The anti-German agitation on Sup Forums will never stop

>the anti-German agitation on Sup Forums will never stop

It hurts so much

Other urls found in this thread:


Shut up, Achmed. I already told you.

Germans are the greatest people to ever exist. Once they vanish , nothing and nobody else will ever matter again.

You mean the d&c shills?

Reclaim your heritage. Read more Wolfram von Eschenbach and Goethe, less Bertolt Brecht and Karl Marx.

And throw off the pro-EU brainwashing

>Die heutige deutsche Freiheit ist unbeansprucht geblieben.


>t. gernigger diaspora in Switzerland

You have to go back

Yeah you really can just start meditating until your Prussian blood activates and you want to fight every enemy in the world all at once right now

They are Jealous.

Imagine belonging to the nation that brought forth Europes greatest son in 1000 years of recent history.


I feel that you're intentionally missing the point.

Ty for flag friend

No, most of people have nothing against Germans, it's just to provoke reaction from retarded Germanboos who are usually Amerimongrels.
What's ridiculous is that they don't even know shit about Germany besides WW2 memes and muh Prussia. Which is like 5% of German history.

I never been to Germany like most Americans so my opinion on Germans are invalid, still I appreciate German posters on this board and hope you guys never leave

do it again!


Well maybe you should stop destroying Europe you wouldn't be as hated as you are.

Taken behind the barn and shot is what should be done to you

WE Love our Swiss neighbors, respectful, honest, precise People. THANK You , Friend.

All Germans I meet in Japan tell me Japan needs immigrants.

You fucked up Europe so many times... and the only time you had to redeem yourself you failed and set us back another 100 years. There's not a single good thing you've done for humanity

Let's swap populations, we'll have all the sandniggers and niggers migrate to japan and we'll have 70% of you japs migrate to Europe. Fair deal?

Seriously stop opening your mouth.

Victimizing yourself is what you don't want to do in Sup Forums.

pretend you're bleeding in a tank full of pirannhas instead.

If you're ethnic German, you are one of the greatest people to stand on this earth.
If you came from elsewhere in Europe, it's case by case.
If you are non European kys

BUTTTTTTT Stop with this Merkel and rapefugees are welcome crap. If you don't, you will soon become the enemy.

Haha yeah what have you possibly done to deserve that?

Right...liked is it true that the Swiss pretty much annexed Germany in the 1600's???


I dont feel so good anymore

Speak for yourself, Hans

Credits to NBC

i am a greek!

Germans are among greatest peoples on Earth, it's why you're attacked, perverted, and demoralized so deeply.

You have something to be proud of unlike OP, he's just a slav who calls himself "germanic"

malaka are you from berlin or stuttgart?!
only one right answer

then what the fuck are you doing in germany if you do note consider yourself german?

>Slavs are the largest ethno-linguistic group in Europe.

You wonna compete maybe spaniard?
for censorship niggers

You were always hated through out history for you autism and lack of free will

Relax. Only the newfags don't recognise that the bulk of anti-german agitation is coming from divide and conquer shills. Almost no one's fooled by this constant stream of shit.

Hitler was right

The beautiful germania. she sits atop the brandenburger gate. holding aloft her sceptar of victory.

Germans are great people, for real
There's no hate but apprehension of the irrational things that are currently taking place there

I started learning German lately. Fascinating as an Anglo to see how much is shared between English and German. I find it very intuitave. Learning French was a nightmare, and the Quebecers are such assholes it makes me regret ever wasting time on it. Can't wait to be able to read some German originals.

The anti-german sentiment is largely due to the amount of pro-EU krautposters btw

> it hurts
sure thing you false-flagging plumbershit migrant
personally I laugh my balls off whenever some turd worlder tries to talk shit on based germanics, then go and bitchslap my poolish gf for every (you) I get from some assdevasted plumberboi

Scheiß Österreicher

Fuck off pablo

first remove kebab

Mein Neger

Any advice on traveling to Bavaria, hoping to run into a few German Anons that told me it was nice.

> proEU krautposters
lmfao that's polacken as well, you dipshit chinknadian

So you don't find it extremely difficult as an English speaker? I'm going to start learning thit is January too and I'm really excited but worry that it's harder than I expect..

I know 2 languages (understand two more), and I DESPISED french too lol.


>*it in January

It seems you bully each other alot too, you can still take the German flag back Anons. Germany has a lot to offer.

