The energy was there but there was one major flaw. Every source reporting on this has posted the thread along with it. Next time you guys do something like this provide details that aren't able to be accessed by the typical normie. Part of the impact of doing something like this is the fear associated with not putting a name or a face to it. There is fear in the unknown, learn to use it to your advantage.
It's okay to be white, what went wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
literally who cares
no one cares concern nigger troll
You sound concerned
That's not the issue. There are actually quite a bit of people out there that might have enough forethought to think "If I report this sign to the police, what is my action saying?" But it's not over yet. Let's just wait till the end of the day and see what the reactions are
People got together for something they believed in and could have done it better. Just being Captain Hindsight.
Doesn't really matter if they know it's from here as long as they report on it. In fact it could be even beneficial to us.
just think how ludicrous the media sounds.
>racist hate messages "it's okay to be white" posted by evil nazi internet anime forum trolls
These people don't even know how pathetic and cracy they sound when they go this apeshit over a small piece of paper with a harmless message.
In fact I'm sure the reason for their screeching responds is precisely because they know it's from the evil 4chinz.
Bahahaha i just heard on the radio someone did this in cambridge. I agree though we can't let them figure out its coming from this board. If they do they are going to label the signs alt right propoganda. We cant get that label.
Not saying it hasn't accomplished anything just that damage control has already started.
printing these out for tonight. will make a few threads about it after.
Attack of the contrarian
Pathetic. Destroys the whole point of the campaign.
I'd agree they would sound crazy but the antics folks pull on here are starting to draw attention and soon we won't know whether something is genuine or not.
Haha you guys received international attention and pissed off a bunch of tweeters. Nice try better luck next time.
Dont encourage the shill. Hes gonna hit 1 city at most. Actually very likely he wont leave the house let alone put them up in high traffic areas.
It failed because you didn't get the reaction you wanted.
This. It doesn't even matter where it comes from or who knows it. Its ok to be white everywhere.
Please explain how attacking the messenger (of an objectively innocuous message) somehow nullifies their irrational anti-white hatred they're now displaying for the normies.
Exposing the thread doesn't matter. The question remains why people are so upset about the message itself and quick to condemn it as racist. The Edmonton university, for instance didn't even know about its roots before condemning it as a racist act.
Yes, attacking the messenger wont matter when they take issue with the content itself.
They dont think it's okay to be white, plain and simple.
It's not okay to be white, it's fucking excellent, a blessing in this world of trash souls.
That would ruin the point of all this. By only posting "it's okay to be white" with no symbols or anything else, it makes the left look ridiculous when they inevitably chimp out over harmless posters with a simple message about how being white is just fine.
faggot nigger shill
>That would ruin the point of all this.
That's the plan, I'd recon.
Whatcha doin' rabbi?
>There is fear in the unknown, learn to use it to your advantage.
Why? There is no reason or point to that, only forces of the devil and darkness operate that way. Thanks for identifying yourself though, I assume 5 Soros bucks will be added to your account soon, amirite?
Who also hopes that some leftist sjw type sees these posters and starts a "it's not okay to be white" campaign? It would make the left look even more stupid and racist than people see them now.
It doesn't nullify it. By not knowing the source of the message it is more effective. If Billy down the road sends a message saying, "get out or else" it's not as effective as a stranger doing it.
Yeah I know some shill is trying it's best to stop this, I just posted the obvious in case of any newfriend lurkers. This is a great idea and I want it to work.
you're a fucking dumb shit
it completely DOES NOT matter
The effect is the same regardless
Wanting to maintain some level of control over who knows about something is the devil?