Germans will be the minority in one generation

Extreme cuckoldry of Germans - ethnic minority in own country. Survived Roman Empire, didn't survive cultural Marxism.

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they are always plotting, how vile!

What do you mean, ill i see in that pic are germans

Any germfags going to deny this?

no. the german population got brainwashed beyond rapair.
you can point and laugh at us to distract yourself from your own country going to shit or you could attempt to fix your shit. but its the easy route i guess

nobody survives cultural marxism.
or do you see anyone here?
it eats everything now.

tip top kek

Eternal Kraut not so eternal after having been brainwashed by jewish intellectuals for decades at American gunpoint.

More news at 11


Jesus Christ I almost feel sorry for Somalians. The way they look makes me nauseous.

Either organize militias or move here.

I bet those Somalians got fucking shitwrecked after one Stein.

I feel bad for the Europeans. Sure, took quite a number of 'refugees', but at least there was some form of vetting. For them, these people jumped a fucking fence and you have no idea who the fuck they are and just how retarded

map from 2014

Some of the ugliest people on earth.

and? do some math then.

even with 1 million shitskins that were added in a historic event, Germany is still whiter than the UK.

why would you even care pajeet ?

Old data, and a large percent of the white population of Europe is aged or childless.

Not in the relevant age groups, most shitskins are under 35, most Germans are over 35.

Its about time if you ask me.

the recent data is 89.7% european decent in germany and 87% European descent in the UK.

You should worry more about Britain and not so much about germany.

Your birth rates are majority shitskins, ours are majority white.

Do the maths.

Your shitskin births will grow higher exponentially than ours will.

>the recent data is 89.7% european decent in germany and 87% European descent in the UK.
>You should worry more about Britain and not so much about germany.
>Your birth rates are majority shitskins, ours are majority white.
>Do the maths.
>Your shitskin births

Literally arguments about deck chair arrangements on the Titanic with people feeling smug about which side of the ship will sink first.

They've already won. People like you will bicker about nothing and the majority won't know what hit them because everyone keeps talking about averages and not under-18, under-5 statistics, where whites are already a minority or a few years away from it.

Demography is destiny. By the time the average switches because old people die off whites under-18 will be a significant minority. There's no recovery possible then. That's why they did this.

Stop calling it marxism. Even blaming the jews for globalization is better than to claim than "communism won after all". Capitalism will always generate massive migration in times of crisis, no system is perfect...go figure

Fuck off.
I'm not even white.
I'm getting happy that wh*Te subhumans are dying off.


It's not just Germans. It's all whites. Modern whites are sub-humans who are outclassed by countless other races in modern times. Here's a perfect example: the far right has been active in America for 150 years. What significant battles have they won? What are their greatest accomplishments? The answer is NOTHING. They have accomplished NOTHING.

No significant political, business, or cultural victories of any kind. These retards haven't so much as built a single fucking school, a decent news station, or created any quality mass media.

Whites are fucking finished because white men are inept, stupid, short-sighted, fantastically greedy, and dependent upon Christianity which is cancer.

>Jew/shill etc etc

I'm white. I'm not a Jew. I'm not a liberal. I'm redpilled and honest. Deal with it faggots. Future you chose.

tfw you're already an arab/african living in europe. Been born here and i damn sure don't have a problem with whites dying out by a demographic shift.

not true

I'm a Pakistani.
More of us coloured people will come.

The Right has never held so much sway until now. Generation Z is the literal reincarnation of the Brownshirts. Deal with it, kike


yeah but i guess we'll have to face a final white uprising before they're gone.

>moving to an already borderline white minority country

It won't happen.
The day of the rope won't happen.

See how the US became 56% white?
It'll be just like that in Europe.

>There's no recovery possible then

just saying there is no point in shit talking Germany when nuclear powers will flip sooner anyways especially 53 face murica.


>it's over, you're done goyim, lube that ass and bend over

That's what they get for rejecting Wotan

> oh nooo, shitskins do what shitskins always did and breed like insects
> it's the 12the century and we can't swiftly deal with hordes of trash that willingly moved into ghettoes on their own (lmao), better give up you silly whiteys!
ok bub

Yeah because it's not like European nations have been conquered by Muslims and kicked them out again. COUGH SPAIN GREECE BALKANS COUGH PORTUGAL SICILY ROMANIA HUNGARY COUGH COUGH

Stay mad faggot. Not a kike. You have ZERO accomplishments. ZERO. You have NOTHING you can point to that is a success. Trump? He's accomplished nothing. Gen Z is "redpilled"? So fucking what. It doesn't mean shit. The far right is ALL talk, ALL LARP...Gen Z will be no different. While Gen Z is LARPing like their useless ancestors Gen X and the Boomers, shitskin outliers and east asians and Jews and women will continue to take control of everything that matters.

