Twitter was hiding tweets which included #PodestaEmail and #DNCLeak hashtags without checking if they were actually bots or not.
Twitter interfered in the US election
Other urls found in this thread:
TWITTER COLLUDED AND INTERFERED IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION!! Do they even realize what hypocrites they are?
But where is the proof?
Twitter Senate testimony.
Holy fuck have another bump mate
I am extremely happy we get to see the exciting conclusion of the media’s “Russian Bots” narrative once it’s fully established that they were actually Hill-Shill bots drawing up fake internet support for a candidate with virtually no real world support.
so now that twitter admits to shut it down
will anything happen to them?
Twitter prevented bot posts from being visible, don't see the problem here, they should hide more next time
>twitter removes 25%+ of negative Hillary tweets
>Hillary still loses
It was obvious. Even normies were calling it out left and right. I wonder if they block lefty bots too?
pay attention faggot. they blocked losts eith those hashtags WITHOUT checking if it were bot posting.
Actually, the actual testimony does not mentioned bots, just spam.
I'd love to see stats on #SethRich related hashtags as well.
Kinds makes me wonder what else they’re hiding...
But this would bias voters towards Hillary, this doesn't fit the narrative at all! Shut it down!
Mueller is a crooked cop. He doesn't care about this. All he cares about is making a case against someone - anyone - in the Trump admin, however thin, and making it stick -- by fair means or foul.
Remember: Mueller is a crooked Cop.
Mueller Crooked Cop
Mueller Crooked Cop
Mueller Crooked Cop
oh wow, titter are leftwing retards?
who knew
fuck twitter
fuck facebook
fuck youtube
we fucking knew about this too, why haven't we attacked them on that ?
fuck thumbnail
I've been trying to say it from the start, these hearings on 'Russian collusion' are actually us bringing down the hammer on them for what they did to try and rig the election. All of the big lefty social media sites are FUCKED. Even Reddit got caught up in it.
We're winning
That's why they've all been so quiet lately
>leftists using bots constantly for shit
>nobody bats an eye
>wikileaks does it to get eyes on something big
>the horror
They still have bots like that. You can't tell by their handles, it'll be like @Jenny7298990. It's so obviously a bot aND retarded democrats will leave like 100 likes on the tweet from @Jenny7298990
What if those tweets weren't by bots and Twitter just admitted to silencing users in order to try and rig the election?
Think .
The media is working hard to spin this as being connected to Russia when in reality its DNC/Silicon Valley collusion that is being investigated
Why do you think Zuckerberg has been looking so stressed lately?
Because he's a fucking kike?
Toss up really. There really are a shit ton of bots on twitter, that's not news to anybody who isn't braindead. Twitter unabashedly bans opposition opinions, I doubt it's enough to influence an election though. They're playing up their own relevance.
Everything is going exactly as planned. The future is fantastically bright. Have some love, everybody!
There's that but you're completely missing the point of my posts
Depends on whether you can find a link to the DNC instructing them on how to act. By bringing them down to DC we are making them open up their books so to speak.
Hollywood already took some huge blows. How long before their relatives up north get the same treatment?
Think about the big picture.
They should have his 75% lol, but that would be too obvious
Facebook, Twitter, & Google. This was the Big News you didn't hear much about. Lucky for these companies there were many happenings this week.
It's 3 hours long. Appreciate the link but do you at least have a relevant section to watch or a TLDR?
1:39:00 Ted Cruz grilling representatives on neutrality of their sites
>Twitter was hiding tweets which included
As is their right as a private company. What, are you some faggot commie trying to restrict free american enterprise??
Fuck off faggot, how long until we connect these sites traffic and ad dollars with Soros' money and Brock's bots?
Just wait for your time in a cell patiently.
Hahaha, I'm watching the hearing right now and most of the "russian propaganda" is actually just memes from here.
literally all american citizens with First Amendment rights.
You are an un-American loser faggot.
>“Probably nobody was driven to suicide,” tweeted Christian Sandvig, an associate professor of communications at the University of Michigan, adding a #jokingnotjoking hashtag.
I too wonder at this thing. Amusing how random shills have appeared to keep this thread off topic.
And also
Do you think Vlad came up with this one himself?
Look at that smirk in the back
More russian-linked propaganda
When they've been talking about "Russia" (besides the financial games), they've actually been talking about us.
>twitter is Saudi property
imagine being retarded enough to fall for that
Found a video with just Cruz's part
Potato quality
Bell curves
No, it's a private platform.
They can shut down whatever they want, whenever they want.
