted control so we waited
>Take me by the tongue and I'll know you
>I make you believe that I've got the key

Coldplay, Miracle, Baal (storm god) worship:

>From up above I heard
>The angels sing to me these words
>And sometimes in your eyes
>I see the beauty in the world
>Oh, now I'm floating so high
>I blossom and die
>Send your storm and your lightning to strike
>Me between the eyes

You should be listening to classical and Christian music. Classical music has benefits for the brain. Christian music is good for the soul (though you need to be aware of false musicians).

Other urls found in this thread:


I listen to Tool.

Ugh really the worst band. Pop industrial was a mistake. OP check out Blackhouse (a christian band)

Thanks, I will :)

>Not listening to tupac

nice soft rock drone fest

wait, people on Sup Forums listen to Christian music?



Of all degenerate low brow entertainment you single out some neutered cuck-rock bands.

Disgusting and degenerate. What is wrong with you?

And we're happy too.

Have you ever head that the best revenge is living a good life?
As a Christian my life is the ultimate revenge against people like you. I'll be happy, and you'll be cynical and revel in attempted cruelty.

>not listening to music that opens your minds eye and is good for the soul

Im not a retarded neo nazi

Oh. Ok then.

So how does Tupac change you for the better?

>that opens your minds eye
Navel gazing.

Western culture has gone to shit because our ability to make great works of art and music has been completely subverted and replaced with trash that rots the mind and hardens the soul. Music should aid in introspection and connection to humanity and nature. The singer/songwriter is dead along with it our ability to pass tradition to our progeny.

It happened in Europe as Communism and cultural marxism took over.

Just thought I'd help man. You shouldn't close yourself off to new experiences that could help you understand yourself.

How narcissistic of you.

you learn about muh muthafuckin iambic pentameter nigga

Why do you retards look for "satanic lyrics" in pop songs when black metal exists?

Also when is the last time satan ever did anything to hurt you? Leave the poor guy alone.

The Devil is always going to try and convince you he can tell you more about you than your creator.

He has appealed to your narcissism and you actually believe that you have some deeper wisdom to impart to others because you rocked out to bunch of degenerate drug addicts.

Would it surprise you to know that I have in fact explored these other areas?? That in fact I too have suffered from the side effects of these lifestyles and philosophies?

Turn back before you do serious harm to yourself. These artists only have destruction to offer in place of wisdom. These lifestyles will break you over time, and only Jesus will be able to mend you.

Death metal isn't bashful about it though. Most mouth breathers who listen to pop don't realize they are being inundated with subliminal messaging.

Why do you ask rhetorical questions based on a logical fallacy?

Is P.O.D. good and Christian?

I'm not familiar with them. If you're question is genuine then you should test it with the Holy Spirit. That is what the Bible says to do with all spirits and words that we receive.

True enough. I've watched friends stumble through life while chained to the people and the culture surrounding contemporary music. No one goes anywhere and the most exciting part of their day is getting high. The ritual of getting high and listening to music is no different from any other false religion. The main thing uniting them is that they've yet to move on and become men.

That's Shakespeare right there.

Not always. Some Pop artists are singing about the same topics, but fighting for the white hats.

Imagine Dragons

You're making very large assumptions. I'm fully aware of the culture of brandead homeless druggies that surrounds these artists. As a younger person I'm lucky enough to be able to to have a second hand experience with this sort of music instead of being ensconced in the degeneracy at the time. Most of these guys had disdain for the pseudo intellectuals that called themselves fans but would only show up to get completely gone off drugs.

I'm well aware of damage that can be done by "worshipping" this kind lifestyle so I don't even partake. You know you can use music as an introspective tool and not be a slave to it. You seem to be a Christian so maybe you should think about the idea that music is one God's gift to a thoughtful man.

Rihanna Umbrella

Absolute STATE of yanks.

>listening to pop music

It was also one of the tools of Satan. The ideas are just as dangerous as the behavior. Chanting a bunch of demonic confusion into your life is not going to help you.

If so many fans get screwed up by listening to their music, then what on earth is good about it? Why bother looking for a kernel of truth in a pile of lies? Would you eat a bad apple at the bottom of a pile of rotten ones? Would you brush away the maggots from your food before you eat it?

why not eat and drink pure things? If you don't have to bath in the sewer, then why do it?

Heretics will burn


Grab your pitchforks and light your tiki torches folks, we goin' huntin.