The only people who actually build important shit anymore is the left and they will self destruct the entirety of the white race while white men sit around playing with their guns and gun accessories until things go to shit...and when they go to shit those far right white men will fuck off into the woods, grow old, and die alone...Having lived a pointless life where their lack of action impacted nothing.

It will be an East Asian century. They will conquer the galaxy while white men LARP and whine to each other and the white women in total disgust find non-white men to breed with.

Oh Gen Z? About them...You do know that non-white births are the majority in almost every white country? Did you know the Pharoahs were white and that 70% of British men descended from them....Why do I bring that up you ask? Because it means white men have been losing wars and territory for over 8000 years. Gen Z doesn't matter.

What a pathetic fucking race.

Thank you. I can't stand listening to white American men complain about the state of Germany. These snownigger low IQ retards have conveniently forgotten it was their VERY recent ancestors who sided with bankers, war profiteers, and globalists to crush the only chance the human race had for true freedom during WW2 by destroying Germany, Japan, and Italy.

America's rapid decline and the demographic replacement of whites is a fitting punishment for the shortsighted and utter stupidity white men have shown in the last 100 years.

tl;dr: There is no such thing as white genocide...But white-suicide is running full steam ahead.

lmao check out this aashurt non-white, get cuckt by chad again?

thing is, whites don't have to do shit, niggas gon' nigg and that's all it takes for the lion from the north to awaken and rip everything into fucking shreds, you're a kike, you can't deny it, you're spouting literal hebrew, smearing your hands under a river of snot, kill yourself kike'o, we're cummin' 4 ya
sieg heil

>White minority, Latino and African-american edition
>white minority Arab and literal African edition

Both bad options to be sure, but the lesser evil seems really obvious.

>whiter than X
>whiter than Argentina

Go find a prayer rug, Ahmed.

there aren't many black people in Europe outside of France and Britain.

The US has a few 90%+ white, redpilled states though.

>Did you know the Pharoahs were white

False. Ancient Egypt predates the modern Euro phenotype even coming into existence.

almost nothing germany does surprises me anymore, except if they went full nazi mode again

>white-suicide is running full steam ahead.
Fact. But they're to busy blaming everyone else to notice how much of a failure they and their system are. I guess they'll find out soon enough

Haha man I can just imagine your 300 pound body sweating and quivering with rage as your tiny mind fails to come up with any logical retort to my facts, and instead you resort to wild conspiracies and ad-hom attacks like an angry 5th grader.

So much for the master race huh? Tell me white-master-race man, name five major accomplishments of the far right in America since 1865. Please educate me. Tell me what they've accomplished for the glory of the white race.

And before you start screeching about Jews again: whites have the numbers, military might, and far more resources than Jews. If you are still being defeated by them after Martin Luther warned you in the 16th century it must be because they're FAR SUPERIOR in every imaginable way. Yes?

It's just Darwin. Whites are inferior and have failed to adapt. They're being selected for annihilation. So much for Jesus saving the day. lol

>muh empathy
>muh altruism
>muh ancestors

Doesn't matter. When whites lose their history will be erased.


Yet. You think there won't be a colossal wave heading north as the already poor continent doubles and redoubles it's population? Or do you think your nation will learn how to say no to sad looking people asking to be let in between now and then?

True. Christianity and it's wars have had a hugely dysgenic effect on whites. For 2000 years we've made sure our best and brightest either don't breed or get killed. And here we all are.

South Africa is the future for all whites. Hunted like sheep to the slaughter while white men sit around whining to each other, LARPing, and begging Jesus for salvation.

The only thing that keeps me going anymore is watching every single white male who refused to learn and adapt face the hellscape of their own creation.

It boils down to this: white men lead the world for the last 2000 years. We have no one to blame but ourselves.

holy mother of reddit projection, we've got a VERY angry fatass over here
get the kool-aid

that pic shows what happens when you LOSE TWO WORLD WARS.


That's because of ancestry that euros share with ancient Egypt, not a direct line of descent.

