Is this degenerate? Would any fat anons go to this? Personally I think that this would make resorts better and be a win-win for both tubbies and /fit.
Plus-Size' Resort Provides a Sanctuary
I don't know that I can call it degenerate- but it's not conducive to making positive change - losing weight is simple, all the bullshit about glands and genetics- all garbage all excuses forced on weak minded tubbies to keep them fat, and kill them off young. The jews are ugenisist cunts, all these fat bodies could become productive members if they would stop buying the bullshit the media feeds them.
I support this. Keep all the nasty smelly fatties away from us slim and healthy people.
how can you be mad?
Where is this resort, the entire state of Florida?
Just got back from vacation there and I swear at least 90% of beachgoers were fat and over 60.
It's actually a great damn great idea. Lots of fatties are very insecure about being seen in swimwear and putting them exclusively around other fatties will probably help with that.
They're insecure because they have a visible, self-inflicted disease and it makes them ashamed of themselves.
As it should be.
Who gives a shit how they feel? The only good thing about this is that it's a landwhale containment zone.
It will fail because the fatties will get sick and bored of not seing anyone attractive and will stop going
I think about going there with my waifu. She will get lots of attention and i will blend in.
I'd rather go to a luxury fat camp desu.
Beach+trainer+cook sounds like the dream to get in shape.
>5'9" (yeah I know niggers)
>16% body fat
gonna go there next vacation to trigger the fatties
fat people and normal people should be segregated in every way possible
>She will get lots of attention and i will blend in.
Absolutely disgusting. Nuke the site from orbit
>resort only holds 24 people
> guests pay up front $16,400 fee
Nopenopenopenope for that reason
They'll be dead in 10 years anyways
Is it a safe space or a fit place?
Oh holy shit. Well, this probably isn't a bad idea. Better this than dispersed throughout the beach (REEEEEEEEEEEEE)
Fat women are lazy, but they feel entitled to slim males. Any fat male that goes to such a place thinking will get pussy will be wrecked.