Depends how hard it's been co-opted by the gov, though.
looks like faceberg tier shit where's the hard memes
I'm pretty sure the Supreme court would disagree with you
But... what if we are the Russians and don't know it?!
thanks I made a thread earlier about this that got no traction.
I'm sick of these soyboy techcucks desu
i'll gladly drink some vodka if it helps to get rid of them
Nope. Trump still won.
Oh Sweetie, that couldn’t possibly be true.
Foreign companies like saudi arabia own twitter
Therefore it's a foreign power interfering on behalf of clinton.
I'm more upset I didn't get paid than am concerned about being charged with treason.
Where are my rubles, comrades?!
LOL didn't we start that? That was almost as good as #draftourdaughters.
No, it doesn't say that.
If you made sure to use a Russian VPN during the election then the rubles should be on the way comrade
Yeah this whole thing is a farce.
>am concerned about being charged with treason.
Oh I would LOVE to go on trial for that.
Would absolutely love it. Please give me a platform.
Dude, get your head out of the blender.
>I'm pretty sure
I'm pretty sure you don't have a fucking clue what the Supreme court would rule on anything.
>what if we are the Russians
Oh, they're here. All over here.
I bet if they actually tallied the numbers, it would turn out there were more pro-clinton foreign accounts than pro-trump. We are just much better at it.
Ignore the shillbot boys, dont let it derail the thread.
Yes and I bet there is a hard money trail to connect it all too. I can't wait to see how this plays out
They won't tally it because they don't want people to see the amount laundered through Ukraine/Serbia.
Holy cow
The meemee was real
They really were trying to shut it down
nice costume brah, the bulge better be legit, no stuffing allowed
Wait, isn't this: "We couldn't have been influencing the election for Trump, because we were influencing it for Hillary!"
Bump.Dont let this slide.
chad thumbnail
virgin cropped picture
I'm not even talking about something something shady. Random normies from the EU voicing their opinion on trump is the same level of "foreign influence" as these "russian bots" or whatever they're implying. Every anti trump news article in european papers is foreign influence. If they dared come up with an objective measure for "foreign influence" they would destroy themselves.
They are just so stupid it's unbelievable.
In late Fall before the election Twitter mass banned many prominent pro-Trump accounts clearly for purely political reasons. RickyVaughn was probably the biggest. Twitter hasnt been the same since.
So if inducing suicide works on Russian social media and Facebook admits it has emotional contagion capabilities you just need to find the bodies. Is manipulating votes really that different? And isn't that just another term for human experimentation without consent?
Trump is gonna take control of all these tech firms and dismantle them
Yup, claimed it was spam somehow
Social media sites love bots because it inflates their traffic stats and gives them sorosbux
They call us bots in order to hide their own crimes, just like they called Trump a colluder in order to hide the fact that they were the ones doing the collusion.
If only a friend did the Virgin costume
I don't think they're stupid, necessarily. They're just used to dealing with people that will roll over and entertain their bullshit. Ones that can be easily shamed from wrongthink. Ones that can be leveraged by money or career. Ones that would rather not know if it's something bad.
We are the antithesis to that, a shift in the paradigm.
Yeah they're just using it as an excuse. Just like anyone not a shitlib is now a Nazi
Reddit Ceo right now doing an AMA about bots and collusion
he's choosing his language carefully.
we already knew this. even facebook was hiding stories remotely harmful to hillary
It's ok now apparently, since they found no collusion between Trump and Russia they are literally having Anderson Cooper on CNN repeat over and over that "collusion between a campaign and Russia isn't actually illegal". He's actually interrupting guests every time they bring up Hillary, the DNC and the dossier. So this whole "criminal" investigation with a special prosecutor into collusion is clearly and basically admittedly a witch hunt. You can't send a prosecutor looking for collusion if it isn't illegal... then when you find nothing on the guy you were witch hunting turn around and say, well it's not even illegal and change the focus of the investigation. These people are traitors to our country. Incredibly sad.
Hold your breath and ignore it all.
Hold your breath and count to 4.
>These people are traitors to our country
Most of them are just caught in a whirlwind of popular politics. You have to remember that, or they'll all be dehumanized to you.
J-just give up. Nobody cares besides free market go-...guys.
Yeah the dude after Ted Cruz asks about the accounts, but he also said the content doesn't belong on Facebook. I'd like to see that content myself.
He says there's no authenticity, but where is the proof
Implying they shouldn't be dehumanized for doing everything in their power to say something illegal is actually legal
the shills have been out in force, have a bump, their duplicity cannot be forgiven
>In the past we have removed mods of the_donald that refuse to work with us.
that's interesting phrasing for a fucking coup