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>you live in a world where this retard is capable of making a billion dollars

JK Rowling is a dumb cunt but so is fucking Donald Jr.

What kind of fucking universe does he live in to think thats a good tweet

son of a billionaire soap boxing about socialism


fucking idiot

Who the fuck wants old stale candy?


Limp worsted faggot detected

Fill your mansion with refugees JK and THEN tell us all how we should accept them.

>posting something that is actually true because of genetics.
try again commie bitch

Socialism only exists when the state takes from the productive and give to the unproductive. How is he wrong? Are you claiming the Trump family is unproductive? kek

>Get candy for less effort
>Somehow NOT smarter

So why aren't you housing refugees, rowling?

I wonder if Rowling is going to give up her inheritance and estate rather then let her kids have it.

>socialism is the same as anti-nepotism
also leftists now all openly admit they support socialism????

What does she think about Hermione getting Weinsteined?

winning the lottery is the only acceptable way of getting rich

>hurr hurr you got a loan dat means you never did good business
Says the children's book author

I hope this cunt doesn't leave any money to hee next of kin then.

She's right, though? How can you argue against her point?

So when will this bitch give up her inheritance instead of letting her childten have it?

But generational wealth has nothing to do with IQ and no one has ever claimed it has.

>not saged
This place is a fucking dumpster fire anymore

>hurr durr leaving money for your children is bad

There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting your children to live an easier life. Socialists are truly beyond retarded.

This is just like harry potter when professor umbridge punishes harry for telling lies but he really didnt tell lies. Where are Thor and ironman when you need them

Rowlibg ahould have filled her books with more intriguing content becase she created oneof the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

> a-at least the books were good though

The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

The future reich will use this wench for sex tourism.
>>Dog sex tourism.

Sell old candy to insane collectors. make big money, buy new candy.


people who come from rich families really shouldn't keep talking about stuff like that

t. guy who comes from a rich family

It would be extremely weird for me to tell poor people how to save, how to live, etc.

End magic privilege.

>be broke withered old hag
>write derivative book
>capitalism makes you exorbitantly wealthy
>rip on cpitalism
rollimg for this cunts death

So she will give all her money to the state rather than her kids once she dies ?


>capitalism makes you exorbitantly wealthy
Someone else made her wealthy, and now she has to return the favor.

non-spelling russia nigger detected

Nice tagline for some weird revenge thriller, I'd watch it.

I'd watch Rowling flash her boobs.

nigger, your book selection looks like it was bought with food stamps.

ayn fucking rand? get the fuck off my board, boomer scum

>another larper takes a cheap hit of dopamine

>saving up for your kids is wrong
>family is bad
>better spend it all on HP merchandise

I fucking hated the books (only ever red the first one)

This whole "friends are family"-faggotry contributed greatly to the decline of morals in Western youths in the last 20 years

we have a containment board for your kind

>comparing a literal children's book with literature
I mean, I know it's pretty popular, but it was never written with the intention of it being a classic. And I haven't seen it referenced that much, i believe.

>notes from the underground low tier
Why does reddit like it or something?
Dost was way ahead of his time in that story

>saving up for your kids
shut the fuck up, oversimplifying krautkike

Agreed. JK is mostly right about politics and redistributing wealth but the PewDiePie Nazi comments and the hysteria about feminism and social justice made her into a retard. Like she thinks making a joke condemns someone forever, on the level of someone who killed 6 million Jews.

It's funny, wacky, and as long as you educated your kids into not being retards that believe everything they see, it's good to help spend some moments in family.

Kek senpai

nvm it's some film student's pathetic list by the looks of it
jesus christ

>People whomstve not recognize pasta
>Twain being shit tier

>>capitalism makes you exorbitantly wealthy
>Someone else made her wealthy, and now she has to return the favor.

JK Rowling obviously didn't become famous because she was smart or talented. Does she have sex with the same kinds of kids she writes about? Is it on tape somewhere? What do they use to keep her in line with?

Firstly, who the fuck wants old candy? Secondly, it would go to her because it is ascended from her family. You don't need to add the smarter part. Why would her great grandfather give it to someone he doesn't know? It's called inheritance for a reason.

Does she not understand Halloween candy isn't bought for yourself, but for others?

As a general rule, people probably shouldn't give their kids political messages with their Goddamn Halloween candy.
Not Trump, not Rowling, not anybody.

Best JK Rowling tweet yet. This is why most families don't live in wealth forever, their IQ isn't as hereditary as they would like.

It specifically did not counter his description of what socialism is like, this is what's usually called whataboutism.

As for her tweet, some dude works hard for his money and he can't leave it to his own kid who cared for him when he was old, it has to be spread around to random kids that he didn't even like. This is the philosophy being supported here. The IQ thing is mystification, it has no bearing on the situation unless you're against complimenting your kids.

That witch never blew anything out except her anal sphincter.

what's funny is they use the same argument on every single white person

That says JK Rowling not Elton John you nigger

What a dumb cunt lol

I thought the uk arrested people for hate over the internet... trump kid is a Jew, right?

Fuking lol at that old Jewish fart getting rekt by a feminist whore.

