The man just said we need sensible gun control policy at a federal level in response to the NY truck attack.
Gun control sense
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Who dat?
The man is an incompetent, corrupt product of nepotism.
No, we need truck control. No civilian needs assault trucks.
yeah they need to ban paintball guns so people cant use them to commit suicide by cop and then leave the cop with the guilt of having shot someone they didn't need to
>Retarded politician being retarded
Yeah cause gun control is really the issue here dipshit. Stop importing degenerate 3rd world people!
literally who
That assult truck can shoot 30 ammo per min
Did they try to FF us again to press for more control because they failed with vegas? He literally and reporters started discussing gun control in that PC. Sorry Andy but some dickhead video was shown by fox news depicting the MUSI wielding fake guns. CNN would have said they were real guns and that people were shot.
Andrew cuomo
Ban rental agencies
(((Employee of the month)))
I use my truck for hunting, using a smaller vehicle is inhumane.
>Let's not politicize terror attacks
>We need gun control
>omg don't say shit like bans and walls, barriers are wrong, don't politicize
The guy is a retard. All of them were basically saying Muslims are great citizens and shouldn't be treated so badly. I fucking hate this country so much right now with people like him in charge. Also, gun control doesn't fucking work.
Hey insurance company will reload it for you and make any repairs necessary.
We have got to get this pushed out there. Absolutely no way will they replay that bit to further embarrass that idiot. The wife and I were both astonished at the conversation he was having with the reporters.
Hes right. Guns can be used to steal trucks.
So can keys
today I will remind them
This is our weapon of peace in America.
yes we need more control of gun rights in ALL of NYS, to help prevent further gun violence.
it should be encouraged to carry semi auto, .308 or similar/larger rifles to stop future trucks of peace.
andy didn't mean to express these points, though.
It's almost like he's just reading from a script and not paying attention to what actually happened. Like the attack and his response was all planned but the attack didn't go perfectly so now his response doesn't match up. Weird. Weird how that keeps happening. Next thing you know someone here will post screencaps of news articles timestamped before the attack even took place.
ho could have put someones eye out with that bb gun.
>truck drives up sidewalk
>guy shouts allahu ackbar
>pulls out bb gun
>news talks about trump tweets and gun control
Notice how all you fags are talking about the NYC Truck of Peace, and not talking about Uranium One, Manafort, Gates, and all the other treasonous fuckers? Diversion.
I was thinking the same while he was speaking. It was almost like there was supposed to be guns used other than by cops. Either that or he believes his cops should not be shooting his prized sanctuary seeking immigrants.
Governor of New York Ultra shit lib
Good point. We here love death and carnage.
Actual New Yorker here. Nobody like him, Deblasio, or even Schumer. We're just stuck with him because NYC except for Staten Island refuses to go Republican.
Why did the attacker not use his truck of peace on Andy? He could have made New York great again.
There aren't enough white people left in the state for us to ever go red again.
Absolutely right user. This is a blatant false flag by Trump to get the heat off of him. I doubt it'll work though.
The governor usually resides in Albany, which is a long ass drive from downstate. He choose NYC because it's an important city with shit infrastructure.
>a truck attack is now a qualifier for gun control
fuck this life
Trucks are legitimately much more dangerous than guns. I can't even stop a truck from hitting me if it's sorta close with any sort of gun or even rocket or bomb I could use right in front of me and survive, just not enough force, too little mass, and the truck has so much momentum. Terrorists have done some really fucked up shit with trucks man. I thought only manga could be this cruel, but the real world never lets me down when I need a new low.
this guy's one of the all-time stupidest politicians
how does he manage to go to the bathroom?
I agree gun control is important. Which is why you should hold your gun with both hands.
why am i still living in this country?
They want to disarm us because they want to control us. They will use an idiot slipping on a banana peel as justification for gun control. Resist them.
>just not enough force, too little mass, and the truck has so much momentum.
energy is the word you're looking for
Ah yeah I get physics equations all confused all the time. I just remembered Work makes you MAD and Full Metal Alchemist.
On the contrary we need legalized rpgs & bazookas to combat terrorist vehicles
I unironically agree. Mortars, RPG, LAT, LMG, and even armored vehicles.
Because every place else is far worse
I hate this faggot nigger lover so much. When his piece of shit father died two years ago my entire family threw a huge party. We all laughed at the thought of him burning in hell for everything he has done. The day Pataki got elected was one of the best days of my life. None of us thought he would win. All the liberals in my town had a total meltdown.
Liberalism is a mental illness.