Not if we convince them of the truth first. :)

Guys Satan is [insert anything at all] omg!!
Go back to

2/10 for the poor attempt

Tools of Satan according to who? Your narrow worldview? As a musician I spent a long time trying to find my sound. The Dead was a good amalgamation of the evolution of American music up to that point and evolved it beyond. It is a great study of music theory beyond the very bland Ionian quality of current music. Just because you are so weak willed that you have to completely abstain from something to avoid falling prey to it doesn't mean everyone is.


Im sure she was just LARPing right?

Shit, most of what I listen too can be identified as rock, metal, or some fancy electronic music.

T. Have never listened to tupac

>Imagine Dragons
Mormons are Zionist scum though

ALL your Rock Music is Deep State POISON Rap is Worse but not by much..
White men have asked this question and ferreted it out.
The "negroes" think their mentally ill music is actually THEIR own culture!
But here ya go Sup Forums

Cameron believed that mental illness was literally contagious - that if one came into contact with someone suffering from mental illness, one would begin to produce the symptoms of a mental disease. For example, something like rock music could be created by mentally ill people and would produce mentally ill people through infection, which in turn would be transmitted to the genes. Thus, this group would have to be studied and controlled as a contagious social disease. Police, hospitals, government, and schools would need to use the correct psychiatric authority to stop mental contagions from spreading. Cameron also hoped to generate families capable of using authority and techniques to take measures against mental illness, which would later be apparent in Cameron's MKULTRA and MKDELTA experiments.
Ewen Cameron, Memory Thief - Part 1

Don't be stupes! /watch?v=7aPPdKewAHc

All this shit culture has been manufactured just for you!!
Liking a specific "Genre" doesn't make you kewl.It mean U be the foo!

For the baby boomboom zoom zooms too!

UnSpun 015 – Breaking Woodstock – with Jan Irvin & Joe Atwill

UnSpun 024 – “The Grateful Dead”

UnSpun 083 – Dr. Hans Utter: “Temporal (Im)balance, Memory and Music”

Hans Utter : Music and Mind Control


The [Secret] History of FM Radio: The Musical Dream - It Became Your Life – w/ Dr. Hans Utter - #243


It's all for dopes

Ezekiel mentions him as the anointed Cherub.
He's good a music.

I play instruments too, Hopefully you don't play demonic music.

>I spent a long time trying to find my sound.

Sounds like a lot of narcissistic wallowing in your garage DESU.

>study of music theory

I'm sure you "study" a lot.

I have. And?

I find it to be a broken medium for those with low IQ.

mental illness isn't contagious.

I don't like Maroon 5 and I don't like Coldplay.

Or Tool

Blackhouse! Finally, a great band!

Nope. I mostly listen to synthwave, kpop, and uplifting.

Some behaviors certainly are. Being fat has been shown to be transmissible even over the telephone. Listening to fat people complain about food problems will make you start thinking about food and eating all the time.

Words have power. Who would have thought?

Then listen to your rocky wokky music!
Be a good consumer of Tavistockian CIA shit!

No way. Listen to mewithoutYou instead.

yeah maybe some eating disorders can get spread among some weak willed teenage sluts but I have yet to see serious evidence that major mental illnesses are transmitted through contact with the people who have them.

You're more intelligent than Ewan Cameron!

Actually in my studio but I guess it makes no difference because the ad homs will continue regardless. Different strokes man. I don't see the problem with jazz/blues/modal jamming but apparently those are offensive to your clearly broad tastes. Music makes me feel better and I don't use drugs to enhance that. I think you are so afraid of "Satan" because you have no understanding of or confidence in who you are beyond what your books tell you so everyone who isn't as insecure as you is automatically a narcissist.

DeYoung-era Styx is all you ever need.

You're being facetious but I did take psych in college a few times and did well. Maybe you know something I don't but getting butthurt about it changes nothing.

>Never listened to August Burns Red

moves like jagger is about fucking, you retard

because they are satanic hymns

>August Burns Red isnt faggot tier screamo shitcore.

I enjoy lil' rockers aping their ROLE MODEL Rockers.
It's all genre splitting.I am a musician and all the little Peter Pan rockers MUST ONLY play the Genre they grew up with.
I do original music...but the peter pan never grow up crowd only wantsa play the Genres they grew up with and try to ape their ROLE MODELS so no one wantsa play with me.
Pinocchios too!
Go on you bad boyz.Copy your idols!
Disney's Pinocchio Jackass Transformation (Real Full)


This way you are not a threat to anyone you rockers!
Define yourselves by the GENRE you like!
Taylor Swift - Never Grow Up (Audio)

Miley Cyrus twerking compilation

the music taste in this thread is so embarrassing I feel actual pain from it

College? Theres your problem.

