Oké je MOET kiezen (You have to choose):
Annabel Nanninga (`Bitchy Whale`)
Yernaz Ramautarsing (`Freed Slave`)
Oké je MOET kiezen (You have to choose):
Annabel Nanninga (`Bitchy Whale`)
Yernaz Ramautarsing (`Freed Slave`)
Other urls found in this thread:
Really good ending comment:
A nigger, a fat cow and 2 racemixing faggots.
>''fvd are our guys xDD''
This country is doomed I tell you
jidf working for wilders now too?
>anyone that doesn't like fvd is a shill.
lol you took that seriously, what a dumbass
>''haha, I was only PRETENDING to be retarded, GOTCHA.
Epic troll dude
Dumbass doesn't mean much from someone who disregards someones political opinion simply because he's brown.
Rode Kruis biedt excuses aan voor falen in Tweede Wereldoorlog
And the closeted lib comes out
Get the fuck out of my country you shitskin
Why the fuck is it always the Dutch that break Sup Forums rules and refuse to speak english.
both faggots
probably NVU voting degenerates
Not so happy bout those picks either but its still the best political party we have in my opinion. What did you vote for? If you said no one then you should get smacked.
Nope, FvD.
You're the degenerate for being a civic cuck, fuck shitskins, geen gekanker holland moet blanker.
Also OP next time post this in English we will get the boot for this.
Blanker sure, but saying someone has no right to hold office if brown?
That's sub 80 IQ reasoning
>that feel when soon all your Sup Forums posts get sucked up into the sleepwetnet
>but saying someone has no right to hold office if brown?
Yes, that's common sense. Same as not having women in the government. My (not our because you're probably brown) ancestors knew this, until the faggots fucked it all up in the beginning of the 1900s.
Oh of course because white people don't fuck up nations at all.
Based Rutte and Balkenende!
No, we don't. Only leftist traitors, like you, and shitskins do.
Homogeneous, conservative white nations literally cannot fail.
Not our salvation by a long stretch, but at least Wilders has the balls to speak out against sandniggers directly and indiscreetly
Welcome to the funeral of Geert Wilders.
Whites let in the black people first, you fucking idiot
It's not a race thing, it's having the right policies.
So did i but i voted just for Bosma. Geert couldve won this election but the kanker retard just didnt do enough promoting. I was very dissapointed.
Sure Yernaz is a nigger, but I'm pretty sure he's redpilled on race and IQ and he fucking hates commies.
I would like to see most niggers leave, but I don't see a problem if the few percent that are smart and work hard remain.
Polderdraad, neuk ja!
Dagelijkse herinnering dat FvD het kartel gaat slopen met de lavendel kanonnen
>Groot Nederland, wanneer?
>Someone actually has to sit in an office and read through my post history
Poor AIVD fags.
They will get the roodpill
Mijn kerels, make the netherlands great again. I mean literally /outrurf/
> (OP)
>Why the fuck is it always the Dutch that break Sup Forums rules and refuse to speak english.
Polish threads are much worse
As was I, but I still think he is the only realistic option.
FVD's voter base is pretty much only youth, and they will never be able to appeal to a broader audience.
Meanwhile Wilders only needs about 10 extra seats to make a coalition without him almost impossible.
333.211 allochtonen van niet-westerse afkomst die binnen 2 jaar hier in Nederland zijn geïmmigreerd?
Wat een bullshit. Het betrefd hoogstwaarschijnlijk als je begint te tellen vanaf 2012 (de arabische lente) een getal dat de 10.000 nadert. Dat is dan ook een grove leugen. Baudet heeft wel gelijk in zijn openingsstatement dat de metafoor van Dijkhoff een beetje ongepast. In dat opzicht kan de indirecte, parlementaire democratie ook wel wat vernieuwing en transparantie gebruiken.
Maar daar stond D66 natuurlijk ook voor in een ver verleden. Het blijven natuurlijk politici.
Wilders' speech today was too extreme. He almost sounded like Janmaat. The possibility that he is controled opposition is bigly.
>but saying someone has no right to hold office if brown?
>"it's completely ok for these people who have absolutely no allegiance to this land to control parts of it"
are you absolutely insane?
that's straight up treasonous
How about Baudet?
His family came from france.
Is he fit to serve?