There are no redhaired turks, friendo.

but i am glad you are so concerned.

> mass-replying polacken soybitch
post sister's camwhoring page, or gtfo Nico Pierdolev

Race traitor

Fun fact: There are no ethnic Germans on Sup Forums.
Fun fact 2: Refuting this is proof that you are of Turkish descent.

>You can't be X because of the fact that i just made up

Ayyyyyyyyyy what the fuck is up, dude?

B-But Bavaria looks so nice...

also I'm the only ethnic austrian on Sup Forums and this is only ever refuted by plumberbois for some reason





underneath our abusive behavior we secretly like you krauts. mein guter kamerad

I had a red haired friend but he killed himself unfortunately.

Actually there are plenty, the TochAryans who settled western China moved down westward and mixed greatly with the Turks.

The TochAryans where a ginger haired aryan race.

Hitler was Austrian

did you ever read goethe yourself? he has no connection whatsoever to german heritage and writes mostly about greeks. german heritage are people like Uhland, Dahn, Körner, Löns and Arndt, not some wannabe Athenians.

thats not even the whole thing

Because it makes it hard for low IQ people to use the language, creating a natural IQ filter.

This, they have to learn to love themselves and rise above it all. They're better than the leafs.

know your place untermensch

>Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.

>Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.

he's full of shit, besides having some similar words, you have the grammatical cases and genders. You people can't even trill your rs

Stop being a faggot that re-elects merkel over and over, forces to take us hordes of niggers in, and promotes economical policies (austerity) that destroy the EU economy. Then the anti-German agitation will stop.

Interesting how those shills always seem to have polish flags. might there be some truth to the "russian trolls" conspiracy after all?

> a fucking bosniak

It's literally a nazi board. This is the only cool place on the internet where Germans are revered as the most /our guy/ guys in history. Wtf are you talking about? Do you prefer it out there where everyone has been brainwashed by jews to believe that Germans owe an eternal blood debt for being ebil nazis? Or in here where all you have to do is handle the bants?

>implying the average voter has any say in his countries politics

You should know better by now

ayyy my nigga imma have 2 go with my boy B. J. Franklin on this one


There's a XY hate-thread every day, it's almost as if it a pattern. It's a subtle diversion tactic because (((they))) know that arrogant anons will get in one bad just to bash others
It's bad that not only the IQ in general went down. The average IQ on Sup Forums is below 100. Most of those guys that only masturbate to XY hate threads (mostly burgers) are absolutely incapable of realizing that those threads appear every day and just ignore them. That's because of mental retardation, a "gift" that is given to most third worlders and burgers

It would stop if Germans would stop being anti German, anti Europe, and anti white.

Sweden, you too!

If you're not german, why are you using our flag? ashamed of using your red and white?

Every time I see a German post, he's acting like a fucking cunt. That's the only reason.

>Destroy the entirety of Europe on multiple occasions.
>Your immigrants brought drinking problems to the US.
>Your country is now cucked and hell-bent on destroying Europe AGAIN.

BTW what do you think of these guys?

>not using the supperior and A E S T H E T I C A L L Y better flag

Yeah, right. Just look at the helpless voters in Austria and the Czech Republic. Even the frenchies managed to make she-hitler reach 2nd place.

larp harder muhammad

They hate us bc they ain´t us.

Kaiserreich>Third reich

Wehraboos will try to refute this.

The German articles can be frustrating, but basically you just have to consider it as part of the word you're learning. Not as big of a deal as you'd think. It is challenging, but not as hard as French because Latin words are generally less intuitive to Anglo's than Germanic words. So you pick up the vocabulary a lot faster. The nice thing about French though is that it can make you sound more sophisticated in English by using those big Latin words like "Ameliorate", for example.

nigga like 40% of english words have french origins

nigga like 100% of sloveneger words are about begging for food from their austrian master

nigga 100% austrian words are german and you forefathers had german masters or do you think you were all kangz n shit?

the french even came up with the word faggot so anglos could describe you

Of what? Meditation? Meditation is not so you can deny you nature. Removing the ego does not mean removing your blood

that's great, can you go back to cleaning the stables?

Stop being snowflakes then you won't care and in the process might stop your country turning into a cesspit.
That terrible feeling when someone you used to love a good punch-up with and seemed like an OK bloke for all that starts wearing women's clothing.