But who explains their inherited wealth to their kids that way? Rowling is a hypocritical International Socialist mong.

>children shouldnt get resources from their parents
based commies

holy shit what a trainwreck that woman has become
hundreds of thousands of likes

>these pathetic butthurt trumpcucks

how is she wrong? ironically, she actually earned her billions, instead of being handed money by virtue of popping out of the right vagina.

>atlas shrugged

My sides Rand fags are THIS delusional

>how is she wrong? ironically, she actually earned her billions, instead of being handed money by virtue of popping out of the right vagina.
What's your point? Even thought kids and grand kids haven't done much to earn the wealth that they inherit they still have a better claim on the wealth then any one else, including the state. And its not only about what the kids deserve, its also about what the parents deserve. Every parent deserve the right to work towards a better life for their kids and to leave something behind for them.

Her point is retarded either way, old stale candy sucks,

she is a cunt but that was a good bant im not gonna lie

> she actually earned her billions
No. She wrote a sub par rip off preteen novel that the jew then turned into a billion dollar blockbuster.
This just shows how retarded the public is by buying into this cheap crap,

So in other words, she earned it.

Timely reminder:

>Rowling was born to Peter James Rowling, a Rolls-Royce aircraft engineer, and Anne Rowling (née Volant), a science technician.

>Married to Jorge Arantes in 1992

>He was demanding access to their daughter, Jessica. He had refused to sign a divorce agreement and, although he claimsed he has no interest in her money, British experts familiar with the case say he might be entitled to as much as half of Rowling’s fortune.

>“I am not interested in Rowling’s money,” insisted Portuguese journalist Jorge Arantes, 32, who shared J.K. Rowling’s life for three years. “I only want to see Jessica again.”

>Arantes claims he helped Rowling frame the Harry Potter stories, which have had such a remarkable impact on children – and adults – the world over. And he has tried to shatter some of the myths that have grown up around the creation of the Harry Potter phenomenon.

>Despite Arantes’ protests that he is not interested in Rowling’s money, British divorce attorneys familiar with Portuguese law say that if there is no prenuptial agreement, either partner’s wealth must be shared in what is known as “a community of assets.”

>Arantes’ share in that community would make him immensely wealthy, and in a powerful position to pursue his legal claims to visitation with his daughter.

>British law, however, might permit Rowling to divorce Arantes unilaterally, as they have not cohabited for several years. But if she takes that course, experts say, she might still be forced to acknowledge his rights as the child’s father. And that, sources say, she’s determined she will never do.

>dude stop inheriting things lmao we all deserve it okay

In other words, she got lucky. Fucking child.

>muh luck
kek, you are the only child here, kiddo.

trump jr wanted to teach a lesson about earning money. she clearly demonstrated why he's a fucking retard because he hasnt earned jack shit in his entire life.

>old candy left by her grandfather
Yeah, that makes me feel privileged.

>she clearly demonstrated why he's a fucking retard because he hasnt earned jack shit in his entire life.
She did in no way manage to refute the point he made.

I guess her children will get no inheritance then.

>doesn't believe that nepotism and luck are how 99% of billionaires became such
t. larping poorfag

>it would be wierd to give advice and teach someone how not to be poor instead of just feeding him gibs
You should be beaten with a garden hose

People that can't see the patterns or plan several steps ahead blames luck.

Socialism works, but only in homogeneous societies.

>It would be extremely weird for me to tell poor people how to save, how to live, etc.
Yeah, wouldn't want the serfs to be successful now would you? Who would clean your toilet and mow your lawn then.

i hope she doesn't leave her riches to her kids

>she foresaw with her jew magic that her bullshit kiddie book will become a world renowned movie series

>providing for your family is evil

at least there ARE billionaires, unlike in socialist shitholes

Instead of defending socialism, she jumped right to marxism by taking the line that inheritance shouldn't be allowed. They are escalating very fast.

please off yourself this book list/ranking is absolutely disgraceful

Not a supporter, but yeah, people need to have a similar set of values and work towards the same goal so that it can be possible.

I would unironically stab her if we crossed paths desu


Jesus Christ he's getting destroyed all over Twitter

>On 26 December 2001, Rowling married Neil Murray (born 30 June 1971), a Scottish doctor

She got loaded from the book alone, the movies was just more icing on the cake.

Don't be salty just because you will never amount to anything in your life.

ikr, it's even more fucking scary when you realize harry potter is nothing more than a narrative power fantasy/sexual fantasy she subbed herself into. On top of it Herminoe was still an annoying ass cunt.

Well maybe mammy and Pa (if he were around) should have done something more productive in their lives so that their kids and grandkids could have a better starting position. Either way, boo fucking hoo work hard and you can get out of the ghetto, if she's even in one. The principle action to better their situation resides inside of black people. Whitey isn't keeping blacky down. Whitey is cucked and is bending over backwards to help blacker nowadays. Blacky is keeping himself down because he doesn't have the drive to do anything for the next generation, mostly because their niggers and nigs are gana nog.

>you live in a world where this retard is capable of making a billion dollars

I thought the free market was supposed to be infallible.

Isn't that every ancap and lolbertarian claims?



what's your beef with huck finn?

>mfw im halfway up the pyramid