Perhaps you should go rest. Drink a glass of water, maybe?

This thread once again confirms Sup Forums are a bunch of socially incompetent rejects who are going against the flow same as Sup Forums always has.

Reminder that Satan was in charge of music when he was an angel.

You're quite the open minded liberal!
Mental illness 'at the root of jazz'

Why do you think they shoved negro blues on you and Mick Jagoof the droput from the London School Of Economics spoon fed it to ya's?

Why do you think the Commie Kennedy Center honors blues?
You have been raised in captivity. At one time there were no multi genre compartMENTALization music shoved down
the throats of each generation to confuse them! They made you beliveve that it's your musical taste,and ....that you have to be DIVERSE and accept others taste in TAVISTOCK Brainwashing is ....OK hahaha

Clearly with your powerful understanding of the matter you have produced great works of your own? Let's have your SoundCloud link. Must suck to be pissed off about absolutely everything all the time.

Perhaps you should FOAD
Compulsory schooler
John Taylor Gatto - The Purpose Of Schooling

I nboticed no rebuttal except your POO POO on you nonsense.
Go study by yourself without a commie college professor
You are obvioulsy offended that I insulted your baby music.

You need to scratch your ass.

I agree with this, here is s shawn mendez with very peculiar lyrics.
Probably part of mockingbird or an extenstion of it.

You scratch it for me and I'll pull the stick out of yours. Deal?

>not listening to only hifidelity of all the world's greatest music from our earliest chants onward on a great speaker system with a powerful amp every single day

You animals disgust me

Psych student....Bwahaha Thats all you got is kintergarten goo goo.
I posted facts and you posted...poo poo opions and respect my authority as a student of a commie professor.

Hilarious that now even music with no words is Satanic. So I'm guessing Beethoven, Bach, Chopin etal were also purposefully brainwashing the public? You realize we use the exact same diatonic modes today that they did right?

Scratch my ass is facts? What does that even mean?

I listen to Rock from 90s and below. Modern Rock is trash and probably wont get better.

Jesus fucking Christ.
GTFO with your bullshit you moralfaggots.


PS: sXe is also worthless. Stop listening to shitty music.

System of a Down is redpilled

Gregorian monk chant you faggot.

You suppose lot of shit
Apples and oranges weenie !!

Easy now, user, all I was saying is you seem a little out of it. Look at your posts, you're nodding a bit towards incoherence. Why don't you take a few minutes, grab a shower, and reflect on the points you want make? I always find that helpful.

Your new is showing anyway. I never said I was a psych student.

Go to your commie professor and ask it.
Also demand a refund for your tuition

I listen to anime/video game OST and vaporwave.
The entire recording industry could collapse tomorrow and I wouldn't be affected at all.

Maroon 5 song is about a teenager having sex with a older woman

At least ambient and older film scores are fine.

Where did Satan guy go? Now we're left with this garbage bait.

Nice at with psychobabbling yourself out of looking stupid ya lil' compulsory schooler.
But...Not good enough.
When you've been proven to be a moron attack the messenger

you know shit about christian music
so listen to this and repent:

>Jazz is the same as Chopin
t. musicology major who never listens to either

Because they're retards. The subliminal message isn't le spooky hidden santa magic. Its in what message the songs are pushing. Pop music pushes wanton hedonism, a "do what you want, whenever you want" attitude but without ever taking responsibility, and another self destructive messages. The effects are amplified when Music Videos came along. And unsurprisingly, the themes of pop music are also the same behavioral patterns you find in homosexuals, so its no surprise the music industry is ran by gay jews.


Gaga even talks about the demons that torment her. And she still wants more.

Bad bait.

>keeping up with music.
I don't even have the radio on. You can ask me anything about music from '08 and under and maybe I'd know what you're talking about but I havent got the slightest clue what kids these days listen to..

Hey boy! You wanna rock out on your Tavistock goo goo tunes? Have at it!

Baal is moloch.

Stormgod is /ourguy/

Listening to the blues is argument enough in and of itself. These are people that are legitimately miserable.

As for ad hominem attacks, you said you thought I was closed minded and I told you that thinking was narcissistic. I guess if you don't want people to judge your behavior, you should first examine what motivated it.

Are you in nashville? or LA?

I listen to good, clean Christian music. Like ICP.