Euros share a lot of DNA with amerindians too, but that doesn't mean Pocahontas is your grandma, the connection is much more distant than that.

first off... your logic is all over the place my nigga, you can't recognize basic patterns, i'm starting to suspect you for a NIGGER rather than kike the more you post.

you didn't understand the point in my previous post, which clearly explained the entire subhuman-human dynamics. i'll give you another analogy cuz i'm feeling generous today.

the following list is of subhuman accomplishments;
1. your first post
2. your second post
3. your third post
(ad infinitum)

feel me nigga?

we invented the rocket you dumb bitch motherfucker. we'll be a global economic superpower by 2030 and blow you fat cunts's heads off.


this makes me sadder than america. blacks are actually an intergral part of our history no matter what, so a blackie doing american culture obligations is cool, in a sense.

but seeing those nogs at octoberfest, imagining them in lederhosen, imagining them talking about what it's like to be german.....ugh, goddamn it's just not right

Do you always rage this much after Jamal rapes you? Shouldn't you be used to it by now?

And more will die

Theres a 70% chance youre fucking inbred lad

I love these responses. Nothing enrages pathetic white nationalist / far right retards than pointing out they have accomplished literally nothing. Not one of you can point out a single significant victory or accomplishment. All you've done is lose. Your LARPing? It's only emboldened the left and they have taken control of literally everything.

Donald Trump and the Recucklicans? They're mostly leftists too. They have full power and haven't gotten shit done. Bannon/Breitbart? Both tools of leftist Jews.

You are histories most inept and least accomplished group of people ever.

Come at me faggots. Give me more of your grade-school insults. I know deep down, that's all you've got.

they won't come if they won't get any gibs. Unlike murica most European countries give citizenships to newborns with foreign parents.

Oh look, Alex Soros' question is getting an answer!

Also why the fuck is Bubbles in Germany??


Lmao. The black guys at Oktoberfest.

Outclassed and outnumbered aren't the same things. People in the 3rd world have very little pleasure EXCEPT fucking. This is why poor people shit out kids like mad and happier wealthy people who are able to partake in more of the joys in life leading to them having less.

They're just trying to enjoy it before Germany goes full Islam and bans alcohol and Oktoberfest becomes a thing of the past.

Bongistan is suffering the same fate

Even just squatting in a Euro city and eating trash beats the hell out of doing the same in an African city.

Besides, of course there will be gibs.

exactly my point, subhuman trash inevitably enrages the white lion

it's your natural inclination as a subhuman to compete with humans, we don't care much about you though, until you come a little too close, then it's time to say bye bye nigga

Yes because in a time of automation what capitalists really want is to import low-skilled retards that vote against capitalists ideas.

its okay, only dreams now

What you talking about, peasant? Look at the people getting elected in USA and Europe. We are at the early stages of this nationalist swing. It has only been a year or so since brexit and trump. Afd gained power in Germany. Other right wing parties gaining steam around Europe

>Being this redpill

The first thing is accept the downfall, at this point I share almost the same way of thinking, I blame capitalism for this mostly.

And what you're doing to stop it from happening?

I'm at least going to on independence march in Warsaw on 11 nov, this year is under : ''we want GOD" banner.
Only national pride can protect europe

we know. who cares?
point and laugh

You think that your cucked island is any better off than Germany? It's not.

Also just look how beautiful it is to see masses of patriotic citizens.
I'm tearful watching this.

You are dying too and I’m damn happy

you can blame Hitler for that one. he left Germany in ruins.

>White mixed with *

Kek, also holy shit we're gonna be witnesses of the biggest human experiment since America, literally another Tower of Babel.

why are there so many fucking indians on the planet?

>Hitler is to blame for the current mess
I've never understood this argument. How did Hitler pushing back against the kikes lead to this? If he hadn't of fought back, we'd be in an even worse situation. He gave everything he had and lost. The fault isn't with Hitler, it's with those who sided with the international jews.

Something tells me most EU countries are already at a point of a minority majority under a certain age

The US was tricked, Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen so they could join the war

They didnt side with the banking elite that funded both sides of all nearly all big wars in the recent century, the banking elite tricked them

There was no internet or easily accessible alternative media sources at the time so they had fair game

I still believe that if the internet was never around theyd already control the world completely through propaganda

>most EU countries are already at a point of a minority majority under a certain age

Just the westerners.

Because your shitpire didn’t kill them
Amen. British and American death make my German heart pump in joy.

>Germans will be the minority in one generation
In the meanwhile
Anglos are already a minority

> His non-whites aren't even good slaves.

Hoping your queen dies in the next few months.

Time for you to surrender again, Hans

Great picture, dude. saved.

For her sake, I hope she does.

im fuckin dead
the guy in the middle looks 100% like pic related

Funny how balkanshits look like somalis

>german population got brainwashed beyond rapair.

History repeats itself.
Now you pay. And nobody should give a flying fuck unlesa they literally begin to genocide you in numbers. Until then you need to keep your mouths shut, what you did doesnt go away in one generation Hanz, sorry.