Europeans born and raised as Dutchmen can be integrated directly into Dutch culture
Baudet is Dutch and therefore he should be allowed to hold office
le 52% face
What was Yernaz raised as?
a shitskin
you can't get rid of brown skin m8, same with yellow skin
Or a sub 80 IQ
>being this modest
m8, gaze upon these borders
The Rheine is /our river/
I prefer this
that makes absolutely no sense, then again I wouldn't expect logic from someone that thinks brown people can be dutch
lmao got you butthurt haha
bumping for google translate
how am i butthurt?
for someone whose only counter is "muh sub 80 iq" you're not very bright, are you?
muh sub 80 IQ is a good response for someone who's only argument is muh brown skin
If it was really about dutch genes you'd denounce Baudet holding a seat
Yernaz is an Indo. Theyre generally less niggerish than those from the colonies. Despite the way he looks hes pretty intelligent. and helps fend of accusations of racism. Dont have a problem with him being on the team.
kek. are you the poffertjescanadian from back during the election?
it doesn't matter, he's brown and thus can't ever be truly dutch
if you think ethnicity doesn't matter you're an idiot
>if you think ethnicity doesn't matter you're an idiot
So it matters he's from french blood?
Sure he can never be racially Dutch, but that doesnt mean he cant help guard Dutch values and tradition, and make real change in government.
It is indeed poffertjespanleaf!
>about a ((swedish)) politician with dubble passports
>''I don't want any Turks, Marrocans or Swedes in this parlement'' This is my country!
Doesn't sound that extreme desu.
Wilders has contributed enormously to normalising ''extreme'' opinions about immigration, Islam and the EU. If he's controlled opposition then the kikes must truly be retarded.
the difference between the French and the Dutch is minimal
the difference between a brownskin and a white skin is significant
watch this youtube.com
it sets a precedent for other browns to also be accepted
you have to draw a line somewhere
I never claimed there wasn't a difference you dope
If you need to be genetically dutch to serve your country, then Baudet is unfit
Bitchy whale it is lol
are you illiterate?
i've already explained this three times now
A Frenchman can integrate into the Dutch people if he is born and raised as a Dutchman, because the genetic differences are small enough
Baudet is NOT unfit to serve
An Indonesian can NOT integrate into the Dutch people, despite being born and raised here, because the genetic differences are simply too large.
Yernaz IS unfit to serve
Behold, the Geertpill.
How about we just get the best man for the job? One we can trust to act in our interest regardless of race? I'd rather have a nigger who wants out the EU and wants less immigration as premier than Rutte.
You do realize that it's highly probable that your ancestors have on one occasion shared the bed with a foreigner from the colonies?
So lets say, you do a DNA test and it so happens that you're 10% Indonesian, however you're white. Would you be allowed to stay?
And what if I'm 25% Surinamer and I'm black. Do I have to leave?
Where do you draw the line?
>An Indonesian can NOT integrate into the Dutch people
Calling bullshit on that.
He's better integrated than a white antifa member, no?
One wants to rebuild the country while the other one wants communism.
btw you're a cuck for allowing a non pure dutch to lead a country, pure cuckold larping as a racist
Post QT Dutch girls if you have no pic related
>vvd arrogantie
the best man for the job is the one that is Dutch. An Indo is not Dutch and thus not fit for the job
>You do realize that it's highly probable that your ancestors have on one occasion shared the bed with a foreigner from the colonies?
Wrong, vast majority of Dutch people had nothing to do with the colonies
>So lets say, you do a DNA test and it so happens that you're 10% Indonesian, however you're white. Would you be allowed to stay?
I've done the test. I'm 100% European. Nice try faggot
>And what if I'm 25% Surinamer and I'm black. Do I have to leave?
Yes, go to Suriname
>Where do you draw the line?
one drop rule, if you're not European you can never be Dutch
The fact people refer to him as Indo and Baudet as Dutch should tell you everything you need to know. On an unconscious level the Dutch people will never accept him or his offspring as Dutch. Thus, he can never truly be Dutch.
>The fact people refer to him as Indo and Baudet as Dutch should tell you everything you need to know.
Great argumentation
If people call you something you are it, brilliant.
Guess People from Somalia really were the new Germans, after all, people call them that!
but the German people don't call them German. You don't call them German either, you call them Somalians
Are you being retarded on purpose?
Yernaz !
FvD is on 11 seats in Maurice´s newest poll neger
>How about Baudet?
>not How Baudet?
een taak
Inbreng Geert Wilders Debat Regeringsverklaring 2017
Oh god the fucking fvd racemix and retard shills are here again
Wat is het verhaal hier achter?